diff options
authorSuren A. Chilingaryan <>2015-04-27 02:28:57 +0200
committerSuren A. Chilingaryan <>2015-04-27 02:28:57 +0200
commite1265fa32837f457ee2c2fa259d12c9545af4bbf (patch)
parenta37beb44d59cca329d0d9345c21505af81030688 (diff)
First stand-alone ipecamera implementation
-rw-r--r--base.c (renamed from ipecamera/ipecamera.c)75
-rw-r--r--base.h (renamed from ipecamera/public.h)9
-rw-r--r--cmosis.c (renamed from ipecamera/model.c)43
-rw-r--r--data.c (renamed from ipecamera/data.c)6
-rw-r--r--data.h (renamed from ipecamera/data.h)0
-rw-r--r--events.c (renamed from ipecamera/events.c)8
-rw-r--r--events.h (renamed from ipecamera/events.h)0
-rw-r--r--ipecamera.h (renamed from ipecamera/ipecamera.h)1
-rw-r--r--model.c (renamed from ipecamera/model.h)105
-rw-r--r--private.h (renamed from ipecamera/private.h)20
-rw-r--r--reader.c (renamed from ipecamera/reader.c)28
-rw-r--r--reader.h (renamed from ipecamera/reader.h)0
-rwxr-xr-xtests/ (renamed from tests/ipecamera/
-rwxr-xr-xtests/debug/ (renamed from tests/ipecamera/debug/
132 files changed, 206 insertions, 17046 deletions
diff --git a/.bzrignore b/.bzrignore
index 6fe7019..164f343 100644
--- a/.bzrignore
+++ b/.bzrignore
@@ -1,27 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/BUGS b/BUGS
deleted file mode 100644
index 35b5e65..0000000
--- a/BUGS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-IPECamera Hardware Bugs
- 1. Strange sequence writting CMOSIS registers
- 2. Extra 8 byte padding in the end of frames
- 3. Solve the conflict between DMA packet_length register and FPGA registers
- 4. Some frame requests are lost
-Incomplete Frames
- If I'm trying to stream the data, the camera from time to time returns
- incomplete frames. The provided part of the frame is coherent. But instead
- of at least 3063824 bytes (just full frame without padding, normally I get
- more due to the padding) I get only 3063808 bytes. This number 3063808 looks
- like to be constant.
- If I send another frame request, however, it looks I got the missing data with
- the next frame.
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index a761acb..f8ccdc2 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,81 +1,40 @@
-set(PCILIB_VERSION "0.1.0")
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)
-set(DISABLE_PCITOOL FALSE CACHE BOOL "Build only the library")
find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
find_package(Threads REQUIRED)
+pkg_check_modules(UFODECODE ufodecode>=0.3 REQUIRED)
-#Check in sibling directory
-pkg_check_modules(UFODECODE ufodecode>=0.2 REQUIRED)
- pkg_check_modules(FASTWRITER fastwriter REQUIRED)
-set(HEADERS pcilib.h pci.h register.h kmem.h irq.h dma.h event.h default.h tools.h error.h)
-add_definitions("-fPIC --std=c99 -Wall -O2")
-#add_definitions("-fPIC --std=c99 -Wall -O2 -pthread")
+pkg_check_modules(PCILIB pcitool>=0.2 REQUIRED)
+exec_program("pkg-config --variable=plugindir pcitool" OUTPUT_VARIABLE PCILIB_PLUGIN_DIR)
-add_library(pcilib SHARED pci.c register.c kmem.c irq.c dma.c event.c default.c tools.c error.c)
-target_link_libraries(pcilib dma ipecamera kapture ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT} ${UFODECODE_LIBRARIES} )
-add_dependencies(pcilib dma ipecamera)
-set_target_properties(pcilib PROPERTIES
-# LINK_FLAGS "-pthread"
-# LINK_FLAGS "-pthread -Wl,--whole-archive,dma/libdma.a,ipecamera/libipecamera.a,--no-whole-archive"
+set(HEADERS ${HEADERS} model.h cmosis.h base.h reader.h events.h data.h private.h ipecamera.h)
- add_executable(pci cli.c)
- add_dependencies(pci pcitool)
- target_link_libraries(pci pcilib pcitool ${FASTWRITER_LIBRARIES})
- set_target_properties(pci PROPERTIES
- )
+add_library(ipecamera SHARED model.c cmosis.c base.c reader.c events.c data.c)
-#set_target_properties(pci PROPERTIES
-# LINK_FLAGS "-Wl,pcitool/libpcitool.a"
+target_link_libraries(ipecamera ${PCILIB_LIBRARIES} ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT})
-install(TARGETS pcilib
+install(FILES ipecamera.h
- install(TARGETS pci
- )
-install(FILES pcilib.h
+install(TARGETS ipecamera
diff --git a/NOTES b/NOTES
deleted file mode 100644
index d87bbfc..0000000
--- a/NOTES
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
-Memory Addressing
- There is 3 types of addresses: virtual, physical, and bus. For DMA a bus
- address is used. However, on x86 physical and bus addresses are the same (on
- other architectures it is not guaranteed). Anyway, this assumption is still
- used by xdma driver, it uses phiscal address for DMA access. I have ported
- in the same way. Now, we need to provide additionaly bus-addresses in kmem
- abstraction and use it in NWL DMA implementation.
-DMA Access Synchronization
- - At driver level, few types of buffers are supported:
- * SIMPLE - non-reusable buffers, the use infomation can be used for cleanup
- after crashed applications.
- * EXCLUSIVE - reusable buffers which can be mmaped by a single appliction
- only. There is two modes of these buffers:
- + Buffers in a STANDARD mode are created for a single DMA operation and
- if such buffer is detected while trying to reuse, the last operation
- has failed and reset is needed.
- + Buffers in a PERSISTENT mode are preserved between invocations of
- control application and cleaned up only after the PERSISTENT flag is
- removed
- * SHARED - reusable buffers shared by multiple processes. Not really
- needed at the moment.
- KMEM_FLAG_HW - indicates that buffer can be used by hardware, acually this
- means that DMA will be enabled afterwards. The driver is not able to check
- if it really was enable and therefore will block any attempt to release
- buffer until KMEM_HW_FLAG is passed to kmem_free routine as well. The later
- should only called with KMEM_HW_FLAG after the DMA engine is stopped. Then,
- the driver can be realesd by kmem_free if ref count reaches 0.
- KMEM_FLAG_EXCLUSIVE - prevents multiple processes mmaping the buffer
- simultaneously. This is used to prevent multiple processes use the same
- DMA engine at the same time. When passed to kmem_free, allows to clean
- buffers with lost clients even for shared buffers.
- KMEM_FLAG_REUSE - requires reuse of existing buffer. If reusable buffer is
- found (non-reusable buffers, i.e. allocated without KMEM_FLAG_REUSE are
- ignored), it is returned instead of allocation. Three types of usage
- counters are used. At moment of allocation, the HW reference is set if
- neccessary. The usage counter is increased by kmem_alloc function and
- decreased by kmem_free. Finally, the reference is obtained at returned
- during mmap/munmap. So, on kmem_free, we do not clean
- a) buffers with reference count above zero or hardware reference set.
- REUSE flag should be supplied, overwise the error is returned
- b) PERSISTENT buffer. REUSE flash should be supplied, overwise the
- error is returned
- c) non-exclusive buffers with usage counter above zero (For exclusive
- buffer the value of usage counter above zero just means that application
- have failed without cleaning buffers first. There is no easy way to
- detect that for shared buffers, so it is left as manual operation in
- this case)
- d) any buffer if KMEM_FLAG_REUSE was provided to function
- During module unload, only buffers with references can prevent cleanup. In
- this case the only possiblity to free the driver is to call kmem_free
- passing FORCE flags.
- KMEM_FLAG_PERSISTENT - if passed to allocation routine, changes mode of
- buffer to PERSISTENT, if passed to free routine, vice-versa changes mode
- of buffer to NORMAL. Basically, if we call 'pci --dma-start' this flag
- should be passed to alloc and if we call 'pci --dma-stop' it should be
- passed to free. In other case, the flag should not be present.
- If application crashed, the munmap while be still called cleaning software
- references. However, the hardware reference will stay since it is not clear
- if hardware channel was closed or not. To lift hardware reference, the
- application can be re-executed (or dma_stop called, for instance).
- * If there is no hardware reference, the buffers will be reused by next
- call to application and for EXCLUSIVE buffer cleaned at the end. For SHARED
- buffers they will be cleaned during module cleanup only (no active
- references).
- * The buffer will be reused by next call which can result in wrong behaviour
- if buffer left in incoherent stage. This should be handled on upper level.
- - At pcilib/kmem level synchronization of multiple buffers is performed
- * The HW reference and following modes should be consistent between member
- mode should be checked, others are handled on dirver level)
- * It is fine if only part of buffers are reused and others are newly
- allocated. However, on higher level this can be checked and resulting
- in failure.
- Treatment of inconsistencies:
- * Buffers are in PRESISTENT mode, but newly allocated, OK
- * Buffers are reused, but are not in PERSISTENT mode (for EXCLUSIVE buffers
- this means that application has crashed during the last execution), OK
- * Some of buffers are reused (not just REUSABLE, but actually reused),
- others - not, OK until
- a) either PERSISTENT flag is set or reused buffers are non-PERSISTENT
- b) either HW flag is set or reused buffers does not hold HW reference
- * PERSISTENT mode inconsistency, FAIL (even if we are going to set
- PERSISTENT mode anyway)
- * HW reference inconsistency, FAIL (even if we are going to set
- HW flag anyway)
- On allocation error at some of the buffer, call clean routine and
- * Preserve PERSISTENT mode and HW reference if buffers held them before
- unsuccessful kmem initialization. Until the last failed block, the blocks
- of kmem should be consistent. The HW/PERSISTENT flags should be removed
- if all reused blocks were in HW/PERSISTENT mode. The last block needs
- special treatment. The flags may be removed for the block if it was
- HW/PERSISTENT state (and others not).
- * Remove REUSE flag, we want to clean if allowed by current buffer status
- * EXCLUSIVE flag is not important for kmem_free routine.
- - At DMA level
- There is 4 components of DMA access:
- * DMA engine enabled/disabled
- * DMA engine IRQs enabled/disabled - always enabled at startup
- * Memory buffers
- * Ring start/stop pointers
- To prevent multiple processes accessing DMA engine in parallel, the first
- action is buffer initialization which will fail if buffers already used
- * Always with REUSE, EXCLUSIVE, and HW flags
- * Optionally with PERSISTENT flag (if DMA_PERSISTENT flag is set)
- If another DMA app is running, the buffer allocation will fail (no dma_stop
- is executed in this case)
- Depending on PRESERVE flag, kmem_free will be called with REUSE flag
- keeping buffer in memory (this is redundant since HW flag is enough) or HW
- flag indicating that DMA engine is stopped and buffer could be cleaned.
- PERSISTENT flag is defined by DMA_PERSISTENT flag passed to stop routine.
- PRESERVE flag is enforced if DMA_PERSISTENT is not passed to dma_stop
- routine and either it:
- a) Explicitely set by DMA_PERMANENT flag passed to dma_start
- function
- b) Implicitely set if DMA engine is already enabled during dma_start,
- all buffers are reused, and are in persistent mode.
- If PRESERVE flag is on, the engine will not be stopped at the end of
- execution (and buffers will stay because of HW flag).
- If buffers are reused and are already in PERSISTENT mode, DMA engine was on
- before dma_start (PRESERVE flag is ignored, because it can be enforced),
- ring pointers are calculated from LAST_BD and states of ring elements.
- If previous application crashed (i.e. buffers may be corrupted). Two
- cases are possible:
- * If during the call buffers were in non-PERSISTENT mode, it can be
- easily detected - buffers are reused, but are not in PERSISTENT mode
- (or at least was not before we set them to). In this case we just
- reinitialize all buffers.
- * If during the call buffers were in PERSISTENT mode, it is up to
- user to check their consistency and restart DMA engine.]
- IRQs are enabled and disabled at each call
-DMA Reads
-standard: default reading mode, reads a single full packet
-multipacket: reads all available packets
-waiting multipacket: reads all available packets, after finishing the
- last one waiting if new data arrives
-exact read: read exactly specified number of bytes (should be
- only supported if it is multiple of packets, otherwise
- error should be returned)
-ignore packets: autoterminate each buffer, depends on engine
- configuration
- To handle differnt cases, the value returned by callback function instructs
-the DMA library how long to wait for the next data to appear before timing
-out. The following variants are possible:
-terminate: just bail out
-check: no timeout, just check if there is data, otherwise
- terminate
-timeout: standard DMA timeout, normaly used while receiving
- fragments of packet: in this case it is expected
- that device has already prepared data and only
- the performance of DMA engine limits transfer speed
-wait: wait until the data is prepared by the device, this
- timeout is specified as argument to the dma_stream
- function (standard DMA timeout is used by default)
- first | new_pkt | bufer
- --------------------------
-standard wait | term | timeout
-multiple packets wait | check | timeout - DMA_READ_FLAG_MULTIPACKET
-waiting multipacket wait | wait | timeout - DMA_READ_FLAG_WAIT
-exact wait | wait/term | timeout - limited by size parameter
-ignore packets wait | wait/check| wait/check - just autoterminated
-Shall we do a special handling in case of overflow?
- The DMA addresses are limited to 32 bits (~4GB for everything). This means we
- can't really use DMA pages are sole buffers. Therefore, a second thread, with
- a realtime scheduling policy if possible, will be spawned and will copy the
- data from the DMA pages into the allocated buffers. On expiration of duration
- or number of events set by autostop call, this thread will be stopped but
- processing in streaming mode will continue until all copyied data is passed
- to the callbacks.
- To avoid stalls, the IPECamera requires data to be read continuously read out.
- For this reason, there is no locks in the readout thread. It will simplify
- overwrite the old frames if data is not copied out timely. To handle this case
- after getting the data and processing it, the calling application should use
- return_data function and check return code. This function may return error
- indicating that the data was overwritten meanwhile. Hence, the data is
- corrupted and shoud be droped by the application. The copy_data function
- performs this check and user application can be sure it get coherent data
- in this case.
- There is a way to avoid this problem. For raw data, the rawdata callback
- can be requested. This callback blocks execution of readout thread and
- data may be treated safely by calling application. However, this may
- cause problems to electronics. Therefore, only memcpy should be performed
- on the data normally.
- The reconstructed data, however, may be safely accessed. As described above,
- the raw data will be continuously overwritten by the reader thread. However,
- reconstructed data, upon the get_data call, will be protected by the mutex.
-Register Access Synchronization
- We need to serialize access to the registers by the different running
- applications and handle case when registers are accessed indirectly by
- writting PCI BARs (DMA implementations, for instance).
- - Module-assisted locking:
- * During initialization the locking context is created (which is basicaly
- a kmem_handle of type LOCK_PAGE.
- * This locking context is passed to the kernel module along with lock type
- (LOCK_BANK) and lock item (BANK ADDRESS). If lock context is already owns
- lock on the specified bank, just reference number is increased, otherwise
- we are trying to obtain new lock.
- * Kernel module just iterates over all registered lock pages and checks if
- any holds the specified lock. if not, the lock is obtained and registered
- in the our lock page.
- * This allows to share access between multiple threads of single application
- (by using the same lock page) or protect (by using own lock pages by each of
- the threads)
- * Either on application cleanup or if application crashed, the memory mapping
- of lock page is removed and, hence, locks are freed.
- - Multiple-ways of accessing registers
- Because of reference counting, we can successfully obtain locks multiple
- times if necessary. The following locks are protecting register access:
- a) Global register_read/write lock bank before executing implementation
- b) DMA bank is locked by global DMA functions. So we can access the
- registers using plain PCI bar read/write.
- c) Sequence of register operations can be protected with pcilib_lock_bank
- function
- Reading raw register space or PCI bank is not locked.
- * Ok. We can detect banks which will be affected by PCI read/write and
- lock them. But shall we do it?
-Register/DMA Configuration
- - XML description of registers
- - Formal XML-based (or non XML-based) language for DMA implementation.
- a) Writting/Reading register values
- b) Wait until <register1>=<value> on <register2>=<value> report error
- c) ... ?
-IRQ Handling
- IRQ types: DMA IRQ, Event IRQ, other types
- IRQ hardware source: To allow purely user-space implementation, as general
- rule, only a single (standard) source should be used.
- IRQ source: The dma/event engines, however, may detail this hardware source
- and produce real IRQ source basing on the values of registers. For example,
- for DMA IRQs the source may present engine number and for Event IRQs the
- source may present event type.
- Only types can be enabled or disabled. The sources are enabled/disabled
- by enabling/disabling correspondent DMA engines or Event types. The expected
- workflow is following:
- * We enabling IRQs in user-space (normally setting some registers). Normally,
- just an Event IRQs, the DMA if necessary will be managed by DMA engine itself.
- * We waiting for standard IRQ from hardware (driver)
- * In the user space, we are checking registers to find out the real source
- of IRQ (driver reports us just hardware source), generating appropriate
- events, and acknowledge IRQ. This is dependent on implementation and should
- be managed inside event API.
- I.e. the driver implements just two methods pcilib_wait_irq(hw_source),
- pcilib_clear_irq(hw_source). Only a few hardware IRQ sources are defined.
- In most cirstumances, the IRQ_SOURCE_DEFAULT is used.
- The DMA engine may provide 3 additional methods, to enable, disable,
- and acknowledge IRQ.
- ... To be decided in details upon the need...
-Updating Firmware
- - JTag should be connected to USB connector on the board (next to Ethernet)
- - The computer should be tourned off and on before programming
- - The environment variable should be loaded
- . /home/uros/.bashrc
- - The application is called 'impact'
- No project is needed, cancel initial proposals (No/Cancel)
- Double-click on "Boundary Scan"
- Right click in the right window and select "Init Chain"
- We don't want to select bit file now (Yes and, then, click Cancel)
- Right click on second (right) item and choose "Assign new CF file"
- Select a bit file. Answer No, we don't want to attach SPI to SPI Prom
- Select xv6vlx240t and program it
- - Shutdown and start computer
- Firmware are in
- v.2: /home/uros/Repo/UFO2_last_good_version_UFO2.bit
- v.3: /home/uros/Repo/UFO3
- Step5 - best working revision
- Step6 - last revision
- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ToDo b/ToDo
deleted file mode 100644
index c695a9a..0000000
--- a/ToDo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-High Priority (we would need it for IPE Camera)
- 1. Serialize access to the registers across applications
- 2. Protect kmem_entries in the driver using spinlock
- 3. Implement pcilib_configure_autotrigger
-Normal Priority (it would make just few things a bit easier)
- 1. Implement software registers (stored in kernel-memory)
- 2. Support FIFO reads/writes from/to registers
- 3. Provide OR and AND operations on registers in cli
- 4. Support writting a data from a binary file in cli
- 5. Use bus-addresses instead of physcial addresses for DMA
-Low Priority (only as generalization for other projects)
- 1. XML configurations describing registers (and DMA engines?)
- 2. Access register/bank lookups using hash tables
- 3. Support for Network Registers and Network DMA
- 4. Define a syntax for register dependencies / delays (?)
- 5. Use pthread_condition_t instead of polling
diff --git a/apps/CMakeLists.txt b/apps/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 24457e3..0000000
--- a/apps/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-add_executable(xilinx xilinx.c)
-target_link_libraries(xilinx pcilib rt)
-add_executable(lorenzo_ipedma_test lorenzo_ipedma_test.c)
-target_link_libraries(lorenzo_ipedma_test pcilib rt)
-add_executable(pio_test pio_test.c)
-target_link_libraries(pio_test pcilib rt)
-add_executable(compare_to_value compare_to_value.c)
-add_executable(heb_strip_bad_values heb_strip_bad_values.c)
-add_executable(check_counter check_counter.c)
diff --git a/apps/check_counter.c b/apps/check_counter.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b19b7d0..0000000
--- a/apps/check_counter.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- int block = 0;
- uint32_t value = 0;
- uint32_t buf[1024];
- if (argc < 2) {
- printf("Usage:\n\t\t%s <file-to-check>\n", argv[0]);
- exit(0);
- }
- FILE *f = fopen(argv[1], "r");
- if (!f) {
- printf("Failed to open file %s\n", argv[1]);
- exit(1);
- }
- while (!feof(f)) {
- int i, n = fread(buf, 4, 1024, f);
- if (block) i = 0;
- else {
- i = 1;
- value = (buf[0]);
- }
- for (; i < n; i++) {
- if ((buf[i]) != ++value) {
- printf("Pos %lx (Block %i, dword %i) expected %x, but got %x\n", block * 4096 + i * 4, block, i, value, (buf[i]));
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- if (n) block++;
- }
- fclose(f);
- printf("Checked %i blocks. All is fine\n", block);
- return 0;
diff --git a/apps/compare_to_value.c b/apps/compare_to_value.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 75ad353..0000000
--- a/apps/compare_to_value.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- long i, j, size, num;
- size_t count = 0, total = 0;
- int offset = 0, toread = 1, toskip = 0;
- uint32_t value;
- uint32_t *buf;
- if ((argc != 4)&&(argc != 7)) {
- printf("Usage: %s <file> <dwords> <value> [offset_dwords read_dwords skip_dwords] \n", argv[0]);
- exit(0);
- }
- FILE *f = fopen(argv[1], "r");
- if (!f) {
- printf("Can't open %s\n", argv[1]);
- exit(1);
- }
- size = atol(argv[2]);
- if (size <= 0) {
- printf("Can't parse size %s\n", argv[2]);
- exit(1);
- }
- if (sscanf(argv[3], "%x", &value) != 1) {
- printf("Can't parse register %s\n", argv[3]);
- exit(1);
- }
- buf = malloc(size * sizeof(uint32_t));
- if (!buf) {
- printf("Can't allocate %lu bytes of memory\n", size * sizeof(uint32_t));
- exit(1);
- }
- if (argc == 7) {
- offset = atoi(argv[4]);
- toread = atoi(argv[5]);
- toskip = atoi(argv[6]);
- }
- num = fread(buf, 4, size, f);
- if (num != size) {
- printf("Only %lu of %lu dwords in the file\n", num, size);
- exit(1);
- }
- fclose(f);
- for (i = offset; i < size; i += toskip) {
- for (j = 0; j < toread; j++, i++) {
- total++;
- if (buf[i] != value) {
- count++;
- }
- }
- }
- free(buf);
- printf("%lu of %lu is wrong\n", count, total);
- return 0;
diff --git a/apps/heb_strip_bad_values.c b/apps/heb_strip_bad_values.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e04a53c..0000000
--- a/apps/heb_strip_bad_values.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- long i, num;
- size_t count = 0, total = 0, size;
- int offset = 3, toread = 1, toskip = 3;
- uint32_t value;
- uint32_t *buf;
- uint32_t expected = 0;
- uint32_t blocks = 0, status_good = 0;
- char fixed[4096];
- struct stat st_buf;
- if ((argc != 2)&&(argc != 5)) {
- printf("Usage: %s <file> [offset_dwords read_dwords skip_dwords] \n", argv[0]);
- exit(0);
- }
- FILE *f = fopen(argv[1], "r");
- if (!f) {
- printf("Can't open %s\n", argv[1]);
- exit(1);
- }
- stat(argv[1], &st_buf);
- size = st_buf.st_size / sizeof(uint32_t);
- buf = malloc(size * sizeof(uint32_t));
- if (!buf) {
- printf("Can't allocate %lu bytes of memory\n", size * sizeof(uint32_t));
- exit(1);
- }
- if (argc == 5) {
- offset = atoi(argv[2]);
- toread = atoi(argv[3]);
- toskip = atoi(argv[4]);
- }
- num = fread(buf, 4, size, f);
- if (num != size) {
- printf("Failed to read %lu dwords, only %lu read\n", size, num);
- exit(1);
- }
- fclose(f);
- sprintf(fixed, "%s.fixed", argv[1]);
- f = fopen(fixed, "w");
- if (!f) {
- printf("Failed to open %s for output\n", fixed);
- exit(1);
- }
- expected = (buf[offset]>>24) + 2;
- for (i = 1; i < size; i += (toread + toskip)) {
- total++;
- value = buf[i + offset] >> 24;
-// printf("0x%lx: value (%lx) = expected (%lx)\n", i + offset, value, expected);
- if (value == expected) {
- if (!status_good) {
- status_good = 1;
- blocks++;
- }
- fwrite(&buf[i], 4, toread + toskip, f);
- expected += 2;
- if (expected == 0xb8)
- expected = 0;
- } else if ((!status_good)&&(value == 0)&&((i + toread + toskip)< size)) {
- value = buf[i + offset + toread + toskip] >> 24;
- if (value == 2) {
- status_good = 1;
- blocks++;
- fwrite(&buf[i], 4, toread + toskip, f);
- expected = 2;
- } else {
- count++;
- }
- } else {
- printf("0x%lx: value (%x) = expected (%x)\n", (i + offset)*sizeof(uint32_t), value, expected);
- status_good = 0;
- count++;
- }
- }
- fclose(f);
- free(buf);
- printf("%lu of %lu is wrong\n", count, total);
- return 0;
diff --git a/apps/lorenzo_ipedma_test.c b/apps/lorenzo_ipedma_test.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3802e78..0000000
--- a/apps/lorenzo_ipedma_test.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,749 +0,0 @@
-#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 199309L
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <sched.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <sched.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include "pcilib.h"
-#include "irq.h"
-#include "kmem.h"
-//#include <sys/ipc.h>
-//#include <sys/shm.h>
-#define DEVICE "/dev/fpga0"
-#define BAR PCILIB_BAR0
-//#define STATIC_REGION 0x80000000 // to reserve 512 MB at the specified address, add "memmap=512M$2G" to kernel parameters
-#define BUFFERS 128
-#define ITERATIONS 1000
-#define DESC_THRESHOLD BUFFERS/8 // Lorenzo: after how many desc the FPGA must update the "written descriptor counter" in PC mem
- // if set to 0, the update only happens when INT is received
-#define HUGE_PAGE 1 // number of pages per huge page
-#define TLP_SIZE 32 // TLP SIZE = 64 for 256B payload, 32 for 128B payload
-#define PAGE_SIZE 4096 // other values are not supported in the kernel
-//#define USE_64 // Lorenzo: use 64bit addressing
-//#define DUAL_CORE // Lorenzo: DUAL Core
-//#define SHARED_MEMORY // Lorenzo: Test for fast GUI
-#define CHECK_READY // Lorenzo: Check if PCI-Express is ready by reading 0x0
-#define CHECK_RESULTS // Lorenzo: Check if data received is ok (only for counter!)
-//#define PRINT_RESULTS // Lorenzo: Save the received data in "data.out"
-//#define EXIT_ON_EMPTY // Lorenzo: Exit if an "empty_detected" signal is received
-//#define HEB // Lorenzo: Testing HEB
-//#define SWITCH_GENERATOR // Lorenzo: Testing HEB -> Turn data gen on/off
-//#define TEST_DDR // Lorenzo: Testing DDR
-#define TIMEOUT 1000000
-/* IRQs are slow for some reason. REALTIME mode is slower. Adding delays does not really help,
- otherall we have only 3 checks in average. Check ready seems to be not needed and adds quite
- much extra time */
-//#define USE_IRQ
-//#define REALTIME
-//#define ADD_DELAYS
-#define FPGA_CLOCK 250 // Lorenzo: in MHz !
-//#define WR(addr, value) { val = value; pcilib_write(pci, BAR, addr, sizeof(val), &val); }
-//#define RD(addr, value) { pcilib_read(pci, BAR, addr, sizeof(val), &val); value = val; }
-#define WR(addr, value) { *(uint32_t*)(bar + addr + offset) = value; }
-#define RD(addr, value) { value = *(uint32_t*)(bar + addr + offset); }
-// **************************************************************************************
-// Progress BAR
-// Process has done x out of n rounds,
-// and we want a bar of width w and resolution r.
- static inline void loadBar(int x, int n, int r, int w)
- {
- // Only update r times.
- if ( x % (n/r +1) != 0 ) return;
- // Calculuate the ratio of complete-to-incomplete.
- float ratio = x/(float)n;
- int c = ratio * w;
- // Show the percentage complete.
- printf("%3d%% [", (int)(ratio*100) );
- // Show the load bar.
- for (x=0; x<c; x++)
- printf("=");
- for (x=c; x<w; x++)
- printf(" ");
- // ANSI Control codes to go back to the
- // previous line and clear it.
- printf("]\n\033[F\033[J");
- }
-// **************************************************************************************
- static void fail(const char *msg, ...) {
- va_list va;
- va_start(va, msg);
- vprintf(msg, va);
- va_end(va);
- printf("\n");
- exit(-1);
-void hpsleep(size_t ns) {
- struct timespec wait, tv;
- clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &wait);
- wait.tv_nsec += ns;
- if (wait.tv_nsec > 999999999) {
- wait.tv_sec += 1;
- wait.tv_nsec = 1000000000 - wait.tv_nsec;
- }
- do {
- clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tv);
- } while ((wait.tv_sec > tv.tv_sec)||((wait.tv_sec == tv.tv_sec)&&(wait.tv_nsec > tv.tv_nsec)));
-// **************************************************************************************
-int main() {
- int err;
- long i, j, k;
- int mem_diff;
- pcilib_t *pci;
- pcilib_kmem_handle_t *kdesc;
- pcilib_kmem_handle_t *kbuf;
- struct timeval start, end;
- size_t run_time, size;
- long long int size_mb;
- void* volatile bar;
- uintptr_t bus_addr[BUFFERS];
- uintptr_t kdesc_bus;
- volatile uint32_t *desc;
- typedef volatile uint32_t *Tbuf;
- Tbuf ptr[BUFFERS];
- int switch_generator = 0;
- float performance, perf_counter;
- pcilib_bar_t bar_tmp = BAR;
- uintptr_t offset = 0;
- unsigned int temp;
- int iterations_completed, buffers_filled;
-// int shmid;
- printf("\n\n**** **** **** KIT-DMA TEST **** **** ****\n\n");
- size_mb = ITERATIONS * BUFFERS * HUGE_PAGE * 4 / 1024;
- printf("Total size of memory buffer: \t %.3lf GBytes\n", (float)size_mb/1024 );
- printf("Using %d Buffers with %d iterations\n\n", BUFFERS, ITERATIONS );
-#ifdef ADD_DELAYS
- long rpt = 0, rpt2 = 0;
- size_t best_time;
- best_time = 1000000000L * HUGE_PAGE * PAGE_SIZE / (4L * 1024 * 1024 * 1024);
-#endif /* ADD_DELAYS */
- pcilib_kmem_flags_t flags = PCILIB_KMEM_FLAG_HARDWARE|PCILIB_KMEM_FLAG_PERSISTENT|PCILIB_KMEM_FLAG_EXCLUSIVE/*|PCILIB_KMEM_FLAG_REUSE*/; // Lorenzo: if REUSE = 1, the re-allocation fails!
- pci = pcilib_open(DEVICE, PCILIB_MODEL_DETECT);
- if (!pci) fail("pcilib_open");
- bar = pcilib_map_bar(pci, BAR);
- if (!bar) {
- pcilib_close(pci);
- fail("map bar");
- }
- pcilib_detect_address(pci, &bar_tmp, &offset, 1);
- pcilib_enable_irq(pci, PCILIB_IRQ_TYPE_ALL, 0);
- pcilib_clear_irq(pci, PCILIB_IRQ_SOURCE_DEFAULT);
- pcilib_clean_kernel_memory(pci, USE, clean_flags);
- pcilib_clean_kernel_memory(pci, USE_RING, clean_flags);
- kdesc = pcilib_alloc_kernel_memory(pci, PCILIB_KMEM_TYPE_CONSISTENT, 1, 128, 4096, USE_RING, flags);
- kdesc_bus = pcilib_kmem_get_block_ba(pci, kdesc, 0);
- desc = (uint32_t*)pcilib_kmem_get_block_ua(pci, kdesc, 0);
- memset((void*)desc, 0, 5*sizeof(uint32_t));
-#ifdef REALTIME
- pid_t pid;
- struct sched_param sched = {0};
- pid = getpid();
- sched.sched_priority = sched_get_priority_min(SCHED_FIFO);
- if (sched_setscheduler(pid, SCHED_FIFO, &sched))
- printf("Warning: not able to get real-time priority\n");
-#endif /* REALTIME */
- // ******************************************************************
- // **** MEM: check 4k boundary *****
- // ******************************************************************
- do {
- printf("* Allocating KMem, ");
- kbuf = pcilib_alloc_kernel_memory(pci, PCILIB_KMEM_TYPE_REGION_C2S, BUFFERS, HUGE_PAGE * PAGE_SIZE, STATIC_REGION, USE, flags);
- kbuf = pcilib_alloc_kernel_memory(pci, PCILIB_KMEM_TYPE_DMA_C2S_PAGE, BUFFERS, HUGE_PAGE * PAGE_SIZE, 4096, USE, flags);
- if (!kbuf) {
- printf("KMem allocation failed\n");
- exit(0);
- }
- // Pointers for Virtualized Mem
- for (j = 0; j < BUFFERS; j++) {
- ptr[j] = (volatile uint32_t*)pcilib_kmem_get_block_ua(pci, kbuf, j);
- memset((ptr[j]), 0, HUGE_PAGE * PAGE_SIZE);
- }
- err = 0;
- // Check if HW addresses satisfy 4k boundary condition, if not -> free (!!) and reallocate memory
- printf("4k boundary test: ");
- for (j = 0; j < BUFFERS; j++) {
- temp = (((unsigned int)pcilib_kmem_get_block_ba(pci, kbuf, j)) % 4096);
- //printf("%u", temp);
- if (temp != 0) {
- err = 1;
- }
- }
- if (err == 1) {
- pcilib_clean_kernel_memory(pci, USE, clean_flags);
- pcilib_clean_kernel_memory(pci, USE_RING, clean_flags);
- pcilib_free_kernel_memory(pci, kbuf, free_flags);
- printf("failed \xE2\x9C\x98\n");
- }
- else printf("passed \xE2\x9C\x93\n");
- } while (err == 1);
- // ******************************************************************
- // **** Allocate RAM buffer Memory *****
- // ******************************************************************
- FILE * Output;
- FILE * error_log;
- uint32_t *temp_data[ITERATIONS][BUFFERS];
- for (j=0; j < ITERATIONS; j++) {
- for (i=0; i < BUFFERS; i++) {
- temp_data[j][i] = (uint32_t *)malloc(HUGE_PAGE*PAGE_SIZE);
- if (temp_data[j][i] == 0) {
- printf("******* Error: could not allocate memory! ********\n");
- exit(0);
- }
- memset((void*)(temp_data[j][i]), 0, HUGE_PAGE * PAGE_SIZE);
- }
- }
- // give your shared memory an id, anything will do
- key_t key = 123456;
- char *shared_memory;
- // Setup shared memory, 11 is the size
-/* if ((shmid = shmget(key, HUGE_PAGE*PAGE_SIZE, IPC_CREAT | 0666)) < 0)
- {
- printf("Error getting shared memory id");
- exit(1);
- }
- // Attached shared memory
- if ((shared_memory = shmat(shmid, NULL, 0)) == (char *) -1)
- {
- printf("Error attaching shared memory id");
- exit(1);
- }
- printf("* Shared memory created... Id:\t %d\n", key);
- //////////////// SHARED MEMORY TEST */
- Output = fopen ("data.out", "w");
- fclose(Output);
- error_log = fopen ("error_log.txt", "w");
- fclose(error_log);
- // *************************************
- Output = fopen("data.txt", "w");
- fclose(Output);
- // ******************************************************************
- // **** PCIe TEST *****
- // ******************************************************************
- // Reset DMA
- printf("* DMA: Reset...\n");
- WR(0x00, 0x1);
- usleep(100000);
- WR(0x00, 0x0);
- usleep(100000);
- printf("* PCIe: Testing...");
- RD(0x0, err);
- if (err != 335746816) {
- printf("\xE2\x9C\x98\n PCIe not ready!\n");
- exit(0);
- } else {
- printf("\xE2\x9C\x93 \n");
- }
- // ******************************************************************
- // **** DMA CONFIGURATION *****
- // ******************************************************************
- printf("* DMA: Start Data Generator...\n");
- WR(0x04, 0x10) // Start data generator
- printf("* DMA: Send Data Fill Pattern 55aa55aa\n");
- WR(0x14, 0xbeef);
- printf("* DMA: Send Data Amount\n");
-#ifdef DUAL_CORE
- WR(0x10, (HUGE_PAGE * (PAGE_SIZE / (4 * TLP_SIZE)))/2);
- WR(0x10, (HUGE_PAGE * (PAGE_SIZE / (4 * TLP_SIZE))));
- printf("* DMA: Running mode: ");
-#ifdef USE_64
- if (TLP_SIZE == 64)
- {
- WR(0x0C, 0x80040);
- printf ("64bit - 256B Payload\n");
- }
- else if (TLP_SIZE == 32)
- {
- WR(0x0C, 0x80020);
- printf ("64bit - 128B Payload\n");
- }
- if (TLP_SIZE == 64)
- {
- WR(0x0C, 0x0040);
- printf ("32bit - 256B Payload\n");
- }
- else if (TLP_SIZE == 32)
- {
- WR(0x0C, 0x0020);
- printf ("32bit - 128B Payload\n");
- }
- printf("* DMA: Reset Desc Memory...\n");
- WR(0x5C, 0x00); // RST Desc Memory
- //printf("Writing SW Read Descriptor\n");
- WR(0x58, BUFFERS-1);
- //WR(0x58, 0x01);
- //printf("Writing the Descriptor Threshold\n");
- //printf("Writing HW write Descriptor Address: %lx\n", kdesc_bus);
- WR(0x54, kdesc_bus);
- usleep(100000);
- printf("* DMA: Writing Descriptors\n");
- for (j = 0; j < BUFFERS; j++ ) {
- bus_addr[j] = pcilib_kmem_get_block_ba(pci, kbuf, j);
- // LEAVE THIS DELAY???!?!?!?!
- usleep(1000);
- printf("Writing descriptor num. %ld: \t %08lx \r", j, bus_addr[j]);
- WR(0x50, bus_addr[j]);
- }
- // ******************************************************************
- // **** HEB CONFIGURATION *****
- // ******************************************************************
-#ifdef HEB
- printf("* DDR REGISTERS: AXI_BUF_SIZE \n");
- WR(0x9130, 0x1000);
- usleep(100000);
- printf("* HEB: Control \n");
- WR(0x9040, 0x00000001);
- usleep(100000);
- printf("* HEB: Control \n");
- WR(0x9040, 0x00000004);
- usleep(100000);
- printf("* HEB: Control \n");
- WR(0x9040, 0x00000000);
- usleep(100000);
- printf("* HEB: Writing Total Orbit Num\n");
- WR(0x9020, 0x2000);
- printf("* HEB: Orbit Skip Num h9028\n");
- WR(0x9028, 0x4);
- //printf("* HEB: LVDS_DELAY h9080\n");
- //WR(0x9080, 0x10101010);
- //printf("* HEB: Delay ADCs \n");
- //WR(0x9088, 0x001);
- //WR(0x9090, 0x001);
- //WR(0x9094, 0x001);
- //WR(0x9098, 0x001);
- //printf("* HEB: Delay TH \n");
- //WR(0x90a0, 0x005);
- //printf("* HEB: Delay_FPGA_reg \n");
- //WR(0x90a8, 0x006);
- //printf("* HEB: Control \n");
- //WR(0x9040, 0x40000000);
- //usleep(1000000);
- printf("* HEB: Control \n");
- WR(0x9040, 0x40000bf0);
- usleep(100000);
- printf("* HEB: Control \n");
- WR(0x9040, 0x400003f0);
- usleep(100000);
- printf("* HEB: Control \n");
- WR(0x9040, 0x480007F0);
- usleep(100000);
- printf("* HEB: Control \n");
- WR(0x9040, 0x48000FF0);
- // ******************************************************************
- // **** TEST DDR conf *****
- // ******************************************************************
-#ifdef TEST_DDR
- printf("* DDR: AXI_BUF_SIZE_ADDR: 4k\n");
- WR(0x9010, 0x04000);
- printf("* DDR: Control \n");
- WR(0x9000, 0x000000F);
- usleep(100000);
- WR(0x9000, 0x00000008);
- usleep(100000);
- WR(0x9000, 0x08000008);
- usleep(50000);
- printf("* DDR: Control \n");
- WR(0x9000, 0x08000208);
- // ******************************************************************
- // **** START DMA *****
- // ******************************************************************
- //printf ("\n ---- Press ENTER to start DMA ---- \n");
- //getchar();
- printf("* DMA: Start \n");
- WR(0x04, 0x1f);
- gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
- // ******************************************************************
- // **** Handshaking DMA *****
- // ******************************************************************
- uint32_t curptr = 0, hwptr;
- uint32_t curbuf = 0;
- int empty = 0;
- i = 0;
- while (i < ITERATIONS) {
- j = 0;
- // printf("\ndesc0: %lx", htonl(desc[0]));
- // printf("\ndesc1: %lx", htonl(desc[1]));
- // printf("\ndesc2: %lx", htonl(desc[2]));
- // printf("\ndesc3: %lx", htonl(desc[3]));
- // printf("\ndesc4: %lx", htonl(desc[4]));
- // printf("\ndesc5: %lx", htonl(desc[5]));
- //printf("Iteration: %li of %li \r", i+1, ITERATIONS);
- //loadBar(i+1, ITERATIONS, ITERATIONS, 30);
- // printf("\nhwptr: %zu", hwptr);
- // printf("\ncurptr: %zu", curptr);
- do {
-#ifdef USE_64
- hwptr = htonl(desc[3]);
-#else // 32-bit
- hwptr = htonl(desc[4]);
- j++;
- //printf("\rcurptr: %lx \t \t hwptr: %lx", curptr, hwptr);
- } while (hwptr == curptr);
- do {
- pcilib_kmem_sync_block(pci, kbuf, PCILIB_KMEM_SYNC_FROMDEVICE, curbuf);
- memcpy(temp_data[i][curbuf], ptr[curbuf], 4096);
- memcpy(shared_memory, ptr[curbuf], 4096);
- //printf("\ncurbuf: %08x", curbuf);
- //printf("\nbus_addr[curbuf]\n: %08x",bus_addr[curbuf]);
- // for (k = 0; k < 63; k++){
- // if (k%16 == 0) printf("\n# %d # :", k);
- // printf(" %08x", ptr[curbuf][k]);
- // }
- //pcilib_kmem_sync_block(pci, kbuf, PCILIB_KMEM_SYNC_TODEVICE, curbuf);
- curbuf++;
- if (curbuf == BUFFERS) {
- i++;
- curbuf = 0;
- if (switch_generator == 1) {
- switch_generator = 0;
- WR(0x9040, 0x100007F0);
- } else {
- WR(0x9040, 0x180007F0);
- switch_generator = 1;
- }
- if (i >= ITERATIONS) break;
- //if (i >= (ITERATIONS - 4) ) WR(0x04, 0x0f);
- }
- } while (bus_addr[curbuf] != hwptr);
-#ifdef USE_64
- if (desc[1] != 0)
-#else // 32bit
- if (desc[2] != 0)
- {
- if (bus_addr[curbuf] == hwptr) {
- empty = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- WR(0x58, curbuf + 1);
- //printf("WR %d\n", curbuf + 1);
- //printf("%u (%lu)\n", curbuf, j);
- curptr = hwptr;
- }
- // ******************************************************************
- // **** Read performance and stop DMA *******
- // ******************************************************************
- gettimeofday(&end, NULL);
- WR(0x04, 0x00);
- WR(0x01, 0x00);
- RD(0x28, perf_counter);
- iterations_completed = i;
- buffers_filled = curbuf;
- if (empty) printf("* DMA: Empty FIFO! Last iteration: %li of %li\n", i+1, ITERATIONS);
- printf ("* DMA: Stop\n\n");
- printf ("First value:\t %08x\n", temp_data[0][0][0]);
- printf ("Last value:\t %08x\n\n", temp_data[ITERATIONS-1][BUFFERS-1][(PAGE_SIZE/4)-4]);
- // ******************************************************************
- // **** Performance *******
- // ******************************************************************
- printf("Iterations done: %d\n", iterations_completed);
- printf("Buffers filled on last iteration: %d\n", buffers_filled);
- run_time = (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) * 1000000 + (end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec);
- size = (long long int) (( BUFFERS * (iterations_completed) + buffers_filled) * HUGE_PAGE * PAGE_SIZE);
- size_mb = (long long int) (( BUFFERS * (iterations_completed) + buffers_filled) * HUGE_PAGE * 4 / 1024);
- printf("Performance: transfered %zu Mbytes in %zu us using %d buffers\n", (size_mb), run_time, BUFFERS);
- //printf("Buffers: \t %d \n", BUFFERS);
- //printf("Buf_Size: \t %d \n", PAGE_SIZE);
- //printf("Perf_counter: \t %f \n", perf_counter);
- performance = ((size_mb * FPGA_CLOCK * 1000000)/(perf_counter*256));
- printf("DMA perf counter:\t%d\n", (int)perf_counter);
- printf("DMA side:\t\t%.3lf MB/s\n", performance);
- printf("PC side:\t\t%.3lf MB/s\n\n", 1000000. * size_mb / run_time );
- // ******************************************************************
- // **** Read Data *******
- // ******************************************************************
- printf("Writing Data to HDD... \n");
- for (i=0; i < iterations_completed; i++) {
- for (j=0; j < BUFFERS; j++)
- {
- Output = fopen("data.out", "a");
- fwrite(temp_data[i][j], 4096, 1, Output);
- fclose(Output);
- }
- loadBar(i+1, ITERATIONS, ITERATIONS, 30);
- }
- // Save last partially filled iteration
- for (j=0; j < buffers_filled; j++)
- {
- Output = fopen("data.out", "a");
- fwrite(temp_data[iterations_completed][j], 4096, 1, Output);
- fclose(Output);
- }
- printf("Data saved in data.out. \n");
- #endif
- err = 0;
- error_log = fopen ("error_log.txt", "a");
- printf("\nChecking data ...\n");
- for (i=0; i < iterations_completed; i++) {
- for (j = 0; j < BUFFERS; j++) {
- for (k = 0; k < 1024 ; k++)
- {
- mem_diff = ((uint32_t)temp_data[i][j][k] - (uint32_t)temp_data[i][j][k+1]);
- //if ((mem_diff == 1) || (mem_diff == (-7)) || (k == 1023) )
- if ((mem_diff == -1) || (k == 1023) )
- {;}
- else {
- fprintf(error_log, "Error in: \t IT %li \t BUF : %li \t OFFSET: %li \t | %08x --> %08x - DIFF: %d \n", i, j, k, temp_data[i][j][k], temp_data[i][j][k+1], mem_diff);
- err++;
- }
- }
- if (j != BUFFERS-1) {
- // Check first and Last
- mem_diff = (uint32_t)(temp_data[i][j+1][0] - temp_data[i][j][1023]);
- if (mem_diff == (1))
- {;}
- else {
- fprintf(error_log, "Error_2 in: \t IT %li \t BUF : %li \t OFFSET: %li \t | %08x --> %08x - DIFF: %d \n", i, j, k, temp_data[i][j+1][0], temp_data[i][j][1023], mem_diff);
- err++;
- }
- }
- }
- loadBar(i+1, ITERATIONS, ITERATIONS, 30);
- }
- for (j = 0; j < buffers_filled; j++) {
- for (k = 0; k < 1024 ; k++)
- {
- mem_diff = ((uint32_t)temp_data[iterations_completed][j][k] - (uint32_t)temp_data[iterations_completed][j][k+1]);
- if ((mem_diff == -1) || (k == 1023) )
- {;}
- else {
- fprintf(error_log, "Error in: \t IT %li \t BUF : %li \t OFFSET: %li \t | %08x --> %08x - DIFF: %d \n", iterations_completed, j, k, temp_data[iterations_completed][j][k], temp_data[iterations_completed][j][k+1], mem_diff);
- err++;
- }
- }
- if (j != buffers_filled-1) {
- // Check first and Last
- mem_diff = (uint32_t)(temp_data[i][j+1][0] - temp_data[i][j][1023]);
- if (mem_diff == (1))
- {;}
- else {
- fprintf(error_log, "Error_2 in: \t IT %li \t BUF : %li \t OFFSET: %li \t | %08x --> %08x - DIFF: %d \n", iterations_completed, j, k, temp_data[iterations_completed][j+1][0], temp_data[iterations_completed][j][1023], mem_diff);
- err++;
- }
- }
- }
- if (err != 0) printf("\rChecking data: \xE2\x9C\x98 %d errors found \n See \"error_log.txt\" for details \n\n", err);
- else printf("\rChecking data: \xE2\x9C\x93 no errors found \n\n");
- fclose(error_log);
- #endif
- // *********** Free Memory
- for (i=0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) {
- for (j=0; j < BUFFERS; j++)
- {
- free(temp_data[i][j]);
- }
- }
- pcilib_free_kernel_memory(pci, kbuf, free_flags);
- pcilib_free_kernel_memory(pci, kdesc, free_flags);
- pcilib_disable_irq(pci, 0);
- pcilib_unmap_bar(pci, BAR, bar);
- pcilib_close(pci);
-// shmdt(shmid);
-// shmctl(shmid, IPC_RMID, NULL);
diff --git a/apps/pio_test.c b/apps/pio_test.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 84439ee..0000000
--- a/apps/pio_test.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-#define _BSD_SOURCE
-#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 199309L
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <sched.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include "pcilib.h"
-#include "irq.h"
-#include "kmem.h"
-#define DEVICE "/dev/fpga0"
-//#define REALTIME
-#define BAR PCILIB_BAR0
-#define BITS 32
-#define MASK ((1ll << BITS) - 1)
-#define WR(addr, value) { *(uint32_t*)(bar + addr) = value; }
-#define RD(addr, value) { value = *(uint32_t*)(bar + addr); }
-unsigned long long bits[BITS];
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- uint32_t i, j;
- pcilib_t *pci;
- uint32_t reg, value, diff, errors;
- void* volatile bar;
- unsigned long long attempts = 0, failures = 0;
- if (argc < 2) {
- printf("Usage: %s <register>\n", argv[0]);
- exit(0);
- }
- if (sscanf(argv[1], "%x", &reg) != 1) {
- printf("Can't parse register %s\n", argv[1]);
- exit(1);
- }
-#ifdef REALTIME
- pid_t pid;
- struct sched_param sched = {0};
- pid = getpid();
- sched.sched_priority = sched_get_priority_min(SCHED_FIFO);
- if (sched_setscheduler(pid, SCHED_FIFO, &sched))
- printf("Warning: not able to get real-time priority\n");
-#endif /* REALTIME */
- pci = pcilib_open(DEVICE, PCILIB_MODEL_DETECT);
- if (!pci) {
- printf("pcilib_open\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- bar = pcilib_map_bar(pci, BAR);
- if (!bar) {
- pcilib_close(pci);
- printf("map bar\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- for (i = 0; 1; i++) {
- WR(reg, (i%MASK));
- RD(reg, value);
- attempts++;
- if (value != (i%MASK)) {
- failures++;
- diff = value ^ (i%MASK);
- for (errors = 0, j = 0; j < BITS; j++)
- if (diff&(1<<j)) errors++;
- bits[errors]++;
- //printf("written: %x, read: %x\n", i, value);
- }
- if ((i % 1048576 ) == 0) {
- printf("Attempts %llu, failures %llu (", attempts, failures);
- for (j = 1; j < BITS; j++)
- printf("%llu ", bits[j]);
- printf(")\n");
- }
- }
- pcilib_unmap_bar(pci, BAR, bar);
- pcilib_close(pci);
diff --git a/apps/xilinx.c b/apps/xilinx.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 757c388..0000000
--- a/apps/xilinx.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-#define _BSD_SOURCE
-#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 199309L
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <sched.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include "pcilib.h"
-#include "irq.h"
-#include "kmem.h"
-#define DEVICE "/dev/fpga0"
-#define BAR PCILIB_BAR0
-#define STATIC_REGION 0x80000000 // to reserve 512 MB at the specified address, add "memmap=512M$2G" to kernel parameters
-#define BUFFERS 1
-#define ITERATIONS 100
-#define TLP_SIZE 64
-#define HUGE_PAGE 4096 // number of pages per huge page
-#define PAGE_SIZE 4096 // other values are not supported in the kernel
-#define TIMEOUT 100000
-/* IRQs are slow for some reason. REALTIME mode is slower. Adding delays does not really help,
-otherall we have only 3 checks in average. Check ready seems to be not needed and adds quite
-much extra time */
-#define USE_IRQ
-//#define CHECK_READY
-//#define REALTIME
-//#define ADD_DELAYS
-//#define WR(addr, value) { val = value; pcilib_write(pci, BAR, addr, sizeof(val), &val); }
-//#define RD(addr, value) { pcilib_read(pci, BAR, addr, sizeof(val), &val); value = val; }
-#define WR(addr, value) { *(uint32_t*)(bar + addr + offset) = value; }
-#define RD(addr, value) { value = *(uint32_t*)(bar + addr + offset); }
-static void fail(const char *msg, ...) {
- va_list va;
- va_start(va, msg);
- vprintf(msg, va);
- va_end(va);
- printf("\n");
- exit(-1);
-void hpsleep(size_t ns) {
- struct timespec wait, tv;
- clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &wait);
- wait.tv_nsec += ns;
- if (wait.tv_nsec > 999999999) {
- wait.tv_sec += 1;
- wait.tv_nsec = 1000000000 - wait.tv_nsec;
- }
- do {
- clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tv);
- } while ((wait.tv_sec > tv.tv_sec)||((wait.tv_sec == tv.tv_sec)&&(wait.tv_nsec > tv.tv_nsec)));
-int main() {
- int err;
- long i, j;
- pcilib_t *pci;
- pcilib_kmem_handle_t *kbuf;
- uint32_t status;
- struct timeval start, end;
- size_t size, run_time;
- void* volatile bar;
- uintptr_t bus_addr[BUFFERS];
- pcilib_bar_t bar_tmp = BAR;
- uintptr_t offset = 0;
-#ifdef ADD_DELAYS
- long rpt = 0, rpt2 = 0;
- size_t best_time;
- best_time = 1000000000L * HUGE_PAGE * PAGE_SIZE / (4L * 1024 * 1024 * 1024);
-#endif /* ADD_DELAYS */
-#ifdef REALTIME
- pid_t pid;
- struct sched_param sched = {0};
- pid = getpid();
- sched.sched_priority = sched_get_priority_min(SCHED_FIFO);
- if (sched_setscheduler(pid, SCHED_FIFO, &sched))
- printf("Warning: not able to get real-time priority\n");
-#endif /* REALTIME */
- pci = pcilib_open(DEVICE, PCILIB_MODEL_DETECT);
- if (!pci) fail("pcilib_open");
- bar = pcilib_map_bar(pci, BAR);
- if (!bar) {
- pcilib_close(pci);
- fail("map bar");
- }
- pcilib_detect_address(pci, &bar_tmp, &offset, 1);
- // Reset
- WR(0x00, 1)
- usleep(1000);
- WR(0x00, 0)
- pcilib_enable_irq(pci, PCILIB_IRQ_TYPE_ALL, 0);
- pcilib_clear_irq(pci, PCILIB_IRQ_SOURCE_DEFAULT);
- pcilib_clean_kernel_memory(pci, USE, clean_flags);
- kbuf = pcilib_alloc_kernel_memory(pci, PCILIB_KMEM_TYPE_REGION_C2S, BUFFERS, HUGE_PAGE * PAGE_SIZE, STATIC_REGION, USE, 0);
-#else /* STATIC_REGION */
- kbuf = pcilib_alloc_kernel_memory(pci, PCILIB_KMEM_TYPE_DMA_C2S_PAGE, BUFFERS, HUGE_PAGE * PAGE_SIZE, 4096, USE, 0);
-#endif /* STATIC_REGION */
- if (!kbuf) {
- printf("KMem allocation failed\n");
- exit(0);
- }
- volatile uint32_t *ptr0 = pcilib_kmem_get_block_ua(pci, kbuf, 0);
- memset((void*)ptr0, 0, (HUGE_PAGE * PAGE_SIZE));
- for (i = 0; i < (HUGE_PAGE * PAGE_SIZE / 4); i++) {
- if (ptr0[i] != 0) break;
- }
- if (i < (HUGE_PAGE * PAGE_SIZE / 4)) {
- printf("Initialization error in position %lu, value = %x\n", i * 4, ptr0[i]);
- }
-#endif /* CHECK_RESULT */
- WR(0x04, 0)
- WR(0x0C, TLP_SIZE)
- WR(0x10, (HUGE_PAGE * (PAGE_SIZE / (4 * TLP_SIZE))))
- WR(0x14, 0x13131313)
- for (j = 0; j < BUFFERS; j++ ) {
- bus_addr[j] = pcilib_kmem_get_block_ba(pci, kbuf, j);
- }
- gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
- for (i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) {
- for (j = 0; j < BUFFERS; j++ ) {
-// uintptr_t ba = pcilib_kmem_get_block_ba(pci, kbuf, j);
-// WR(0x08, ba)
- WR(0x08, bus_addr[j]);
- WR(0x04, 0x01)
-#ifdef USE_IRQ
- err = pcilib_wait_irq(pci, PCILIB_IRQ_SOURCE_DEFAULT, TIMEOUT, NULL);
- if (err) printf("Timeout waiting for IRQ, err: %i\n", err);
- RD(0x04, status);
- if ((status&0xFFFF) != 0x101) printf("Invalid status %x\n", status);
-// WR(0x04, 0x00);
-#else /* USE_IRQ */
-# ifdef ADD_DELAYS
-// hpsleep(best_time);
- do {
- rpt++;
- RD(0x04, status);
- } while (status != 0x101);
-# else /* ADD_DELAYS */
- do {
- RD(0x04, status);
- } while (status != 0x101);
-# endif /* ADD_DELAYS */
-#endif /* USE_IRQ */
- WR(0x00, 1)
- do {
- rpt2++;
- RD(0x04, status);
- } while (status != 0);
-#endif /* CHECK_READY */
- WR(0x00, 0)
- }
- }
- gettimeofday(&end, NULL);
- pcilib_kmem_sync_block(pci, kbuf, PCILIB_KMEM_SYNC_FROMDEVICE, 0);
- for (i = 0; i < (HUGE_PAGE * PAGE_SIZE / 4); i++) {
-// printf("%lx ", ptr0[i]);
- if (ptr0[i] != 0x13131313) break;
- }
- if (i < (HUGE_PAGE * PAGE_SIZE / 4)) {
- printf("Error in position %lu, value = %x\n", i * 4, ptr0[i]);
- }
-#endif /* CHECK_RESULT */
- pcilib_free_kernel_memory(pci, kbuf, 0);
- pcilib_disable_irq(pci, 0);
- pcilib_unmap_bar(pci, BAR, bar);
- pcilib_close(pci);
- run_time = (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) * 1000000 + (end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec);
- size = (long long int)ITERATIONS * BUFFERS * HUGE_PAGE * PAGE_SIZE;
- printf("%.3lf GB/s: transfered %zu bytes in %zu us using %u buffers\n", 1000000. * size / run_time / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, size, run_time, BUFFERS);
-# ifdef ADD_DELAYS
- printf("Repeats: %lf, %lf\n",1. * rpt / (ITERATIONS * BUFFERS), 1. * rpt2 / (ITERATIONS * BUFFERS));
-#endif /* USE_IRQ */
diff --git a/ipecamera/ipecamera.c b/base.c
index 892c59e..3d06bf3 100644
--- a/ipecamera/ipecamera.c
+++ b/base.c
@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@
#include <ufodecode.h>
-#include "../tools.h"
-#include "../error.h"
-#include "../event.h"
+#include <pcilib.h>
+#include <pcilib/tools.h>
+#include <pcilib/error.h>
+#include <pcilib/event.h>
-#include "pcilib.h"
#include "private.h"
#include "model.h"
#include "reader.h"
@@ -24,8 +24,6 @@
#include "data.h"
-#include "dma/nwl.h"
#define FIND_REG(var, bank, name) \
ctx->var = pcilib_find_register(pcilib, bank, name); \
if (ctx->var == PCILIB_REGISTER_INVALID) { \
@@ -38,7 +36,7 @@
if (!err) { \
err = pcilib_read_register_by_id(pcilib, ctx->reg, &var); \
if (err) { \
- pcilib_error("Error reading %s register", ipecamera_registers[ctx->reg].name); \
+ pcilib_error("Error reading %s register", model_info->registers[ctx->reg].name); \
} \
@@ -46,7 +44,7 @@
if (!err) { \
err = pcilib_write_register_by_id(pcilib, ctx->reg, val); \
if (err) { \
- pcilib_error("Error writting %s register", ipecamera_registers[ctx->reg].name); \
+ pcilib_error("Error writting %s register", model_info->registers[ctx->reg].name); \
} \
@@ -54,16 +52,16 @@
if (!err) { \
err = pcilib_read_register_by_id(pcilib, ctx->reg, &value); \
if (err) { \
- pcilib_error("Error reading %s register", ipecamera_registers[ctx->reg].name); \
+ pcilib_error("Error reading %s register", model_info->registers[ctx->reg].name); \
} \
if (value != check) { \
- pcilib_error("Unexpected value (0x%lx) of register %s", value, ipecamera_registers[ctx->reg].name); \
+ pcilib_error("Unexpected value (0x%lx) of register %s", value, model_info->registers[ctx->reg].name); \
} \
+#define CHECK_STATUS()
#define CHECK_VALUE(value, val) \
if ((!err)&&(value != val)) { \
@@ -81,6 +79,8 @@
pcilib_context_t *ipecamera_init(pcilib_t *pcilib) {
int err = 0;
+ const pcilib_model_description_t *model_info = pcilib_get_model_description(pcilib);
ipecamera_t *ctx = malloc(sizeof(ipecamera_t));
if (ctx) {
@@ -115,13 +115,12 @@ pcilib_context_t *ipecamera_init(pcilib_t *pcilib) {
GET_REG(firmware_version_reg, value);
switch (value) {
- case 4:
case 5:
ctx->firmware = value;
-// pcilib_error("Unsupported version of firmware (%lu)", value);
- ctx->firmware = 0;
+ ctx->firmware = 5;
+ pcilib_warning("Unsupported version of firmware (%lu)", value);
@@ -153,26 +152,19 @@ void ipecamera_free(pcilib_context_t *vctx) {
pcilib_dma_context_t *ipecamera_init_dma(pcilib_context_t *vctx) {
ipecamera_t *ctx = (ipecamera_t*)vctx;
- pcilib_model_description_t *model_info = pcilib_get_model_description(vctx->pcilib);
- if ((!model_info->dma_api)||(!model_info->dma_api->init)) {
+ const pcilib_model_description_t *model_info = pcilib_get_model_description(vctx->pcilib);
+ if ((!model_info->dma)||(!model_info->dma->api)||(!model_info->dma->api->init)) {
pcilib_error("The DMA engine is not configured in model");
return NULL;
if (ctx->firmware) {
- return model_info->dma_api->init(vctx->pcilib, PCILIB_NWL_MODIFICATION_IPECAMERA, NULL);
+ return model_info->dma->api->init(vctx->pcilib, NULL, NULL);
} else {
- return model_info->dma_api->init(vctx->pcilib, PCILIB_DMA_MODIFICATION_DEFAULT, NULL);
+ return model_info->dma->api->init(vctx->pcilib, "pci", NULL);
- return model_info->dma_api->init(vctx->pcilib, PCILIB_DMA_MODIFICATION_DEFAULT, NULL);
@@ -258,17 +250,19 @@ int ipecamera_reset(pcilib_context_t *vctx) {
- err = pcilib_read_register_by_id(pcilib, status, &value);
if (err) {
- pcilib_error("Error reading status register");
- return err;
- }
+ err = pcilib_read_register_by_id(pcilib, status, &value);
+ if (err) pcilib_error("Error reading status register");
+ else pcilib_error("Camera returns unexpected status (status: %lx)", value);
- if (value != IPECAMERA_GET_EXPECTED_STATUS(ctx)) {
- pcilib_error("Unexpected value (%lx) of status register, expected %lx", value, IPECAMERA_GET_EXPECTED_STATUS(ctx));
+ // DS: Get rid of pending DMA data
return 0;
@@ -276,10 +270,13 @@ int ipecamera_reset(pcilib_context_t *vctx) {
int ipecamera_start(pcilib_context_t *vctx, pcilib_event_t event_mask, pcilib_event_flags_t flags) {
int i;
int err = 0;
ipecamera_t *ctx = (ipecamera_t*)vctx;
pcilib_t *pcilib = vctx->pcilib;
pcilib_register_value_t value;
+ const pcilib_model_description_t *model_info = pcilib_get_model_description(pcilib);
pthread_attr_t attr;
struct sched_param sched;
@@ -298,16 +295,6 @@ int ipecamera_start(pcilib_context_t *vctx, pcilib_event_t event_mask, pcilib_ev
- // Allow readout and clean the FRAME_REQUEST mode if set for some reason
- if (value&0x1000) ctx->fr_mode = 1;
- else {
- ctx->fr_mode = 0;
-// if (err) return err;
- }
ctx->event_id = 0;
ctx->preproc_id = 0;
ctx->reported_id = 0;
@@ -642,6 +629,8 @@ int ipecamera_trigger(pcilib_context_t *vctx, pcilib_event_t event, size_t trigg
ipecamera_t *ctx = (ipecamera_t*)vctx;
pcilib_t *pcilib = vctx->pcilib;
+ const pcilib_model_description_t *model_info = pcilib_get_model_description(pcilib);
if (!ctx) {
pcilib_error("IPECamera imaging is not initialized");
@@ -685,7 +674,7 @@ int ipecamera_trigger(pcilib_context_t *vctx, pcilib_event_t event, size_t trigg
GET_REG(control_reg, value);
SET_REG(control_reg, value);
// We need to compute it differently, on top of that add exposure time and the time FPGA takes to read frame from CMOSIS
diff --git a/ipecamera/public.h b/base.h
index 5f494c2..beb3e1f 100644
--- a/ipecamera/public.h
+++ b/base.h
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
#include <stdio.h>
+#include <pcilib.h>
#include "ipecamera.h"
-#include "../pcilib.h"
pcilib_context_t *ipecamera_init(pcilib_t *pcilib);
void ipecamera_free(pcilib_context_t *ctx);
@@ -22,4 +21,4 @@ int ipecamera_next_event(pcilib_context_t *vctx, pcilib_timeout_t timeout, pcili
int ipecamera_get(pcilib_context_t *ctx, pcilib_event_id_t event_id, pcilib_event_data_type_t data_type, size_t arg_size, void *arg, size_t *size, void **buf);
int ipecamera_return(pcilib_context_t *ctx, pcilib_event_id_t event_id, pcilib_event_data_type_t data_type, void *data);
-#endif /* _IPECAMERA_PUBLIC_H */
+#endif /* _IPECAMERA_BASE_H */
diff --git a/cli.c b/cli.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 052bb3b..0000000
--- a/cli.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3101 +0,0 @@
-#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200112L
-#define _BSD_SOURCE
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <strings.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <alloca.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <dirent.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <getopt.h>
-#include <fastwriter.h>
-#include "pcitool/sysinfo.h"
-#include "pcitool/formaters.h"
-//#include "pci.h"
-#include "tools.h"
-#include "kernel.h"
-#include "error.h"
-/* defines */
-#define MAX_KBUF 14
-//#define BIGBUFSIZE (512*1024*1024)
-#define BIGBUFSIZE (1024*1024)
-#define DEFAULT_FPGA_DEVICE "/dev/fpga0"
-#define LINE_WIDTH 80
-#define BLOCK_SIZE 8
-#define STATUS_MESSAGE_INTERVAL 5 /* seconds */
-#define isnumber pcilib_isnumber
-#define isxnumber pcilib_isxnumber
-#define isnumber_n pcilib_isnumber_n
-#define isxnumber_n pcilib_isxnumber_n
-typedef uint8_t access_t;
-typedef enum {
-typedef enum {
-} MODE;
-typedef enum {
-typedef enum {
-typedef enum {
-typedef enum {
-typedef enum {
- OPT_DEVICE = 'd',
- OPT_MODEL = 'm',
- OPT_BAR = 'b',
- OPT_ACCESS = 'a',
- OPT_SIZE = 's',
- OPT_OUTPUT = 'o',
- OPT_TIMEOUT = 't',
- OPT_INFO = 'i',
- OPT_LIST = 'l',
- OPT_READ = 'r',
- OPT_WRITE = 'w',
- OPT_GRAB = 'g',
- OPT_QUIETE = 'q',
- OPT_HELP = 'h',
- OPT_RESET = 128,
-static struct option long_options[] = {
- {"device", required_argument, 0, OPT_DEVICE },
- {"model", required_argument, 0, OPT_MODEL },
- {"bar", required_argument, 0, OPT_BAR },
- {"access", required_argument, 0, OPT_ACCESS },
- {"endianess", required_argument, 0, OPT_ENDIANESS },
- {"size", required_argument, 0, OPT_SIZE },
- {"output", required_argument, 0, OPT_OUTPUT },
- {"timeout", required_argument, 0, OPT_TIMEOUT },
- {"iterations", required_argument, 0, OPT_ITERATIONS },
- {"info", no_argument, 0, OPT_INFO },
- {"list", no_argument, 0, OPT_LIST },
- {"reset", no_argument, 0, OPT_RESET },
- {"benchmark", optional_argument, 0, OPT_BENCHMARK },
- {"read", optional_argument, 0, OPT_READ },
- {"write", optional_argument, 0, OPT_WRITE },
- {"grab", optional_argument, 0, OPT_GRAB },
- {"trigger", optional_argument, 0, OPT_TRIGGER },
- {"data", required_argument, 0, OPT_DATA_TYPE },
- {"event", required_argument, 0, OPT_EVENT },
- {"run-time", required_argument, 0, OPT_RUN_TIME },
- {"trigger-rate", required_argument, 0, OPT_TRIGGER_RATE },
- {"trigger-time", required_argument, 0, OPT_TRIGGER_TIME },
- {"format", required_argument, 0, OPT_FORMAT },
- {"buffer", optional_argument, 0, OPT_BUFFER },
- {"threads", optional_argument, 0, OPT_THREADS },
- {"start-dma", required_argument, 0, OPT_START_DMA },
- {"stop-dma", optional_argument, 0, OPT_STOP_DMA },
- {"list-dma-engines", no_argument, 0, OPT_LIST_DMA },
- {"list-dma-buffers", required_argument, 0, OPT_LIST_DMA_BUFFERS },
- {"read-dma-buffer", required_argument, 0, OPT_READ_DMA_BUFFER },
- {"enable-irq", optional_argument, 0, OPT_ENABLE_IRQ },
- {"disable-irq", optional_argument, 0, OPT_DISABLE_IRQ },
- {"acknowledge-irq", optional_argument, 0, OPT_ACK_IRQ },
- {"wait-irq", optional_argument, 0, OPT_WAIT_IRQ },
- {"list-kernel-memory", optional_argument, 0, OPT_LIST_KMEM },
- {"read-kernel-memory", required_argument, 0, OPT_READ_KMEM },
- {"alloc-kernel-memory", required_argument, 0, OPT_ALLOC_KMEM },
- {"free-kernel-memory", required_argument, 0, OPT_FREE_KMEM },
- {"type", required_argument, 0, OPT_TYPE },
- {"block-size", required_argument, 0, OPT_BLOCK_SIZE },
- {"alignment", required_argument, 0, OPT_ALIGNMENT },
- {"quiete", no_argument, 0, OPT_QUIETE },
- {"verbose", optional_argument, 0, OPT_VERBOSE },
- {"force", no_argument, 0, OPT_FORCE },
- {"verify", no_argument, 0, OPT_VERIFY },
- {"multipacket", no_argument, 0, OPT_MULTIPACKET },
- {"wait", no_argument, 0, OPT_WAIT },
- {"help", no_argument, 0, OPT_HELP },
- { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
-void Usage(int argc, char *argv[], const char *format, ...) {
- if (format) {
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, format);
- printf("Error %i: ", errno);
- vprintf(format, ap);
- printf("\n");
- va_end(ap);
- printf("\n");
- }
- printf(
-" %s <mode> [options] [hex data]\n"
-" Modes:\n"
-" -i - Device Info\n"
-" -l[l] - List (detailed) Data Banks & Registers\n"
-" -r <addr|reg|dmaX> - Read Data/Register\n"
-" -w <addr|reg|dmaX> - Write Data/Register\n"
-" --benchmark <barX|dmaX> - Performance Evaluation\n"
-" --reset - Reset board\n"
-" --help - Help message\n"
-" Event Modes:\n"
-" --trigger [event] - Trigger Events\n"
-" -g [event] - Grab Events\n"
-" IRQ Modes:\n"
-" --enable-irq [type] - Enable IRQs\n"
-" --disable-irq [type] - Disable IRQs\n"
-" --acknowledge-irq <source> - Clean IRQ queue\n"
-" --wait-irq <source> - Wait for IRQ\n"
-" DMA Modes:\n"
-" --start-dma <num>[r|w] - Start specified DMA engine\n"
-" --stop-dma [num[r|w]] - Stop specified engine or DMA subsystem\n"
-" --list-dma-engines - List active DMA engines\n"
-" --list-dma-buffers <dma> - List buffers for specified DMA engine\n"
-" --read-dma-buffer <dma:buf> - Read the specified buffer\n"
-" Kernel Modes:\n"
-" --list-kernel-memory [use] - List kernel buffers\n"
-" --read-kernel-memory <blk> - Read the specified block of the kernel memory\n"
-" block is specified as: use:block_number\n"
-" --alloc-kernel-memory <use> - Allocate kernel buffers (DANGEROUS)\n"
-" --free-kernel-memory <use> - Cleans lost kernel space buffers (DANGEROUS)\n"
-" dma - Remove all buffers allocated by DMA subsystem\n"
-" #number - Remove all buffers with the specified use id\n"
-" Addressing:\n"
-" -d <device> - FPGA device (/dev/fpga0)\n"
-" -m <model> - Memory model (autodetected)\n"
-" pci - Plain\n"
-" ipecamera - IPE Camera\n"
-" -b <bank> - PCI bar, Register bank, or DMA channel\n"
-" Options:\n"
-" -s <size> - Number of words (default: 1)\n"
-" -a [fifo|dma|config]<bits> - Access type and bits per word (default: 32)\n"
-" -e <l|b> - Endianess Little/Big (default: host)\n"
-" -o <file> - Append output to file (default: stdout)\n"
-" -t <timeout|unlimited> - Timeout in microseconds\n"
-" --check - Verify write operations\n"
-" Event Options:\n"
-" --event <evt> - Specifies event for trigger and grab modes\n"
-" --data <type> - Data type to request for the events\n"
-" --run-time <us> - Limit time to grab/trigger events\n"
-" -t <timeout|unlimited> - Timeout to stop if no events triggered\n"
-" --trigger-rate <tps> - Generate tps triggers per second\n"
-" --trigger-time <us> - Specifies delay between triggers (us)\n"
-" -s <num|unlimited> - Number of events to grab and trigger\n"
-" --format [type] - Specifies how event data should be stored\n"
-" raw - Just write all events sequentially\n"
-" add_header - Prefix events with 512 bit header:\n"
-" event(64), data(64), nope(64), size(64)\n"
-" seqnum(64), offset(64), timestamp(128)\n"
-//" ringfs - Write to RingFS\n"
-" --buffer [size] - Request data buffering, size in MB\n"
-" --threads [num] - Allow multithreaded processing\n"
-" DMA Options:\n"
-" --multipacket - Read multiple packets\n"
-" --wait - Wait until data arrives\n"
-" Kernel Options:\n"
-" --type <type> - Type of kernel memory to allocate\n"
-" consistent - Consistent memory\n"
-" s2c - DMA S2C (write) memory\n"
-" c2s - DMA C2S (read) memory\n"
-" --page-size <size> - Size of kernel buffer in bytes (default: page)\n"
-" -s <size> - Number of buffers to allocate (default: 1)\n"
-" --allignment <alignment> - Buffer alignment (default: page)\n"
-" Information:\n"
-" --verbose [level] - Announce details of ongoing operations\n"
-" -q - Quiete mode (suppress warnings)\n"
-" Data:\n"
-" Data can be specified as sequence of hexdecimal number or\n"
-" a single value prefixed with '*'. In this case it will be\n"
-" replicated the specified amount of times\n"
- exit(0);
-static int StopFlag = 0;
-static void signal_exit_handler(int signo) {
- if (++StopFlag > 2)
- exit(-1);
-void Error(const char *format, ...) {
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, format);
- printf("Error %i: ", errno);
- vprintf(format, ap);
- if (errno) printf("\n errno: %s", strerror(errno));
- printf("\n\n");
- va_end(ap);
- exit(-1);
-void Silence(const char *format, ...) {
-void List(pcilib_t *handle, pcilib_model_description_t *model_info, const char *bank, int details) {
- int i,j;
- pcilib_register_bank_description_t *banks;
- pcilib_register_description_t *registers;
- pcilib_event_description_t *events;
- pcilib_event_data_type_description_t *types;
- const pcilib_board_info_t *board_info = pcilib_get_board_info(handle);
- const pcilib_dma_info_t *dma_info = pcilib_get_dma_info(handle);
- for (i = 0; i < PCILIB_MAX_BANKS; i++) {
- if (board_info->bar_length[i] > 0) {
- printf(" BAR %d - ", i);
- switch ( board_info->bar_flags[i]&IORESOURCE_TYPE_BITS) {
- case IORESOURCE_IO: printf(" IO"); break;
- case IORESOURCE_MEM: printf("MEM"); break;
- case IORESOURCE_IRQ: printf("IRQ"); break;
- case IORESOURCE_DMA: printf("DMA"); break;
- }
- if (board_info->bar_flags[i]&IORESOURCE_MEM_64) printf("64");
- else printf("32");
- printf(", Start: 0x%08lx, Length: 0x%8lx, Flags: 0x%08lx\n", board_info->bar_start[i], board_info->bar_length[i], board_info->bar_flags[i] );
- }
- }
- printf("\n");
- if ((dma_info)&&(dma_info->engines)) {
- printf("DMA Engines: \n");
- for (i = 0; dma_info->engines[i]; i++) {
- pcilib_dma_engine_description_t *engine = dma_info->engines[i];
- printf(" DMA %2d ", engine->addr);
- switch (engine->direction) {
- printf("C2S");
- break;
- printf("S2C");
- break;
- printf("BI ");
- break;
- }
- printf(" - Type: ");
- switch (engine->type) {
- printf("Block");
- break;
- printf("Packet");
- break;
- default:
- printf("Unknown");
- }
- printf(", Address Width: %02lu bits\n", engine->addr_bits);
- }
- printf("\n");
- }
- if ((bank)&&(bank != (char*)-1)) banks = NULL;
- else banks = model_info->banks;
- if (banks) {
- printf("Banks: \n");
- for (i = 0; banks[i].access; i++) {
- printf(" 0x%02x %s", banks[i].addr, banks[i].name);
- if ((banks[i].description)&&(banks[i].description[0])) {
- printf(": %s", banks[i].description);
- }
- printf("\n");
- }
- printf("\n");
- }
- if (bank == (char*)-1) registers = NULL;
- else registers = model_info->registers;
- if (registers) {
- pcilib_register_bank_addr_t bank_addr = 0;
- if (bank) {
- pcilib_register_bank_t bank_id = pcilib_find_bank(handle, bank);
- pcilib_register_bank_description_t *b = model_info->banks + bank_id;
- bank_addr = b->addr;
- if (b->description) printf("%s:\n", b->description);
- else if (b->name) printf("Registers of bank %s:\n", b->name);
- else printf("Registers of bank 0x%x:\n", b->addr);
- } else {
- printf("Registers: \n");
- }
- for (i = 0; registers[i].bits; i++) {
- const char *mode;
- if ((bank)&&(registers[i].bank != bank_addr)) continue;
- if (registers[i].type == PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS) {
- if (!details) continue;
- if (registers[i].bits > 1) {
- printf(" [%2u:%2u] - %s\n", registers[i].offset, registers[i].offset + registers[i].bits, registers[i].name);
- } else {
- printf(" [ %2u] - %s\n", registers[i].offset, registers[i].name);
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (registers[i].mode == PCILIB_REGISTER_RW) mode = "RW";
- else if (registers[i].mode == PCILIB_REGISTER_R) mode = "R ";
- else if (registers[i].mode == PCILIB_REGISTER_W) mode = " W";
- else mode = " ";
- printf(" 0x%02x (%2i %s) %s", registers[i].addr, registers[i].bits, mode, registers[i].name);
- if ((details > 0)&&(registers[i].description)&&(registers[i].description[0])) {
- printf(": %s", registers[i].description);
- }
- printf("\n");
- }
- printf("\n");
- }
- if (bank == (char*)-1) events = NULL;
- else {
- events = model_info->events;
- types = model_info->data_types;
- }
- if (events) {
- printf("Events: \n");
- for (i = 0; events[i].name; i++) {
- printf(" %s", events[i].name);
- if ((events[i].description)&&(events[i].description[0])) {
- printf(": %s", events[i].description);
- }
- if (types) {
- for (j = 0; types[j].name; j++) {
- if (types[j].evid & events[i].evid) {
- printf("\n %s", types[j].name);
- if ((types[j].description)&&(types[j].description[0])) {
- printf(": %s", types[j].description);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- printf("\n");
- }
-void Info(pcilib_t *handle, pcilib_model_description_t *model_info) {
- const pcilib_board_info_t *board_info = pcilib_get_board_info(handle);
- printf("Vendor: %x, Device: %x, Bus: %x, Slot: %x, Function: %x\n", board_info->vendor_id, board_info->device_id, board_info->bus, board_info->slot, board_info->func);
- printf(" Interrupt - Pin: %i, Line: %i\n", board_info->interrupt_pin, board_info->interrupt_line);
- List(handle, model_info, (char*)-1, 0);
-#define BENCH_MAX_DMA_SIZE 4 * 1024 * 1024
-#define BENCH_MAX_FIFO_SIZE 1024 * 1024
-int Benchmark(pcilib_t *handle, ACCESS_MODE mode, pcilib_dma_engine_addr_t dma, pcilib_bar_t bar, uintptr_t addr, size_t n, access_t access, size_t iterations) {
- int err;
- int i, j, errors;
- void *data, *buf, *check;
- void *fifo = NULL;
- struct timeval start, end;
- unsigned long time;
- size_t size, min_size, max_size;
- double mbs_in, mbs_out, mbs;
- size_t irqs;
- const pcilib_board_info_t *board_info = pcilib_get_board_info(handle);
- if (mode == ACCESS_CONFIG)
- Error("No benchmarking of configuration space acess is allowed");
- if (mode == ACCESS_DMA) {
- if (n) {
- min_size = n * access;
- max_size = n * access;
- } else {
- min_size = 1024;
- max_size = BENCH_MAX_DMA_SIZE;
- }
- for (size = min_size; size <= max_size; size *= 4) {
- mbs_in = pcilib_benchmark_dma(handle, dma, addr, size, iterations, PCILIB_DMA_FROM_DEVICE);
- mbs_out = pcilib_benchmark_dma(handle, dma, addr, size, iterations, PCILIB_DMA_TO_DEVICE);
- mbs = pcilib_benchmark_dma(handle, dma, addr, size, iterations, PCILIB_DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL);
- err = pcilib_wait_irq(handle, 0, 0, &irqs);
- if (err) irqs = 0;
- printf("%8zu KB - ", size / 1024);
- printf("RW: ");
- if (mbs < 0) printf("failed ... ");
- else printf("%8.2lf MB/s", mbs);
- printf(", R: ");
- if (mbs_in < 0) printf("failed ... ");
- else printf("%8.2lf MB/s", mbs_in);
- printf(", W: ");
- if (mbs_out < 0) printf("failed ... ");
- else printf("%8.2lf MB/s", mbs_out);
- if (irqs) {
- printf(", IRQs: %lu", irqs);
- }
- printf("\n");
- }
- return 0;
- }
- if (bar == PCILIB_BAR_INVALID) {
- unsigned long maxlength = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < PCILIB_MAX_BANKS; i++) {
- if ((addr >= board_info->bar_start[i])&&((board_info->bar_start[i] + board_info->bar_length[i]) >= (addr + access))) {
- bar = i;
- break;
- }
- if (board_info->bar_length[i] > maxlength) {
- maxlength = board_info->bar_length[i];
- bar = i;
- }
- }
- if (bar < 0) Error("Data banks are not available");
- }
- if (n) {
- if ((mode == ACCESS_BAR)&&(n * access > board_info->bar_length[bar])) Error("The specified size (%i) exceeds the size of bar (%i)", n * access, board_info->bar_length[bar]);
- min_size = n * access;
- max_size = n * access;
- } else {
- min_size = access;
- if (mode == ACCESS_BAR) max_size = board_info->bar_length[bar];
- else max_size = BENCH_MAX_FIFO_SIZE;
- }
- err = posix_memalign( (void**)&buf, 256, max_size );
- if (!err) err = posix_memalign( (void**)&check, 256, max_size );
- if ((err)||(!buf)||(!check)) Error("Allocation of %i bytes of memory have failed", max_size);
- data = pcilib_map_bar(handle, bar);
- if (!data) Error("Can't map bar %i", bar);
- if (mode == ACCESS_FIFO) {
- fifo = data + (addr - board_info->bar_start[bar]) + (board_info->bar_start[bar] & pcilib_get_page_mask());
-// pcilib_resolve_register_address(handle, bar, addr);
- if (!fifo) Error("Can't resolve address (%lx) in bar (%u)", addr, bar);
- }
- if (mode == ACCESS_FIFO)
- printf("Transfer time (Bank: %i, Fifo: %lx):\n", bar, addr);
- else
- printf("Transfer time (Bank: %i):\n", bar);
- for (size = min_size ; size < max_size; size *= 8) {
- gettimeofday(&start,NULL);
- if (mode == ACCESS_BAR) {
- for (i = 0; i < BENCHMARK_ITERATIONS; i++) {
- pcilib_memcpy(buf, data, size);
- }
- } else {
- for (i = 0; i < BENCHMARK_ITERATIONS; i++) {
- for (j = 0; j < (size/access); j++) {
- pcilib_memcpy(buf + j * access, fifo, access);
- }
- }
- }
- gettimeofday(&end,NULL);
- time = (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec)*1000000 + (end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec);
- printf("%8zu bytes - read: %8.2lf MB/s", size, 1000000. * size * BENCHMARK_ITERATIONS / (time * 1024. * 1024.));
- fflush(0);
- gettimeofday(&start,NULL);
- if (mode == ACCESS_BAR) {
- for (i = 0; i < BENCHMARK_ITERATIONS; i++) {
- pcilib_memcpy(data, buf, size);
- }
- } else {
- for (i = 0; i < BENCHMARK_ITERATIONS; i++) {
- for (j = 0; j < (size/access); j++) {
- pcilib_memcpy(fifo, buf + j * access, access);
- }
- }
- }
- gettimeofday(&end,NULL);
- time = (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec)*1000000 + (end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec);
- printf(", write: %8.2lf MB/s\n", 1000000. * size * BENCHMARK_ITERATIONS / (time * 1024. * 1024.));
- }
- pcilib_unmap_bar(handle, bar, data);
- printf("\n\nOpen-Transfer-Close time: \n");
- for (size = 4 ; size < max_size; size *= 8) {
- gettimeofday(&start,NULL);
- if (mode == ACCESS_BAR) {
- for (i = 0; i < BENCHMARK_ITERATIONS; i++) {
- pcilib_read(handle, bar, 0, size, buf);
- }
- } else {
- for (i = 0; i < BENCHMARK_ITERATIONS; i++) {
- pcilib_read_fifo(handle, bar, addr, access, size / access, buf);
- }
- }
- gettimeofday(&end,NULL);
- time = (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec)*1000000 + (end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec);
- printf("%8zu bytes - read: %8.2lf MB/s", size, 1000000. * size * BENCHMARK_ITERATIONS / (time * 1024. * 1024.));
- fflush(0);
- gettimeofday(&start,NULL);
- if (mode == ACCESS_BAR) {
- for (i = 0; i < BENCHMARK_ITERATIONS; i++) {
- pcilib_write(handle, bar, 0, size, buf);
- }
- } else {
- for (i = 0; i < BENCHMARK_ITERATIONS; i++) {
- pcilib_write_fifo(handle, bar, addr, access, size / access, buf);
- }
- }
- gettimeofday(&end,NULL);
- time = (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec)*1000000 + (end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec);
- printf(", write: %8.2lf MB/s", 1000000. * size * BENCHMARK_ITERATIONS / (time * 1024. * 1024.));
- if (mode == ACCESS_BAR) {
- gettimeofday(&start,NULL);
- for (i = 0, errors = 0; i < BENCHMARK_ITERATIONS; i++) {
- pcilib_write(handle, bar, 0, size, buf);
- pcilib_read(handle, bar, 0, size, check);
- if (memcmp(buf, check, size)) ++errors;
- }
- gettimeofday(&end,NULL);
- time = (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec)*1000000 + (end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec);
- printf(", write-verify: %8.2lf MB/s", 1000000. * size * BENCHMARK_ITERATIONS / (time * 1024. * 1024.));
- if (errors) printf(", errors: %u of %u", errors, BENCHMARK_ITERATIONS);
- }
- printf("\n");
- }
- printf("\n\n");
- free(check);
- free(buf);
- return 0;
-#define pci2host16(endianess, value) endianess?
-typedef struct {
- size_t size;
- void *data;
- size_t pos;
- int multi_mode;
-} DMACallbackContext;
-static int DMACallback(void *arg, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags, size_t bufsize, void *buf) {
- DMACallbackContext *ctx = (DMACallbackContext*)arg;
- if ((ctx->pos + bufsize > ctx->size)||(!ctx->data)) {
- ctx->size *= 2;
- ctx->data = realloc(ctx->data, ctx->size);
- if (!ctx->data) {
- Error("Allocation of %i bytes of memory have failed", ctx->size);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- memcpy(ctx->data + ctx->pos, buf, bufsize);
- ctx->pos += bufsize;
- if (flags & PCILIB_DMA_FLAG_EOP) return 0;
- return 1;
-int ReadData(pcilib_t *handle, ACCESS_MODE mode, FLAGS flags, pcilib_dma_engine_addr_t dma, pcilib_bar_t bar, uintptr_t addr, size_t n, access_t access, int endianess, size_t timeout, FILE *o) {
- void *buf;
- int i, err;
- size_t ret, bytes;
- size_t size = n * abs(access);
- int block_width, blocks_per_line;
- int numbers_per_block, numbers_per_line;
- pcilib_dma_engine_t dmaid;
- pcilib_dma_flags_t dma_flags = 0;
- int fd;
- char stmp[256];
- struct stat st;
- const pcilib_board_info_t *board_info;
- numbers_per_block = BLOCK_SIZE / access;
- block_width = numbers_per_block * ((access * 2) + SEPARATOR_WIDTH);
- blocks_per_line = (LINE_WIDTH - 10) / (block_width + BLOCK_SEPARATOR_WIDTH);
- if ((blocks_per_line > 1)&&(blocks_per_line % 2)) --blocks_per_line;
- numbers_per_line = blocks_per_line * numbers_per_block;
- if (size) {
- buf = malloc(size);
- if (!buf) Error("Allocation of %zu bytes of memory has failed", size);
- } else {
- buf = NULL;
- }
- switch (mode) {
- case ACCESS_DMA:
- if (timeout == (size_t)-1) timeout = PCILIB_DMA_TIMEOUT;
- dmaid = pcilib_find_dma_by_addr(handle, PCILIB_DMA_FROM_DEVICE, dma);
- if (dmaid == PCILIB_DMA_ENGINE_INVALID) Error("Invalid DMA engine (%lu) is specified", dma);
- if (flags&FLAG_WAIT) dma_flags |= PCILIB_DMA_FLAG_WAIT;
- if (size) {
- err = pcilib_read_dma_custom(handle, dmaid, addr, size, dma_flags, timeout, buf, &bytes);
- if (err) Error("Error (%i) is reported by DMA engine", err);
- } else {
- size = 2048; bytes = 0;
- do {
- size *= 2;
- buf = realloc(buf, size);
- if (!buf) Error("Allocation of %zu bytes of memory has failed", size);
- err = pcilib_read_dma_custom(handle, dmaid, addr, size - bytes, dma_flags, timeout, buf + bytes, &ret);
- bytes += ret;
- if ((!err)&&(flags&FLAG_MULTIPACKET)) {
- if ((flags&FLAG_WAIT)==0) timeout = 0;
- }
- } while (err == PCILIB_ERROR_TOOBIG);
- }
- if ((err)&&(err != PCILIB_ERROR_TIMEOUT)) {
- Error("Error (%i) during DMA read", err);
- }
- if (bytes <= 0) {
- pcilib_warning("No data is returned by DMA engine");
- return 0;
- }
- size = bytes;
- n = bytes / abs(access);
- addr = 0;
- break;
- pcilib_read_fifo(handle, bar, addr, access, n, buf);
- addr = 0;
- break;
- board_info = pcilib_get_board_info(handle);
- sprintf(stmp, "/sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:%02x:%02x.%1x/config", board_info->bus, board_info->slot, board_info->func);
- fd = open(stmp, O_RDONLY);
- if ((!fd)||(fstat(fd, &st))) Error("Can't open %s", stmp);
- if (st.st_size < addr)
- Error("Access beyond the end of PCI configuration space");
- if (st.st_size < (addr + size)) {
- n = (st.st_size - addr) / abs(access);
- size = n * abs(access);
- if (!n) Error("Access beyond the end of PCI configuration space");
- }
- lseek(fd, addr, SEEK_SET);
- ret = read(fd, buf, size);
- if (ret == (size_t)-1) Error("Error reading %s", stmp);
- if (ret < size) {
- size = ret;
- n = ret / abs(access);
- }
- close(fd);
- break;
- default:
- pcilib_read(handle, bar, addr, size, buf);
- }
- if (endianess) pcilib_swap(buf, buf, abs(access), n);
- if (o) {
- printf("Writting output (%zu bytes) to file (append to the end)...\n", n * abs(access));
- fwrite(buf, abs(access), n, o);
- } else {
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- if (i) {
- if (i%numbers_per_line == 0) printf("\n");
- else {
- printf("%*s", SEPARATOR_WIDTH, "");
- if (i%numbers_per_block == 0) printf("%*s", BLOCK_SEPARATOR_WIDTH, "");
- }
- }
- if (i%numbers_per_line == 0) printf("%8lx: ", addr + i * abs(access));
- switch (access) {
- case 1: printf("%0*hhx", access * 2, ((uint8_t*)buf)[i]); break;
- case 2: printf("%0*hx", access * 2, ((uint16_t*)buf)[i]); break;
- case 4: printf("%0*x", access * 2, ((uint32_t*)buf)[i]); break;
- case 8: printf("%0*lx", access * 2, ((uint64_t*)buf)[i]); break;
- }
- }
- printf("\n\n");
- }
- free(buf);
- return 0;
-int ReadRegister(pcilib_t *handle, pcilib_model_description_t *model_info, const char *bank, const char *reg) {
- int i;
- int err;
- const char *format;
- pcilib_register_bank_t bank_id;
- pcilib_register_bank_addr_t bank_addr = 0;
- pcilib_register_value_t value;
- if (reg) {
- pcilib_register_t regid = pcilib_find_register(handle, bank, reg);
- bank_id = pcilib_find_bank_by_addr(handle, model_info->registers[regid].bank);
- format = model_info->banks[bank_id].format;
- if (!format) format = "%lu";
- err = pcilib_read_register_by_id(handle, regid, &value);
- // err = pcilib_read_register(handle, bank, reg, &value);
- if (err) printf("Error reading register %s\n", reg);
- else {
- printf("%s = ", reg);
- printf(format, value);
- printf("\n");
- }
- } else {
- // Adding DMA registers
- pcilib_get_dma_info(handle);
- if (model_info->registers) {
- if (bank) {
- bank_id = pcilib_find_bank(handle, bank);
- bank_addr = model_info->banks[bank_id].addr;
- }
- printf("Registers:\n");
- for (i = 0; model_info->registers[i].bits; i++) {
- if ((model_info->registers[i].mode & PCILIB_REGISTER_R)&&((!bank)||(model_info->registers[i].bank == bank_addr))&&(model_info->registers[i].type != PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS)) {
- bank_id = pcilib_find_bank_by_addr(handle, model_info->registers[i].bank);
- format = model_info->banks[bank_id].format;
- if (!format) format = "%lu";
- err = pcilib_read_register_by_id(handle, i, &value);
- if (err) printf(" %s = error reading value", model_info->registers[i].name);
- else {
- printf(" %s = ", model_info->registers[i].name);
- printf(format, value);
- }
- printf(" [");
- printf(format, model_info->registers[i].defvalue);
- printf("]");
- printf("\n");
- }
- }
- } else {
- printf("No registers");
- }
- printf("\n");
- }
- return 0;
-#define WRITE_REGVAL(buf, n, access, o) {\
- uint##access##_t tbuf[n]; \
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { \
- tbuf[i] = (uint##access##_t)buf[i]; \
- } \
- fwrite(tbuf, access/8, n, o); \
-int ReadRegisterRange(pcilib_t *handle, pcilib_model_description_t *model_info, const char *bank, uintptr_t addr, long addr_shift, size_t n, FILE *o) {
- int err;
- int i;
- pcilib_register_bank_description_t *banks = model_info->banks;
- pcilib_register_bank_t bank_id = pcilib_find_bank(handle, bank);
- if (bank) Error("Invalid register bank is specified (%s)", bank);
- else Error("Register bank should be specified");
- }
- int access = banks[bank_id].access / 8;
-// int size = n * abs(access);
- int block_width, blocks_per_line;
- int numbers_per_block, numbers_per_line;
- numbers_per_block = BLOCK_SIZE / access;
- block_width = numbers_per_block * ((access * 2) + SEPARATOR_WIDTH);
- blocks_per_line = (LINE_WIDTH - 6) / (block_width + BLOCK_SEPARATOR_WIDTH);
- if ((blocks_per_line > 1)&&(blocks_per_line % 2)) --blocks_per_line;
- numbers_per_line = blocks_per_line * numbers_per_block;
- pcilib_register_value_t buf[n];
- err = pcilib_read_register_space(handle, bank, addr, n, buf);
- if (err) Error("Error reading register space for bank \"%s\" at address %lx, size %lu", bank?bank:"default", addr, n);
- if (o) {
- printf("Writting output (%zu bytes) to file (append to the end)...\n", n * abs(access));
- switch (access) {
- case 1: WRITE_REGVAL(buf, n, 8, o) break;
- case 2: WRITE_REGVAL(buf, n, 16, o) break;
- case 4: WRITE_REGVAL(buf, n, 32, o) break;
- case 8: WRITE_REGVAL(buf, n, 64, o) break;
- }
- } else {
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- if (i) {
- if (i%numbers_per_line == 0) printf("\n");
- else {
- printf("%*s", SEPARATOR_WIDTH, "");
- if (i%numbers_per_block == 0) printf("%*s", BLOCK_SEPARATOR_WIDTH, "");
- }
- }
- if (i%numbers_per_line == 0) printf("%4lx: ", addr + 4 * i - addr_shift);
- printf("%0*lx", access * 2, (unsigned long)buf[i]);
- }
- printf("\n\n");
- }
- return 0;
-int WriteData(pcilib_t *handle, ACCESS_MODE mode, pcilib_dma_engine_addr_t dma, pcilib_bar_t bar, uintptr_t addr, size_t n, access_t access, int endianess, char ** data, int verify) {
- int read_back = 0;
- void *buf, *check;
- int res = 0, i, err;
- int size = n * abs(access);
- size_t ret;
- pcilib_dma_engine_t dmaid;
- if (mode == ACCESS_CONFIG)
- Error("Writting to PCI configuration space is not supported");
- err = posix_memalign( (void**)&buf, 256, size );
- if (!err) err = posix_memalign( (void**)&check, 256, size );
- if ((err)||(!buf)||(!check)) Error("Allocation of %i bytes of memory have failed", size);
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- switch (access) {
- case 1: res = sscanf(data[i], "%hhx", ((uint8_t*)buf)+i); break;
- case 2: res = sscanf(data[i], "%hx", ((uint16_t*)buf)+i); break;
- case 4: res = sscanf(data[i], "%x", ((uint32_t*)buf)+i); break;
- case 8: res = sscanf(data[i], "%lx", ((uint64_t*)buf)+i); break;
- default: Error("Unexpected data size (%lu)", access);
- }
- if ((res != 1)||(!isxnumber(data[i]))) Error("Can't parse data value at poition %i, (%s) is not valid hex number", i, data[i]);
- }
- if (endianess) pcilib_swap(buf, buf, abs(access), n);
- switch (mode) {
- case ACCESS_DMA:
- dmaid = pcilib_find_dma_by_addr(handle, PCILIB_DMA_TO_DEVICE, dma);
- if (dmaid == PCILIB_DMA_ENGINE_INVALID) Error("Invalid DMA engine (%lu) is specified", dma);
- err = pcilib_write_dma(handle, dmaid, addr, size, buf, &ret);
- if ((err)||(ret != size)) {
- if (err == PCILIB_ERROR_TIMEOUT) Error("Timeout writting the data to DMA");
- else if (err) Error("DMA engine returned a error while writing the data");
- else if (!ret) Error("No data is written by DMA engine");
- else Error("Only %lu bytes of %lu is written by DMA engine", ret, size);
- }
- break;
- pcilib_write_fifo(handle, bar, addr, access, n, buf);
- break;
- default:
- pcilib_write(handle, bar, addr, size, buf);
- if (verify) {
- pcilib_read(handle, bar, addr, size, check);
- read_back = 1;
- }
- }
- if ((read_back)&&(memcmp(buf, check, size))) {
- printf("Write failed: the data written and read differ, the foolowing is read back:\n");
- if (endianess) pcilib_swap(check, check, abs(access), n);
- ReadData(handle, mode, 0, dma, bar, addr, n, access, endianess, (size_t)-1, NULL);
- exit(-1);
- }
- free(check);
- free(buf);
- return 0;
-int WriteRegisterRange(pcilib_t *handle, pcilib_model_description_t *model_info, const char *bank, uintptr_t addr, long addr_shift, size_t n, char ** data) {
- pcilib_register_value_t *buf, *check;
- int res, i, err;
- unsigned long value;
- int size = n * sizeof(pcilib_register_value_t);
- err = posix_memalign( (void**)&buf, 256, size );
- if (!err) err = posix_memalign( (void**)&check, 256, size );
- if ((err)||(!buf)||(!check)) Error("Allocation of %i bytes of memory have failed", size);
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- res = sscanf(data[i], "%lx", &value);
- if ((res != 1)||(!isxnumber(data[i]))) Error("Can't parse data value at poition %i, (%s) is not valid hex number", i, data[i]);
- buf[i] = value;
- }
- err = pcilib_write_register_space(handle, bank, addr, n, buf);
- if (err) Error("Error writting register space for bank \"%s\" at address %lx, size %lu", bank?bank:"default", addr, n);
- err = pcilib_read_register_space(handle, bank, addr, n, check);
- if (err) Error("Error reading register space for bank \"%s\" at address %lx, size %lu", bank?bank:"default", addr, n);
- if (memcmp(buf, check, size)) {
- printf("Write failed: the data written and read differ, the foolowing is read back:\n");
- ReadRegisterRange(handle, model_info, bank, addr, addr_shift, n, NULL);
- exit(-1);
- }
- free(check);
- free(buf);
- return 0;
-int WriteRegister(pcilib_t *handle, pcilib_model_description_t *model_info, const char *bank, const char *reg, char ** data) {
- int err;
- unsigned long val;
- pcilib_register_value_t value;
- const char *format = NULL;
- pcilib_register_t regid = pcilib_find_register(handle, bank, reg);
- if (regid == PCILIB_REGISTER_INVALID) Error("Can't find register (%s) from bank (%s)", reg, bank?bank:"autodetected");
- pcilib_register_bank_t bank_id;
- pcilib_register_bank_addr_t bank_addr;
- bank_id = pcilib_find_bank_by_addr(handle, model_info->registers[regid].bank);
- if (bank_id == PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_INVALID) Error("Can't find bank of the register (%s)", reg);
- format = model_info->banks[bank_id].format;
- if (!format) format = "%lu";
- if (isnumber(*data)) {
- if (sscanf(*data, "%li", &val) != 1) {
- Error("Can't parse data value (%s) is not valid decimal number", *data);
- }
- format = "%li";
- } else if (isxnumber(*data)) {
- if (sscanf(*data, "%lx", &val) != 1) {
- Error("Can't parse data value (%s) is not valid decimal number", *data);
- }
- format = "0x%lx";
- } else {
- Error("Can't parse data value (%s) is not valid decimal number", *data);
- }
- value = val;
- err = pcilib_write_register(handle, bank, reg, value);
- if (err) Error("Error writting register %s\n", reg);
- if ((model_info->registers[regid].mode&PCILIB_REGISTER_RW) == PCILIB_REGISTER_RW) {
- err = pcilib_read_register(handle, bank, reg, &value);
- if (err) Error("Error reading back register %s for verification\n", reg);
- if (val != value) {
- Error("Failed to write register %s: %lu is written and %lu is read back", reg, val, value);
- } else {
- printf("%s = ", reg);
- printf(format, value);
- printf("\n");
- }
- } else {
- printf("%s is written\n ", reg);
- }
- return 0;
-typedef struct {
- pcilib_t *handle;
- pcilib_event_t event;
- pcilib_event_data_type_t data;
- fastwriter_t *writer;
- int verbose;
- pcilib_timeout_t timeout;
- size_t run_time;
- size_t trigger_time;
- size_t max_triggers;
- pcilib_event_flags_t flags;
- FORMAT format;
- volatile int event_pending; /**< Used to detect that we have read previously triggered event */
- volatile int trigger_thread_started; /**< Indicates that trigger thread is ready and we can't procced to start event recording */
- volatile int started; /**< Indicates that recording is started */
- volatile int run_flag;
- volatile int writing_flag;
- struct timeval first_frame;
- struct timeval last_frame;
- size_t last_num;
- size_t trigger_failed;
- size_t trigger_count;
- size_t event_count;
- size_t incomplete_count;
- size_t broken_count;
- size_t missing_count;
- size_t storage_count;
- struct timeval start_time;
- struct timeval stop_time;
-} GRABContext;
-int GrabCallback(pcilib_event_id_t event_id, pcilib_event_info_t *info, void *user) {
- int err = 0;
- void *data;
- size_t size;
- GRABContext *ctx = (GRABContext*)user;
- pcilib_t *handle = ctx->handle;
- gettimeofday(&ctx->last_frame, NULL);
- if (!ctx->event_count) {
- memcpy(&ctx->first_frame, &ctx->last_frame, sizeof(struct timeval));
- }
- ctx->event_pending = 0;
- ctx->event_count++;
- if (ctx->last_num)
- ctx->missing_count += (info->seqnum - ctx->last_num) - 1;
- ctx->last_num = info->seqnum;
- if (info->flags&PCILIB_EVENT_INFO_FLAG_BROKEN) {
- ctx->incomplete_count++;
- }
- switch (ctx->format) {
- data = pcilib_get_data(handle, event_id, PCILIB_EVENT_DATA, &size);
- break;
- default:
- data = pcilib_get_data(handle, event_id, PCILIB_EVENT_RAW_DATA, &size);
- }
- if (!data) {
- ctx->broken_count++;
- }
- if (ctx->format == FORMAT_HEADER) {
- uint64_t header[8];
- header[0] = info->type;
- header[1] = ctx->data;
- header[2] = 0;
- header[3] = size;
- header[4] = info->seqnum;
- header[5] = info->offset;
- memcpy(header + 6, &info->timestamp, 16);
- err = fastwriter_push(ctx->writer, 64, header);
- }
- if (!err)
- err = fastwriter_push(ctx->writer, size, data);
- if (err) {
- fastwriter_cancel(ctx->writer);
- if (err != EWOULDBLOCK)
- Error("Storage error %i", err);
- ctx->storage_count++;
- pcilib_return_data(handle, event_id, ctx->data, data);
- }
- err = pcilib_return_data(handle, event_id, ctx->data, data);
- if (err) {
- ctx->missing_count++;
- fastwriter_cancel(ctx->writer);
- }
- err = fastwriter_commit(ctx->writer);
- if (err) Error("Error commiting data to storage, Error: %i", err);
-int raw_data(pcilib_event_id_t event_id, pcilib_event_info_t *info, pcilib_event_flags_t flags, size_t size, void *data, void *user) {
- int err;
- GRABContext *ctx = (GRABContext*)user;
-// pcilib_t *handle = ctx->handle;
- if ((info)&&(info->seqnum != ctx->last_num)) {
- gettimeofday(&ctx->last_frame, NULL);
- if (!ctx->event_count) {
- memcpy(&ctx->first_frame, &ctx->last_frame, sizeof(struct timeval));
- }
- ctx->event_count++;
- ctx->missing_count += (info->seqnum - ctx->last_num) - 1;
- ctx->last_num = info->seqnum;
- }
- err = fastwriter_push_data(ctx->writer, size, data);
- if (err) {
- if (err == EWOULDBLOCK) Error("Storage is not able to handle the data stream, buffer overrun");
- Error("Storage error %i", err);
- }
-void *Trigger(void *user) {
- int err;
- struct timeval start;
- GRABContext *ctx = (GRABContext*)user;
- size_t trigger_time = ctx->trigger_time;
- size_t max_triggers = ctx->max_triggers;
- ctx->trigger_thread_started = 1;
- ctx->event_pending = 1;
- while (!ctx->started) ;
- gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
- do {
- err = pcilib_trigger(ctx->handle, ctx->event, 0, NULL);
- if (err) ctx->trigger_failed++;
- if ((++ctx->trigger_count == max_triggers)&&(max_triggers)) break;
- if (trigger_time) {
- pcilib_add_timeout(&start, trigger_time);
- if ((ctx->stop_time.tv_sec)&&(pcilib_timecmp(&start, &ctx->stop_time)>0)) break;
- pcilib_sleep_until_deadline(&start);
- } else {
- while ((ctx->event_pending)&&(ctx->run_flag)) usleep(10);
- ctx->event_pending = 1;
- }
- } while (ctx->run_flag);
- ctx->trigger_thread_started = 0;
- return NULL;
-void GrabStats(GRABContext *ctx, struct timeval *end_time) {
- int verbose;
- pcilib_timeout_t duration, fps_duration;
- struct timeval cur;
- double fps = 0, good_fps = 0;
- size_t total, good, pending = 0;
- verbose = ctx->verbose;
- if (end_time) {
- if (verbose++) {
- printf("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- }
- } else {
- gettimeofday(&cur, NULL);
- end_time = &cur;
- }
-// if ((ctx->event_count + ctx->missing_count) == 0)
-// return;
- duration = pcilib_timediff(&ctx->start_time, end_time);
- fps_duration = pcilib_timediff(&ctx->first_frame, &ctx->last_frame);
- if (ctx->trigger_count) {
- total = ctx->trigger_count;
- pending = ctx->trigger_count - ctx->event_count - ctx->missing_count - ctx->trigger_failed;
- } else {
- total = ctx->event_count + ctx->missing_count;
- }
- good = ctx->event_count - ctx->broken_count - ctx->incomplete_count - ctx->storage_count;
- if (ctx->event_count > 1) {
- fps = (ctx->event_count - 1) / (1.*fps_duration/1000000);
- }
- if (good > 1) {
- good_fps = (good - 1) / (1.*fps_duration/1000000);
- }
- printf("Run: ");
- PrintTime(duration);
- if (ctx->trigger_count) {
- printf(", Triggers: ");
- PrintNumber(ctx->trigger_count);
- }
- printf(", Captured: ");
- PrintNumber(ctx->event_count);
- printf(" FPS %5.0lf", fps);
- if ((ctx->flags&PCILIB_EVENT_FLAG_RAW_DATA_ONLY) == 0) {
- printf(", Stored: ");
- PrintNumber(good);
- printf(" FPS %5.0lf", good_fps);
- }
- printf("\n");
- if (verbose > 2) {
- if (ctx->trigger_count) {
- printf("Trig: ");
- PrintNumber(ctx->trigger_count);
- printf(" Issued: ");
- PrintNumber(ctx->trigger_count - ctx->trigger_failed);
- printf(" (");
- PrintPercent(ctx->trigger_count - ctx->trigger_failed, ctx->trigger_count);
- printf("%%) Failed: ");
- PrintNumber(ctx->trigger_failed);
- printf( " (");
- PrintPercent(ctx->trigger_failed, ctx->trigger_count);
- printf( "%%); Pending: ");
- PrintNumber(pending);
- printf( " (");
- PrintPercent(pending, ctx->trigger_count);
- printf( "%%)\n");
- }
- printf("Captured: ");
- PrintNumber(good);
- } else {
- printf("Good: ");
- PrintNumber(good);
- printf(", Dropped: ");
- PrintNumber(ctx->storage_count);
- printf(", Bad: ");
- PrintNumber(ctx->incomplete_count);
- printf(", Empty: ");
- PrintNumber(ctx->broken_count);
- }
- printf(", Lost: ");
- PrintNumber(ctx->missing_count);
- printf("\n");
- }
- if (verbose > 1) {
- printf("Captured: ");
- PrintPercent(good, total);
- } else {
- printf("Good: ");
- PrintPercent(good, total);
- printf("%% Dropped: ");
- PrintPercent(ctx->storage_count, total);
- printf("%% Bad: ");
- PrintPercent(ctx->incomplete_count, total);
- printf("%% Empty: ");
- PrintPercent(ctx->broken_count, total);
- }
- printf("%% Lost: ");
- PrintPercent(ctx->missing_count, total);
- printf("%%");
- printf("\n");
- }
-void StorageStats(GRABContext *ctx) {
- int err;
- fastwriter_stats_t st;
- pcilib_timeout_t duration;
- struct timeval cur;
- gettimeofday(&cur, NULL);
- duration = pcilib_timediff(&ctx->start_time, &cur);
- err = fastwriter_get_stats(ctx->writer, &st);
- if (err) return;
- printf("Wrote ");
- PrintSize(st.written);
- printf(" of ");
- PrintSize(st.commited);
- printf(" at ");
- PrintSize(1000000.*st.written / duration);
- printf("/s, %6.2lf%% ", 100.*st.buffer_used / st.buffer_size);
- printf(" of ");
- PrintSize(st.buffer_size);
- printf(" buffer (%6.2lf%% max)\n", 100.*st.buffer_max / st.buffer_size);
-void *Monitor(void *user) {
- struct timeval deadline;
- struct timeval nextinfo;
- GRABContext *ctx = (GRABContext*)user;
- int verbose = ctx->verbose;
- pcilib_timeout_t timeout = ctx->timeout;
- if (timeout == PCILIB_TIMEOUT_INFINITE) timeout = 0;
-// while (!ctx->started);
- if (timeout) {
- memcpy(&deadline, (struct timeval*)&ctx->last_frame, sizeof(struct timeval));
- pcilib_add_timeout(&deadline, timeout);
- }
- if (verbose > 0) {
- pcilib_calc_deadline(&nextinfo, STATUS_MESSAGE_INTERVAL*1000000);
- }
- while (ctx->run_flag) {
- if (StopFlag) {
- pcilib_stop(ctx->handle, PCILIB_EVENT_FLAG_STOP_ONLY);
- break;
- }
- if (timeout) {
- if (pcilib_calc_time_to_deadline(&deadline) == 0) {
- memcpy(&deadline, (struct timeval*)&ctx->last_frame, sizeof(struct timeval));
- pcilib_add_timeout(&deadline, timeout);
- if (pcilib_calc_time_to_deadline(&deadline) == 0) {
- pcilib_stop(ctx->handle, PCILIB_EVENT_FLAG_STOP_ONLY);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (verbose > 0) {
- if (pcilib_calc_time_to_deadline(&nextinfo) == 0) {
- GrabStats(ctx, NULL);
- StorageStats(ctx);
- pcilib_calc_deadline(&nextinfo, STATUS_MESSAGE_INTERVAL*1000000);
- }
- }
- usleep(100000);
- }
- pcilib_calc_deadline(&nextinfo, STATUS_MESSAGE_INTERVAL*1000000);
- while (ctx->writing_flag) {
- if (pcilib_calc_time_to_deadline(&nextinfo) == 0) {
- if (verbose >= 0) StorageStats(ctx);
- pcilib_calc_deadline(&nextinfo, STATUS_MESSAGE_INTERVAL*1000000);
- }
- usleep(100000);
- }
- return NULL;
-int TriggerAndGrab(pcilib_t *handle, GRAB_MODE grab_mode, const char *evname, const char *data_type, size_t num, size_t run_time, size_t trigger_time, pcilib_timeout_t timeout, PARTITION partition, FORMAT format, size_t buffer_size, size_t threads, int verbose, const char *output) {
- int err;
- GRABContext ctx;
-// void *data = NULL;
-// size_t size, written;
- pcilib_event_t event;
- pcilib_event_t listen_events;
- pcilib_event_data_type_t data;
- pthread_t monitor_thread;
- pthread_t trigger_thread;
- pthread_attr_t attr;
- struct sched_param sched;
- struct timeval end_time;
- pcilib_event_flags_t flags;
- if (evname) {
- event = pcilib_find_event(handle, evname);
- if (event == PCILIB_EVENT_INVALID)
- Error("Can't find event (%s)", evname);
- listen_events = event;
- } else {
- listen_events = PCILIB_EVENTS_ALL;
- event = PCILIB_EVENT0;
- }
- if (data_type) {
- data = pcilib_find_event_data_type(handle, event, data_type);
- Error("Can't find data type (%s)", data_type);
- } else {
- }
- memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(GRABContext));
- ctx.handle = handle;
- ctx.event = event;
- = data;
- ctx.run_time = run_time;
- ctx.timeout = timeout;
- ctx.format = format;
- if (grab_mode&GRAB_MODE_GRAB) ctx.verbose = verbose;
- else ctx.verbose = 0;
- if (grab_mode&GRAB_MODE_GRAB) {
- ctx.writer = fastwriter_init(output, 0);
- if (!ctx.writer)
- Error("Can't initialize fastwritter library");
- fastwriter_set_buffer_size(ctx.writer, buffer_size);
- err = fastwriter_open(ctx.writer, output, 0);
- if (err)
- Error("Error opening file (%s), Error: %i\n", output, err);
- ctx.writing_flag = 1;
- }
- ctx.run_flag = 1;
- if (data == PCILIB_EVENT_RAW_DATA) {
- if (format == FORMAT_RAW) {
- }
- } else {
- }
- ctx.flags = flags;
-// printf("Limits: %lu %lu %lu\n", num, run_time, timeout);
- pcilib_configure_autostop(handle, num, run_time);
- pcilib_configure_rawdata_callback(handle, &raw_data, &ctx);
- }
- pcilib_configure_preprocessing_threads(handle, threads);
- }
- if (grab_mode&GRAB_MODE_TRIGGER) {
- if (trigger_time) {
- if ((timeout)&&(trigger_time * 2 > timeout)) {
- timeout = 2 * trigger_time;
- ctx.timeout = timeout;
- }
- } else {
- // Otherwise, we will trigger next event after previous one is read
- if (((grab_mode&GRAB_MODE_GRAB) == 0)||(flags&PCILIB_EVENT_FLAG_RAW_DATA_ONLY)) trigger_time = PCILIB_TRIGGER_TIMEOUT;
- }
- ctx.max_triggers = num;
- ctx.trigger_count = 0;
- ctx.trigger_time = trigger_time;
- // We don't really care if RT priority is imposible
- pthread_attr_init(&attr);
- if (!pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&attr, SCHED_FIFO)) {
- sched.sched_priority = sched_get_priority_min(SCHED_FIFO);
- pthread_attr_setschedparam(&attr, &sched);
- }
- // Start triggering thread and wait until it is schedulled
- if (pthread_create(&trigger_thread, &attr, Trigger, (void*)&ctx))
- Error("Error spawning trigger thread");
- while (!ctx.trigger_thread_started) usleep(10);
- }
- gettimeofday(&ctx.start_time, NULL);
- if (grab_mode&GRAB_MODE_GRAB) {
- err = pcilib_start(handle, listen_events, flags);
- if (err) Error("Failed to start event engine, error %i", err);
- }
- ctx.started = 1;
- if (run_time) {
- ctx.stop_time.tv_usec = ctx.start_time.tv_usec + run_time%1000000;
- if (ctx.stop_time.tv_usec > 999999) {
- ctx.stop_time.tv_usec -= 1000000;
- __sync_synchronize();
- ctx.stop_time.tv_sec = ctx.start_time.tv_sec + 1 + run_time / 1000000;
- } else {
- __sync_synchronize();
- ctx.stop_time.tv_sec = ctx.start_time.tv_sec + run_time / 1000000;
- }
- }
- memcpy(&ctx.last_frame, &ctx.start_time, sizeof(struct timeval));
- if (pthread_create(&monitor_thread, NULL, Monitor, (void*)&ctx))
- Error("Error spawning monitoring thread");
- if (grab_mode&GRAB_MODE_GRAB) {
- err = pcilib_stream(handle, &GrabCallback, &ctx);
- if (err) Error("Error streaming events, error %i", err);
- }
- ctx.run_flag = 0;
- if (grab_mode&GRAB_MODE_TRIGGER) {
- while (ctx.trigger_thread_started) usleep(10);
- }
- if (grab_mode&GRAB_MODE_GRAB) {
- pcilib_stop(handle, PCILIB_EVENT_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
- }
- gettimeofday(&end_time, NULL);
- if (grab_mode&GRAB_MODE_TRIGGER) {
- pthread_join(trigger_thread, NULL);
- }
- if (grab_mode&GRAB_MODE_GRAB) {
- if (verbose >= 0)
- printf("Grabbing is finished, flushing results....\n");
- err = fastwriter_close(ctx.writer);
- if (err) Error("Storage problems, error %i", err);
- }
- ctx.writing_flag = 0;
- pthread_join(monitor_thread, NULL);
- if ((grab_mode&GRAB_MODE_GRAB)&&(verbose>=0)) {
- GrabStats(&ctx, &end_time);
- StorageStats(&ctx);
- }
- fastwriter_destroy(ctx.writer);
- return 0;
-int StartStopDMA(pcilib_t *handle, pcilib_model_description_t *model_info, pcilib_dma_engine_addr_t dma, pcilib_dma_direction_t dma_direction, int start) {
- int err;
- pcilib_dma_engine_t dmaid;
- const pcilib_dma_info_t *dma_info = pcilib_get_dma_info(handle);
- if (start) Error("DMA engine should be specified");
- for (dmaid = 0; dma_info->engines[dmaid]; dmaid++) {
- err = pcilib_start_dma(handle, dmaid, 0);
- if (err) Error("Error starting DMA Engine (%s %i)", ((dma_info->engines[dmaid]->direction == PCILIB_DMA_FROM_DEVICE)?"C2S":"S2C"), dma_info->engines[dmaid]->addr);
- err = pcilib_stop_dma(handle, dmaid, PCILIB_DMA_FLAG_PERSISTENT);
- if (err) Error("Error stopping DMA Engine (%s %i)", ((dma_info->engines[dmaid]->direction == PCILIB_DMA_FROM_DEVICE)?"C2S":"S2C"), dma_info->engines[dmaid]->addr);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- if (dma_direction&PCILIB_DMA_FROM_DEVICE) {
- dmaid = pcilib_find_dma_by_addr(handle, PCILIB_DMA_FROM_DEVICE, dma);
- if (dmaid == PCILIB_DMA_ENGINE_INVALID) Error("Invalid DMA engine (C2S %lu) is specified", dma);
- if (start) {
- err = pcilib_start_dma(handle, dmaid, PCILIB_DMA_FLAG_PERSISTENT);
- if (err) Error("Error starting DMA engine (C2S %lu)", dma);
- } else {
- err = pcilib_start_dma(handle, dmaid, 0);
- if (err) Error("Error starting DMA engine (C2S %lu)", dma);
- err = pcilib_stop_dma(handle, dmaid, PCILIB_DMA_FLAG_PERSISTENT);
- if (err) Error("Error stopping DMA engine (C2S %lu)", dma);
- }
- }
- if (dma_direction&PCILIB_DMA_TO_DEVICE) {
- dmaid = pcilib_find_dma_by_addr(handle, PCILIB_DMA_TO_DEVICE, dma);
- if (dmaid == PCILIB_DMA_ENGINE_INVALID) Error("Invalid DMA engine (S2C %lu) is specified", dma);
- if (start) {
- err = pcilib_start_dma(handle, dmaid, PCILIB_DMA_FLAG_PERSISTENT);
- if (err) Error("Error starting DMA engine (S2C %lu)", dma);
- } else {
- err = pcilib_start_dma(handle, dmaid, 0);
- if (err) Error("Error starting DMA engine (S2C %lu)", dma);
- err = pcilib_stop_dma(handle, dmaid, PCILIB_DMA_FLAG_PERSISTENT);
- if (err) Error("Error stopping DMA engine (S2C %lu)", dma);
- }
- }
- return 0;
-typedef struct {
- pcilib_kmem_use_t use;
- int referenced;
- int hw_lock;
- int reusable;
- int persistent;
- int open;
- size_t count;
- size_t size;
-} kmem_use_info_t;
-#define MAX_USES 64
-pcilib_kmem_use_t ParseUse(const char *use) {
- unsigned long utmp;
- if (use) {
- if ((!isxnumber(use))||(sscanf(use, "%lx", &utmp) != 1)) Error("Invalid use (%s) is specified", use);
- if (strlen(use) < 5)
- else
- return utmp;
- }
- Error("Kernel memory use is not specified");
- return 0;
-size_t FindUse(size_t *n_uses, kmem_use_info_t *uses, pcilib_kmem_use_t use) {
- size_t i, n = *n_uses;
- if (uses[n - 1].use == use) return n - 1;
- for (i = 1; i < (n - 1); i++) {
- if (uses[i].use == use) return i;
- }
- if (n == MAX_USES) return 0;
- uses[n].use = use;
- return (*n_uses)++;
-kmem_use_info_t *GetUse(size_t n_uses, kmem_use_info_t *uses, pcilib_kmem_use_t use) {
- size_t i;
- for (i = 0; i < n_uses; i++) {
- if (uses[i].use == use) {
- if (uses[i].count) return uses + i;
- else return NULL;
- }
- }
- return NULL;
-int ParseKMEM(pcilib_t *handle, const char *device, size_t *uses_number, kmem_use_info_t *uses) {
- DIR *dir;
- struct dirent *entry;
- const char *pos;
- char sysdir[256];
- char fname[256];
- char info[256];
- size_t useid, n_uses = 1; // Use 0 is for others
- memset(uses, 0, sizeof(uses));
- pos = strrchr(device, '/');
- if (pos) ++pos;
- else pos = device;
- snprintf(sysdir, 255, "/sys/class/fpga/%s", pos);
- dir = opendir(sysdir);
- if (!dir) Error("Can't open directory (%s)", sysdir);
- while ((entry = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
- FILE *f;
- unsigned long use = 0;
- unsigned long size = 0;
- unsigned long refs = 0;
- unsigned long mode = 0;
- unsigned long hwref = 0;
- if (strncmp(entry->d_name, "kbuf", 4)) continue;
- if (!isnumber(entry->d_name+4)) continue;
- snprintf(fname, 255, "%s/%s", sysdir, entry->d_name);
- f = fopen(fname, "r");
- if (!f) Error("Can't access file (%s)", fname);
- while(!feof(f)) {
- fgets(info, 256, f);
- if (!strncmp(info, "use:", 4)) use = strtoul(info+4, NULL, 16);
- if (!strncmp(info, "size:", 5)) size = strtoul(info+5, NULL, 10);
- if (!strncmp(info, "refs:", 5)) refs = strtoul(info+5, NULL, 10);
- if (!strncmp(info, "mode:", 5)) mode = strtoul(info+5, NULL, 16);
- if (!strncmp(info, "hw ref:", 7)) hwref = strtoul(info+7, NULL, 10);
- }
- fclose(f);
- useid = FindUse(&n_uses, uses, use);
- uses[useid].count++;
- uses[useid].size += size;
- if (refs) uses[useid].referenced = 1;
- if (hwref) uses[useid].hw_lock = 1;
- if (mode&KMEM_MODE_REUSABLE) uses[useid].reusable = 1;
- if (mode&KMEM_MODE_PERSISTENT) uses[useid].persistent = 1;
- if (mode&KMEM_MODE_COUNT) uses[useid].open = 1;
- }
- closedir(dir);
- *uses_number = n_uses;
- return 0;
-int ListKMEM(pcilib_t *handle, const char *device) {
- int err;
- char stmp[256];
- size_t i, useid, n_uses;
- kmem_use_info_t uses[MAX_USES];
- err = ParseKMEM(handle, device, &n_uses, uses);
- if (err) Error("Failed to parse kernel memory information provided through sysfs");
- if ((n_uses == 1)&&(uses[0].count == 0)) {
- printf("No kernel memory is allocated\n");
- return 0;
- }
- printf("Use Type Count Total Size REF Mode \n");
- printf("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- for (useid = 0; useid < n_uses; useid++) {
- if (useid + 1 == n_uses) {
- if (!uses[0].count) continue;
- i = 0;
- } else i = useid + 1;
- printf("%08x ", uses[i].use);
- if (!i) printf("All Others ");
- else if ((uses[i].use >> 16) == PCILIB_KMEM_USE_DMA_RING) printf("DMA%u %s Ring ", uses[i].use&0x7F, ((uses[i].use&0x80)?"S2C":"C2S"));
- else if ((uses[i].use >> 16) == PCILIB_KMEM_USE_DMA_PAGES) printf("DMA%u %s Pages ", uses[i].use&0x7F, ((uses[i].use&0x80)?"S2C":"C2S"));
- else if ((uses[i].use >> 16) == PCILIB_KMEM_USE_USER) printf("User %04x ", uses[i].use&0xFFFF);
- else printf (" ");
- printf(" ");
- printf("% 6lu", uses[i].count);
- printf(" ");
- printf("% 10s", GetPrintSize(stmp, uses[i].size));
- printf(" ");
- if (uses[i].referenced&&uses[i].hw_lock) printf("HW+SW");
- else if (uses[i].referenced) printf(" SW");
- else if (uses[i].hw_lock) printf("HW ");
- else printf(" - ");
- printf(" ");
- if (uses[i].persistent) printf("Persistent");
- else if (uses[i].open) printf("Open ");
- else if (uses[i].reusable) printf("Reusable ");
- else printf("Closed ");
- printf("\n");
- }
- printf("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- printf("REF - Software/Hardware Reference, MODE - Reusable/Persistent/Open\n");
- return 0;
-int DetailKMEM(pcilib_t *handle, const char *device, const char *use, size_t block) {
- int err;
- size_t i, n;
- pcilib_kmem_handle_t *kbuf;
- pcilib_kmem_use_t useid = ParseUse(use);
- size_t n_uses;
- kmem_use_info_t uses[MAX_USES];
- kmem_use_info_t *use_info;
- if (block == (size_t)-1) {
- err = ParseKMEM(handle, device, &n_uses, uses);
- if (err) Error("Failed to parse kernel memory information provided through sysfs");
- use_info = GetUse(n_uses, uses, useid);
- if (!use_info) Error("No kernel buffers is allocated for the specified use (%lx)", useid);
- i = 0;
- n = use_info->count;
- } else {
- i = block;
- n = block + 1;
- }
- kbuf = pcilib_alloc_kernel_memory(handle, 0, n, 0, 0, useid, PCILIB_KMEM_FLAG_REUSE|PCILIB_KMEM_FLAG_TRY);
- if (!kbuf) {
- Error("Allocation of kernel buffer (use %lx, count %lu) is failed\n", useid, n);
- return 0;
- }
- printf("Buffer Address Hardware Address Bus Address\n");
- printf("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- for (; i < n; i++) {
- void *data = pcilib_kmem_get_block_ua(handle, kbuf, i);
- uintptr_t pa = pcilib_kmem_get_block_pa(handle, kbuf, i);
- uintptr_t ba = pcilib_kmem_get_block_ba(handle, kbuf, i);
- printf("%6lu %16p %16lx %16lx\n", i, data, pa, ba);
- }
- printf("\n");
- pcilib_free_kernel_memory(handle, kbuf, KMEM_FLAG_REUSE);
- return 0;
-int ReadKMEM(pcilib_t *handle, const char *device, pcilib_kmem_use_t useid, size_t block, size_t max_size, FILE *o) {
- int err;
- void *data;
- size_t size;
- pcilib_kmem_handle_t *kbuf;
- if (block == (size_t)-1) block = 0;
- kbuf = pcilib_alloc_kernel_memory(handle, 0, block + 1, 0, 0, useid, PCILIB_KMEM_FLAG_REUSE|PCILIB_KMEM_FLAG_TRY);
- if (!kbuf) {
- Error("The specified kernel buffer is not allocated\n");
- return 0;
- }
- err = pcilib_kmem_sync_block(handle, kbuf, PCILIB_KMEM_SYNC_FROMDEVICE, block);
- if (err) {
- pcilib_free_kernel_memory(handle, kbuf, KMEM_FLAG_REUSE);
- Error("The synchronization of kernel buffer has failed\n");
- return 0;
- }
- data = pcilib_kmem_get_block_ua(handle, kbuf, block);
- if (data) {
- size = pcilib_kmem_get_block_size(handle, kbuf, block);
- if ((max_size)&&(size > max_size)) size = max_size;
- fwrite(data, 1, size, o?o:stdout);
- } else {
- pcilib_free_kernel_memory(handle, kbuf, KMEM_FLAG_REUSE);
- Error("The specified block is not existing\n");
- return 0;
- }
- pcilib_free_kernel_memory(handle, kbuf, KMEM_FLAG_REUSE);
- return 0;
-int AllocKMEM(pcilib_t *handle, const char *device, const char *use, const char *type, size_t size, size_t block_size, size_t alignment) {
- pcilib_kmem_type_t ktype = PCILIB_KMEM_TYPE_PAGE;
- pcilib_kmem_flags_t flags = KMEM_FLAG_REUSE;
- pcilib_kmem_handle_t *kbuf;
- pcilib_kmem_use_t useid = ParseUse(use);
- long page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
- if (type) {
- if (!strcmp(type, "consistent")) ktype = PCILIB_KMEM_TYPE_CONSISTENT;
- else if (!strcmp(type, "c2s")) ktype = PCILIB_KMEM_TYPE_DMA_C2S_PAGE;
- else if (!strcmp(type, "s2c")) ktype = PCILIB_KMEM_TYPE_DMA_S2C_PAGE;
- else Error("Invalid memory type (%s) is specified", type);
- }
- if ((block_size)&&(ktype != PCILIB_KMEM_TYPE_CONSISTENT))
- Error("Selected memory type does not allow custom size");
- kbuf = pcilib_alloc_kernel_memory(handle, ktype, size, (block_size?block_size:page_size), (alignment?alignment:page_size), useid, flags|KMEM_FLAG_PERSISTENT);
- if (!kbuf) Error("Allocation of kernel memory has failed");
- pcilib_free_kernel_memory(handle, kbuf, flags);
- return 0;
-int FreeKMEM(pcilib_t *handle, const char *device, const char *use, int force) {
- int err;
- int i;
- pcilib_kmem_use_t useid;
- if (force) flags |= PCILIB_KMEM_FLAG_FORCE; // this will ignore mmap locks as well.
- if (!strcasecmp(use, "dma")) {
- for (i = 0; i < PCILIB_MAX_DMA_ENGINES; i++) {
- err = pcilib_clean_kernel_memory(handle, PCILIB_KMEM_USE(PCILIB_KMEM_USE_DMA_RING, i), flags);
- if (err) Error("Error cleaning DMA%i C2S Ring buffer", i);
- err = pcilib_clean_kernel_memory(handle, PCILIB_KMEM_USE(PCILIB_KMEM_USE_DMA_RING, 0x80|i), flags);
- if (err) Error("Error cleaning DMA%i S2C Ring buffer", i);
- err = pcilib_clean_kernel_memory(handle, PCILIB_KMEM_USE(PCILIB_KMEM_USE_DMA_PAGES, i), flags);
- if (err) Error("Error cleaning DMA%i C2S Page buffers", i);
- err = pcilib_clean_kernel_memory(handle, PCILIB_KMEM_USE(PCILIB_KMEM_USE_DMA_PAGES, 0x80|i), flags);
- if (err) Error("Error cleaning DMA%i S2C Page buffers", i);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- useid = ParseUse(use);
- err = pcilib_clean_kernel_memory(handle, useid, flags);
- if (err) Error("Error cleaning kernel buffers for use (0x%lx)", useid);
- return 0;
-int ListDMA(pcilib_t *handle, const char *device, pcilib_model_description_t *model_info) {
- int err;
- DIR *dir;
- struct dirent *entry;
- const char *pos;
- char sysdir[256];
- char fname[256];
- char info[256];
- char stmp[256];
- pcilib_dma_engine_t dmaid;
- pcilib_dma_engine_status_t status;
- pos = strrchr(device, '/');
- if (pos) ++pos;
- else pos = device;
- snprintf(sysdir, 255, "/sys/class/fpga/%s", pos);
- dir = opendir(sysdir);
- if (!dir) Error("Can't open directory (%s)", sysdir);
- printf("DMA Engine Status Total Size Buffer Ring (1st used - 1st free)\n");
- printf("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- while ((entry = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
- FILE *f;
- unsigned long use = 0;
-// unsigned long size = 0;
-// unsigned long refs = 0;
- unsigned long mode = 0;
-// unsigned long hwref = 0;
- if (strncmp(entry->d_name, "kbuf", 4)) continue;
- if (!isnumber(entry->d_name+4)) continue;
- snprintf(fname, 255, "%s/%s", sysdir, entry->d_name);
- f = fopen(fname, "r");
- if (!f) Error("Can't access file (%s)", fname);
- while(!feof(f)) {
- fgets(info, 256, f);
- if (!strncmp(info, "use:", 4)) use = strtoul(info+4, NULL, 16);
-// if (!strncmp(info, "size:", 5)) size = strtoul(info+5, NULL, 10);
-// if (!strncmp(info, "refs:", 5)) refs = strtoul(info+5, NULL, 10);
- if (!strncmp(info, "mode:", 5)) mode = strtoul(info+5, NULL, 16);
-// if (!strncmp(info, "hw ref:", 7)) hwref = strtoul(info+7, NULL, 10);
- }
- fclose(f);
- if ((mode&(KMEM_MODE_REUSABLE|KMEM_MODE_PERSISTENT|KMEM_MODE_COUNT)) == 0) continue; // closed
- if ((use >> 16) != PCILIB_KMEM_USE_DMA_RING) continue;
- if (use&0x80) {
- dmaid = pcilib_find_dma_by_addr(handle, PCILIB_DMA_TO_DEVICE, use&0x7F);
- } else {
- dmaid = pcilib_find_dma_by_addr(handle, PCILIB_DMA_FROM_DEVICE, use&0x7F);
- }
- if (dmaid == PCILIB_DMA_ENGINE_INVALID) continue;
- printf("DMA%lu %s ", use&0x7F, (use&0x80)?"S2C":"C2S");
- err = pcilib_start_dma(handle, dmaid, 0);
- if (err) {
- printf("-- Wrong state, start is failed\n");
- continue;
- }
- err = pcilib_get_dma_status(handle, dmaid, &status, 0, NULL);
- if (err) {
- printf("-- Wrong state, failed to obtain status\n");
- pcilib_stop_dma(handle, dmaid, 0);
- continue;
- }
- pcilib_stop_dma(handle, dmaid, 0);
- if (status.started) printf("S");
- else printf(" ");
- if (status.ring_head == status.ring_tail) printf(" ");
- else printf("D");
- printf(" ");
- printf("% 10s", GetPrintSize(stmp, status.ring_size * status.buffer_size));
- printf(" ");
- printf("%zu - %zu (of %zu)", status.ring_tail, status.ring_head, status.ring_size);
- printf("\n");
- }
- closedir(dir);
- printf("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- printf("S - Started, D - Data in buffers\n");
- return 0;
-int ListBuffers(pcilib_t *handle, const char *device, pcilib_model_description_t *model_info, pcilib_dma_engine_addr_t dma, pcilib_dma_direction_t dma_direction) {
- int err;
- size_t i;
- pcilib_dma_engine_t dmaid;
- pcilib_dma_engine_status_t status;
- pcilib_dma_buffer_status_t *buffer;
- char stmp[256];
- dmaid = pcilib_find_dma_by_addr(handle, dma_direction, dma);
- if (dmaid == PCILIB_DMA_ENGINE_INVALID) Error("The specified DMA engine is not found");
- err = pcilib_start_dma(handle, dmaid, 0);
- if (err) Error("Error starting the specified DMA engine");
- err = pcilib_get_dma_status(handle, dmaid, &status, 0, NULL);
- if (err) Error("Failed to obtain status of the specified DMA engine");
- buffer = (pcilib_dma_buffer_status_t*)malloc(status.ring_size*sizeof(pcilib_dma_buffer_status_t));
- if (!buffer) Error("Failed to allocate memory for status buffer");
- err = pcilib_get_dma_status(handle, dmaid, &status, status.ring_size, buffer);
- if (err) Error("Failed to obtain extended status of the specified DMA engine");
- printf("Buffer Status Total Size \n");
- printf("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- for (i = 0; i < status.ring_size; i++) {
- printf("%8zu ", i);
- printf("%c%c %c%c ", buffer[i].used?'U':' ', buffer[i].error?'E':' ', buffer[i].first?'F':' ', buffer[i].last?'L':' ');
- printf("% 10s", GetPrintSize(stmp, buffer[i].size));
- printf("\n");
- }
- printf("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- printf("U - Used, E - Error, F - First block, L - Last Block\n");
- free(buffer);
- pcilib_stop_dma(handle, dmaid, 0);
- return 0;
-int ReadBuffer(pcilib_t *handle, const char *device, pcilib_model_description_t *model_info, pcilib_dma_engine_addr_t dma, pcilib_dma_direction_t dma_direction, size_t block, FILE *o) {
- int err;
- pcilib_dma_engine_t dmaid;
- pcilib_dma_engine_status_t status;
- pcilib_dma_buffer_status_t *buffer;
- size_t size;
- dmaid = pcilib_find_dma_by_addr(handle, dma_direction, dma);
- if (dmaid == PCILIB_DMA_ENGINE_INVALID) Error("The specified DMA engine is not found");
- err = pcilib_start_dma(handle, dmaid, 0);
- if (err) Error("Error starting the specified DMA engine");
- err = pcilib_get_dma_status(handle, dmaid, &status, 0, NULL);
- if (err) Error("Failed to obtain status of the specified DMA engine");
- buffer = (pcilib_dma_buffer_status_t*)malloc(status.ring_size*sizeof(pcilib_dma_buffer_status_t));
- if (!buffer) Error("Failed to allocate memory for status buffer");
- err = pcilib_get_dma_status(handle, dmaid, &status, status.ring_size, buffer);
- if (err) Error("Failed to obtain extended status of the specified DMA engine");
- if (block == (size_t)-1) {
- // get current
- }
- size = buffer[block].size;
- free(buffer);
- pcilib_stop_dma(handle, dmaid, 0);
- return ReadKMEM(handle, device, ((dma&0x7F)|((dma_direction == PCILIB_DMA_TO_DEVICE)?0x80:0x00))|(PCILIB_KMEM_USE_DMA_PAGES<<16), block, size, o);
-int EnableIRQ(pcilib_t *handle, pcilib_model_description_t *model_info, pcilib_irq_type_t irq_type) {
- int err;
- err = pcilib_enable_irq(handle, irq_type, 0);
- if (err) {
- Error("Error enabling IRQs");
- }
- return err;
-int DisableIRQ(pcilib_t *handle, pcilib_model_description_t *model_info, pcilib_irq_type_t irq_type) {
- int err;
- err = pcilib_disable_irq(handle, 0);
- if (err) {
- Error("Error disabling IRQs");
- }
- return err;
-int AckIRQ(pcilib_t *handle, pcilib_model_description_t *model_info, pcilib_irq_hw_source_t irq_source) {
- pcilib_clear_irq(handle, irq_source);
- return 0;
-int WaitIRQ(pcilib_t *handle, pcilib_model_description_t *model_info, pcilib_irq_hw_source_t irq_source, pcilib_timeout_t timeout) {
- int err;
- size_t count;
- err = pcilib_wait_irq(handle, irq_source, timeout, &count);
- if (err) {
- if (err == PCILIB_ERROR_TIMEOUT) Error("Timeout waiting for IRQ");
- else Error("Error waiting for IRQ");
- }
- return 0;
-int main(int argc, char **argv) {
- int i;
- long itmp;
- size_t ztmp;
- unsigned char c;
- const char *stmp;
- const char *num_offset;
- int details = 0;
- int verbose = 0;
- int quiete = 0;
- int force = 0;
- int verify = 0;
- pcilib_model_t model = PCILIB_MODEL_DETECT;
- pcilib_model_description_t *model_info;
- GRAB_MODE grab_mode = 0;
- size_t trigger_time = 0;
- size_t run_time = 0;
- size_t buffer = 0;
- size_t threads = 1;
- FLAGS flags = 0;
- const char *atype = NULL;
- const char *type = NULL;
- const char *fpga_device = DEFAULT_FPGA_DEVICE;
- pcilib_bar_t bar = PCILIB_BAR_DETECT;
- const char *addr = NULL;
- const char *reg = NULL;
- const char *bank = NULL;
- char **data = NULL;
- const char *event = NULL;
- const char *data_type = NULL;
- const char *dma_channel = NULL;
- const char *use = NULL;
- size_t block = (size_t)-1;
- pcilib_irq_type_t irq_type = PCILIB_IRQ_TYPE_ALL;
- pcilib_irq_hw_source_t irq_source = PCILIB_IRQ_SOURCE_DEFAULT;
- pcilib_dma_direction_t dma_direction = PCILIB_DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL;
- pcilib_kmem_use_t useid = 0;
- pcilib_dma_engine_addr_t dma = PCILIB_DMA_ENGINE_ADDR_INVALID;
- long addr_shift = 0;
- uintptr_t start = -1;
- size_t block_size = 0;
- size_t size = 1;
- access_t access = 4;
-// int skip = 0;
- int endianess = 0;
- size_t timeout = 0;
- size_t alignment = 0;
- const char *output = NULL;
- FILE *ofile = NULL;
- size_t iterations = BENCHMARK_ITERATIONS;
- pcilib_t *handle;
- int size_set = 0;
- int timeout_set = 0;
-// int run_time_set = 0;
- while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hqilr::w::g::d:m:t:b:a:s:e:o:", long_options, NULL)) != (unsigned char)-1) {
- extern int optind;
- switch (c) {
- case OPT_HELP:
- Usage(argc, argv, NULL);
- break;
- case OPT_INFO:
- if (mode != MODE_INVALID) Usage(argc, argv, "Multiple operations are not supported");
- mode = MODE_INFO;
- break;
- case OPT_LIST:
- if (mode == MODE_LIST) details++;
- else if (mode != MODE_INVALID) Usage(argc, argv, "Multiple operations are not supported");
- mode = MODE_LIST;
- break;
- case OPT_RESET:
- if (mode != MODE_INVALID) Usage(argc, argv, "Multiple operations are not supported");
- mode = MODE_RESET;
- break;
- if (mode != MODE_INVALID) Usage(argc, argv, "Multiple operations are not supported");
- if (optarg) addr = optarg;
- else if ((optind < argc)&&(argv[optind][0] != '-')) addr = argv[optind++];
- break;
- case OPT_READ:
- if (mode != MODE_INVALID) Usage(argc, argv, "Multiple operations are not supported");
- mode = MODE_READ;
- if (optarg) addr = optarg;
- else if ((optind < argc)&&(argv[optind][0] != '-')) addr = argv[optind++];
- break;
- case OPT_WRITE:
- if (mode != MODE_INVALID) Usage(argc, argv, "Multiple operations are not supported");
- mode = MODE_WRITE;
- if (optarg) addr = optarg;
- else if ((optind < argc)&&(argv[optind][0] != '-')) addr = argv[optind++];
- break;
- case OPT_GRAB:
- if ((mode != MODE_INVALID)&&((mode != MODE_GRAB)||(grab_mode&GRAB_MODE_GRAB))) Usage(argc, argv, "Multiple operations are not supported");
- mode = MODE_GRAB;
- grab_mode |= GRAB_MODE_GRAB;
- stmp = NULL;
- if (optarg) stmp = optarg;
- else if ((optind < argc)&&(argv[optind][0] != '-')) stmp = argv[optind++];
- if (stmp) {
- if ((event)&&(strcasecmp(stmp,event))) Usage(argc, argv, "Redefinition of considered event");
- event = stmp;
- }
- break;
- if ((mode != MODE_INVALID)&&((mode != MODE_GRAB)||(grab_mode&GRAB_MODE_TRIGGER))) Usage(argc, argv, "Multiple operations are not supported");
- mode = MODE_GRAB;
- grab_mode |= GRAB_MODE_TRIGGER;
- stmp = NULL;
- if (optarg) stmp = optarg;
- else if ((optind < argc)&&(argv[optind][0] != '-')) stmp = argv[optind++];
- if (stmp) {
- if ((event)&&(strcasecmp(stmp,event))) Usage(argc, argv, "Redefinition of considered event");
- event = stmp;
- }
- break;
- case OPT_LIST_DMA:
- if (mode != MODE_INVALID) Usage(argc, argv, "Multiple operations are not supported");
- mode = MODE_LIST_DMA;
- break;
- if (mode != MODE_INVALID) Usage(argc, argv, "Multiple operations are not supported");
- dma_channel = optarg;
- break;
- if (mode != MODE_INVALID) Usage(argc, argv, "Multiple operations are not supported");
- num_offset = strchr(optarg, ':');
- if (num_offset) {
- if (sscanf(num_offset + 1, "%zu", &block) != 1)
- Usage(argc, argv, "Invalid buffer is specified (%s)", num_offset + 1);
- *(char*)num_offset = 0;
- } else block = (size_t)-1;
- dma_channel = optarg;
- break;
- if (mode != MODE_INVALID) Usage(argc, argv, "Multiple operations are not supported");
- mode = MODE_START_DMA;
- if (optarg) dma_channel = optarg;
- else if ((optind < argc)&&(argv[optind][0] != '-')) dma_channel = argv[optind++];
- break;
- case OPT_STOP_DMA:
- if (mode != MODE_INVALID) Usage(argc, argv, "Multiple operations are not supported");
- mode = MODE_STOP_DMA;
- if (optarg) dma_channel = optarg;
- else if ((optind < argc)&&(argv[optind][0] != '-')) dma_channel = argv[optind++];
- break;
- if (mode != MODE_INVALID) Usage(argc, argv, "Multiple operations are not supported");
- if (optarg) num_offset = optarg;
- else if ((optind < argc)&&(argv[optind][0] != '-')) num_offset = argv[optind++];
- else num_offset = NULL;
- if (num_offset) {
- if ((!isnumber(num_offset))||(sscanf(num_offset, "%li", &itmp) != 1))
- Usage(argc, argv, "Invalid IRQ source is specified (%s)", num_offset);
- irq_type = itmp;
- }
- break;
- if (mode != MODE_INVALID) Usage(argc, argv, "Multiple operations are not supported");
- if (optarg) num_offset = optarg;
- else if ((optind < argc)&&(argv[optind][0] != '-')) num_offset = argv[optind++];
- else num_offset = NULL;
- if (num_offset) {
- if ((!isnumber(num_offset))||(sscanf(num_offset, "%li", &itmp) != 1))
- Usage(argc, argv, "Invalid IRQ source is specified (%s)", num_offset);
- irq_type = itmp;
- }
- break;
- case OPT_ACK_IRQ:
- if (mode != MODE_INVALID) Usage(argc, argv, "Multiple operations are not supported");
- mode = MODE_ACK_IRQ;
- if (optarg) num_offset = optarg;
- else if ((optind < argc)&&(argv[optind][0] != '-')) num_offset = argv[optind++];
- else num_offset = NULL;
- if (num_offset) {
- if ((!isnumber(num_offset))||(sscanf(num_offset, "%li", &itmp) != 1))
- Usage(argc, argv, "Invalid IRQ source is specified (%s)", num_offset);
- irq_source = itmp;
- }
- break;
- case OPT_WAIT_IRQ:
- if (mode != MODE_INVALID) Usage(argc, argv, "Multiple operations are not supported");
- mode = MODE_WAIT_IRQ;
- if (optarg) num_offset = optarg;
- else if ((optind < argc)&&(argv[optind][0] != '-')) num_offset = argv[optind++];
- else num_offset = NULL;
- if (num_offset) {
- if ((!isnumber(num_offset))||(sscanf(num_offset, "%li", &itmp) != 1))
- Usage(argc, argv, "Invalid IRQ source is specified (%s)", num_offset);
- irq_source = itmp;
- }
- break;
- if (mode != MODE_INVALID) Usage(argc, argv, "Multiple operations are not supported");
- mode = MODE_LIST_KMEM;
- if (optarg) use = optarg;
- else if ((optind < argc)&&(argv[optind][0] != '-')) use = argv[optind++];
- else use = NULL;
- if (use) {
- num_offset = strchr(use, ':');
- if (num_offset) {
- if (sscanf(num_offset + 1, "%zu", &block) != 1)
- Usage(argc, argv, "Invalid block number is specified (%s)", num_offset + 1);
- *(char*)num_offset = 0;
- }
- }
- break;
- if (mode != MODE_INVALID) Usage(argc, argv, "Multiple operations are not supported");
- mode = MODE_READ_KMEM;
- num_offset = strchr(optarg, ':');
- if (num_offset) {
- if (sscanf(num_offset + 1, "%zu", &block) != 1)
- Usage(argc, argv, "Invalid block number is specified (%s)", num_offset + 1);
- *(char*)num_offset = 0;
- }
- use = optarg;
- useid = ParseUse(use);
- break;
- if (mode != MODE_INVALID) Usage(argc, argv, "Multiple operations are not supported");
- if (optarg) use = optarg;
- else if ((optind < argc)&&(argv[optind][0] != '-')) use = argv[optind++];
- break;
- if (mode != MODE_INVALID) Usage(argc, argv, "Multiple operations are not supported");
- mode = MODE_FREE_KMEM;
- if (optarg) use = optarg;
- else if ((optind < argc)&&(argv[optind][0] != '-')) use = argv[optind++];
- break;
- case OPT_DEVICE:
- fpga_device = optarg;
- break;
- case OPT_MODEL:
- if (!strcasecmp(optarg, "pci")) model = PCILIB_MODEL_PCI;
- else if (!strcasecmp(optarg, "ipecamera")) model = PCILIB_MODEL_IPECAMERA;
- else if (!strcasecmp(optarg, "kapture")) model = PCILIB_MODEL_KAPTURE;
- else Usage(argc, argv, "Invalid memory model (%s) is specified", optarg);
- break;
- case OPT_BAR:
- bank = optarg;
-// if ((sscanf(optarg,"%li", &itmp) != 1)||(itmp < 0)||(itmp >= PCILIB_MAX_BANKS)) Usage(argc, argv, "Invalid data bank (%s) is specified", optarg);
-// else bar = itmp;
- break;
- if ((!isnumber(optarg))||(sscanf(optarg, "%zu", &alignment) != 1)) {
- Usage(argc, argv, "Invalid alignment is specified (%s)", optarg);
- }
- break;
- case OPT_ACCESS:
- if (!strncasecmp(optarg, "fifo", 4)) {
- atype = "fifo";
- num_offset = optarg + 4;
- amode = ACCESS_FIFO;
- } else if (!strncasecmp(optarg, "dma", 3)) {
- atype = "dma";
- num_offset = optarg + 3;
- amode = ACCESS_DMA;
- } else if (!strncasecmp(optarg, "bar", 3)) {
- atype = "plain";
- num_offset = optarg + 3;
- amode = ACCESS_BAR;
- } else if (!strncasecmp(optarg, "config", 6)) {
- atype = "config";
- num_offset = optarg + 6;
- amode = ACCESS_CONFIG;
- } else if (!strncasecmp(optarg, "plain", 5)) {
- atype = "plain";
- num_offset = optarg + 5;
- amode = ACCESS_BAR;
- } else {
- num_offset = optarg;
- }
- if (*num_offset) {
- if ((!isnumber(num_offset))||(sscanf(num_offset, "%li", &itmp) != 1))
- Usage(argc, argv, "Invalid access type (%s) is specified", optarg);
- switch (itmp) {
- case 8: access = 1; break;
- case 16: access = 2; break;
- case 32: access = 4; break;
- case 64: access = 8; break;
- default: Usage(argc, argv, "Invalid data width (%s) is specified", num_offset);
- }
- }
- break;
- case OPT_SIZE:
- if ((!isnumber(optarg))||(sscanf(optarg, "%zu", &size) != 1)) {
- if (strcasecmp(optarg, "unlimited"))
- Usage(argc, argv, "Invalid size is specified (%s)", optarg);
- else
- size = 0;//(size_t)-1;
- }
- size_set = 1;
- break;
- if ((!isnumber(optarg))||(sscanf(optarg, "%zu", &block_size) != 1)) {
- Usage(argc, argv, "Invalid size is specified (%s)", optarg);
- }
- break;
- if ((*optarg == 'b')||(*optarg == 'B')) {
- if (ntohs(1) == 1) endianess = 0;
- else endianess = 1;
- } else if ((*optarg == 'l')||(*optarg == 'L')) {
- if (ntohs(1) == 1) endianess = 1;
- else endianess = 0;
- } else Usage(argc, argv, "Invalid endianess is specified (%s)", optarg);
- break;
- if ((!isnumber(optarg))||(sscanf(optarg, "%zu", &timeout) != 1)) {
- if (strcasecmp(optarg, "unlimited"))
- Usage(argc, argv, "Invalid timeout is specified (%s)", optarg);
- else
- }
- timeout_set = 1;
- break;
- case OPT_OUTPUT:
- output = optarg;
- break;
- if ((!isnumber(optarg))||(sscanf(optarg, "%zu", &iterations) != 1))
- Usage(argc, argv, "Invalid number of iterations is specified (%s)", optarg);
- break;
- case OPT_EVENT:
- event = optarg;
- break;
- case OPT_TYPE:
- type = optarg;
- break;
- data_type = optarg;
- break;
- case OPT_RUN_TIME:
- if ((!isnumber(optarg))||(sscanf(optarg, "%zu", &run_time) != 1)) {
- if (strcasecmp(optarg, "unlimited"))
- Usage(argc, argv, "Invalid run-time is specified (%s)", optarg);
- else
- run_time = 0;
- }
-// run_time_set = 1;
- break;
- if ((!isnumber(optarg))||(sscanf(optarg, "%zu", &trigger_time) != 1))
- Usage(argc, argv, "Invalid trigger-time is specified (%s)", optarg);
- break;
- if ((!isnumber(optarg))||(sscanf(optarg, "%zu", &ztmp) != 1))
- Usage(argc, argv, "Invalid trigger-rate is specified (%s)", optarg);
- trigger_time = (1000000 / ztmp) + ((1000000 % ztmp)?1:0);
- break;
- case OPT_BUFFER:
- if (optarg) num_offset = optarg;
- else if ((optind < argc)&&(argv[optind][0] != '-')) num_offset = argv[optind++];
- else num_offset = NULL;
- if (num_offset) {
- if ((!isnumber(num_offset))||(sscanf(num_offset, "%zu", &buffer) != 1))
- Usage(argc, argv, "Invalid buffer size is specified (%s)", num_offset);
- buffer *= 1024 * 1024;
- } else {
- buffer = get_free_memory();
- if (buffer < 256) Error("Not enough free memory (%lz MB) for buffering", buffer / 1024 / 1024);
- buffer -= 128 + buffer/16;
- }
- break;
- if (optarg) num_offset = optarg;
- else if ((optind < argc)&&(argv[optind][0] != '-')) num_offset = argv[optind++];
- else num_offset = NULL;
- if (num_offset) {
- if ((!isnumber(num_offset))||(sscanf(num_offset, "%zu", &threads) != 1))
- Usage(argc, argv, "Invalid threads number is specified (%s)", num_offset);
- } else {
- threads = 0;
- }
- break;
- case OPT_FORMAT:
- if (!strcasecmp(optarg, "raw")) format = FORMAT_RAW;
- else if (!strcasecmp(optarg, "add_header")) format = FORMAT_HEADER;
-// else if (!strcasecmp(optarg, "ringfs")) format = FORMAT_RINGFS;
- else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "default")) Error("Invalid format (%s) is specified", optarg);
- break;
- case OPT_QUIETE:
- quiete = 1;
- verbose = -1;
- break;
- if (optarg) num_offset = optarg;
- else if ((optind < argc)&&(argv[optind][0] != '-')) num_offset = argv[optind++];
- else num_offset = NULL;
- if (num_offset) {
- if ((!isnumber(num_offset))||(sscanf(num_offset, "%i", &verbose) != 1))
- Usage(argc, argv, "Invalid verbosity level is specified (%s)", num_offset);
- } else {
- verbose = 1;
- }
- break;
- case OPT_FORCE:
- force = 1;
- break;
- case OPT_VERIFY:
- verify = 1;
- break;
- break;
- case OPT_WAIT:
- flags |= FLAG_WAIT;
- break;
- default:
- Usage(argc, argv, "Unknown option (%s) with argument (%s)", optarg?argv[optind-2]:argv[optind-1], optarg?optarg:"(null)");
- }
- }
- if (mode == MODE_INVALID) {
- if (argc > 1) Usage(argc, argv, "Operation is not specified");
- else Usage(argc, argv, NULL);
- }
- pcilib_set_error_handler(&Error, quiete?Silence:NULL);
- handle = pcilib_open(fpga_device, model);
- if (handle < 0) Error("Failed to open FPGA device: %s", fpga_device);
- model = pcilib_get_model(handle);
- model_info = pcilib_get_model_description(handle);
- switch (mode) {
- case MODE_WRITE:
- if (((argc - optind) == 1)&&(*argv[optind] == '*')) {
- int vallen = strlen(argv[optind]);
- if (vallen > 1) {
- data = (char**)malloc(size * (vallen + sizeof(char*)));
- if (!data) Error("Error allocating memory for data array");
- for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- data[i] = ((char*)data) + size * sizeof(char*) + i * vallen;
- strcpy(data[i], argv[optind] + 1);
- }
- } else {
- data = (char**)malloc(size * (9 + sizeof(char*)));
- if (!data) Error("Error allocating memory for data array");
- for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- data[i] = ((char*)data) + size * sizeof(char*) + i * 9;
- sprintf(data[i], "%x", i);
- }
- }
- } else if ((argc - optind) == size) data = argv + optind;
- else Usage(argc, argv, "The %i data values is specified, but %i required", argc - optind, size);
- case MODE_READ:
- if (!addr) {
- if (model == PCILIB_MODEL_PCI) {
- if ((amode != ACCESS_DMA)&&(amode != ACCESS_CONFIG))
- Usage(argc, argv, "The address is not specified");
- } else ++mode;
- }
- break;
- if ((dma_channel)&&(*dma_channel)) {
- itmp = strlen(dma_channel) - 1;
- if (dma_channel[itmp] == 'r') dma_direction = PCILIB_DMA_FROM_DEVICE;
- else if (dma_channel[itmp] == 'w') dma_direction = PCILIB_DMA_TO_DEVICE;
- if (dma_direction != PCILIB_DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL) itmp--;
- if (strncmp(dma_channel, "dma", 3)) num_offset = dma_channel;
- else {
- num_offset = dma_channel + 3;
- itmp -= 3;
- }
- if (bank) {
- if (strncmp(num_offset, bank, itmp)) Usage(argc, argv, "Conflicting DMA channels are specified in mode parameter (%s) and bank parameter (%s)", dma_channel, bank);
- }
- if (!isnumber_n(num_offset, itmp))
- Usage(argc, argv, "Invalid DMA channel (%s) is specified", dma_channel);
- dma = atoi(num_offset);
- }
- break;
- default:
- if (argc > optind) Usage(argc, argv, "Invalid non-option parameters are supplied");
- }
- if (addr) {
- if ((!strncmp(addr, "dma", 3))&&((addr[3]==0)||isnumber(addr+3))) {
- if ((atype)&&(amode != ACCESS_DMA)) Usage(argc, argv, "Conflicting access modes, the DMA read is requested, but access type is (%s)", type);
- if (bank) {
- if ((addr[3] != 0)&&(strcmp(addr + 3, bank))) Usage(argc, argv, "Conflicting DMA channels are specified in read parameter (%s) and bank parameter (%s)", addr + 3, bank);
- } else {
- if (addr[3] == 0) Usage(argc, argv, "The DMA channel is not specified");
- }
- dma = atoi(addr + 3);
- amode = ACCESS_DMA;
- addr = NULL;
- } else if ((!strncmp(addr, "bar", 3))&&((addr[3]==0)||isnumber(addr+3))) {
- if ((atype)&&(amode != ACCESS_BAR)) Usage(argc, argv, "Conflicting access modes, the plain PCI read is requested, but access type is (%s)", type);
- if ((addr[3] != 0)&&(strcmp(addr + 3, bank))) Usage(argc, argv, "Conflicting PCI bars are specified in read parameter (%s) and bank parameter (%s)", addr + 3, bank);
- bar = atoi(addr + 3);
- amode = ACCESS_BAR;
- addr = NULL;
- } else if (!strcmp(addr, "config")) {
- if ((atype)&&(amode != ACCESS_CONFIG)) Usage(argc, argv, "Conflicting access modes, the read of PCI configurataion space is requested, but access type is (%s)", type);
- amode = ACCESS_CONFIG;
- addr = NULL;
- } else if ((isxnumber(addr))&&(sscanf(addr, "%lx", &start) == 1)) {
- // check if the address in the register range
- pcilib_register_range_t *ranges = model_info->ranges;
- if (ranges) {
- for (i = 0; ranges[i].start != ranges[i].end; i++)
- if ((start >= ranges[i].start)&&(start <= ranges[i].end)) break;
- // register access in plain mode
- if (ranges[i].start != ranges[i].end) {
- pcilib_register_bank_t regbank = pcilib_find_bank_by_addr(handle, ranges[i].bank);
- if (regbank == PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_INVALID) Error("Configuration error: register bank specified in the address range is not found");
- bank = model_info->banks[regbank].name;
- start += ranges[i].addr_shift;
- addr_shift = ranges[i].addr_shift;
- ++mode;
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (pcilib_find_register(handle, bank, addr) == PCILIB_REGISTER_INVALID) {
- Usage(argc, argv, "Invalid address (%s) is specified", addr);
- } else {
- reg = addr;
- ++mode;
- }
- }
- }
- if (mode == MODE_GRAB) {
- if (output) {
- char fsname[128];
- if (!get_file_fs(output, 127, fsname)) {
- if (!strcmp(fsname, "ext4")) partition = PARTITION_EXT4;
- else if (!strcmp(fsname, "raw")) partition = PARTITION_RAW;
- }
- } else {
- output = "/dev/null";
- partition = PARTITION_NULL;
- }
- if (!timeout_set) {
- if (run_time) timeout = PCILIB_TIMEOUT_INFINITE;
- else timeout = PCILIB_EVENT_TIMEOUT;
- }
- if (!size_set) {
- if (run_time) size = 0;
- }
- }
- if (mode != MODE_GRAB) {
- if (size == (size_t)-1)
- Usage(argc, argv, "Unlimited size is not supported in selected operation mode");
- }
- if ((bank)&&(amode == ACCESS_DMA)) {
- if ((!isnumber(bank))||(sscanf(bank,"%li", &itmp) != 1)||(itmp < 0))
- Usage(argc, argv, "Invalid DMA channel (%s) is specified", bank);
- else dma = itmp;
- } else if (bank) {
- switch (mode) {
- case MODE_READ:
- case MODE_WRITE:
- if ((!isnumber(bank))||(sscanf(bank,"%li", &itmp) != 1)||(itmp < 0)||(itmp >= PCILIB_MAX_BANKS))
- Usage(argc, argv, "Invalid data bank (%s) is specified", bank);
- else bar = itmp;
- break;
- default:
- if (pcilib_find_bank(handle, bank) == PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_INVALID)
- Usage(argc, argv, "Invalid data bank (%s) is specified", bank);
- }
- }
- signal(SIGINT, signal_exit_handler);
- if ((mode != MODE_GRAB)&&(output)) {
- ofile = fopen(output, "a+");
- if (!ofile) {
- Error("Failed to open file \"%s\"", output);
- }
- }
- switch (mode) {
- case MODE_INFO:
- Info(handle, model_info);
- break;
- case MODE_LIST:
- List(handle, model_info, bank, details);
- break;
- Benchmark(handle, amode, dma, bar, start, size_set?size:0, access, iterations);
- break;
- case MODE_READ:
- if (amode == ACCESS_DMA) {
- ReadData(handle, amode, flags, dma, bar, start, size_set?size:0, access, endianess, timeout_set?timeout:(size_t)-1, ofile);
- } else if (amode == ACCESS_CONFIG) {
- ReadData(handle, amode, flags, dma, bar, addr?start:0, (addr||size_set)?size:(256/abs(access)), access, endianess, (size_t)-1, ofile);
- } else if (addr) {
- ReadData(handle, amode, flags, dma, bar, start, size, access, endianess, (size_t)-1, ofile);
- } else {
- Error("Address to read is not specified");
- }
- break;
- if ((reg)||(!addr)) ReadRegister(handle, model_info, bank, reg);
- else ReadRegisterRange(handle, model_info, bank, start, addr_shift, size, ofile);
- break;
- case MODE_WRITE:
- WriteData(handle, amode, dma, bar, start, size, access, endianess, data, verify);
- break;
- if (reg) WriteRegister(handle, model_info, bank, reg, data);
- else WriteRegisterRange(handle, model_info, bank, start, addr_shift, size, data);
- break;
- case MODE_RESET:
- pcilib_reset(handle);
- break;
- case MODE_GRAB:
- TriggerAndGrab(handle, grab_mode, event, data_type, size, run_time, trigger_time, timeout, partition, format, buffer, threads, verbose, output);
- break;
- ListDMA(handle, fpga_device, model_info);
- break;
- ListBuffers(handle, fpga_device, model_info, dma, dma_direction);
- break;
- ReadBuffer(handle, fpga_device, model_info, dma, dma_direction, block, ofile);
- break;
- StartStopDMA(handle, model_info, dma, dma_direction, 1);
- break;
- StartStopDMA(handle, model_info, dma, dma_direction, 0);
- break;
- EnableIRQ(handle, model_info, irq_type);
- break;
- DisableIRQ(handle, model_info, irq_type);
- break;
- case MODE_ACK_IRQ:
- AckIRQ(handle, model_info, irq_source);
- break;
- WaitIRQ(handle, model_info, irq_source, timeout);
- break;
- if (use) DetailKMEM(handle, fpga_device, use, block);
- else ListKMEM(handle, fpga_device);
- break;
- ReadKMEM(handle, fpga_device, useid, block, 0, ofile);
- break;
- AllocKMEM(handle, fpga_device, use, type, size, block_size, alignment);
- break;
- FreeKMEM(handle, fpga_device, use, force);
- break;
- break;
- }
- if (ofile) fclose(ofile);
- pcilib_close(handle);
- if (data != argv + optind) free(data);
diff --git a/ipecamera/model.c b/cmosis.c
index e60561b..a8a2251 100644
--- a/ipecamera/model.c
+++ b/cmosis.c
@@ -4,9 +4,12 @@
#include <unistd.h>
#include <assert.h>
-#include "../tools.h"
-#include "../error.h"
-#include "model.h"
+#include <pcilib.h>
+#include <pcilib/tools.h>
+#include <pcilib/error.h>
+#include "cmosis.h"
+#include "private.h"
#define ADDR_MASK 0x7F00
#define WRITE_BIT 0x8000
@@ -23,11 +26,12 @@
//static pcilib_register_value_t ipecamera_bit_mask[9] = { 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, 255 };
-int ipecamera_read(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_register_bank_description_t *bank, pcilib_register_addr_t addr, pcilib_register_value_t *value) {
+int ipecamera_cmosis_read(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_register_bank_context_t *bank_ctx, pcilib_register_addr_t addr, pcilib_register_value_t *value) {
uint32_t val, tmp[4];
char *wr, *rd;
struct timeval start;//, cur;
int retries = RETRIES;
+ const pcilib_register_bank_description_t *bank = bank_ctx->bank;
assert(addr < 128);
@@ -52,21 +56,21 @@ retry:
ipecamera_datacpy(wr, &val, bank);
// ipecamera_datacpy(tmp, rd, bank);
ipecamera_datacpy(wr, &val, bank);
// ipecamera_datacpy(tmp, rd, bank);
ipecamera_datacpy(wr, &val, bank);
gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
pcilib_datacpy(tmp, rd, 4, 4, bank->raw_endianess);
val = tmp[0];
@@ -74,7 +78,7 @@ retry:
while ((val & READ_READY_BIT) == 0) {
gettimeofday(&cur, NULL);
- if (((cur.tv_sec - start.tv_sec)*1000000 + (cur.tv_usec - start.tv_usec)) > PCILIB_REGISTER_TIMEOUT) break;
+ if (((cur.tv_sec - start.tv_sec)*1000000 + (cur.tv_usec - start.tv_usec)) > IPECAMERA_REGISTER_TIMEOUT) break;
ipecamera_datacpy(&val, rd, bank);
@@ -113,11 +117,12 @@ retry:
return 0;
-int ipecamera_write(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_register_bank_description_t *bank, pcilib_register_addr_t addr, pcilib_register_value_t value) {
+int ipecamera_cmosis_write(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_register_bank_context_t *bank_ctx, pcilib_register_addr_t addr, pcilib_register_value_t value) {
uint32_t val, tmp[4];
char *wr, *rd;
struct timeval start;//, cur;
int retries = RETRIES;
+ const pcilib_register_bank_description_t *bank = bank_ctx->bank;
assert(addr < 128);
assert(value < 256);
@@ -142,28 +147,28 @@ retry:
ipecamera_datacpy(wr, &val, bank);
// ipecamera_datacpy(tmp, rd, bank);
ipecamera_datacpy(wr, &val, bank);
// ipecamera_datacpy(tmp, rd, bank);
ipecamera_datacpy(wr, &val, bank);
gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
pcilib_datacpy(tmp, rd, 4, 4, bank->raw_endianess);
val = tmp[0];
ipecamera_datacpy(&val, rd, bank);
while ((val & READ_READY_BIT) == 0) {
gettimeofday(&cur, NULL);
- if (((cur.tv_sec - start.tv_sec)*1000000 + (cur.tv_usec - start.tv_usec)) > PCILIB_REGISTER_TIMEOUT) break;
+ if (((cur.tv_sec - start.tv_sec)*1000000 + (cur.tv_usec - start.tv_usec)) > IPECAMERA_REGISTER_TIMEOUT) break;
ipecamera_datacpy(&val, rd, bank);
diff --git a/cmosis.h b/cmosis.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d9c7a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmosis.h
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#include <pcilib/bank.h>
+int ipecamera_cmosis_read(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_register_bank_context_t *bank, pcilib_register_addr_t addr, pcilib_register_value_t *value);
+int ipecamera_cmosis_write(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_register_bank_context_t *bank, pcilib_register_addr_t addr, pcilib_register_value_t value);
+#endif /* _IPECAMERA_CMOSIS_H */
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index c8d7387..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-# Compiler and default flags
-CC ?= gcc
-CFLAGS ?= -O0
-# Defaults for directories
-ROOTDIR ?= $(shell pwd)
-CXXFLAGS += $(addprefix -I ,$(INCDIR)) -fPIC
-CFLAGS += $(addprefix -I ,$(INCDIR)) -fPIC -std=c99
-# Source files in this directory
-SRC = $(wildcard *.cpp)
-SRCC = $(wildcard *.c)
-SRC += $(wildcard ipecamera/*.cpp)
-SRCC += $(wildcard ipecamera/*.c)
-SRC += $(wildcard dma/*.cpp)
-SRCC += $(wildcard dma/*.c)
-# Corresponding object files
-OBJ = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/,$(SRC:.cpp=.o))
-OBJ += $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/,$(SRCC:.c=.o))
-# Corresponding dependency files
-DEPEND = $(addprefix $(DEPENDDIR)/,$(SRC:.cpp=.d))
-DEPEND += $(addprefix $(DEPENDDIR)/,$(SRCC:.c=.d))
-# This makes Verbose easier. Just prefix $(Q) to any command
-ifdef VERBOSE
- Q ?=
- Q ?= @
-# Target definitions
-# Target for automatic dependency generation
-depend: $(DEPEND) $(DEPENDC);
-# This rule generates a dependency makefile for each source
-$(DEPENDDIR)/%.d: %.c
- @echo -e "DEPEND \t$<"
- $(Q)$(CC) $(addprefix -I ,$(INCDIR)) -MM -MF $@ \
- -MT $(OBJDIR)/$(<:.c=.o) -MT $@ $<
-# This includes the automatically
-# generated dependency files
--include $(DEPEND)
-$(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.c
- @echo -e "CC \t$<"
- $(Q)@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
diff --git a/ipecamera/data.c b/data.c
index 2bcccd5..adb9c82 100644
--- a/ipecamera/data.c
+++ b/data.c
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@
#include <ufodecode.h>
-#include "../tools.h"
-#include "../error.h"
+#include <pcilib.h>
+#include <pcilib/tools.h>
+#include <pcilib/error.h>
-#include "pcilib.h"
#include "private.h"
#include "data.h"
diff --git a/ipecamera/data.h b/data.h
index 846cb78..846cb78 100644
--- a/ipecamera/data.h
+++ b/data.h
diff --git a/default.c b/default.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ea4d61..0000000
--- a/default.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include "tools.h"
-#include "default.h"
-#include "error.h"
-#define default_datacpy(dst, src, access, bank) pcilib_datacpy(dst, src, access, 1, bank->raw_endianess)
-int pcilib_default_read(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_register_bank_description_t *bank, pcilib_register_addr_t addr, pcilib_register_value_t *value) {
- char *ptr;
- pcilib_register_value_t val = 0;
- int access = bank->access / 8;
- ptr = pcilib_resolve_register_address(ctx, bank->bar, bank->read_addr + addr);
- default_datacpy(&val, ptr, access, bank);
-// *value = val&BIT_MASK(bits);
- *value = val;
- return 0;
-int pcilib_default_write(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_register_bank_description_t *bank, pcilib_register_addr_t addr, pcilib_register_value_t value) {
- char *ptr;
- int access = bank->access / 8;
- ptr = pcilib_resolve_register_address(ctx, bank->bar, bank->write_addr + addr);
- default_datacpy(ptr, &value, access, bank);
- return 0;
diff --git a/default.h b/default.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b2cf93..0000000
--- a/default.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#include "pcilib.h"
-int pcilib_default_read(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_register_bank_description_t *bank, pcilib_register_addr_t addr, pcilib_register_value_t *value);
-int pcilib_default_write(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_register_bank_description_t *bank, pcilib_register_addr_t addr, pcilib_register_value_t value);
-#endif /* _PCILIB_DEFAULT_H */
diff --git a/dma.c b/dma.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e3bc77c..0000000
--- a/dma.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,327 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <strings.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include "error.h"
-#include "pcilib.h"
-#include "pci.h"
-#include "dma.h"
-const pcilib_dma_info_t *pcilib_get_dma_info(pcilib_t *ctx) {
- if (!ctx->dma_ctx) {
- pcilib_model_description_t *model_info = pcilib_get_model_description(ctx);
- if ((ctx->event_ctx)&&(model_info->event_api->init_dma)) {
- pcilib_map_register_space(ctx);
- ctx->dma_ctx = model_info->event_api->init_dma(ctx->event_ctx);
- } else if ((model_info->dma_api)&&(model_info->dma_api->init)) {
- pcilib_map_register_space(ctx);
- ctx->dma_ctx = model_info->dma_api->init(ctx, PCILIB_DMA_MODIFICATION_DEFAULT, NULL);
- }
- if (!ctx->dma_ctx) return NULL;
- }
- return &ctx->dma_info;
-pcilib_dma_engine_t pcilib_find_dma_by_addr(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_direction_t direction, pcilib_dma_engine_addr_t dma) {
- pcilib_dma_engine_t i;
- const pcilib_dma_info_t *info = pcilib_get_dma_info(ctx);
- if (!info) {
- pcilib_error("DMA Engine is not configured in the current model");
- }
- for (i = 0; info->engines[i]; i++) {
- if ((info->engines[i]->addr == dma)&&((info->engines[i]->direction&direction)==direction)) break;
- }
- if (info->engines[i]) return i;
-int pcilib_set_dma_engine_description(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t engine, pcilib_dma_engine_description_t *desc) {
- ctx->dma_info.engines[engine] = desc;
- return 0;
-int pcilib_start_dma(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags) {
- const pcilib_dma_info_t *info = pcilib_get_dma_info(ctx);
- if (!info) {
- pcilib_error("DMA is not supported by the device");
- }
- if (!ctx->model_info.dma_api) {
- pcilib_error("DMA Engine is not configured in the current model");
- }
- if (!ctx->model_info.dma_api->start_dma) {
- return 0;
- }
- return ctx->model_info.dma_api->start_dma(ctx->dma_ctx, dma, flags);
-int pcilib_stop_dma(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags) {
- const pcilib_dma_info_t *info = pcilib_get_dma_info(ctx);
- if (!info) {
- pcilib_error("DMA is not supported by the device");
- }
- if (!ctx->model_info.dma_api) {
- pcilib_error("DMA Engine is not configured in the current model");
- }
- if (!ctx->model_info.dma_api->stop_dma) {
- return 0;
- }
- return ctx->model_info.dma_api->stop_dma(ctx->dma_ctx, dma, flags);
-int pcilib_enable_irq(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_irq_type_t irq_type, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags) {
- const pcilib_dma_info_t *info = pcilib_get_dma_info(ctx);
- if ((!info)||(!ctx->model_info.dma_api)||(!ctx->model_info.dma_api->enable_irq)) return 0;
- return ctx->model_info.dma_api->enable_irq(ctx->dma_ctx, irq_type, flags);
-int pcilib_disable_irq(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags) {
- const pcilib_dma_info_t *info = pcilib_get_dma_info(ctx);
- if ((!info)||(!ctx->model_info.dma_api)||(!ctx->model_info.dma_api->disable_irq)) return 0;
- return ctx->model_info.dma_api->disable_irq(ctx->dma_ctx, flags);
-int pcilib_acknowledge_irq(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_irq_type_t irq_type, pcilib_irq_source_t irq_source) {
- const pcilib_dma_info_t *info = pcilib_get_dma_info(ctx);
- if ((!info)||(!ctx->model_info.dma_api)||(!ctx->model_info.dma_api->acknowledge_irq)) return 0;
- return ctx->model_info.dma_api->acknowledge_irq(ctx->dma_ctx, irq_type, irq_source);
-typedef struct {
- size_t size;
- void *data;
- size_t pos;
- pcilib_dma_flags_t flags;
-} pcilib_dma_read_callback_context_t;
-static int pcilib_dma_read_callback(void *arg, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags, size_t bufsize, void *buf) {
- pcilib_dma_read_callback_context_t *ctx = (pcilib_dma_read_callback_context_t*)arg;
- if (ctx->pos + bufsize > ctx->size) {
- if ((ctx->flags&PCILIB_DMA_FLAG_IGNORE_ERRORS) == 0)
- pcilib_error("Buffer size (%li) is not large enough for DMA packet, at least %li bytes is required", ctx->size, ctx->pos + bufsize);
- }
- memcpy(ctx->data + ctx->pos, buf, bufsize);
- ctx->pos += bufsize;
- if (flags & PCILIB_DMA_FLAG_EOP) {
- if ((ctx->pos < ctx->size)&&(ctx->flags&PCILIB_DMA_FLAG_MULTIPACKET)) {
- }
- }
-static int pcilib_dma_skip_callback(void *arg, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags, size_t bufsize, void *buf) {
- struct timeval *tv = (struct timeval*)arg;
- struct timeval cur;
- if (tv) {
- gettimeofday(&cur, NULL);
- if ((cur.tv_sec > tv->tv_sec)||((cur.tv_sec == tv->tv_sec)&&(cur.tv_usec > tv->tv_usec))) return PCILIB_STREAMING_STOP;
- }
-int pcilib_stream_dma(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma, uintptr_t addr, size_t size, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags, pcilib_timeout_t timeout, pcilib_dma_callback_t cb, void *cbattr) {
- const pcilib_dma_info_t *info = pcilib_get_dma_info(ctx);
- if (!info) {
- pcilib_error("DMA is not supported by the device");
- }
- if (!ctx->model_info.dma_api) {
- pcilib_error("DMA Engine is not configured in the current model");
- }
- if (!ctx->model_info.dma_api->stream) {
- pcilib_error("The DMA read is not supported by configured DMA engine");
- }
- if (!info->engines[dma]) {
- pcilib_error("The DMA engine (%i) is not supported by device", dma);
- }
- if ((info->engines[dma]->direction&PCILIB_DMA_FROM_DEVICE) == 0) {
- pcilib_error("The selected engine (%i) is S2C-only and does not support reading", dma);
- }
- return ctx->model_info.dma_api->stream(ctx->dma_ctx, dma, addr, size, flags, timeout, cb, cbattr);
-int pcilib_read_dma_custom(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma, uintptr_t addr, size_t size, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags, pcilib_timeout_t timeout, void *buf, size_t *read_bytes) {
- int err;
- pcilib_dma_read_callback_context_t opts = {
- size, buf, 0, flags
- };
- err = pcilib_stream_dma(ctx, dma, addr, size, flags, timeout, pcilib_dma_read_callback, &opts);
- if (read_bytes) *read_bytes = opts.pos;
- return err;
-int pcilib_read_dma(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma, uintptr_t addr, size_t size, void *buf, size_t *read_bytes) {
- int err;
- pcilib_dma_read_callback_context_t opts = {
- size, buf, 0, 0
- };
- err = pcilib_stream_dma(ctx, dma, addr, size, PCILIB_DMA_FLAGS_DEFAULT, PCILIB_DMA_TIMEOUT, pcilib_dma_read_callback, &opts);
- if (read_bytes) *read_bytes = opts.pos;
- return err;
-int pcilib_skip_dma(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma) {
- int err;
- struct timeval tv, cur;
- gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
- tv.tv_usec += PCILIB_DMA_SKIP_TIMEOUT;
- tv.tv_sec += tv.tv_usec / 1000000;
- tv.tv_usec += tv.tv_usec % 1000000;
- do {
- // IMMEDIATE timeout is not working properly, so default is set
- err = pcilib_stream_dma(ctx, dma, 0, 0, PCILIB_DMA_FLAGS_DEFAULT, PCILIB_DMA_TIMEOUT, pcilib_dma_skip_callback, &tv);
- gettimeofday(&cur, NULL);
- } while ((!err)&&((cur.tv_sec < tv.tv_sec)||((cur.tv_sec == tv.tv_sec)&&(cur.tv_usec < tv.tv_usec))));
- if ((cur.tv_sec > tv.tv_sec)||((cur.tv_sec == tv.tv_sec)&&(cur.tv_usec > tv.tv_usec))) return PCILIB_ERROR_TIMEOUT;
- return 0;
-int pcilib_push_dma(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma, uintptr_t addr, size_t size, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags, pcilib_timeout_t timeout, void *buf, size_t *written) {
- const pcilib_dma_info_t *info = pcilib_get_dma_info(ctx);
- if (!info) {
- pcilib_error("DMA is not supported by the device");
- }
- if (!ctx->model_info.dma_api) {
- pcilib_error("DMA Engine is not configured in the current model");
- }
- if (!ctx->model_info.dma_api->push) {
- pcilib_error("The DMA write is not supported by configured DMA engine");
- }
- if (!info->engines[dma]) {
- pcilib_error("The DMA engine (%i) is not supported by device", dma);
- }
- if ((info->engines[dma]->direction&PCILIB_DMA_TO_DEVICE) == 0) {
- pcilib_error("The selected engine (%i) is C2S-only and does not support writes", dma);
- }
- return ctx->model_info.dma_api->push(ctx->dma_ctx, dma, addr, size, flags, timeout, buf, written);
-int pcilib_write_dma(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma, uintptr_t addr, size_t size, void *buf, size_t *written_bytes) {
- return pcilib_push_dma(ctx, dma, addr, size, PCILIB_DMA_FLAG_EOP|PCILIB_DMA_FLAG_WAIT, PCILIB_DMA_TIMEOUT, buf, written_bytes);
-double pcilib_benchmark_dma(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_engine_addr_t dma, uintptr_t addr, size_t size, size_t iterations, pcilib_dma_direction_t direction) {
- const pcilib_dma_info_t *info = pcilib_get_dma_info(ctx);
- if (!info) {
- pcilib_error("DMA is not supported by the device");
- return 0;
- }
- if (!ctx->model_info.dma_api) {
- pcilib_error("DMA Engine is not configured in the current model");
- return -1;
- }
- if (!ctx->model_info.dma_api->benchmark) {
- pcilib_error("The DMA benchmark is not supported by configured DMA engine");
- return -1;
- }
- if (!info->engines[dma]) {
- pcilib_error("The DMA engine (%i) is not supported by device", dma);
- return -1;
- }
- return ctx->model_info.dma_api->benchmark(ctx->dma_ctx, dma, addr, size, iterations, direction);
-int pcilib_get_dma_status(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma, pcilib_dma_engine_status_t *status, size_t n_buffers, pcilib_dma_buffer_status_t *buffers) {
- const pcilib_dma_info_t *info = pcilib_get_dma_info(ctx);
- if (!info) {
- pcilib_error("DMA is not supported by the device");
- return 0;
- }
- if (!ctx->model_info.dma_api) {
- pcilib_error("DMA Engine is not configured in the current model");
- return -1;
- }
- if (!ctx->model_info.dma_api->status) {
- memset(status, 0, sizeof(pcilib_dma_engine_status_t));
- return -1;
- }
- if (!info->engines[dma]) {
- pcilib_error("The DMA engine (%i) is not supported by device", dma);
- return -1;
- }
- return ctx->model_info.dma_api->status(ctx->dma_ctx, dma, status, n_buffers, buffers);
diff --git a/dma.h b/dma.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 30b9a18..0000000
--- a/dma.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _PCILIB_DMA_H
-#define _PCILIB_DMA_H
-#define PCILIB_DMA_BUFFER_INVALID ((size_t)-1)
-#define PCILIB_DMA_MODIFICATION_DEFAULT 0 /**< first 0x100 are reserved */
-typedef uint32_t pcilib_dma_modification_t;
-typedef struct {
- int started;
- size_t ring_size, buffer_size;
- size_t ring_head, ring_tail;
-} pcilib_dma_engine_status_t;
-typedef struct {
- int used;
- int error;
- int first;
- int last;
- size_t size;
-} pcilib_dma_buffer_status_t;
-struct pcilib_dma_api_description_s {
- const char *title;
- pcilib_dma_context_t *(*init)(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_modification_t type, void *arg);
- void (*free)(pcilib_dma_context_t *ctx);
- int (*status)(pcilib_dma_context_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma, pcilib_dma_engine_status_t *status, size_t n_buffers, pcilib_dma_buffer_status_t *buffers);
- int (*enable_irq)(pcilib_dma_context_t *ctx, pcilib_irq_type_t irq_type, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags);
- int (*disable_irq)(pcilib_dma_context_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags);
- int (*acknowledge_irq)(pcilib_dma_context_t *ctx, pcilib_irq_type_t irq_type, pcilib_irq_source_t irq_source);
- int (*start_dma)(pcilib_dma_context_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags);
- int (*stop_dma)(pcilib_dma_context_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags);
- int (*push)(pcilib_dma_context_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma, uintptr_t addr, size_t size, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags, pcilib_timeout_t timeout, void *buf, size_t *written);
- int (*stream)(pcilib_dma_context_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma, uintptr_t addr, size_t size, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags, pcilib_timeout_t timeout, pcilib_dma_callback_t cb, void *cbattr);
- double (*benchmark)(pcilib_dma_context_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_engine_addr_t dma, uintptr_t addr, size_t size, size_t iterations, pcilib_dma_direction_t direction);
-struct pcilib_dma_context_s {
- int ignore_eop;
-int pcilib_set_dma_engine_description(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t engine, pcilib_dma_engine_description_t *desc);
-int pcilib_get_dma_status(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma, pcilib_dma_engine_status_t *status, size_t n_buffers, pcilib_dma_buffer_status_t *buffers);
-#endif /* _PCILIB_DMA_H */
diff --git a/dma/CMakeLists.txt b/dma/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 44bf18c..0000000
--- a/dma/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-set(HEADERS ${HEADERS} nwl.h nwl_private.h nwl_engine.h nwl_irq.h nwl_loopback.h nwl_register.h ipe.h ipe_private.h ipe_registers.h)
-add_library(dma STATIC nwl.c nwl_engine.c nwl_irq.c nwl_loopback.c nwl_register.c ipe.c)
diff --git a/dma/ipe.c b/dma/ipe.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 61480d4..0000000
--- a/dma/ipe.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,541 +0,0 @@
-#define _PCILIB_DMA_IPE_C
-#define _BSD_SOURCE
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include "pci.h"
-#include "pcilib.h"
-#include "error.h"
-#include "tools.h"
-#include "ipe.h"
-#include "ipe_private.h"
-#include "ipe_registers.h"
-#define WR(addr, value) { *(uint32_t*)(ctx->base_addr + addr) = value; }
-#define RD(addr, value) { value = *(uint32_t*)(ctx->base_addr + addr); }
-pcilib_dma_context_t *dma_ipe_init(pcilib_t *pcilib, pcilib_dma_modification_t type, void *arg) {
- int err = 0;
- pcilib_model_description_t *model_info = pcilib_get_model_description(pcilib);
- ipe_dma_t *ctx = malloc(sizeof(ipe_dma_t));
- if (ctx) {
- memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(ipe_dma_t));
- ctx->pcilib = pcilib;
-// ctx->mode64 = 1;
- memset(ctx->engine, 0, 2 * sizeof(pcilib_dma_engine_description_t));
- ctx->engine[0].addr = 0;
- ctx->engine[0].type = PCILIB_DMA_TYPE_PACKET;
- ctx->engine[0].direction = PCILIB_DMA_FROM_DEVICE;
- ctx->engine[0].addr_bits = 32;
- pcilib_set_dma_engine_description(pcilib, 0, &ctx->engine[0]);
- pcilib_set_dma_engine_description(pcilib, 1, NULL);
- pcilib_register_bank_t dma_bank = pcilib_find_bank_by_addr(pcilib, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA);
- free(ctx);
- pcilib_error("DMA Register Bank could not be found");
- return NULL;
- }
- ctx->dma_bank = model_info->banks + dma_bank;
- ctx->base_addr = pcilib_resolve_register_address(pcilib, ctx->dma_bank->bar, ctx->dma_bank->read_addr);
- err = pcilib_add_registers(ctx->pcilib, 0, ipe_dma_registers);
- if (err) {
- free(ctx);
- pcilib_error("Error adding DMA registers");
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- return (pcilib_dma_context_t*)ctx;
-void dma_ipe_free(pcilib_dma_context_t *vctx) {
- ipe_dma_t *ctx = (ipe_dma_t*)vctx;
- if (ctx) {
- free(ctx);
- }
-int dma_ipe_start(pcilib_dma_context_t *vctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags) {
- size_t i;
- ipe_dma_t *ctx = (ipe_dma_t*)vctx;
- int preserve = 0;
- pcilib_kmem_flags_t kflags;
- pcilib_kmem_reuse_state_t reuse_desc, reuse_pages;
- volatile void *desc_va;
- volatile uint32_t *last_written_addr_ptr;
- pcilib_register_value_t value;
- uint32_t address64;
- if (dma == PCILIB_DMA_ENGINE_INVALID) return 0;
- else if (dma > 1) return PCILIB_ERROR_INVALID_BANK;
- if (!ctx->started) ctx->started = 1;
- if (flags&PCILIB_DMA_FLAG_PERSISTENT) ctx->preserve = 1;
- if (ctx->pages) return 0;
- pcilib_kmem_handle_t *desc = pcilib_alloc_kernel_memory(ctx->pcilib, PCILIB_KMEM_TYPE_CONSISTENT, 1, IPEDMA_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE, IPEDMA_DESCRIPTOR_ALIGNMENT, PCILIB_KMEM_USE(PCILIB_KMEM_USE_DMA_RING, 0x00), kflags);
- pcilib_kmem_handle_t *pages = pcilib_alloc_kernel_memory(ctx->pcilib, PCILIB_KMEM_TYPE_DMA_C2S_PAGE, IPEDMA_DMA_PAGES, 0, 0, PCILIB_KMEM_USE(PCILIB_KMEM_USE_DMA_PAGES, 0x00), kflags);
- if (!desc||!pages) {
- if (pages) pcilib_free_kernel_memory(ctx->pcilib, pages, 0);
- if (desc) pcilib_free_kernel_memory(ctx->pcilib, desc, 0);
- }
- reuse_desc = pcilib_kmem_is_reused(ctx->pcilib, desc);
- reuse_pages = pcilib_kmem_is_reused(ctx->pcilib, pages);
- if (reuse_desc == reuse_pages) {
- if (reuse_desc & PCILIB_KMEM_REUSE_PARTIAL) pcilib_warning("Inconsistent DMA buffers are found (only part of required buffers is available), reinitializing...");
- else if (reuse_desc & PCILIB_KMEM_REUSE_REUSED) {
- if ((reuse_desc & PCILIB_KMEM_REUSE_PERSISTENT) == 0) pcilib_warning("Lost DMA buffers are found (non-persistent mode), reinitializing...");
- else if ((reuse_desc & PCILIB_KMEM_REUSE_HARDWARE) == 0) pcilib_warning("Lost DMA buffers are found (missing HW reference), reinitializing...");
- else {
- if (value != IPEDMA_DMA_PAGES) pcilib_warning("Inconsistent DMA buffers are found (Number of allocated buffers (%lu) does not match current request (%lu)), reinitializing...", value + 1, IPEDMA_DMA_PAGES);
- else
-#endif /* IPEDMA_BUG_DMARD */
- preserve = 1;
- }
- }
- } else pcilib_warning("Inconsistent DMA buffers (modes of ring and page buffers does not match), reinitializing....");
- desc_va = pcilib_kmem_get_ua(ctx->pcilib, desc);
- if (ctx->mode64) last_written_addr_ptr = desc_va + 3 * sizeof(uint32_t);
- else last_written_addr_ptr = desc_va + 4 * sizeof(uint32_t);
- if (preserve) {
- ctx->reused = 1;
- ctx->preserve = 1;
-// usleep(100000);
- // Detect the current state of DMA engine
- FILE *f = fopen("/tmp/pcitool_lastread", "r");
- if (!f) pcilib_error("Can't read current status");
- fread(&value, 1, sizeof(pcilib_register_value_t), f);
- fclose(f);
-#else /* IPEDMA_BUG_DMARD */
- // Numbered from 1 in FPGA
- value--;
-#endif /* IPEDMA_BUG_DMARD */
- ctx->last_read = value;
- } else {
- ctx->reused = 0;
- // Disable DMA
- usleep(100000);
- // Reset DMA engine
- usleep(100000);
- usleep(100000);
- // Verify PCIe link status
- if (value != 0x14031700) pcilib_warning("PCIe is not ready, code is %lx", value);
-#endif /* IPEDMA_BUG_DMARD */
- // Enable 64 bit addressing and configure TLP and PACKET sizes (40 bit mode can be used with big pre-allocated buffers later)
- if (ctx->mode64) address64 = 0x8000 | (0<<24);
- else address64 = 0;
- // Setting progress register threshold
- // Reseting configured DMA pages
- // Setting current read position and configuring progress register
- WR(IPEDMA_REG_UPDATE_ADDR, pcilib_kmem_get_block_ba(ctx->pcilib, desc, 0));
- // Instructing DMA engine that writting should start from the first DMA page
- *last_written_addr_ptr = 0;//htonl(pcilib_kmem_get_block_ba(ctx->pcilib, pages, IPEDMA_DMA_PAGES - 1));
- for (i = 0; i < IPEDMA_DMA_PAGES; i++) {
- uintptr_t bus_addr_check, bus_addr = pcilib_kmem_get_block_ba(ctx->pcilib, pages, i);
- if (bus_addr%4096) printf("Bad address %lu: %lx\n", i, bus_addr);
- RD(IPEDMA_REG_PAGE_ADDR, bus_addr_check);
- if (bus_addr_check != bus_addr) {
- pcilib_error("Written (%x) and read (%x) bus addresses does not match\n", bus_addr, bus_addr_check);
- }
- usleep(1000);
- }
- // Enable DMA
- ctx->last_read = IPEDMA_DMA_PAGES - 1;
- FILE *f = fopen("/tmp/pcitool_lastread", "w");
- if (!f) pcilib_error("Can't write current status");
- value = ctx->last_read;
- fwrite(&value, 1, sizeof(pcilib_register_value_t), f);
- fclose(f);
-#endif /* IPEDMA_BUG_DMARD */
- }
-// ctx->last_read_addr = htonl(pcilib_kmem_get_block_ba(ctx->pcilib, pages, ctx->last_read));
- ctx->last_read_addr = pcilib_kmem_get_block_ba(ctx->pcilib, pages, ctx->last_read);
- ctx->desc = desc;
- ctx->pages = pages;
- ctx->page_size = pcilib_kmem_get_block_size(ctx->pcilib, pages, 0);;
- ctx->ring_size = IPEDMA_DMA_PAGES;
- return 0;
-int dma_ipe_stop(pcilib_dma_context_t *vctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags) {
- pcilib_kmem_flags_t kflags;
- ipe_dma_t *ctx = (ipe_dma_t*)vctx;
- if (!ctx->started) return 0;
- // ignoring previous setting if flag specified
- ctx->preserve = 0;
- }
- if (ctx->preserve) {
- } else {
- ctx->started = 0;
- // Disable DMA
- usleep(100000);
- // Reset DMA engine
- usleep(100000);
- usleep(100000);
- // Reseting configured DMA pages
- usleep(100000);
- }
- // Clean buffers
- if (ctx->desc) {
- pcilib_free_kernel_memory(ctx->pcilib, ctx->desc, kflags);
- ctx->desc = NULL;
- }
- if (ctx->pages) {
- pcilib_free_kernel_memory(ctx->pcilib, ctx->pages, kflags);
- ctx->pages = NULL;
- }
- return 0;
-int dma_ipe_get_status(pcilib_dma_context_t *vctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma, pcilib_dma_engine_status_t *status, size_t n_buffers, pcilib_dma_buffer_status_t *buffers) {
- size_t i;
- ipe_dma_t *ctx = (ipe_dma_t*)vctx;
- void *desc_va = (void*)pcilib_kmem_get_ua(ctx->pcilib, ctx->desc);
- uint32_t *last_written_addr_ptr;
- uint32_t last_written_addr;
- if (!status) return -1;
- if (ctx->mode64) last_written_addr_ptr = desc_va + 3 * sizeof(uint32_t);
- else last_written_addr_ptr = desc_va + 4 * sizeof(uint32_t);
- last_written_addr = *last_written_addr_ptr;
- status->started = ctx->started;
- status->ring_size = ctx->ring_size;
- status->buffer_size = ctx->page_size;
- // For simplicity, we keep last_read here, and fix in the end
- status->ring_tail = ctx->last_read;
- // Find where the ring head is actually are
- for (i = 0; i < ctx->ring_size; i++) {
- uintptr_t bus_addr = pcilib_kmem_get_block_ba(ctx->pcilib, ctx->pages, i);
- if (bus_addr == last_written_addr) {
- status->ring_head = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (i == ctx->ring_size) {
- if (last_written_addr) {
- pcilib_warning("DMA is in unknown state, last_written_addr does not correspond any of available buffers");
- return -1;
- }
- status->ring_head = 0;
- status->ring_tail = 0;
- }
- if (n_buffers > ctx->ring_size) n_buffers = ctx->ring_size;
- if (buffers) {
- memset(buffers, 0, n_buffers * sizeof(pcilib_dma_buffer_status_t));
- if (status->ring_head >= status->ring_tail) {
- for (i = status->ring_tail + 1; (i <= status->ring_head)&&(i < n_buffers); i++) {
- buffers[i].used = 1;
- buffers[i].size = ctx->page_size;
- buffers[i].first = 1;
- buffers[i].last = 1;
- }
- } else {
- for (i = 0; (i <= status->ring_head)&&(i < n_buffers); i++) {
- buffers[i].used = 1;
- buffers[i].size = ctx->page_size;
- buffers[i].first = 1;
- buffers[i].last = 1;
- }
- for (i = status->ring_tail + 1; (i < status->ring_size)&&(i < n_buffers); i++) {
- buffers[i].used = 1;
- buffers[i].size = ctx->page_size;
- buffers[i].first = 1;
- buffers[i].last = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- // We actually keep last_read in the ring_tail, so need to increase
- if (status->ring_tail != status->ring_head) {
- status->ring_tail++;
- if (status->ring_tail == status->ring_size) status->ring_tail = 0;
- }
- return 0;
-int dma_ipe_stream_read(pcilib_dma_context_t *vctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma, uintptr_t addr, size_t size, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags, pcilib_timeout_t timeout, pcilib_dma_callback_t cb, void *cbattr) {
- pcilib_timeout_t wait = 0;
- struct timeval start, cur;
- volatile void *desc_va;
- volatile uint32_t *last_written_addr_ptr;
- volatile uint32_t *empty_detected_ptr;
- pcilib_dma_flags_t packet_flags = PCILIB_DMA_FLAG_EOP;
- pcilib_register_value_t value;
-#endif /* IPEDMA_BUG_DMARD */
- size_t cur_read;
- ipe_dma_t *ctx = (ipe_dma_t*)vctx;
- err = dma_ipe_start(vctx, dma, PCILIB_DMA_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
- if (err) return err;
- desc_va = (void*)pcilib_kmem_get_ua(ctx->pcilib, ctx->desc);
- if (ctx->mode64) last_written_addr_ptr = desc_va + 3 * sizeof(uint32_t);
- else last_written_addr_ptr = desc_va + 4 * sizeof(uint32_t);
- empty_detected_ptr = last_written_addr_ptr - 2;
- do {
- // Hardware indicates that there is no more data pending and we can safely stop if there is no data in the kernel buffers already
- if (*empty_detected_ptr)
- wait = 0;
- else
- break;
- wait = (timeout > IPEDMA_DMA_TIMEOUT)?timeout:IPEDMA_DMA_TIMEOUT;
- break;
-// case PCILIB_STREAMING_CHECK: wait = 0; break;
- }
- printf("Waiting for data: %u (last read) 0x%x (last read addr) 0x%x (last_written)\n", ctx->last_read, ctx->last_read_addr, *last_written_addr_ptr);
-#endif /* IPEDMA_DEBUG */
- gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
- memcpy(&cur, &start, sizeof(struct timeval));
- while (((*last_written_addr_ptr == 0)||(ctx->last_read_addr == (*last_written_addr_ptr)))&&((wait == PCILIB_TIMEOUT_INFINITE)||(((cur.tv_sec - start.tv_sec)*1000000 + (cur.tv_usec - start.tv_usec)) < wait))) {
- usleep(10);
- if ((ret != PCILIB_STREAMING_REQ_PACKET)&&(*empty_detected_ptr)) break;
- gettimeofday(&cur, NULL);
- }
- // Failing out if we exited on timeout
- if ((ctx->last_read_addr == (*last_written_addr_ptr))||(*last_written_addr_ptr == 0)) {
- if ((wait)&&(*last_written_addr_ptr)&&(!*empty_detected_ptr))
- pcilib_warning("The empty_detected flag is not set, but no data arrived within %lu us\n", wait);
-# endif /* IPEDMA_DEBUG */
- }
- // Getting next page to read
- cur_read = ctx->last_read + 1;
- if (cur_read == ctx->ring_size) cur_read = 0;
- printf("Reading: %u (last read) 0x%x (last read addr) 0x%x (last_written)\n", cur_read, ctx->last_read_addr, *last_written_addr_ptr);
-#endif /* IPEDMA_DEBUG */
- if ((*empty_detected_ptr)&&(pcilib_kmem_get_block_ba(ctx->pcilib, ctx->pages, cur_read) == (*last_written_addr_ptr))) packet_flags = PCILIB_DMA_FLAG_EOP;
- else packet_flags = 0;
- pcilib_kmem_sync_block(ctx->pcilib, ctx->pages, PCILIB_KMEM_SYNC_FROMDEVICE, cur_read);
- void *buf = pcilib_kmem_get_block_ua(ctx->pcilib, ctx->pages, cur_read);
- ret = cb(cbattr, packet_flags, ctx->page_size, buf);
- if (ret < 0) return -ret;
-// DS: Fixme, it looks like we can avoid calling this for the sake of performance
-// pcilib_kmem_sync_block(ctx->pcilib, ctx->pages, PCILIB_KMEM_SYNC_TODEVICE, cur_read);
- // Numbered from 1
- WR(IPEDMA_REG_LAST_READ, cur_read + 1);
- ctx->last_read = cur_read;
-// ctx->last_read_addr = htonl(pcilib_kmem_get_block_ba(ctx->pcilib, ctx->pages, cur_read));
- ctx->last_read_addr = pcilib_kmem_get_block_ba(ctx->pcilib, ctx->pages, cur_read);
- FILE *f = fopen("/tmp/pcitool_lastread", "w");
- if (!f) pcilib_error("Can't write current status");
- value = cur_read;
- fwrite(&value, 1, sizeof(pcilib_register_value_t), f);
- fclose(f);
-#endif /* IPEDMA_BUG_DMARD */
- } while (ret);
- return 0;
-double dma_ipe_benchmark(pcilib_dma_context_t *vctx, pcilib_dma_engine_addr_t dma, uintptr_t addr, size_t size, size_t iterations, pcilib_dma_direction_t direction) {
- int err = 0;
- ipe_dma_t *ctx = (ipe_dma_t*)vctx;
- int iter;
- size_t us = 0;
- struct timeval start, cur;
- void *buf;
- size_t bytes, rbytes;
- if ((direction == PCILIB_DMA_TO_DEVICE)||(direction == PCILIB_DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL)) return -1.;
- if ((dma != PCILIB_DMA_ENGINE_INVALID)&&(dma > 1)) return -1.;
- err = dma_ipe_start(vctx, 0, PCILIB_DMA_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
- if (err) return err;
- err = pcilib_skip_dma(ctx->pcilib, 0);
- if (err) {
- pcilib_error("Can't start benchmark, devices continuously writes unexpected data using DMA engine");
- return -1;
- }
- if (size%IPEDMA_PAGE_SIZE) size = (1 + size / IPEDMA_PAGE_SIZE) * IPEDMA_PAGE_SIZE;
- // Allocate memory and prepare data
- buf = malloc(size);
- if (!buf) return -1;
- for (iter = 0; iter < iterations; iter++) {
- gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
- // Starting DMA
- for (bytes = 0; bytes < size; bytes += rbytes) {
- err = pcilib_read_dma(ctx->pcilib, 0, addr, size - bytes, buf + bytes, &rbytes);
- if (err) {
- pcilib_error("Can't read data from DMA, error %i", err);
- return -1;
- }
- }
- // Stopping DMA
- if (err) break;
- gettimeofday(&cur, NULL);
- us += ((cur.tv_sec - start.tv_sec)*1000000 + (cur.tv_usec - start.tv_usec));
- err = pcilib_skip_dma(ctx->pcilib, 0);
- if (err) {
- pcilib_error("Can't start iteration, devices continuously writes unexpected data using DMA engine");
- break;
- }
- }
- free(buf);
- return err?-1:((1. * size * iterations * 1000000) / (1024. * 1024. * us));
diff --git a/dma/ipe.h b/dma/ipe.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c34ff1..0000000
--- a/dma/ipe.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _PCILIB_DMA_IPE_H
-#define _PCILIB_DMA_IPE_H
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "../pcilib.h"
-pcilib_dma_context_t *dma_ipe_init(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_modification_t type, void *arg);
-void dma_ipe_free(pcilib_dma_context_t *vctx);
-int dma_ipe_get_status(pcilib_dma_context_t *vctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma, pcilib_dma_engine_status_t *status, size_t n_buffers, pcilib_dma_buffer_status_t *buffers);
-int dma_ipe_start(pcilib_dma_context_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags);
-int dma_ipe_stop(pcilib_dma_context_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags);
-int dma_ipe_stream_read(pcilib_dma_context_t *vctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma, uintptr_t addr, size_t size, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags, pcilib_timeout_t timeout, pcilib_dma_callback_t cb, void *cbattr);
-double dma_ipe_benchmark(pcilib_dma_context_t *vctx, pcilib_dma_engine_addr_t dma, uintptr_t addr, size_t size, size_t iterations, pcilib_dma_direction_t direction);
-pcilib_dma_api_description_t ipe_dma_api = {
- "ipe_dma",
- dma_ipe_init,
- dma_ipe_free,
- dma_ipe_get_status,
- dma_ipe_start,
- dma_ipe_stop,
- dma_ipe_stream_read,
- dma_ipe_benchmark
-extern pcilib_dma_api_description_t ipe_dma_api;
-#endif /* _PCILIB_DMA_IPE_H */
diff --git a/dma/ipe_private.h b/dma/ipe_private.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fd44011..0000000
--- a/dma/ipe_private.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-#define IPEDMA_CORES 1
-#define IPEDMA_TLP_SIZE 32
-#define IPEDMA_PAGE_SIZE 4096
-#define IPEDMA_DMA_PAGES 16 /**< number of DMA pages in the ring buffer to allocate */
-#define IPEDMA_DMA_PROGRESS_THRESHOLD 1 /**< how many pages the DMA engine should fill before reporting progress */
-//#define IPEDMA_DEBUG
-//#define IPEDMA_BUG_DMARD /**< No register read during DMA transfer */
-//#define IPEDMA_DETECT_PACKETS /**< Using empty_deceted flag */
-#define IPEDMA_SUPPORT_EMPTY_DETECTED /**< Avoid waiting for data when empty_detected flag is set in hardware */
-#define IPEDMA_DMA_TIMEOUT 100000 /**< us, overrides PCILIB_DMA_TIMEOUT (actual hardware timeout is 50ms according to Lorenzo) */
-#define IPEDMA_REG_RESET 0x00
-#define IPEDMA_REG_CONTROL 0x04
-#define IPEDMA_REG_TLP_COUNT 0x10
-#define IPEDMA_REG_PAGE_ADDR 0x50
-#define IPEDMA_REG_LAST_READ 0x58
-typedef struct ipe_dma_s ipe_dma_t;
-struct ipe_dma_s {
- struct pcilib_dma_context_s dmactx;
- pcilib_dma_engine_description_t engine[2];
- pcilib_t *pcilib;
- pcilib_register_bank_description_t *dma_bank;
- char *base_addr;
- pcilib_irq_type_t irq_enabled; /**< indicates that IRQs are enabled */
- pcilib_irq_type_t irq_preserve; /**< indicates that IRQs should not be disabled during clean-up */
- int irq_started; /**< indicates that IRQ subsystem is initialized (detecting which types should be preserverd) */
- int started; /**< indicates that DMA buffers are initialized and reading is allowed */
- int writting; /**< indicates that we are in middle of writting packet */
- int reused; /**< indicates that DMA was found intialized, buffers were reused, and no additional initialization is needed */
- int preserve; /**< indicates that DMA should not be stopped during clean-up */
- int mode64; /**< indicates 64-bit operation mode */
- pcilib_kmem_handle_t *desc; /**< in-memory status descriptor written by DMA engine upon operation progess */
- pcilib_kmem_handle_t *pages; /**< collection of memory-locked pages for DMA operation */
- size_t ring_size, page_size;
- size_t last_read, last_read_addr, last_written;
diff --git a/dma/ipe_registers.h b/dma/ipe_registers.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 17fc41a..0000000
--- a/dma/ipe_registers.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-static pcilib_register_description_t ipe_dma_registers[] = {
- {0x0000, 0, 32, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_RW , PCILIB_REGISTER_STANDARD, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dcr", "Device Control Status Register"},
- {0x0000, 0, 1, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_RW , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "reset_dma", ""},
- {0x0000, 16, 4, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "datapath_width", ""},
- {0x0000, 24, 8, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "fpga_family", ""},
- {0x0004, 0, 32, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_RW , PCILIB_REGISTER_STANDARD, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "ddmacr", "Device DMA Control Status Register"},
- {0x0004, 0, 1, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF, PCILIB_REGISTER_RW , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "mwr_start", "Start writting memory"},
- {0x0004, 5, 1, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "mwr_relxed_order", ""},
- {0x0004, 6, 1, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "mwr_nosnoop", ""},
- {0x0004, 7, 1, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "mwr_int_dis", ""},
- {0x0004, 16, 1, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "mrd_start", ""},
- {0x0004, 21, 1, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "mrd_relaxed_order", ""},
- {0x0004, 22, 1, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "mrd_nosnoop", ""},
- {0x0004, 23, 1, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "mrd_int_dis", ""},
- {0x000C, 0, 32, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_RW , PCILIB_REGISTER_STANDARD, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "mwr_size", "DMA TLP size"},
- {0x000C, 16, 3, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "mwr_tlp_tc", "TC for TLP packets"},
- {0x000C, 19, 1, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF, PCILIB_REGISTER_RW , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "mwr_64b_en", "Enable 64 bit memory addressing"},
- {0x000C, 20, 1, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "mwr_phant_func_dis", "Disable MWR phantom function"},
- {0x000C, 24, 8, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF, PCILIB_REGISTER_RW , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "mwr_up_addr", "Upper address for 64 bit memory addressing"},
- {0x0010, 0, 32, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_RW , PCILIB_REGISTER_STANDARD, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "mwr_count", "Write DMA TLP Count"},
- {0x0014, 0, 32, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_RW , PCILIB_REGISTER_STANDARD, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "mwr_pattern", "DMA generator data pattern"},
- {0x0028, 0, 32, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_STANDARD, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "mwr_perf", "MWR Performance"},
- {0x003C, 0, 32, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_STANDARD, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "cfg_lnk_width", "Negotiated and max width of PCIe Link"},
- {0x003C, 0, 6, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "cfg_cap_max_lnk_width", "Max link width"},
- {0x003C, 8, 6, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "cfg_prg_max_lnk_width", "Negotiated link width"},
- {0x0040, 0, 32, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_STANDARD, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "cfg_payload_size", ""},
- {0x0040, 0, 4, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "cfg_cap_max_payload_size", "Max payload size"},
- {0x0040, 8, 3, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "cfg_prg_max_payload_size", "Prog max payload size"},
- {0x0040, 16, 3, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "cfg_max_rd_req_size", "Max read request size"},
- {0x0050, 0, 32, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_RW , PCILIB_REGISTER_STANDARD, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "desc_mem_din", "Descriptor memory"},
- {0x0054, 0, 32, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_RW , PCILIB_REGISTER_STANDARD, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "update_addr", "Address of progress register"},
- {0x0058, 0, 32, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_RW , PCILIB_REGISTER_STANDARD, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "last_descriptor_read", "Last descriptor read by the host"},
- {0x005C, 0, 32, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_RW , PCILIB_REGISTER_STANDARD, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "desc_mem_addr", "Number of descriptors configured"},
- {0x0060, 0, 32, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_RW , PCILIB_REGISTER_STANDARD, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "update_thresh", "Update threshold of progress register"},
- {0, 0, 0, 0, 0x00000000, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL}
-#endif /* _PCILIB_DMA_IPE_C */
diff --git a/dma/nwl.c b/dma/nwl.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 52b46ef..0000000
--- a/dma/nwl.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-#define _PCILIB_DMA_NWL_C
-#define _BSD_SOURCE
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include "pci.h"
-#include "pcilib.h"
-#include "error.h"
-#include "tools.h"
-#include "nwl_private.h"
-#include "nwl_defines.h"
-int dma_nwl_start(pcilib_dma_context_t *vctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags) {
- int err;
- nwl_dma_t *ctx = (nwl_dma_t*)vctx;
- if (!ctx->started) {
- // global initialization, should we do anything?
- ctx->started = 1;
- }
- if (dma == PCILIB_DMA_ENGINE_INVALID) return 0;
- else if (dma > ctx->n_engines) return PCILIB_ERROR_INVALID_BANK;
- if (flags&PCILIB_DMA_FLAG_PERSISTENT) ctx->engines[dma].preserve = 1;
- err = dma_nwl_start_engine(ctx, dma);
- return err;
-int dma_nwl_stop(pcilib_dma_context_t *vctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags) {
- int err;
- int preserving = 0;
- nwl_dma_t *ctx = (nwl_dma_t*)vctx;
- if (!ctx->started) return 0;
- // stop everything
- for (dma = 0; dma < ctx->n_engines; dma++) {
- ctx->engines[dma].preserve = 0;
- }
- if (ctx->engines[dma].preserve) preserving = 1;
- err = dma_nwl_stop_engine(ctx, dma);
- if (err) return err;
- }
- // global cleanup, should we do anything?
- if (!preserving) {
- ctx->started = 0;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- if (dma > ctx->n_engines) return PCILIB_ERROR_INVALID_BANK;
- // ignorign previous setting if flag specified
- ctx->engines[dma].preserve = 0;
- }
- return dma_nwl_stop_engine(ctx, dma);
-pcilib_dma_context_t *dma_nwl_init(pcilib_t *pcilib, pcilib_dma_modification_t type, void *arg) {
- int i;
- int err;
- pcilib_dma_engine_t n_engines;
- pcilib_model_description_t *model_info = pcilib_get_model_description(pcilib);
- nwl_dma_t *ctx = malloc(sizeof(nwl_dma_t));
- if (ctx) {
- memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(nwl_dma_t));
- ctx->pcilib = pcilib;
- ctx->type = type;
- ctx->dmactx.ignore_eop = 1;
- }
- pcilib_register_bank_t dma_bank = pcilib_find_bank_by_addr(pcilib, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA);
- free(ctx);
- pcilib_error("DMA Register Bank could not be found");
- return NULL;
- }
- ctx->dma_bank = model_info->banks + dma_bank;
- ctx->base_addr = pcilib_resolve_register_address(pcilib, ctx->dma_bank->bar, ctx->dma_bank->read_addr);
- for (i = 0, n_engines = 0; i < 2 * PCILIB_MAX_DMA_ENGINES; i++) {
- char *addr = ctx->base_addr + DMA_OFFSET + i * DMA_ENGINE_PER_SIZE;
- memset(ctx->engines + n_engines, 0, sizeof(pcilib_nwl_engine_description_t));
- err = dma_nwl_read_engine_config(ctx, ctx->engines + n_engines, addr);
- if (err) continue;
- pcilib_set_dma_engine_description(pcilib, n_engines, (pcilib_dma_engine_description_t*)(ctx->engines + n_engines));
- ++n_engines;
- }
- pcilib_set_dma_engine_description(pcilib, n_engines, NULL);
- ctx->n_engines = n_engines;
- err = nwl_add_registers(ctx);
- if (err) {
- free(ctx);
- pcilib_error("Failed to add DMA registers");
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- return (pcilib_dma_context_t*)ctx;
-void dma_nwl_free(pcilib_dma_context_t *vctx) {
- nwl_dma_t *ctx = (nwl_dma_t*)vctx;
- if (ctx) {
- if (ctx->type == PCILIB_DMA_MODIFICATION_DEFAULT) dma_nwl_stop_loopback(ctx);
- dma_nwl_free_irq(ctx);
- free(ctx);
- }
diff --git a/dma/nwl.h b/dma/nwl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 21df94c..0000000
--- a/dma/nwl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _PCILIB_DMA_NWL_H
-#define _PCILIB_DMA_NWL_H
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "../pcilib.h"
-pcilib_dma_context_t *dma_nwl_init(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_modification_t type, void *arg);
-void dma_nwl_free(pcilib_dma_context_t *vctx);
-int dma_nwl_get_status(pcilib_dma_context_t *vctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma, pcilib_dma_engine_status_t *status, size_t n_buffers, pcilib_dma_buffer_status_t *buffers);
-int dma_nwl_enable_irq(pcilib_dma_context_t *vctx, pcilib_irq_type_t type, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags);
-int dma_nwl_disable_irq(pcilib_dma_context_t *vctx, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags);
-int dma_nwl_acknowledge_irq(pcilib_dma_context_t *ctx, pcilib_irq_type_t irq_type, pcilib_irq_source_t irq_source);
-int dma_nwl_start(pcilib_dma_context_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags);
-int dma_nwl_stop(pcilib_dma_context_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags);
-int dma_nwl_write_fragment(pcilib_dma_context_t *vctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma, uintptr_t addr, size_t size, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags, pcilib_timeout_t timeout, void *data, size_t *written);
-int dma_nwl_stream_read(pcilib_dma_context_t *vctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma, uintptr_t addr, size_t size, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags, pcilib_timeout_t timeout, pcilib_dma_callback_t cb, void *cbattr);
-double dma_nwl_benchmark(pcilib_dma_context_t *vctx, pcilib_dma_engine_addr_t dma, uintptr_t addr, size_t size, size_t iterations, pcilib_dma_direction_t direction);
-pcilib_dma_api_description_t nwl_dma_api = {
- "nwl_dma",
- dma_nwl_init,
- dma_nwl_free,
- dma_nwl_get_status,
- dma_nwl_enable_irq,
- dma_nwl_disable_irq,
- dma_nwl_acknowledge_irq,
- dma_nwl_start,
- dma_nwl_stop,
- dma_nwl_write_fragment,
- dma_nwl_stream_read,
- dma_nwl_benchmark
-extern pcilib_dma_api_description_t nwl_dma_api;
-#endif /* _PCILIB_DMA_NWL_H */
diff --git a/dma/nwl_defines.h b/dma/nwl_defines.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ce3b686..0000000
--- a/dma/nwl_defines.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-/** @name Buffer Descriptor offsets
- * USR fields are defined by higher level IP. For example, checksum offload
- * setup for EMAC type devices. The 1st 8 words are utilized by hardware. Any
- * words after the 8th are for software use only.
- * @{
- */
-#define DMA_BD_BUFL_STATUS_OFFSET 0x00 /**< Buffer length + status */
-#define DMA_BD_USRL_OFFSET 0x04 /**< User logic specific - LSBytes */
-#define DMA_BD_USRH_OFFSET 0x08 /**< User logic specific - MSBytes */
-#define DMA_BD_CARDA_OFFSET 0x0C /**< Card address */
-#define DMA_BD_BUFL_CTRL_OFFSET 0x10 /**< Buffer length + control */
-#define DMA_BD_BUFAL_OFFSET 0x14 /**< Buffer address LSBytes */
-#define DMA_BD_BUFAH_OFFSET 0x18 /**< Buffer address MSBytes */
-#define DMA_BD_NDESC_OFFSET 0x1C /**< Next descriptor pointer */
-/* Bit masks for some BD fields */
-#define DMA_BD_BUFL_MASK 0x000FFFFF /**< Byte count */
-#define DMA_BD_STATUS_MASK 0xFF000000 /**< Status Flags */
-#define DMA_BD_CTRL_MASK 0xFF000000 /**< Control Flags */
-/* Bit masks for BD control field */
-#define DMA_BD_INT_ERROR_MASK 0x02000000 /**< Intr on error */
-#define DMA_BD_INT_COMP_MASK 0x01000000 /**< Intr on BD completion */
-/* Bit masks for BD status field */
-#define DMA_BD_SOP_MASK 0x80000000 /**< Start of packet */
-#define DMA_BD_EOP_MASK 0x40000000 /**< End of packet */
-#define DMA_BD_ERROR_MASK 0x10000000 /**< BD had error */
-#define DMA_BD_USER_HIGH_ZERO_MASK 0x08000000 /**< User High Status zero */
-#define DMA_BD_USER_LOW_ZERO_MASK 0x04000000 /**< User Low Status zero */
-#define DMA_BD_SHORT_MASK 0x02000000 /**< BD not fully used */
-#define DMA_BD_COMP_MASK 0x01000000 /**< BD completed */
-#define DMA_BD_MINIMUM_ALIGNMENT 0x40 /**< Minimum byte alignment */
-/* Common DMA registers */
-#define REG_DMA_CTRL_STATUS 0x4000 /**< DMA Common Ctrl & Status */
-/* These engine registers are applicable to both S2C and C2S channels.
- * Register field mask and shift definitions are later in this file.
- */
-#define REG_DMA_ENG_CAP 0x00000000 /**< DMA Engine Capabilities */
-#define REG_DMA_ENG_CTRL_STATUS 0x00000004 /**< DMA Engine Control */
-#define REG_DMA_ENG_NEXT_BD 0x00000008 /**< HW Next desc pointer */
-#define REG_SW_NEXT_BD 0x0000000C /**< SW Next desc pointer */
-#define REG_DMA_ENG_LAST_BD 0x00000010 /**< HW Last completed pointer */
-#define REG_DMA_ENG_ACTIVE_TIME 0x00000014 /**< DMA Engine Active Time */
-#define REG_DMA_ENG_WAIT_TIME 0x00000018 /**< DMA Engine Wait Time */
-#define REG_DMA_ENG_COMP_BYTES 0x0000001C /**< DMA Engine Completed Bytes */
-/* Register masks. The following constants define bit locations of various
- * control bits in the registers. For further information on the meaning of
- * the various bit masks, refer to the hardware spec.
- *
- * Masks have been written assuming HW bits 0-31 correspond to SW bits 0-31
- */
-/** @name Bitmasks of REG_DMA_CTRL_STATUS register.
- * @{
- */
-#define DMA_INT_ENABLE 0x00000001 /**< Enable global interrupts */
-#define DMA_INT_DISABLE 0x00000000 /**< Disable interrupts */
-#define DMA_INT_ACTIVE_MASK 0x00000002 /**< Interrupt active? */
-#define DMA_INT_PENDING_MASK 0x00000004 /**< Engine interrupt pending */
-#define DMA_INT_MSI_MODE 0x00000008 /**< MSI or Legacy mode? */
-#define DMA_USER_INT_ENABLE 0x00000010 /**< Enable user interrupts */
-#define DMA_USER_INT_ACTIVE_MASK 0x00000020 /**< Int - user interrupt */
-#define DMA_USER_INT_ACK 0x00000020 /**< Acknowledge */
-#define DMA_MPS_USED 0x00000700 /**< MPS Used */
-#define DMA_MRRS_USED 0x00007000 /**< MRRS Used */
-#define DMA_S2C_ENG_INT_VAL 0x00FF0000 /**< IRQ value of 1st 8 S2Cs */
-#define DMA_C2S_ENG_INT_VAL 0xFF000000 /**< IRQ value of 1st 8 C2Ss */
-/** @name Bitmasks of REG_DMA_ENG_CAP register.
- * @{
- */
-/* DMA engine characteristics */
-#define DMA_ENG_PRESENT_MASK 0x00000001 /**< DMA engine present? */
-#define DMA_ENG_DIRECTION_MASK 0x00000002 /**< DMA engine direction */
-#define DMA_ENG_C2S 0x00000002 /**< DMA engine - C2S */
-#define DMA_ENG_S2C 0x00000000 /**< DMA engine - S2C */
-#define DMA_ENG_TYPE_MASK 0x00000030 /**< DMA engine type */
-#define DMA_ENG_BLOCK 0x00000000 /**< DMA engine - Block type */
-#define DMA_ENG_PACKET 0x00000010 /**< DMA engine - Packet type */
-#define DMA_ENG_NUMBER 0x0000FF00 /**< DMA engine number */
-#define DMA_ENG_BD_MAX_BC 0x3F000000 /**< DMA engine max buffer size */
-/* Shift constants for selected masks */
-/** @name Bitmasks of REG_DMA_ENG_CTRL_STATUS register.
- * @{
- */
-/* Interrupt activity and acknowledgement bits */
-#define DMA_ENG_INT_ENABLE 0x00000001 /**< Enable interrupts */
-#define DMA_ENG_INT_DISABLE 0x00000000 /**< Disable interrupts */
-#define DMA_ENG_INT_ACTIVE_MASK 0x00000002 /**< Interrupt active? */
-#define DMA_ENG_INT_ACK 0x00000002 /**< Interrupt ack */
-#define DMA_ENG_INT_BDCOMP 0x00000004 /**< Int - BD completion */
-#define DMA_ENG_INT_BDCOMP_ACK 0x00000004 /**< Acknowledge */
-#define DMA_ENG_INT_ALERR 0x00000008 /**< Int - BD align error */
-#define DMA_ENG_INT_ALERR_ACK 0x00000008 /**< Acknowledge */
-#define DMA_ENG_INT_FETERR 0x00000010 /**< Int - BD fetch error */
-#define DMA_ENG_INT_FETERR_ACK 0x00000010 /**< Acknowledge */
-#define DMA_ENG_INT_ABORTERR 0x00000020 /**< Int - DMA abort error */
-#define DMA_ENG_INT_ABORTERR_ACK 0x00000020 /**< Acknowledge */
-#define DMA_ENG_INT_CHAINEND 0x00000080 /**< Int - BD chain ended */
-#define DMA_ENG_INT_CHAINEND_ACK 0x00000080 /**< Acknowledge */
-/* DMA engine control */
-#define DMA_ENG_ENABLE_MASK 0x00000100 /**< DMA enabled? */
-#define DMA_ENG_ENABLE 0x00000100 /**< Enable DMA */
-#define DMA_ENG_DISABLE 0x00000000 /**< Disable DMA */
-#define DMA_ENG_STATE_MASK 0x00000C00 /**< Current DMA state? */
-#define DMA_ENG_RUNNING 0x00000400 /**< DMA running */
-#define DMA_ENG_IDLE 0x00000000 /**< DMA idle */
-#define DMA_ENG_WAITING 0x00000800 /**< DMA waiting */
-#define DMA_ENG_STATE_WAITED 0x00001000 /**< DMA waited earlier */
-#define DMA_ENG_WAITED_ACK 0x00001000 /**< Acknowledge */
-#define DMA_ENG_USER_RESET 0x00004000 /**< Reset only user logic */
-#define DMA_ENG_RESET 0x00008000 /**< Reset DMA engine + user */
-#define DMA_ENG_ALLINT_MASK 0x000000BE /**< To get only int events */
-#define DMA_ENGINE_PER_SIZE 0x100 /**< Separation between engine regs */
-#define DMA_OFFSET 0 /**< Starting register offset */
- /**< Size of DMA engine reg space */
-#define TX_CONFIG_ADDRESS 0x9108 /* Reg for controlling TX data */
-#define RX_CONFIG_ADDRESS 0x9100 /* Reg for controlling RX pkt generator */
-#define PKT_SIZE_ADDRESS 0x9104 /* Reg for programming packet size */
-#define STATUS_ADDRESS 0x910C /* Reg for checking TX pkt checker status */
-/* Test start / stop conditions */
-#define PKTCHKR 0x00000001 /* Enable TX packet checker */
-#define PKTGENR 0x00000001 /* Enable RX packet generator */
-#define CHKR_MISMATCH 0x00000001 /* TX checker reported data mismatch */
-#define LOOPBACK 0x00000002 /* Enable TX data loopback onto RX */
diff --git a/dma/nwl_engine.c b/dma/nwl_engine.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f541d0b..0000000
--- a/dma/nwl_engine.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,318 +0,0 @@
-#define _BSD_SOURCE
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include "pci.h"
-#include "pcilib.h"
-#include "error.h"
-#include "tools.h"
-#include "nwl_private.h"
-#include "nwl_defines.h"
-#include "nwl_engine_buffers.h"
-int dma_nwl_read_engine_config(nwl_dma_t *ctx, pcilib_nwl_engine_description_t *info, char *base) {
- uint32_t val;
- info->base_addr = base;
- nwl_read_register(val, ctx, base, REG_DMA_ENG_CAP);
- info->desc.addr = (val & DMA_ENG_NUMBER) >> DMA_ENG_NUMBER_SHIFT;
- if ((info->desc.addr > PCILIB_MAX_DMA_ENGINES)||(info->desc.addr < 0)) return PCILIB_ERROR_INVALID_DATA;
- switch (val & DMA_ENG_DIRECTION_MASK) {
- case DMA_ENG_C2S:
- info->desc.direction = PCILIB_DMA_FROM_DEVICE;
- break;
- default:
- info->desc.direction = PCILIB_DMA_TO_DEVICE;
- }
- switch (val & DMA_ENG_TYPE_MASK) {
- info->desc.type = PCILIB_DMA_TYPE_BLOCK;
- break;
- info->desc.type = PCILIB_DMA_TYPE_PACKET;
- break;
- default:
- info->desc.type = PCILIB_DMA_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
- }
- info->desc.addr_bits = (val & DMA_ENG_BD_MAX_BC) >> DMA_ENG_BD_MAX_BC_SHIFT;
- info->base_addr = base;
- return 0;
-int dma_nwl_start_engine(nwl_dma_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma) {
- int err;
- uint32_t val;
- uint32_t ring_pa;
- struct timeval start, cur;
- pcilib_nwl_engine_description_t *info = ctx->engines + dma;
- char *base = ctx->engines[dma].base_addr;
- if (info->started) return 0;
- // This will only successed if there are no parallel access to DMA engine
- err = dma_nwl_allocate_engine_buffers(ctx, info);
- if (err) {
- info->started = 1;
- dma_nwl_stop_engine(ctx, dma);
- return err;
- }
- if (info->reused) {
- info->preserve = 1;
- dma_nwl_acknowledge_irq((pcilib_dma_context_t*)ctx, PCILIB_DMA_IRQ, dma);
- dma_nwl_enable_engine_irq(ctx, dma);
-#endif /* NWL_GENERATE_DMA_IRQ */
- } else {
- // Disable IRQs
- err = dma_nwl_disable_engine_irq(ctx, dma);
- if (err) {
- info->started = 1;
- dma_nwl_stop_engine(ctx, dma);
- return err;
- }
- // Disable Engine & Reseting
- nwl_write_register(val, ctx, base, REG_DMA_ENG_CTRL_STATUS);
- gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
- do {
- nwl_read_register(val, ctx, base, REG_DMA_ENG_CTRL_STATUS);
- gettimeofday(&cur, NULL);
- } while ((val & (DMA_ENG_STATE_MASK|DMA_ENG_USER_RESET))&&(((cur.tv_sec - start.tv_sec)*1000000 + (cur.tv_usec - start.tv_usec)) < PCILIB_REGISTER_TIMEOUT));
- pcilib_error("Timeout during reset of DMA engine %i", info->desc.addr);
- info->started = 1;
- dma_nwl_stop_engine(ctx, dma);
- }
- val = DMA_ENG_RESET;
- nwl_write_register(val, ctx, base, REG_DMA_ENG_CTRL_STATUS);
- gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
- do {
- nwl_read_register(val, ctx, base, REG_DMA_ENG_CTRL_STATUS);
- gettimeofday(&cur, NULL);
- } while ((val & DMA_ENG_RESET)&&(((cur.tv_sec - start.tv_sec)*1000000 + (cur.tv_usec - start.tv_usec)) < PCILIB_REGISTER_TIMEOUT));
- if (val & DMA_ENG_RESET) {
- pcilib_error("Timeout during reset of DMA engine %i", info->desc.addr);
- info->started = 1;
- dma_nwl_stop_engine(ctx, dma);
- }
- dma_nwl_acknowledge_irq((pcilib_dma_context_t*)ctx, PCILIB_DMA_IRQ, dma);
- ring_pa = pcilib_kmem_get_pa(ctx->pcilib, info->ring);
- nwl_write_register(ring_pa, ctx, info->base_addr, REG_DMA_ENG_NEXT_BD);
- nwl_write_register(ring_pa, ctx, info->base_addr, REG_SW_NEXT_BD);
- __sync_synchronize();
- nwl_read_register(val, ctx, info->base_addr, REG_DMA_ENG_CTRL_STATUS);
- val |= (DMA_ENG_ENABLE);
- nwl_write_register(val, ctx, info->base_addr, REG_DMA_ENG_CTRL_STATUS);
- __sync_synchronize();
- dma_nwl_enable_engine_irq(ctx, dma);
-#endif /* NWL_GENERATE_DMA_IRQ */
- if (info->desc.direction == PCILIB_DMA_FROM_DEVICE) {
- ring_pa += (info->ring_size - 1) * PCILIB_NWL_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE;
- nwl_write_register(ring_pa, ctx, info->base_addr, REG_SW_NEXT_BD);
- info->tail = 0;
- info->head = (info->ring_size - 1);
- } else {
- info->tail = 0;
- info->head = 0;
- }
- }
- info->started = 1;
- return 0;
-int dma_nwl_stop_engine(nwl_dma_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma) {
- int err;
- uint32_t val;
- uint32_t ring_pa;
- struct timeval start, cur;
- pcilib_kmem_flags_t flags;
- pcilib_nwl_engine_description_t *info = ctx->engines + dma;
- char *base = ctx->engines[dma].base_addr;
- if (!info->started) return 0;
- info->started = 0;
- err = dma_nwl_disable_engine_irq(ctx, dma);
- if (err) return err;
- if (!info->preserve) {
- // Stopping DMA is not enough reset is required
- nwl_write_register(val, ctx, base, REG_DMA_ENG_CTRL_STATUS);
- gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
- do {
- nwl_read_register(val, ctx, base, REG_DMA_ENG_CTRL_STATUS);
- gettimeofday(&cur, NULL);
- } while ((val & (DMA_ENG_RUNNING))&&(((cur.tv_sec - start.tv_sec)*1000000 + (cur.tv_usec - start.tv_usec)) < PCILIB_REGISTER_TIMEOUT));
- if (info->ring) {
- ring_pa = pcilib_kmem_get_pa(ctx->pcilib, info->ring);
- nwl_write_register(ring_pa, ctx, info->base_addr, REG_DMA_ENG_NEXT_BD);
- nwl_write_register(ring_pa, ctx, info->base_addr, REG_SW_NEXT_BD);
- }
- }
- dma_nwl_acknowledge_irq((pcilib_dma_context_t*)ctx, PCILIB_DMA_IRQ, dma);
- if (info->preserve) {
- } else {
- }
- // Clean buffers
- if (info->ring) {
- pcilib_free_kernel_memory(ctx->pcilib, info->ring, flags);
- info->ring = NULL;
- }
- if (info->pages) {
- pcilib_free_kernel_memory(ctx->pcilib, info->pages, flags);
- info->pages = NULL;
- }
- return 0;
-int dma_nwl_write_fragment(pcilib_dma_context_t *vctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma, uintptr_t addr, size_t size, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags, pcilib_timeout_t timeout, void *data, size_t *written) {
- int err;
- size_t pos;
- size_t bufnum;
- nwl_dma_t *ctx = (nwl_dma_t*)vctx;
- pcilib_nwl_engine_description_t *info = ctx->engines + dma;
- err = dma_nwl_start(vctx, dma, PCILIB_DMA_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
- if (err) return err;
- if (data) {
- for (pos = 0; pos < size; pos += info->page_size) {
- int block_size = min2(size - pos, info->page_size);
- bufnum = dma_nwl_get_next_buffer(ctx, info, 1, timeout);
- if (bufnum == PCILIB_DMA_BUFFER_INVALID) {
- if (written) *written = pos;
- }
- void *buf = pcilib_kmem_get_block_ua(ctx->pcilib, info->pages, bufnum);
- pcilib_kmem_sync_block(ctx->pcilib, info->pages, PCILIB_KMEM_SYNC_FROMDEVICE, bufnum);
- memcpy(buf, data, block_size);
- pcilib_kmem_sync_block(ctx->pcilib, info->pages, PCILIB_KMEM_SYNC_TODEVICE, bufnum);
- err = dma_nwl_push_buffer(ctx, info, block_size, (flags&PCILIB_DMA_FLAG_EOP)&&((pos + block_size) == size), timeout);
- if (err) {
- if (written) *written = pos;
- return err;
- }
- }
- }
- if (written) *written = size;
- if (flags&PCILIB_DMA_FLAG_WAIT) {
- bufnum = dma_nwl_get_next_buffer(ctx, info, PCILIB_NWL_DMA_PAGES - 1, timeout);
- }
- return 0;
-int dma_nwl_stream_read(pcilib_dma_context_t *vctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma, uintptr_t addr, size_t size, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags, pcilib_timeout_t timeout, pcilib_dma_callback_t cb, void *cbattr) {
- pcilib_timeout_t wait = 0;
- size_t res = 0;
- size_t bufnum;
- size_t bufsize;
- nwl_dma_t *ctx = (nwl_dma_t*)vctx;
- int eop;
- pcilib_nwl_engine_description_t *info = ctx->engines + dma;
- err = dma_nwl_start(vctx, dma, PCILIB_DMA_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
- if (err) return err;
- do {
- case PCILIB_STREAMING_WAIT: wait = timeout; break;
-// case PCILIB_STREAMING_CHECK: wait = 0; break;
- }
- bufnum = dma_nwl_wait_buffer(ctx, info, &bufsize, &eop, wait);
- if (bufnum == PCILIB_DMA_BUFFER_INVALID) {
- }
- // EOP is not respected in IPE Camera
- if (ctx->dmactx.ignore_eop) eop = 1;
- pcilib_kmem_sync_block(ctx->pcilib, info->pages, PCILIB_KMEM_SYNC_FROMDEVICE, bufnum);
- void *buf = pcilib_kmem_get_block_ua(ctx->pcilib, info->pages, bufnum);
- ret = cb(cbattr, (eop?PCILIB_DMA_FLAG_EOP:0), bufsize, buf);
- if (ret < 0) return -ret;
-// DS: Fixme, it looks like we can avoid calling this for the sake of performance
-// pcilib_kmem_sync_block(ctx->pcilib, info->pages, PCILIB_KMEM_SYNC_TODEVICE, bufnum);
- dma_nwl_return_buffer(ctx, info);
- res += bufsize;
- } while (ret);
- return 0;
-int dma_nwl_wait_completion(nwl_dma_t * ctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma, pcilib_timeout_t timeout) {
- if (dma_nwl_get_next_buffer(ctx, ctx->engines + dma, PCILIB_NWL_DMA_PAGES - 1, PCILIB_DMA_TIMEOUT) == (PCILIB_NWL_DMA_PAGES - 1)) return 0;
diff --git a/dma/nwl_engine.h b/dma/nwl_engine.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f9f3f60..0000000
--- a/dma/nwl_engine.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-int dma_nwl_read_engine_config(nwl_dma_t *ctx, pcilib_nwl_engine_description_t *info, char *base);
-int dma_nwl_start_engine(nwl_dma_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma);
-int dma_nwl_stop_engine(nwl_dma_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma);
-int dma_nwl_wait_completion(nwl_dma_t * ctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma, pcilib_timeout_t timeout);
-#endif /* _PCILIB_DMA_NWL_ENGINE_H */
diff --git a/dma/nwl_engine_buffers.h b/dma/nwl_engine_buffers.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c45c3ca..0000000
--- a/dma/nwl_engine_buffers.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,412 +0,0 @@
-#define NWL_RING_GET(data, offset) *(uint32_t*)(((char*)(data)) + (offset))
-#define NWL_RING_SET(data, offset, val) *(uint32_t*)(((char*)(data)) + (offset)) = (val)
-#define NWL_RING_UPDATE(data, offset, mask, val) *(uint32_t*)(((char*)(data)) + (offset)) = ((*(uint32_t*)(((char*)(data)) + (offset)))&(mask))|(val)
-static int dma_nwl_compute_read_s2c_pointers(nwl_dma_t *ctx, pcilib_nwl_engine_description_t *info, unsigned char *ring, uint32_t ring_pa) {
- uint32_t val;
- char *base = info->base_addr;
- nwl_read_register(val, ctx, base, REG_SW_NEXT_BD);
- if ((val < ring_pa)||((val - ring_pa) % PCILIB_NWL_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE)) {
- if (val < ring_pa) pcilib_warning("Inconsistent S2C DMA Ring buffer is found (REG_SW_NEXT_BD register value (%lx) is below start of ring [%lx,%lx])", val, ring_pa, PCILIB_NWL_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE);
- else pcilib_warning("Inconsistent S2C DMA Ring buffer is found (REG_SW_NEXT_BD register value (%zu / %u) is fractal)", val - ring_pa, PCILIB_NWL_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE);
- }
- info->head = (val - ring_pa) / PCILIB_NWL_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE;
- if (info->head >= PCILIB_NWL_DMA_PAGES) {
- pcilib_warning("Inconsistent S2C DMA Ring buffer is found (REG_SW_NEXT_BD register value (%zu) out of range)", info->head);
- }
- nwl_read_register(val, ctx, base, REG_DMA_ENG_NEXT_BD);
- if ((val < ring_pa)||((val - ring_pa) % PCILIB_NWL_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE)) {
- if (val < ring_pa) pcilib_warning("Inconsistent S2C DMA Ring buffer is found (REG_DMA_ENG_NEXT_BD register value (%lx) is below start of ring [%lx,%lx])", val, ring_pa, PCILIB_NWL_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE);
- else pcilib_warning("Inconsistent S2C DMA Ring buffer is found (REG_DMA_ENG_NEXT_BD register value (%zu / %u) is fractal)", val - ring_pa, PCILIB_NWL_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE);
- }
- info->tail = (val - ring_pa) / PCILIB_NWL_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE;
- if (info->tail >= PCILIB_NWL_DMA_PAGES) {
- pcilib_warning("Inconsistent S2C DMA Ring buffer is found (REG_DMA_ENG_NEXT_BD register value (%zu) out of range)", info->tail);
- }
-#ifdef DEBUG_NWL
- printf("S2C: %lu %lu\n", info->tail, info->head);
-#endif /* DEBUG_NWL */
- return 0;
-static int dma_nwl_compute_read_c2s_pointers(nwl_dma_t *ctx, pcilib_nwl_engine_description_t *info, unsigned char *ring, uint32_t ring_pa) {
- uint32_t val;
- char *base = info->base_addr;
- nwl_read_register(val, ctx, base, REG_SW_NEXT_BD);
- if ((val < ring_pa)||((val - ring_pa) % PCILIB_NWL_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE)) {
- if (val < ring_pa) pcilib_warning("Inconsistent C2S DMA Ring buffer is found (REG_SW_NEXT_BD register value (%lx) is below start of the ring [%lx,%lx])", val, ring_pa, PCILIB_NWL_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE);
- else pcilib_warning("Inconsistent C2S DMA Ring buffer is found (REG_SW_NEXT_BD register value (%zu / %u) is fractal)", val - ring_pa, PCILIB_NWL_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE);
- }
- info->head = (val - ring_pa) / PCILIB_NWL_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE;
- if (info->head >= PCILIB_NWL_DMA_PAGES) {
- pcilib_warning("Inconsistent C2S DMA Ring buffer is found (REG_SW_NEXT_BD register value (%zu) out of range)", info->head);
- }
- info->tail = info->head + 1;
- if (info->tail == PCILIB_NWL_DMA_PAGES) info->tail = 0;
-#ifdef DEBUG_NWL
- printf("C2S: %lu %lu\n", info->tail, info->head);
-#endif /* DEBUG_NWL */
- return 0;
-static int dma_nwl_allocate_engine_buffers(nwl_dma_t *ctx, pcilib_nwl_engine_description_t *info) {
- int err = 0;
- int i;
- int preserve = 0;
- uint16_t sub_use;
- uint32_t val;
- uint32_t buf_sz;
- uint64_t buf_pa;
- pcilib_kmem_reuse_state_t reuse_ring, reuse_pages;
- pcilib_kmem_flags_t flags;
- pcilib_kmem_type_t type;
- char *base = info->base_addr;
- if (info->pages) return 0;
- // Or bidirectional specified by 0x0|addr, or read 0x0|addr and write 0x80|addr
- sub_use = info->desc.addr|((info->desc.direction == PCILIB_DMA_TO_DEVICE)?0x80:0x00);
- pcilib_kmem_handle_t *ring = pcilib_alloc_kernel_memory(ctx->pcilib, PCILIB_KMEM_TYPE_CONSISTENT, 1, PCILIB_NWL_DMA_PAGES * PCILIB_NWL_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE, PCILIB_NWL_ALIGNMENT, PCILIB_KMEM_USE(PCILIB_KMEM_USE_DMA_RING, sub_use), flags);
- pcilib_kmem_handle_t *pages = pcilib_alloc_kernel_memory(ctx->pcilib, type, PCILIB_NWL_DMA_PAGES, 0, 0, PCILIB_KMEM_USE(PCILIB_KMEM_USE_DMA_PAGES, sub_use), flags);
- if (!ring||!pages) {
- if (pages) pcilib_free_kernel_memory(ctx->pcilib, pages, 0);
- if (ring) pcilib_free_kernel_memory(ctx->pcilib, ring, 0);
- }
- reuse_ring = pcilib_kmem_is_reused(ctx->pcilib, ring);
- reuse_pages = pcilib_kmem_is_reused(ctx->pcilib, pages);
-// I guess idea here was that we not need to check all that stuff during the second iteration
-// which is basicaly true (shall we expect any driver-triggered changes or parallel accesses?)
-// but still we need to set preserve flag (and that if we enforcing preservation --start-dma).
-// Probably having checks anyway is not harming...
-// if (!info->preserve) {
- if (reuse_ring == reuse_pages) {
- if (reuse_ring & PCILIB_KMEM_REUSE_PARTIAL) pcilib_warning("Inconsistent DMA buffers are found (only part of required buffers is available), reinitializing...");
- else if (reuse_ring & PCILIB_KMEM_REUSE_REUSED) {
- if ((reuse_ring & PCILIB_KMEM_REUSE_PERSISTENT) == 0) pcilib_warning("Lost DMA buffers are found (non-persistent mode), reinitializing...");
- else if ((reuse_ring & PCILIB_KMEM_REUSE_HARDWARE) == 0) pcilib_warning("Lost DMA buffers are found (missing HW reference), reinitializing...");
- else {
- nwl_read_register(val, ctx, info->base_addr, REG_DMA_ENG_CTRL_STATUS);
- if ((val&DMA_ENG_RUNNING) == 0) pcilib_warning("Lost DMA buffers are found (DMA engine is stopped), reinitializing...");
- else preserve = 1;
- }
- }
- } else pcilib_warning("Inconsistent DMA buffers (modes of ring and page buffers does not match), reinitializing....");
-// }
- unsigned char *data = (unsigned char*)pcilib_kmem_get_ua(ctx->pcilib, ring);
- uint32_t ring_pa = pcilib_kmem_get_pa(ctx->pcilib, ring);
- if (preserve) {
- if (info->desc.direction == PCILIB_DMA_FROM_DEVICE) err = dma_nwl_compute_read_c2s_pointers(ctx, info, data, ring_pa);
- else err = dma_nwl_compute_read_s2c_pointers(ctx, info, data, ring_pa);
- if (err) preserve = 0;
- }
- if (preserve) {
- info->reused = 1;
- buf_sz = pcilib_kmem_get_block_size(ctx->pcilib, pages, 0);
- } else {
- info->reused = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < PCILIB_NWL_DMA_PAGES; i++, data += PCILIB_NWL_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE) {
- buf_pa = pcilib_kmem_get_block_pa(ctx->pcilib, pages, i);
- buf_sz = pcilib_kmem_get_block_size(ctx->pcilib, pages, i);
- NWL_RING_SET(data, DMA_BD_BUFAH_OFFSET, buf_pa>>32);
-#endif /* NWL_GENERATE_DMA_IRQ */
- }
- val = ring_pa;
- nwl_write_register(val, ctx, base, REG_DMA_ENG_NEXT_BD);
- nwl_write_register(val, ctx, base, REG_SW_NEXT_BD);
- info->head = 0;
- info->tail = 0;
- }
- info->ring = ring;
- info->pages = pages;
- info->page_size = buf_sz;
- info->ring_size = PCILIB_NWL_DMA_PAGES;
- return 0;
-static size_t dma_nwl_clean_buffers(nwl_dma_t * ctx, pcilib_nwl_engine_description_t *info) {
- size_t res = 0;
- uint32_t status;
- unsigned char *ring = pcilib_kmem_get_ua(ctx->pcilib, info->ring);
- ring += info->tail * PCILIB_NWL_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE;
- if (status & DMA_BD_ERROR_MASK) {
- pcilib_error("NWL DMA Engine reported error in ring descriptor");
- return (size_t)-1;
- }
- if (status & DMA_BD_SHORT_MASK) {
- pcilib_error("NWL DMA Engine reported short error");
- return (size_t)-1;
- }
- if (status & DMA_BD_COMP_MASK) {
- info->tail++;
- if (info->tail == info->ring_size) {
- ring -= (info->tail - 1) * PCILIB_NWL_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE;
- info->tail = 0;
- } else {
- }
- res++;
- if (info->tail != info->head) goto next_buffer;
- }
-// printf("====> Cleaned: %i\n", res);
- return res;
-static size_t dma_nwl_get_next_buffer(nwl_dma_t * ctx, pcilib_nwl_engine_description_t *info, size_t n_buffers, pcilib_timeout_t timeout) {
- struct timeval start, cur;
- size_t res, n = 0;
- size_t head;
- for (head = info->head; (((head + 1)%info->ring_size) != info->tail)&&(n < n_buffers); head++, n++);
- if (n == n_buffers) return info->head;
- gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
- res = dma_nwl_clean_buffers(ctx, info);
- if (res == (size_t)-1) return PCILIB_DMA_BUFFER_INVALID;
- else n += res;
- while (n < n_buffers) {
- if (timeout != PCILIB_TIMEOUT_INFINITE) {
- gettimeofday(&cur, NULL);
- if (((cur.tv_sec - start.tv_sec)*1000000 + (cur.tv_usec - start.tv_usec)) > timeout) break;
- }
- usleep (10);
- res = dma_nwl_clean_buffers(ctx, info);
- if (res == (size_t)-1) return PCILIB_DMA_BUFFER_INVALID;
- else if (res > 0) {
- gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
- n += res;
- }
- }
- if (n < n_buffers) return PCILIB_DMA_BUFFER_INVALID;
- return info->head;
-static int dma_nwl_push_buffer(nwl_dma_t *ctx, pcilib_nwl_engine_description_t *info, size_t size, int eop, pcilib_timeout_t timeout) {
- int flags = 0;
- uint32_t val;
- unsigned char *ring = pcilib_kmem_get_ua(ctx->pcilib, info->ring);
- uint32_t ring_pa = pcilib_kmem_get_pa(ctx->pcilib, info->ring);
- ring += info->head * PCILIB_NWL_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE;
- if (!info->writting) {
- flags |= DMA_BD_SOP_MASK;
- info->writting = 1;
- }
- if (eop) {
- flags |= DMA_BD_EOP_MASK;
- info->writting = 0;
- }
- NWL_RING_SET(ring, DMA_BD_BUFL_CTRL_OFFSET, size|flags);
- info->head++;
- if (info->head == info->ring_size) info->head = 0;
- val = ring_pa + info->head * PCILIB_NWL_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE;
- nwl_write_register(val, ctx, info->base_addr, REG_SW_NEXT_BD);
- return 0;
-static size_t dma_nwl_wait_buffer(nwl_dma_t *ctx, pcilib_nwl_engine_description_t *info, size_t *size, int *eop, pcilib_timeout_t timeout) {
- struct timeval start, cur;
- uint32_t status_size, status;
- unsigned char *ring = pcilib_kmem_get_ua(ctx->pcilib, info->ring);
- ring += info->tail * PCILIB_NWL_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE;
- gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
- do {
- status_size = NWL_RING_GET(ring, DMA_BD_BUFL_STATUS_OFFSET);
- status = status_size & DMA_BD_STATUS_MASK;
- if (status & DMA_BD_ERROR_MASK) {
- pcilib_error("NWL DMA Engine reported error in ring descriptor");
- return (size_t)-1;
- }
- if (status & DMA_BD_COMP_MASK) {
- if (status & DMA_BD_EOP_MASK) *eop = 1;
- else *eop = 0;
- *size = status_size & DMA_BD_BUFL_MASK;
- if (mrd) {
- if ((info->tail + 1) == info->ring_size) ring -= info->tail * PCILIB_NWL_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE;
- }
- return info->tail;
- }
- usleep(10);
- gettimeofday(&cur, NULL);
- } while ((timeout == PCILIB_TIMEOUT_INFINITE)||(((cur.tv_sec - start.tv_sec)*1000000 + (cur.tv_usec - start.tv_usec)) < timeout));
- return (size_t)-1;
- // This function is not used now, but we may need it in the future
-static int dma_nwl_is_overflown(nwl_dma_t *ctx, pcilib_nwl_engine_description_t *info) {
- uint32_t status;
- unsigned char *ring = pcilib_kmem_get_ua(ctx->pcilib, info->ring);
- if (info->tail > 0) ring += (info->tail - 1) * PCILIB_NWL_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE;
- else ring += (info->ring_size - 1) * PCILIB_NWL_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE;
- return status&DMA_BD_COMP_MASK?1:0;
-static int dma_nwl_return_buffer(nwl_dma_t *ctx, pcilib_nwl_engine_description_t *info) {
- uint32_t val;
- unsigned char *ring = pcilib_kmem_get_ua(ctx->pcilib, info->ring);
- uint32_t ring_pa = pcilib_kmem_get_pa(ctx->pcilib, info->ring);
- size_t bufsz = pcilib_kmem_get_block_size(ctx->pcilib, info->pages, info->tail);
- ring += info->tail * PCILIB_NWL_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE;
-#endif /* NWL_GENERATE_DMA_IRQ */
- val = ring_pa + info->tail * PCILIB_NWL_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE;
- nwl_write_register(val, ctx, info->base_addr, REG_SW_NEXT_BD);
- info->tail++;
- if (info->tail == info->ring_size) info->tail = 0;
- return 0;
-int dma_nwl_get_status(pcilib_dma_context_t *vctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma, pcilib_dma_engine_status_t *status, size_t n_buffers, pcilib_dma_buffer_status_t *buffers) {
- size_t i;
- uint32_t bstatus;
- nwl_dma_t *ctx = (nwl_dma_t*)vctx;
- pcilib_nwl_engine_description_t *info = ctx->engines + dma;
- unsigned char *ring = (unsigned char*)pcilib_kmem_get_ua(ctx->pcilib, info->ring);
- if (!status) return -1;
- status->started = info->started;
- status->ring_size = info->ring_size;
- status->buffer_size = info->page_size;
- status->ring_tail = info->tail;
- if (info->desc.direction == PCILIB_DMA_FROM_DEVICE) {
- size_t pos = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < info->ring_size; i++) {
- pos = status->ring_tail + i;
- if (pos >= info->ring_size) pos -= info->ring_size;
- if ((bstatus&(DMA_BD_ERROR_MASK|DMA_BD_COMP_MASK)) == 0) break;
- }
- status->ring_head = pos;
- } else {
- status->ring_head = info->head;
- }
- if (buffers) {
- for (i = 0; (i < info->ring_size)&&(i < n_buffers); i++) {
- buffers[i].error = bstatus & (DMA_BD_ERROR_MASK/*|DMA_BD_SHORT_MASK*/);
- buffers[i].used = bstatus & DMA_BD_COMP_MASK;
- buffers[i].size = bstatus & DMA_BD_BUFL_MASK;
- buffers[i].first = bstatus & DMA_BD_SOP_MASK;
- buffers[i].last = bstatus & DMA_BD_EOP_MASK;
- }
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/dma/nwl_irq.c b/dma/nwl_irq.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e71c76a..0000000
--- a/dma/nwl_irq.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include "pcilib.h"
-#include "pci.h"
-#include "error.h"
-#include "tools.h"
-#include "nwl_private.h"
-#include "nwl_defines.h"
-int dma_nwl_init_irq(nwl_dma_t *ctx, uint32_t val) {
- if (val&DMA_INT_ENABLE) ctx->irq_preserve |= PCILIB_DMA_IRQ;
- if (val&DMA_USER_INT_ENABLE) ctx->irq_preserve |= PCILIB_EVENT_IRQ;
- }
- ctx->irq_started = 1;
- return 0;
-int dma_nwl_free_irq(nwl_dma_t *ctx) {
- if (ctx->irq_started) {
- dma_nwl_disable_irq((pcilib_dma_context_t*)ctx, 0);
- if (ctx->irq_preserve) dma_nwl_enable_irq((pcilib_dma_context_t*)ctx, ctx->irq_preserve, 0);
- ctx->irq_enabled = 0;
- ctx->irq_started = 0;
- }
- return 0;
-int dma_nwl_enable_irq(pcilib_dma_context_t *vctx, pcilib_irq_type_t type, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags) {
- uint32_t val;
- nwl_dma_t *ctx = (nwl_dma_t*)vctx;
- if (flags&PCILIB_DMA_FLAG_PERSISTENT) ctx->irq_preserve |= type;
- if ((ctx->irq_enabled&type) == type) return 0;
- type |= ctx->irq_enabled;
- nwl_read_register(val, ctx, ctx->base_addr, REG_DMA_CTRL_STATUS);
- if (!ctx->irq_started) dma_nwl_init_irq(ctx, val);
- nwl_write_register(val, ctx, ctx->base_addr, REG_DMA_CTRL_STATUS);
- pcilib_clear_irq(ctx->pcilib, NWL_DMA_IRQ_SOURCE);
- if (type & PCILIB_DMA_IRQ) val |= DMA_INT_ENABLE;
- nwl_write_register(val, ctx, ctx->base_addr, REG_DMA_CTRL_STATUS);
- ctx->irq_enabled = type;
- return 0;
-int dma_nwl_disable_irq(pcilib_dma_context_t *vctx, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags) {
- uint32_t val;
- nwl_dma_t *ctx = (nwl_dma_t*)vctx;
- ctx->irq_enabled = 0;
- nwl_read_register(val, ctx, ctx->base_addr, REG_DMA_CTRL_STATUS);
- if (!ctx->irq_started) dma_nwl_init_irq(ctx, val);
- nwl_write_register(val, ctx, ctx->base_addr, REG_DMA_CTRL_STATUS);
- if (flags&PCILIB_DMA_FLAG_PERSISTENT) ctx->irq_preserve = 0;
- return 0;
-int dma_nwl_enable_engine_irq(nwl_dma_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma) {
- uint32_t val;
- dma_nwl_enable_irq((pcilib_dma_context_t*)ctx, PCILIB_DMA_IRQ, 0);
- nwl_read_register(val, ctx, ctx->engines[dma].base_addr, REG_DMA_ENG_CTRL_STATUS);
- val |= (DMA_ENG_INT_ENABLE);
- nwl_write_register(val, ctx, ctx->engines[dma].base_addr, REG_DMA_ENG_CTRL_STATUS);
- return 0;
-int dma_nwl_disable_engine_irq(nwl_dma_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma) {
- uint32_t val;
- nwl_read_register(val, ctx, ctx->engines[dma].base_addr, REG_DMA_ENG_CTRL_STATUS);
- val &= ~(DMA_ENG_INT_ENABLE);
- nwl_write_register(val, ctx, ctx->engines[dma].base_addr, REG_DMA_ENG_CTRL_STATUS);
- return 0;
-int dma_nwl_acknowledge_irq(pcilib_dma_context_t *vctx, pcilib_irq_type_t irq_type, pcilib_irq_source_t irq_source) {
- uint32_t val;
- nwl_dma_t *ctx = (nwl_dma_t*)vctx;
- pcilib_nwl_engine_description_t *info = ctx->engines + irq_source;
- if (irq_source >= ctx->n_engines) return PCILIB_ERROR_NOTAVAILABLE;
- nwl_read_register(val, ctx, info->base_addr, REG_DMA_ENG_CTRL_STATUS);
- if (val & DMA_ENG_INT_ACTIVE_MASK) {
- nwl_write_register(val, ctx, info->base_addr, REG_DMA_ENG_CTRL_STATUS);
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/dma/nwl_irq.h b/dma/nwl_irq.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 811b632..0000000
--- a/dma/nwl_irq.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _PCILIB_NWL_IRQ_H
-#define _PCILIB_NWL_IRQ_H
-int dma_nwl_init_irq(nwl_dma_t *ctx, uint32_t val);
-int dma_nwl_free_irq(nwl_dma_t *ctx);
-int dma_nwl_enable_engine_irq(nwl_dma_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma);
-int dma_nwl_disable_engine_irq(nwl_dma_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma);
-#endif /* _PCILIB_NWL_IRQ_H */
diff --git a/dma/nwl_loopback.c b/dma/nwl_loopback.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 381a462..0000000
--- a/dma/nwl_loopback.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
-#define _BSD_SOURCE
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include "pci.h"
-#include "pcilib.h"
-#include "error.h"
-#include "tools.h"
-#include "nwl_private.h"
-#include "nwl_defines.h"
-int dma_nwl_start_loopback(nwl_dma_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_direction_t direction, size_t packet_size) {
- uint32_t val;
- ctx->loopback_started = 1;
- dma_nwl_stop_loopback(ctx);
- val = packet_size;
- nwl_write_register(val, ctx, ctx->base_addr, PKT_SIZE_ADDRESS);
- switch (direction) {
- val = LOOPBACK;
- nwl_write_register(val, ctx, ctx->base_addr, TX_CONFIG_ADDRESS);
- break;
- return -1;
- val = PKTGENR;
- nwl_write_register(val, ctx, ctx->base_addr, RX_CONFIG_ADDRESS);
- break;
- }
- }
- ctx->loopback_started = 1;
- return 0;
-int dma_nwl_stop_loopback(nwl_dma_t *ctx) {
- uint32_t val = 0;
- if (!ctx->loopback_started) return 0;
- /* Stop in any case, otherwise we can have problems in benchmark due to
- engine initialized in previous run, and benchmark is only actual usage.
- Otherwise, we should detect current loopback status during initialization */
- nwl_write_register(val, ctx, ctx->base_addr, TX_CONFIG_ADDRESS);
- nwl_write_register(val, ctx, ctx->base_addr, RX_CONFIG_ADDRESS);
- }
- ctx->loopback_started = 0;
- return 0;
-double dma_nwl_benchmark(pcilib_dma_context_t *vctx, pcilib_dma_engine_addr_t dma, uintptr_t addr, size_t size, size_t iterations, pcilib_dma_direction_t direction) {
- int iter, i;
- int err;
- size_t bytes, rbytes;
- uint32_t *buf, *cmp;
- const char *error = NULL;
- size_t packet_size, blocks;
- size_t us = 0;
- struct timeval start, cur;
- nwl_dma_t *ctx = (nwl_dma_t*)vctx;
- pcilib_dma_engine_t readid = pcilib_find_dma_by_addr(ctx->pcilib, PCILIB_DMA_FROM_DEVICE, dma);
- pcilib_dma_engine_t writeid = pcilib_find_dma_by_addr(ctx->pcilib, PCILIB_DMA_TO_DEVICE, dma);
- if (size%sizeof(uint32_t)) size = 1 + size / sizeof(uint32_t);
- else size /= sizeof(uint32_t);
- // Not supported
- if (direction == PCILIB_DMA_TO_DEVICE) return -1.;
- }
-// else if ((direction == PCILIB_DMA_FROM_DEVICE)&&(ctx->type != PCILIB_DMA_MODIFICATION_DEFAULT)) return -1.;
- // Stop Generators and drain old data
- if (ctx->type == PCILIB_DMA_MODIFICATION_DEFAULT) dma_nwl_stop_loopback(ctx);
-// dma_nwl_stop_engine(ctx, readid); // DS: replace with something better
- __sync_synchronize();
- err = pcilib_skip_dma(ctx->pcilib, readid);
- if (err) {
- pcilib_error("Can't start benchmark, devices continuously writes unexpected data using DMA engine");
- return -1;
- }
- dma_nwl_enable_engine_irq(ctx, readid);
- dma_nwl_enable_engine_irq(ctx, writeid);
-#endif /* NWL_GENERATE_DMA_IRQ */
- if (size * sizeof(uint32_t) > NWL_MAX_PACKET_SIZE) {
- packet_size = NWL_MAX_PACKET_SIZE;
- blocks = (size * sizeof(uint32_t)) / packet_size + (((size*sizeof(uint32_t))%packet_size)?1:0);
- } else {
- packet_size = size * sizeof(uint32_t);
- blocks = 1;
- }
- dma_nwl_start_loopback(ctx, direction, packet_size);
- // Allocate memory and prepare data
- buf = malloc(blocks * packet_size * sizeof(uint32_t));
- cmp = malloc(blocks * packet_size * sizeof(uint32_t));
- if ((!buf)||(!cmp)) {
- if (buf) free(buf);
- if (cmp) free(cmp);
- return -1;
- }
- pcilib_write_register(ctx->pcilib, NULL, "control", 0x1e5);
- usleep(100000);
- pcilib_write_register(ctx->pcilib, NULL, "control", 0x1e1);
- // This way causes more problems with garbage
- //pcilib_write_register(ctx->pcilib, NULL, "control", 0x3e1);
- }
- // Benchmark
- for (iter = 0; iter < iterations; iter++) {
- memset(cmp, 0x13 + iter, size * sizeof(uint32_t));
- pcilib_write_register(ctx->pcilib, NULL, "control", 0x1e1);
- }
- memcpy(buf, cmp, size * sizeof(uint32_t));
- if (direction&PCILIB_DMA_TO_DEVICE) {
- gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
- }
- err = pcilib_write_dma(ctx->pcilib, writeid, addr, size * sizeof(uint32_t), buf, &bytes);
- if ((err)||(bytes != size * sizeof(uint32_t))) {
- error = "Write failed";
- break;
- }
- if (direction&PCILIB_DMA_TO_DEVICE) {
- // wait written
- if (direction == PCILIB_DMA_TO_DEVICE) {
- dma_nwl_wait_completion(ctx, writeid, PCILIB_DMA_TIMEOUT);
- }
- gettimeofday(&cur, NULL);
- us += ((cur.tv_sec - start.tv_sec)*1000000 + (cur.tv_usec - start.tv_usec));
- }
- }
- pcilib_write_register(ctx->pcilib, NULL, "control", 0x3e1);
- }
- memset(buf, 0, size * sizeof(uint32_t));
- if (direction&PCILIB_DMA_FROM_DEVICE) {
- gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
- }
- for (i = 0, bytes = 0; i < blocks; i++) {
- retry:
- err = pcilib_read_dma(ctx->pcilib, readid, addr, packet_size * sizeof(uint32_t), buf + (bytes>>2), &rbytes);
- if ((err)||(rbytes%sizeof(uint32_t))) {
- break;
- }
- else if (rbytes == 8) {
- goto retry;
- }
- bytes += rbytes;
- }
- if (direction&PCILIB_DMA_FROM_DEVICE) {
- gettimeofday(&cur, NULL);
- us += ((cur.tv_sec - start.tv_sec)*1000000 + (cur.tv_usec - start.tv_usec));
- }
- if ((err)||((bytes != size * sizeof(uint32_t))&&((bytes - 8) != size * sizeof(uint32_t)))) {
- if ((err)||(bytes != size * sizeof(uint32_t))) {
- printf("Expected: %zu bytes, but %zu read, error: %i\n", size * sizeof(uint32_t), bytes, err);
- error = "Read failed";
- break;
- }
- if (direction == PCILIB_DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL) {
- if (memcmp(buf, cmp, size * sizeof(uint32_t))) {
- for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
- if (buf[i] != cmp[i]) break;
- bytes = i;
- printf("Expected: *0x%lx, Written at dword %lu:", 0x13 + iter, bytes);
- for (; (i < size)&&(i < (bytes + 16)); i++) {
- if (((i - bytes)%8)==0) printf("\n");
- printf("% 10lx", buf[i]);
- }
- printf("\n");
- error = "Written and read values does not match";
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- pcilib_write_register(ctx->pcilib, NULL, "control", 0x1e1);
- }
- if (error) {
- pcilib_warning("%s at iteration %i, error: %i, bytes: %zu", error, iter, err, bytes);
- }
- dma_nwl_disable_engine_irq(ctx, writeid);
- dma_nwl_disable_engine_irq(ctx, readid);
-#endif /* NWL_GENERATE_DMA_IRQ */
- dma_nwl_stop_loopback(ctx);
- __sync_synchronize();
- if (direction == PCILIB_DMA_FROM_DEVICE) {
- pcilib_skip_dma(ctx->pcilib, readid);
- }
- free(cmp);
- free(buf);
- return /*error?-1:*/(1. * size * sizeof(uint32_t) * iterations * 1000000) / (1024. * 1024. * us);
diff --git a/dma/nwl_loopback.h b/dma/nwl_loopback.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 63c8446..0000000
--- a/dma/nwl_loopback.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-int dma_nwl_start_loopback(nwl_dma_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_direction_t direction, size_t packet_size);
-int dma_nwl_stop_loopback(nwl_dma_t *ctx);
-#endif /* _PCILIB_NWL_LOOPBACK_H */
diff --git a/dma/nwl_private.h b/dma/nwl_private.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 756e6ca..0000000
--- a/dma/nwl_private.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-typedef struct nwl_dma_s nwl_dma_t;
-typedef struct pcilib_nwl_engine_description_s pcilib_nwl_engine_description_t;
-#define NWL_XAUI_ENGINE 0
-#define NWL_MAX_PACKET_SIZE 4096 //16384
-#define PCILIB_NWL_ALIGNMENT 64 // in bytes
-#define PCILIB_NWL_DMA_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE 64 // in bytes
-#define PCILIB_NWL_DMA_PAGES 256 // 1024
-//#define DEBUG_NWL
-#include "nwl.h"
-#include "nwl_irq.h"
-#include "nwl_register.h"
-#include "nwl_engine.h"
-#include "nwl_loopback.h"
-#define nwl_read_register(var, ctx, base, reg) pcilib_datacpy(&var, base + reg, 4, 1, ctx->dma_bank->raw_endianess)
-#define nwl_write_register(var, ctx, base, reg) pcilib_datacpy(base + reg, &var, 4, 1, ctx->dma_bank->raw_endianess)
-struct pcilib_nwl_engine_description_s {
- pcilib_dma_engine_description_t desc;
- char *base_addr;
- size_t ring_size, page_size;
- size_t head, tail;
- pcilib_kmem_handle_t *ring;
- pcilib_kmem_handle_t *pages;
- int started; /**< indicates that DMA buffers are initialized and reading is allowed */
- int writting; /**< indicates that we are in middle of writting packet */
- int reused; /**< indicates that DMA was found intialized, buffers were reused, and no additional initialization is needed */
- int preserve; /**< indicates that DMA should not be stopped during clean-up */
-struct nwl_dma_s {
- struct pcilib_dma_context_s dmactx;
- pcilib_t *pcilib;
- pcilib_dma_modification_t type;
- pcilib_register_bank_description_t *dma_bank;
- char *base_addr;
- pcilib_irq_type_t irq_enabled; /**< indicates that IRQs are enabled */
- pcilib_irq_type_t irq_preserve; /**< indicates that IRQs should not be disabled during clean-up */
- int started; /**< indicates that DMA subsystem is initialized and DMA engine can start */
- int irq_started; /**< indicates that IRQ subsystem is initialized (detecting which types should be preserverd) */
- int loopback_started; /**< indicates that benchmarking subsystem is initialized */
- pcilib_dma_engine_t n_engines;
- pcilib_nwl_engine_description_t engines[PCILIB_MAX_DMA_ENGINES + 1];
diff --git a/dma/nwl_register.c b/dma/nwl_register.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a3771a..0000000
--- a/dma/nwl_register.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include "pcilib.h"
-#include "pci.h"
-#include "error.h"
-#include "tools.h"
-#include "nwl_private.h"
-#include "nwl_register.h"
-int nwl_add_registers(nwl_dma_t *ctx) {
- int err;
- size_t n, i, j;
- int length;
- const char *names[NWL_MAX_DMA_ENGINE_REGISTERS];
- // We don't want DMA registers
- if (pcilib_find_bank_by_addr(ctx->pcilib, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA) == PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_INVALID) return 0;
- err = pcilib_add_registers(ctx->pcilib, 0, nwl_dma_registers);
- if (err) return err;
- err = pcilib_add_registers(ctx->pcilib, 0, nwl_xrawdata_registers);
- if (err) return err;
- }
- for (n = 0; nwl_dma_engine_registers[n].bits; n++) {
- names[n] = nwl_dma_engine_registers[n].name;
- addr[n] = nwl_dma_engine_registers[n].addr;
- }
- if (ctx->n_engines > 9) length = 2;
- else length = 1;
- for (i = 0; i < ctx->n_engines; i++) {
- for (j = 0; nwl_dma_engine_registers[j].bits; j++) {
- const char *direction;
- nwl_dma_engine_registers[j].name = nwl_dma_engine_register_names[i * NWL_MAX_DMA_ENGINE_REGISTERS + j];
- nwl_dma_engine_registers[j].addr = addr[j] + (ctx->engines[i].base_addr - ctx->base_addr);
-// printf("%lx %lx\n", (ctx->engines[i].base_addr - ctx->base_addr), nwl_dma_engine_registers[j].addr);
- switch (ctx->engines[i].desc.direction) {
- direction = "r";
- break;
- direction = "w";
- break;
- default:
- direction = "";
- }
- sprintf((char*)nwl_dma_engine_registers[j].name, names[j], length, ctx->engines[i].desc.addr, direction);
- }
- err = pcilib_add_registers(ctx->pcilib, n, nwl_dma_engine_registers);
- if (err) return err;
- }
- for (n = 0; nwl_dma_engine_registers[n].bits; n++) {
- nwl_dma_engine_registers[n].name = names[n];
- nwl_dma_engine_registers[n].addr = addr[n];
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/dma/nwl_register.h b/dma/nwl_register.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a71942b..0000000
--- a/dma/nwl_register.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
- // DMA
-static pcilib_register_description_t nwl_dma_registers[] = {
- {0x4000, 0, 32, 0, 0x00000011, PCILIB_REGISTER_RW , PCILIB_REGISTER_STANDARD, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma_control_and_status", ""},
- {0x4000, 0, 1, 0, 0x00000011, PCILIB_REGISTER_RW , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma_interrupt_enable", ""},
- {0x4000, 1, 1, 0, 0x00000011, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma_interrupt_active", ""},
- {0x4000, 2, 1, 0, 0x00000011, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma_interrupt_pending", ""},
- {0x4000, 3, 1, 0, 0x00000011, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma_interrupt_mode", ""},
- {0x4000, 4, 1, 0, 0x00000011, PCILIB_REGISTER_RW , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma_user_interrupt_enable", ""},
- {0x4000, 5, 1, 0, 0x00000011, PCILIB_REGISTER_RW1C, PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma_user_interrupt_active", ""},
- {0x4000, 16, 8, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma_s2c_interrupt_status", ""},
- {0x4000, 24, 8, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma_c2s_interrupt_status", ""},
- {0x8000, 0, 32, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_STANDARD, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma_design_version", ""},
- {0x8000, 0, 4, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma_subversion_number", ""},
- {0x8000, 4, 8, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma_version_number", ""},
- {0x8000, 28, 4, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma_targeted_device", ""},
- {0x8200, 0, 32, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_STANDARD, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma_transmit_utilization", ""},
- {0x8200, 0, 2, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma_transmit_sample_count", ""},
- {0x8200, 2, 30, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma_transmit_dword_count", ""},
- {0x8204, 0, 32, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_STANDARD, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma_receive_utilization", ""},
- {0x8004, 0, 2, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma_receive_sample_count", ""},
- {0x8004, 2, 30, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma_receive_dword_count", ""},
- {0x8208, 0, 32, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_STANDARD, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma_mwr", ""},
- {0x8008, 0, 2, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma_mwr_sample_count", ""},
- {0x8008, 2, 30, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma_mwr_dword_count", ""},
- {0x820C, 0, 32, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_STANDARD, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma_cpld", ""},
- {0x820C, 0, 2, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma_cpld_sample_count", ""},
- {0x820C, 2, 30, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma_cpld_dword_count", ""},
- {0x8210, 0, 12, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_STANDARD, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma_init_fc_cpld", ""},
- {0x8214, 0, 8, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_STANDARD, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma_init_fc_cplh", ""},
- {0x8218, 0, 12, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_STANDARD, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma_init_fc_npd", ""},
- {0x821C, 0, 8, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_STANDARD, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma_init_fc_nph", ""},
- {0x8220, 0, 12, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_STANDARD, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma_init_fc_pd", ""},
- {0x8224, 0, 8, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_STANDARD, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma_init_fc_ph", ""},
- {0, 0, 0, 0, 0x00000000, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL}
- // DMA Engine Registers
-static pcilib_register_description_t nwl_dma_engine_registers[] = {
- {0x0000, 0, 32, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_STANDARD, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma%0*u%s_engine_capabilities", ""},
- {0x0000, 0, 1, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma%0*u%s_present", ""},
- {0x0000, 1, 1, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma%0*u%s_direction", ""},
- {0x0000, 4, 2, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma%0*u%s_type", ""},
- {0x0000, 8, 8, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma%0*u%s_number", ""},
- {0x0000, 24, 6, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma%0*u%s_max_buffer_size", ""},
- {0x0004, 0, 32, 0, 0x0000C100, PCILIB_REGISTER_RW , PCILIB_REGISTER_STANDARD, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma%0*u%s_engine_control", ""},
- {0x0004, 0, 1, 0, 0x0000C100, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma%0*u%s_interrupt_enable", ""},
- {0x0004, 1, 1, 0, 0x0000C100, PCILIB_REGISTER_RW1C, PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma%0*u%s_interrupt_active", ""},
- {0x0004, 2, 1, 0, 0x0000C100, PCILIB_REGISTER_RW1C, PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma%0*u%s_descriptor_complete", ""},
- {0x0004, 3, 1, 0, 0x0000C100, PCILIB_REGISTER_RW1C, PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma%0*u%s_descriptor_alignment_error", ""},
- {0x0004, 4, 1, 0, 0x0000C100, PCILIB_REGISTER_RW1C, PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma%0*u%s_descriptor_fetch_error", ""},
- {0x0004, 5, 1, 0, 0x0000C100, PCILIB_REGISTER_RW1C, PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma%0*u%s_sw_abort_error", ""},
- {0x0004, 8, 1, 0, 0x0000C100, PCILIB_REGISTER_RW , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma%0*u%s_enable", ""},
- {0x0004, 10, 1, 0, 0x0000C100, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma%0*u%s_running", ""},
- {0x0004, 11, 1, 0, 0x0000C100, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma%0*u%s_waiting", ""},
- {0x0004, 14, 1, 0, 0x0000C100, PCILIB_REGISTER_RW , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma%0*u%s_reset_request", ""},
- {0x0004, 15, 1, 0, 0x0000C100, PCILIB_REGISTER_W , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma%0*u%s_reset", ""},
- {0x0008, 0, 32, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_RW , PCILIB_REGISTER_STANDARD, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma%0*u%s_next_descriptor", ""},
- {0x000C, 0, 32, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_RW , PCILIB_REGISTER_STANDARD, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma%0*u%s_sw_descriptor", ""},
- {0x0010, 0, 32, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_STANDARD, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma%0*u%s_last_descriptor", ""},
- {0x0014, 0, 32, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_STANDARD, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma%0*u%s_active_time", ""},
- {0x0018, 0, 32, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_STANDARD, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma%0*u%s_wait_time", ""},
- {0x001C, 0, 32, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_STANDARD, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma%0*u%s_counter", ""},
- {0x001C, 0, 2, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma%0*u%s_sample_count", ""},
- {0x001C, 2, 30, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "dma%0*u%s_dword_count", ""},
- {0, 0, 0, 0, 0x00000000, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL}
- // XAUI registers
-static pcilib_register_description_t nwl_xaui_registers[] = {
- {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL}
- // XRAWDATA registers
-static pcilib_register_description_t nwl_xrawdata_registers[] = {
- {0x9100, 0, 1, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_RW, PCILIB_REGISTER_STANDARD, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "xrawdata_enable_generator", ""},
- {0x9104, 0, 16, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_RW, PCILIB_REGISTER_STANDARD, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "xrawdata_packet_length", ""},
- {0x9108, 0, 2, 0, 0x00000003, PCILIB_REGISTER_RW, PCILIB_REGISTER_STANDARD, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "xrawdata_control", ""},
- {0x9108, 0, 1, 0, 0x00000003, PCILIB_REGISTER_RW, PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "xrawdata_enable_checker", ""},
- {0x9108, 1, 1, 0, 0x00000003, PCILIB_REGISTER_RW, PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "xrawdata_enable_loopback", ""},
- {0x910C, 0, 1, 0, 0x00000000, PCILIB_REGISTER_R , PCILIB_REGISTER_STANDARD, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_DMA, "xrawdata_data_mistmatch", ""},
- {0, 0, 0, 0, 0x00000000, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL}
-int nwl_add_registers(nwl_dma_t *ctx);
diff --git a/driver/Makefile b/driver/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index e353228..0000000
--- a/driver/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-obj-m := pciDriver.o
-pciDriver-objs := base.o int.o umem.o kmem.o sysfs.o ioctl.o
-KERNELDIR ?= /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build
-INSTALLDIR ?= /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/extra
-PWD := $(shell pwd)
-EXTRA_CFLAGS += -I$(M)/..
- @KERNEL_GCC_VERSION=`cat /proc/version | head -n1 | cut -d " " -f 7` ;\
- GCC_VERSION=`$(CC) --version | head -n 1 | tr ' ' '\n' | grep -e "[0-9]\+\.[0-9]" | tail -n 1` ;\
- if [ $$KERNEL_GCC_VERSION != $$GCC_VERSION ]; then \
- echo "Kernel is compiled with gcc $$KERNEL_GCC_VERSION, but you are now using $$GCC_VERSION" ;\
- GCC_MAJOR=`echo $$KERNEL_GCC_VERSION | cut -d "." -f 1-2` ;\
- newCC=gcc-$$GCC_MAJOR ;\
- CC=`which $$newCC 2>/dev/null` ;\
- if [ $$? -ne 0 ]; then \
- echo "No compiler of $$GCC_MAJOR series is installed" ;\
- exit 1 ;\
- fi ;\
- GCC_VERSION=`$$CC --version | head -n 1 | tr ' ' '\n' | grep -e "[0-9]\+\.[0-9]" | head -n 1` ;\
- if [ $$KERNEL_GCC_VERSION != $$GCC_VERSION ]; then \
- echo "The $$GCC_VERSION of $$GCC_MAJOR series is installed" ;\
- exit 1 ;\
- fi ;\
- echo "Setting CC to $$newCC" ;\
- else \
- CC=$(CC) ;\
- fi ;\
- $(MAKE) $(CFLAGS) -C $(KERNELDIR) M=$(PWD) CC=$$CC modules
- @mkdir -p $(INSTALLDIR)
- @echo "INSTALL $(INSTALLDIR)/pciDriver.ko"
- @install -m 755 pciDriver.ko $(INSTALLDIR)
- @echo "INSTALL /usr/include/pciDriver/driver/pciDriver.h"
- @mkdir -p /usr/include/pciDriver/driver
- @install -m 644 pciDriver.h /usr/include/pciDriver/driver
- @echo "UNINSTALL $(INSTALLDIR)/pciDriver.ko"
- @rm -f $(INSTALLDIR)/pciDriver.ko
- @echo "UNINSTALL /usr/include/pciDriver/driver/pciDriver.h"
- @rm -rf /usr/include/pciDriver/driver
- rm -rf *.o *.ko *.mod.c .*.o.cmd .*.o.tmp .*.ko.cmd .*.o *.symvers modules.order .tmp_versions
diff --git a/driver/base.c b/driver/base.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 974224d..0000000
--- a/driver/base.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,676 +0,0 @@
- *
- * @file base.c
- * @author Guillermo Marcus
- * @date 2009-04-05
- * @brief Contains the main code which connects all the different parts and does
- * basic driver tasks like initialization.
- *
- * This is a full rewrite of the pciDriver.
- * New default is to support kernel 2.6, using kernel 2.6 APIs.
- *
- */
- * Change History:
- *
- * $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
- * Revision 1.13 2008-05-30 11:38:15 marcus
- * Added patches for kernel 2.6.24
- *
- * Revision 1.12 2008-01-24 14:21:36 marcus
- * Added a CLEAR_INTERRUPT_QUEUE ioctl.
- * Added a sysfs attribute to show the outstanding IRQ queues.
- *
- * Revision 1.11 2008-01-24 12:53:11 marcus
- * Corrected wait_event condition in waiti_ioctl. Improved the loop too.
- *
- * Revision 1.10 2008-01-14 10:39:39 marcus
- * Set some messages as debug instead of normal.
- *
- * Revision 1.9 2008-01-11 10:18:28 marcus
- * Modified interrupt mechanism. Added atomic functions and queues, to address race conditions. Removed unused interrupt code.
- *
- * Revision 1.8 2007-07-17 13:15:55 marcus
- * Removed Tasklets.
- * Using newest map for the ABB interrupts.
- *
- * Revision 1.7 2007-07-06 15:56:04 marcus
- * Change default status for OLD_REGISTERS to not defined.
- *
- * Revision 1.6 2007-07-05 15:29:59 marcus
- * Corrected issue with the bar mapping for interrupt handling.
- * Added support up to kernel 2.6.20
- *
- * Revision 1.5 2007-05-29 07:50:18 marcus
- * Split code into 2 files. May get merged in the future again....
- *
- * Revision 1.4 2007/03/01 17:47:34 marcus
- * Fixed bug when the kernel memory was less than one page, it was not locked properly, recalling an old mapping issue in this case.
- *
- * Revision 1.3 2007/03/01 17:01:22 marcus
- * comment fix (again).
- *
- * Revision 1.2 2007/03/01 17:00:25 marcus
- * Changed some comment in the log.
- *
- * Revision 1.1 2007/03/01 16:57:43 marcus
- * Divided driver file to ease the interrupt hooks for the user of the driver.
- * Modified Makefile accordingly.
- *
- * From pciDriver.c:
- * Revision 1.11 2006/12/11 16:15:43 marcus
- * Fixed kernel buffer mmapping, and driver crash when application crashes.
- * Buffer memory is now marked reserved during allocation, and mmaped with
- * remap_xx_range.
- *
- * Revision 1.10 2006/11/21 09:50:49 marcus
- * Added PROGRAPE4 vendor/device IDs.
- *
- * Revision 1.9 2006/11/17 18:47:36 marcus
- * Removed MERGE_SGENTRIES flag, now it is selected at runtime with 'type'.
- * Removed noncached in non-prefetchable areas, to allow the use of MTRRs.
- *
- * Revision 1.8 2006/11/17 16:41:21 marcus
- * Added slot number to the PCI info IOctl.
- *
- * Revision 1.7 2006/11/13 12:30:34 marcus
- * Added a IOctl call, to confiure the interrupt response. (testing pending).
- * Basic interrupts are now supported, using a Tasklet and Completions.
- *
- * Revision 1.6 2006/11/08 21:30:02 marcus
- * Added changes after compile tests in kernel 2.6.16
- *
- * Revision 1.5 2006/10/31 07:57:38 marcus
- * Improved the pfn calculation in nopage(), to deal with some possible border
- * conditions. It was really no issue, because they are normally page-aligned
- * anyway, but to be on the safe side.
- *
- * Revision 1.4 2006/10/30 19:37:40 marcus
- * Solved bug on kernel memory not mapping properly.
- *
- * Revision 1.3 2006/10/18 11:19:20 marcus
- * Added kernel 2.6.8 support based on comments from Joern Adamczewski (GSI).
- *
- * Revision 1.2 2006/10/18 11:04:15 marcus
- * Bus Master is only activated when we detect a specific board.
- *
- * Revision 1.1 2006/10/10 14:46:51 marcus
- * Initial commit of the new pciDriver for kernel 2.6
- *
- * Revision 1.9 2006/10/05 11:30:46 marcus
- * Prerelease. Added bus and devfn to pciInfo for compatibility.
- *
- * Revision 1.8 2006/09/25 16:51:07 marcus
- * Added PCI config IOctls, and implemented basic mmap functions.
- *
- * Revision 1.7 2006/09/20 11:12:41 marcus
- * Added Merge SG entries
- *
- * Revision 1.6 2006/09/19 17:22:18 marcus
- * backup commit.
- *
- * Revision 1.5 2006/09/18 17:13:11 marcus
- * backup commit.
- *
- * Revision 1.4 2006/09/15 15:44:41 marcus
- * backup commit.
- *
- * Revision 1.3 2006/08/15 11:40:02 marcus
- * backup commit.
- *
- * Revision 1.2 2006/08/12 18:28:42 marcus
- * Sync with the laptop
- *
- * Revision 1.1 2006/08/11 15:30:46 marcus
- * Sync with the laptop
- *
- */
-#include <linux/version.h>
-/* Check macros and kernel version first */
-#error "No KERNEL_VERSION macro! Stopping."
-#error "No LINUX_VERSION_CODE macro! Stopping."
-#error "This driver has been tested only for Kernel 2.6.8 or above."
-/* Required includes */
-#include <linux/string.h>
-#include <linux/slab.h>
-#include <linux/types.h>
-#include <linux/init.h>
-#include <linux/module.h>
-#include <linux/pci.h>
-#include <linux/kernel.h>
-#include <linux/errno.h>
-#include <linux/fs.h>
-#include <linux/cdev.h>
-#include <linux/sysfs.h>
-#include <asm/atomic.h>
-#include <linux/pagemap.h>
-#include <linux/spinlock.h>
-#include <linux/list.h>
-#include <asm/scatterlist.h>
-#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
-#include <linux/stat.h>
-#include <linux/interrupt.h>
-#include <linux/wait.h>
-/* Configuration for the driver (what should be compiled in, module name, etc...) */
-#include "config.h"
-/* Compatibility functions/definitions (provides functions which are not available on older kernels) */
-#include "compat.h"
-/* External interface for the driver */
-#include "pciDriver.h"
-/* Internal definitions for all parts (prototypes, data, macros) */
-#include "common.h"
-/* Internal definitions for the base part */
-#include "base.h"
-/* Internal definitions of the IRQ handling part */
-#include "int.h"
-/* Internal definitions for kernel memory */
-#include "kmem.h"
-/* Internal definitions for user space memory */
-#include "umem.h"
-#include "ioctl.h"
-/* Module device table associated with this driver */
-MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, pcidriver_ids);
-/* Module init and exit points */
-/* Module info */
-MODULE_AUTHOR("Guillermo Marcus");
-/* Module class */
-static struct class_compat *pcidriver_class;
- *
- * Called when loading the driver
- *
- */
-static int __init pcidriver_init(void)
- int err;
- /* Initialize the device count */
- atomic_set(&pcidriver_deviceCount, 0);
- /* Allocate character device region dynamically */
- if ((err = alloc_chrdev_region(&pcidriver_devt, MINORNR, MAXDEVICES, NODENAME)) != 0) {
- mod_info("Couldn't allocate chrdev region. Module not loaded.\n");
- goto init_alloc_fail;
- }
- mod_info("Major %d allocated to nodename '%s'\n", MAJOR(pcidriver_devt), NODENAME);
- /* Register driver class */
- pcidriver_class = class_create(THIS_MODULE, NODENAME);
- if (IS_ERR(pcidriver_class)) {
- mod_info("No sysfs support. Module not loaded.\n");
- goto init_class_fail;
- }
- /* Register PCI driver. This function returns the number of devices on some
- * systems, therefore check for errors as < 0. */
- if ((err = pci_register_driver(&pcidriver_driver)) < 0) {
- mod_info("Couldn't register PCI driver. Module not loaded.\n");
- goto init_pcireg_fail;
- }
- mod_info("Module loaded\n");
- return 0;
- class_destroy(pcidriver_class);
- unregister_chrdev_region(pcidriver_devt, MAXDEVICES);
- return err;
- *
- * Called when unloading the driver
- *
- */
-static void pcidriver_exit(void)
- pci_unregister_driver(&pcidriver_driver);
- unregister_chrdev_region(pcidriver_devt, MAXDEVICES);
- if (pcidriver_class != NULL)
- class_destroy(pcidriver_class);
- mod_info("Module unloaded\n");
-/* Driver functions */
- *
- * This struct defines the PCI entry points.
- * Will be registered at module init.
- *
- */
-static struct pci_driver pcidriver_driver = {
- .name = MODNAME,
- .id_table = pcidriver_ids,
- .probe = pcidriver_probe,
- .remove = pcidriver_remove,
- *
- * This function is called when installing the driver for a device
- * @param pdev Pointer to the PCI device
- *
- */
-static int __devinit pcidriver_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *id)
- int err;
- int devno;
- pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata;
- int devid;
- /* At the moment there is no difference between these boards here, other than
- * printing a different message in the log.
- *
- * However, there is some difference in the interrupt handling functions.
- */
- if (id->vendor == PCIE_XILINX_VENDOR_ID) {
- if (id->device == PCIE_ML605_DEVICE_ID) {
- mod_info("Found ML605 board at %s\n", dev_name(&pdev->dev));
- } else if (id->device == PCIE_IPECAMERA_DEVICE_ID) {
- mod_info("Found IPE Camera at %s\n", dev_name(&pdev->dev));
- } else if (id->device == PCIE_KAPTURE_DEVICE_ID) {
- mod_info("Found KAPTURE board at %s\n", dev_name(&pdev->dev));
- } else {
- mod_info("Found unknown Xilinx device (%x) at %s\n", id->device, dev_name(&pdev->dev));
- }
- } else {
- /* It is something else */
- mod_info( "Found unknown board (%x:%x) at %s\n", id->vendor, id->device, dev_name(&pdev->dev));
- }
- /* Enable the device */
- if ((err = pci_enable_device(pdev)) != 0) {
- mod_info("Couldn't enable device\n");
- goto probe_pcien_fail;
- }
- /* Bus master & dma */
- if ((id->vendor == PCIE_XILINX_VENDOR_ID)&&(id->device == PCIE_IPECAMERA_DEVICE_ID)) {
- pci_set_master(pdev);
- err = pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, DMA_BIT_MASK(32));
- if (err < 0) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "pci_set_dma_mask failed\n");
- goto probe_dma_fail;
- }
- }
- /* Set Memory-Write-Invalidate support */
- if ((err = pci_set_mwi(pdev)) != 0)
- mod_info("MWI not supported. Continue without enabling MWI.\n");
- /* Get / Increment the device id */
- devid = atomic_inc_return(&pcidriver_deviceCount) - 1;
- if (devid >= MAXDEVICES) {
- mod_info("Maximum number of devices reached! Increase MAXDEVICES.\n");
- err = -ENOMSG;
- goto probe_maxdevices_fail;
- }
- /* Allocate and initialize the private data for this device */
- if ((privdata = kcalloc(1, sizeof(*privdata), GFP_KERNEL)) == NULL) {
- err = -ENOMEM;
- goto probe_nomem;
- }
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&(privdata->kmem_list));
- spin_lock_init(&(privdata->kmemlist_lock));
- atomic_set(&privdata->kmem_count, 0);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&(privdata->umem_list));
- spin_lock_init(&(privdata->umemlist_lock));
- atomic_set(&privdata->umem_count, 0);
- pci_set_drvdata( pdev, privdata );
- privdata->pdev = pdev;
- /* Device add to sysfs */
- devno = MKDEV(MAJOR(pcidriver_devt), MINOR(pcidriver_devt) + devid);
- privdata->devno = devno;
- if (pcidriver_class != NULL) {
- /* FIXME: some error checking missing here */
- privdata->class_dev = class_device_create(pcidriver_class, NULL, devno, &(pdev->dev), NODENAMEFMT, MINOR(pcidriver_devt) + devid, privdata);
- class_set_devdata( privdata->class_dev, privdata );
- mod_info("Device /dev/%s%d added\n",NODENAME,MINOR(pcidriver_devt) + devid);
- }
- /* Setup mmaped BARs into kernel space */
- if ((err = pcidriver_probe_irq(privdata)) != 0)
- goto probe_irq_probe_fail;
- /* Populate sysfs attributes for the class device */
- /* TODO: correct errorhandling. ewww. must remove the files in reversed order :-( */
- #define sysfs_attr(name) do { \
- if (class_device_create_file(sysfs_attr_def_pointer, &sysfs_attr_def_name(name)) != 0) \
- goto probe_device_create_fail; \
- } while (0)
- #ifdef ENABLE_IRQ
- sysfs_attr(irq_count);
- sysfs_attr(irq_queues);
- #endif
- sysfs_attr(mmap_mode);
- sysfs_attr(mmap_area);
- sysfs_attr(kmem_count);
- sysfs_attr(kmem_alloc);
- sysfs_attr(kmem_free);
- sysfs_attr(kbuffers);
- sysfs_attr(umappings);
- sysfs_attr(umem_unmap);
- #undef sysfs_attr
- /* Register character device */
- cdev_init( &(privdata->cdev), &pcidriver_fops );
- privdata->cdev.owner = THIS_MODULE;
- privdata->cdev.ops = &pcidriver_fops;
- err = cdev_add( &privdata->cdev, devno, 1 );
- if (err) {
- mod_info( "Couldn't add character device.\n" );
- goto probe_cdevadd_fail;
- }
- return 0;
- pcidriver_irq_unmap_bars(privdata);
- kfree(privdata);
- atomic_dec(&pcidriver_deviceCount);
- pci_disable_device(pdev);
- return err;
- *
- * This function is called when disconnecting a device
- *
- */
-static void __devexit pcidriver_remove(struct pci_dev *pdev)
- pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata;
- /* Get private data from the device */
- privdata = pci_get_drvdata(pdev);
- /* Removing sysfs attributes from class device */
- #define sysfs_attr(name) do { \
- class_device_remove_file(sysfs_attr_def_pointer, &sysfs_attr_def_name(name)); \
- } while (0)
- #ifdef ENABLE_IRQ
- sysfs_attr(irq_count);
- sysfs_attr(irq_queues);
- #endif
- sysfs_attr(mmap_mode);
- sysfs_attr(mmap_area);
- sysfs_attr(kmem_count);
- sysfs_attr(kmem_alloc);
- sysfs_attr(kmem_free);
- sysfs_attr(kbuffers);
- sysfs_attr(umappings);
- sysfs_attr(umem_unmap);
- #undef sysfs_attr
- /* Free all allocated kmem buffers before leaving */
- pcidriver_kmem_free_all( privdata );
-#ifdef ENABLE_IRQ
- pcidriver_remove_irq(privdata);
- /* Removing Character device */
- cdev_del(&(privdata->cdev));
- /* Removing the device from sysfs */
- class_device_destroy(pcidriver_class, privdata->devno);
- /* Releasing privdata */
- kfree(privdata);
- /* Disabling PCI device */
- pci_disable_device(pdev);
- mod_info("Device at %s removed\n", dev_name(&pdev->dev));
-/* File operations */
- * This struct defines the file operation entry points.
- *
- * @see pcidriver_ioctl
- * @see pcidriver_mmap
- * @see pcidriver_open
- * @see pcidriver_release
- *
- */
-static struct file_operations pcidriver_fops = {
- .owner = THIS_MODULE,
- .ioctl = pcidriver_ioctl,
- .unlocked_ioctl = pcidriver_ioctl,
- .mmap = pcidriver_mmap,
- .open = pcidriver_open,
- .release = pcidriver_release,
-void pcidriver_module_get(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata) {
- atomic_inc(&(privdata->refs));
-// mod_info("Ref: %i\n", atomic_read(&(privdata->refs)));
-void pcidriver_module_put(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata) {
- if (atomic_add_negative(-1, &(privdata->refs))) {
- atomic_inc(&(privdata->refs));
- mod_info("Reference counting error...");
- } else {
-// mod_info("Unref: %i\n", atomic_read(&(privdata->refs)));
- }
- *
- * Called when an application open()s a /dev/fpga*, attaches the private data
- * with the file pointer.
- *
- */
-int pcidriver_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp)
- pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata;
- /* Set the private data area for the file */
- privdata = container_of( inode->i_cdev, pcidriver_privdata_t, cdev);
- filp->private_data = privdata;
- pcidriver_module_get(privdata);
- return 0;
- *
- * Called when the application close()s the file descriptor. Does nothing at
- * the moment.
- *
- */
-int pcidriver_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp)
- pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata;
- /* Get the private data area */
- privdata = filp->private_data;
- pcidriver_module_put(privdata);
- return 0;
- *
- * This function is the entry point for mmap() and calls either pcidriver_mmap_pci
- * or pcidriver_mmap_kmem
- *
- * @see pcidriver_mmap_pci
- * @see pcidriver_mmap_kmem
- *
- */
-int pcidriver_mmap(struct file *filp, struct vm_area_struct *vma)
- pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata;
- int ret = 0, bar;
- mod_info_dbg("Entering mmap\n");
- /* Get the private data area */
- privdata = filp->private_data;
- /* Check the current mmap mode */
- switch (privdata->mmap_mode) {
- /* Mmap a PCI region */
- switch (privdata->mmap_area) {
- case PCIDRIVER_BAR0: bar = 0; break;
- case PCIDRIVER_BAR1: bar = 1; break;
- case PCIDRIVER_BAR2: bar = 2; break;
- case PCIDRIVER_BAR3: bar = 3; break;
- case PCIDRIVER_BAR4: bar = 4; break;
- case PCIDRIVER_BAR5: bar = 5; break;
- default:
- mod_info("Attempted to mmap a PCI area with the wrong mmap_area value: %d\n",privdata->mmap_area);
- return -EINVAL; /* invalid parameter */
- break;
- }
- ret = pcidriver_mmap_pci(privdata, vma, bar);
- break;
- /* mmap a Kernel buffer */
- ret = pcidriver_mmap_kmem(privdata, vma);
- break;
- default:
- mod_info( "Invalid mmap_mode value (%d)\n",privdata->mmap_mode );
- return -EINVAL; /* Invalid parameter (mode) */
- }
- return ret;
-/* Internal driver functions */
-int pcidriver_mmap_pci(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, struct vm_area_struct *vmap, int bar)
- int ret = 0;
- unsigned long bar_addr;
- unsigned long bar_length, vma_size;
- unsigned long bar_flags;
- mod_info_dbg("Entering mmap_pci\n");
- /* Get info of the BAR to be mapped */
- bar_addr = pci_resource_start(privdata->pdev, bar);
- bar_length = pci_resource_len(privdata->pdev, bar);
- bar_flags = pci_resource_flags(privdata->pdev, bar);
- /* Check sizes */
- vma_size = (vmap->vm_end - vmap->vm_start);
- if ((vma_size != bar_length) &&
- ((bar_length < PAGE_SIZE) && (vma_size != PAGE_SIZE))) {
- mod_info( "mmap size is not correct! bar: %lu - vma: %lu\n", bar_length, vma_size );
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (bar_flags & IORESOURCE_IO) {
- /* Unlikely case, we will mmap a IO region */
- /* IO regions are never cacheable */
-#ifdef pgprot_noncached
- vmap->vm_page_prot = pgprot_noncached(vmap->vm_page_prot);
- /* Map the BAR */
- ret = io_remap_pfn_range_compat(
- vmap,
- vmap->vm_start,
- bar_addr,
- bar_length,
- vmap->vm_page_prot);
- } else {
- /* Normal case, mmap a memory region */
- /* Ensure this VMA is non-cached, if it is not flaged as prefetchable.
- * If it is prefetchable, caching is allowed and will give better performance.
- * This should be set properly by the BIOS, but we want to be sure. */
- /* adapted from drivers/char/mem.c, mmap function. */
-#ifdef pgprot_noncached
-/* Setting noncached disables MTRR registers, and we want to use them.
- * So we take this code out. This can lead to caching problems if and only if
- * the System BIOS set something wrong. Check LDDv3, page 425.
- */
-// if (!(bar_flags & IORESOURCE_PREFETCH))
-// vmap->vm_page_prot = pgprot_noncached(vmap->vm_page_prot);
- /* Map the BAR */
- ret = remap_pfn_range_compat(
- vmap,
- vmap->vm_start,
- bar_addr,
- bar_length,
- vmap->vm_page_prot);
- }
- if (ret) {
- mod_info("remap_pfn_range failed\n");
- return -EAGAIN;
- }
- return 0; /* success */
diff --git a/driver/base.h b/driver/base.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9384e2d..0000000
--- a/driver/base.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-#include "sysfs.h"
- *
- * This file contains prototypes and data structures for internal use of the pciDriver.
- *
- *
- */
-/* prototypes for file_operations */
-static struct file_operations pcidriver_fops;
-int pcidriver_mmap( struct file *filp, struct vm_area_struct *vmap );
-int pcidriver_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp );
-int pcidriver_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp);
-/* prototypes for device operations */
-static struct pci_driver pcidriver_driver;
-static int __devinit pcidriver_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *id);
-static void __devexit pcidriver_remove(struct pci_dev *pdev);
-/* prototypes for module operations */
-static int __init pcidriver_init(void);
-static void pcidriver_exit(void);
- * This is the table of PCI devices handled by this driver by default
- * If you want to add devices dynamically to this list, do:
- *
- * echo "vendor device" > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/pciDriver/new_id
- * where vendor and device are in hex, without leading '0x'.
- *
- * The IDs themselves can be found in common.h
- *
- * For more info, see <kernel-source>/Documentation/pci.txt
- *
- * __devinitdata is applied because the kernel does not need those
- * tables any more after boot is finished on systems which don't
- * support hotplug.
- *
- */
-static const __devinitdata struct pci_device_id pcidriver_ids[] = {
- {0,0,0,0},
-/* prototypes for internal driver functions */
-int pcidriver_pci_read( pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, pci_cfg_cmd *pci_cmd );
-int pcidriver_pci_write( pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, pci_cfg_cmd *pci_cmd );
-int pcidriver_pci_info( pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, pcilib_board_info_t *pci_info );
-int pcidriver_mmap_pci( pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, struct vm_area_struct *vmap , int bar );
-int pcidriver_mmap_kmem( pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, struct vm_area_struct *vmap );
-/* Static data */
-/* Hold the allocated major & minor numbers */
-static dev_t pcidriver_devt;
-/* Number of devices allocated */
-static atomic_t pcidriver_deviceCount;
-/* Sysfs attributes */
-static DEVICE_ATTR(mmap_mode, (S_IRUGO | S_IWUGO), pcidriver_show_mmap_mode, pcidriver_store_mmap_mode);
-static DEVICE_ATTR(mmap_area, (S_IRUGO | S_IWUGO), pcidriver_show_mmap_area, pcidriver_store_mmap_area);
-static DEVICE_ATTR(kmem_count, S_IRUGO, pcidriver_show_kmem_count, NULL);
-static DEVICE_ATTR(kbuffers, S_IRUGO, pcidriver_show_kbuffers, NULL);
-static DEVICE_ATTR(kmem_alloc, S_IWUGO, NULL, pcidriver_store_kmem_alloc);
-static DEVICE_ATTR(kmem_free, S_IWUGO, NULL, pcidriver_store_kmem_free);
-static DEVICE_ATTR(umappings, S_IRUGO, pcidriver_show_umappings, NULL);
-static DEVICE_ATTR(umem_unmap, S_IWUGO, NULL, pcidriver_store_umem_unmap);
-#ifdef ENABLE_IRQ
-static DEVICE_ATTR(irq_count, S_IRUGO, pcidriver_show_irq_count, NULL);
-static DEVICE_ATTR(irq_queues, S_IRUGO, pcidriver_show_irq_queues, NULL);
diff --git a/driver/common.h b/driver/common.h
deleted file mode 100644
index eba56d7..0000000
--- a/driver/common.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-#include "pcilib_types.h"
-/* Private data types and structures */
-/* Define an entry in the kmem list (this list is per device) */
-/* This list keeps references to the allocated kernel buffers */
-typedef struct {
- int id;
- enum dma_data_direction direction;
- struct list_head list;
- dma_addr_t dma_handle;
- unsigned long cpua;
- unsigned long size;
- unsigned long type;
- unsigned long align;
- unsigned long use;
- unsigned long item;
- spinlock_t lock;
- unsigned long mode;
- unsigned long refs;
- struct class_device_attribute sysfs_attr; /* initialized when adding the entry */
-} pcidriver_kmem_entry_t;
-/* Define an entry in the umem list (this list is per device) */
-/* This list keeps references to the SG lists for each mapped userspace region */
-typedef struct {
- int id;
- struct list_head list;
- unsigned int nr_pages; /* number of pages for this user memeory area */
- struct page **pages; /* list of pointers to the pages */
- unsigned int nents; /* actual entries in the scatter/gatter list (NOT nents for the map function, but the result) */
- struct scatterlist *sg; /* list of sg entries */
- struct class_device_attribute sysfs_attr; /* initialized when adding the entry */
-} pcidriver_umem_entry_t;
-/* Hold the driver private data */
-typedef struct {
- dev_t devno; /* device number (major and minor) */
- struct pci_dev *pdev; /* PCI device */
- struct class_device *class_dev; /* Class device */
- struct cdev cdev; /* char device struct */
- int mmap_mode; /* current mmap mode */
- int mmap_area; /* current PCI mmap area */
-#ifdef ENABLE_IRQ
- int irq_enabled; /* Non-zero if IRQ is enabled */
- int irq_count; /* Just an IRQ counter */
- wait_queue_head_t irq_queues[ PCIDRIVER_INT_MAXSOURCES ];
- /* One queue per interrupt source */
- atomic_t irq_outstanding[ PCIDRIVER_INT_MAXSOURCES ];
- /* Outstanding interrupts per queue */
- volatile unsigned int *bars_kmapped[6]; /* PCI BARs mmapped in kernel space */
- spinlock_t kmemlist_lock; /* Spinlock to lock kmem list operations */
- struct list_head kmem_list; /* List of 'kmem_list_entry's associated with this device */
- atomic_t kmem_count; /* id for next kmem entry */
- int kmem_cur_id; /* Currently selected kmem buffer, for mmap */
- spinlock_t umemlist_lock; /* Spinlock to lock umem list operations */
- struct list_head umem_list; /* List of 'umem_list_entry's associated with this device */
- atomic_t umem_count; /* id for next umem entry */
- int msi_mode; /* Flag specifying if interrupt have been initialized in MSI mode */
- atomic_t refs; /* Reference counter */
-} pcidriver_privdata_t;
-void pcidriver_module_get(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata);
-void pcidriver_module_put(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata);
-/* Some nice defines that make code more readable */
-/* This is to print nice info in the log */
-#ifdef DEBUG
- #define mod_info( args... ) \
- do { printk( KERN_INFO "%s - %s : ", MODNAME , __FUNCTION__ );\
- printk( args ); } while(0)
- #define mod_info_dbg( args... ) \
- do { printk( KERN_INFO "%s - %s : ", MODNAME , __FUNCTION__ );\
- printk( args ); } while(0)
- #define mod_info( args... ) \
- do { printk( KERN_INFO "%s: ", MODNAME );\
- printk( args ); } while(0)
- #define mod_info_dbg( args... )
-#define mod_crit( args... ) \
- do { printk( KERN_CRIT "%s: ", MODNAME );\
- printk( args ); } while(0)
-#define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
diff --git a/driver/compat.h b/driver/compat.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 25e402a..0000000
--- a/driver/compat.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
- *
- * @file compat.h
- * @author Michael Stapelberg
- * @date 2009-04-05
- * @brief Contains compatibility definitions for the different linux kernel versions to avoid
- * putting ifdefs all over the driver code.
- *
- */
-#ifndef _COMPAT_H
-#define _COMPAT_H
-# define __devinit
-# define __devexit
-# define __devinitdata
-/* dev_name is the wrapper one needs to use to access what was formerly called
- * bus_id in struct device. However, before 2.6.27, direct access was necessary,
- * so we provide our own version. */
-static inline const char *dev_name(struct device *dev) {
- return dev->bus_id;
-/* SetPageLocked disappeared in v2.6.27 */
- #define compat_lock_page SetPageLocked
- #define compat_unlock_page ClearPageLocked
- /* in v2.6.28, __set_page_locked and __clear_page_locked was introduced */
- #define compat_lock_page __set_page_locked
- #define compat_unlock_page __clear_page_locked
- #else
- /* However, in v2.6.27 itself, neither of them is there, so
- * we need to use our own function fiddling with bits inside
- * the page struct :-\ */
- static inline void compat_lock_page(struct page *page) {
- __set_bit(PG_locked, &page->flags);
- }
- static inline void compat_unlock_page(struct page *page) {
- __clear_bit(PG_locked, &page->flags);
- }
- #endif
-/* Before 2.6.13, simple_class was the standard interface. Nowadays, it's just called class */
- #define class_compat class_simple
- /* These functions are redirected to their old corresponding functions */
- #define class_create(module, name) class_simple_create(module, name)
- #define class_destroy(type) class_simple_destroy(type)
- #define class_device_destroy(unused, devno) class_simple_device_remove(devno)
- #define class_device_create(type, unused, devno, devpointer, nameformat, minor, unused) \
- class_simple_device_add(type, devno, devpointer, nameformat, minor)
- #define class_set_devdata(classdev, privdata) classdev->class_data = privdata
- #define sysfs_attr_def_name(name) class_device_attr_##name
- #define sysfs_attr_def_pointer privdata->class_dev
- #define SYSFS_GET_FUNCTION(name) ssize_t name(struct class_device *cls, char *buf)
- #define SYSFS_SET_FUNCTION(name) ssize_t name(struct class_device *cls, const char *buf, size_t count)
- #define SYSFS_GET_PRIVDATA (pcidriver_privdata_t*)cls->class_data
-/* In 2.6.26, device.h was changed quite significantly. Luckily, it only affected
- type/function names, for the most part. */
- #define class_device_attribute device_attribute
- #define class_device device
- #define class_data dev
- #define class_device_create(type, parent, devno, devpointer, nameformat, minor, privdata) \
- device_create(type, parent, devno, privdata, nameformat, minor)
- #define class_device_create(type, parent, devno, devpointer, nameformat, minor, unused) \
- device_create(type, parent, devno, nameformat, minor)
- #define class_device_create_file device_create_file
- #define class_device_remove_file device_remove_file
- #define class_device_destroy device_destroy
- #define DEVICE_ATTR_COMPAT struct device_attribute *attr,
- #define class_set_devdata dev_set_drvdata
- #define sysfs_attr_def_name(name) dev_attr_##name
- #define sysfs_attr_def_pointer privdata->class_dev
- #define SYSFS_GET_FUNCTION(name) ssize_t name(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
- #define SYSFS_SET_FUNCTION(name) ssize_t name(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count)
- #define SYSFS_GET_PRIVDATA dev_get_drvdata(dev)
-#define class_compat class
-/* The arguments of IRQ handlers have been changed in 2.6.19. It's very likely that
- int irq will disappear somewhen in the future (current is 2.6.29), too. */
- #define IRQ_HANDLER_FUNC(name) irqreturn_t name(int irq, void *dev_id)
- #define IRQ_HANDLER_FUNC(name) irqreturn_t name(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *regs)
-/* atomic_inc_return appeared in 2.6.9, at least in CERN scientific linux, provide
- compatibility wrapper for older kernels */
-static int atomic_inc_return(atomic_t *variable) {
- atomic_inc(variable);
- return atomic_read(variable);
-/* sg_set_page is available starting at 2.6.24 */
-#define sg_set_page(sg, set_page, set_length, set_offset) do { \
- (sg)->page = set_page; \
- (sg)->length = set_length; \
- (sg)->offset = set_offset; \
-} while (0)
-/* Before 2.6.20, disable was not an atomic counter, so this check was needed */
-#define pci_disable_device(pdev) do { \
- if (pdev->is_enabled) \
- pci_disable_device(pdev); \
-} while (0)
-/* Before 2.6.24, scatter/gather lists did not need to be initialized */
- #define sg_init_table(sg, nr_pages)
-/* SA_SHIRQ was renamed to IRQF_SHARED in 2.6.24 */
- #define request_irq(irq, irq_handler, modname, privdata) request_irq(irq, irq_handler, IRQF_SHARED, modname, privdata)
- #define request_irq(irq, irq_handler, modname, privdata) request_irq(irq, irq_handler, SA_SHIRQ, modname, privdata)
-/* In 2.6.13, io_remap_page_range was removed in favor for io_remap_pfn_range which works on
- more platforms and allows more memory space */
-#define io_remap_pfn_range_compat(vmap, vm_start, bar_addr, bar_length, vm_page_prot) \
- io_remap_pfn_range(vmap, vm_start, (bar_addr >> PAGE_SHIFT), bar_length, vm_page_prot)
-#define io_remap_pfn_range_compat(vmap, vm_start, bar_addr, bar_length, vm_page_prot) \
- io_remap_page_range(vmap, vm_start, bar_addr, bar_length, vm_page_prot)
-/* In 2.6.10, remap_pfn_range was introduced, see io_remap_pfn_range_compat */
-#define remap_pfn_range_compat(vmap, vm_start, bar_addr, bar_length, vm_page_prot) \
- remap_pfn_range(vmap, vm_start, (bar_addr >> PAGE_SHIFT), bar_length, vm_page_prot)
-#define remap_pfn_range_cpua_compat(vmap, vm_start, cpua, size, vm_page_prot) \
- remap_pfn_range(vmap, vm_start, page_to_pfn(virt_to_page((void*)cpua)), size, vm_page_prot)
-#define remap_pfn_range_compat(vmap, vm_start, bar_addr, bar_length, vm_page_prot) \
- remap_page_range(vmap, vm_start, bar_addr, bar_length, vm_page_prot)
-#define remap_pfn_range_cpua_compat(vmap, vm_start, cpua, size, vm_page_prot) \
- remap_page_range(vmap, vm_start, virt_to_phys((void*)cpua), size, vm_page_prot)
- * Go over the pages of the kmem buffer, and mark them as reserved.
- * This is needed, otherwise mmaping the kernel memory to user space
- * will fail silently (mmaping /dev/null) when using remap_xx_range.
- */
-static inline void set_pages_reserved_compat(unsigned long cpua, unsigned long size)
- /* Starting in 2.6.15, the PG_RESERVED bit was removed.
- See also */
- struct page *page, *last_page;
- page = virt_to_page(cpua);
- last_page = virt_to_page(cpua + size - 1);
- for (; page <= last_page; page++)
- SetPageReserved(page);
diff --git a/driver/config.h b/driver/config.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c217afd..0000000
--- a/driver/config.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-/* Configuration of the driver */
-/* Debug messages */
-//#define DEBUG
-/* Enable/disable IRQ handling */
-#define ENABLE_IRQ
-/* The name of the module */
-#define MODNAME "pciDriver"
-/* Major number is allocated dynamically */
-/* Minor number */
-#define MINORNR 0
-/* Node name of the char device */
-#define NODENAME "fpga"
-#define NODENAMEFMT "fpga%d"
-/* Maximum number of devices*/
-#define MAXDEVICES 4
diff --git a/driver/int.c b/driver/int.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5dbcb7f..0000000
--- a/driver/int.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
- *
- * @file int.c
- * @author Guillermo Marcus
- * @date 2009-04-05
- * @brief Contains the interrupt handler.
- *
- */
- * Change History:
- *
- * $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
- * Revision 1.7 2008-01-11 10:18:28 marcus
- * Modified interrupt mechanism. Added atomic functions and queues, to address race conditions. Removed unused interrupt code.
- *
- * Revision 1.6 2007-11-04 20:58:22 marcus
- * Added interrupt generator acknowledge.
- * Fixed wrong operator.
- *
- * Revision 1.5 2007-10-31 15:42:21 marcus
- * Added IG ack for testing, may be removed later.
- *
- * Revision 1.4 2007-07-17 13:15:56 marcus
- * Removed Tasklets.
- * Using newest map for the ABB interrupts.
- *
- * Revision 1.3 2007-07-05 15:30:30 marcus
- * Added support for both register maps of the ABB.
- *
- * Revision 1.2 2007-05-29 07:50:18 marcus
- * Split code into 2 files. May get merged in the future again....
- *
- * Revision 1.1 2007/03/01 16:57:43 marcus
- * Divided driver file to ease the interrupt hooks for the user of the driver.
- * Modified Makefile accordingly.
- *
- */
-#include <linux/version.h>
-#include <linux/string.h>
-#include <linux/types.h>
-#include <linux/list.h>
-#include <linux/interrupt.h>
-#include <linux/pci.h>
-#include <linux/cdev.h>
-#include <linux/wait.h>
-#include <linux/sched.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include "config.h"
-#include "compat.h"
-#include "pciDriver.h"
-#include "common.h"
-#include "int.h"
- * The ID between IRQ_SOURCE in irq_outstanding and the actual source is arbitrary.
- * Therefore, be careful when communicating with multiple implementations.
- */
-#define ABB_IRQ_CH0 0
-#define ABB_IRQ_CH1 1
-#define ABB_IRQ_IG 2
-/* See ABB user’s guide, register definitions (3.1) */
-#define ABB_INT_ENABLE (0x0010 >> 2)
-#define ABB_INT_STAT (0x0008 >> 2)
-#define ABB_INT_CH1_TIMEOUT (1 << 4)
-#define ABB_INT_CH0_TIMEOUT (1 << 5)
-#define ABB_INT_IG (1 << 2)
-#define ABB_INT_CH0 (1 << 1) /* downstream */
-#define ABB_INT_CH1 (1) /* upstream */
-#define ABB_CH0_CTRL (108 >> 2)
-#define ABB_CH1_CTRL (72 >> 2)
-#define ABB_CH_RESET (0x0201000A)
-#define ABB_IG_CTRL (0x0080 >> 2)
-#define ABB_IG_ACK (0x00F0)
- *
- * If IRQ-handling is enabled, this function will be called from pcidriver_probe
- * to initialize the IRQ handling (maps the BARs)
- *
- */
-int pcidriver_probe_irq(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata)
- unsigned char int_pin, int_line;
- unsigned long bar_addr, bar_len, bar_flags;
- int i;
- int err;
- for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
- privdata->bars_kmapped[i] = NULL;
- for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
- bar_addr = pci_resource_start(privdata->pdev, i);
- bar_len = pci_resource_len(privdata->pdev, i);
- bar_flags = pci_resource_flags(privdata->pdev, i);
- /* check if it is a valid BAR, skip if not */
- if ((bar_addr == 0) || (bar_len == 0))
- continue;
- /* Skip IO regions (map only mem regions) */
- if (bar_flags & IORESOURCE_IO)
- continue;
- /* Check if the region is available */
- if ((err = pci_request_region(privdata->pdev, i, NULL)) != 0) {
- mod_info( "Failed to request BAR memory region.\n" );
- return err;
- }
- /* Map it into kernel space. */
- /* For x86 this is just a dereference of the pointer, but that is
- * not portable. So we need to do the portable way. Thanks Joern!
- */
- /* respect the cacheable-bility of the region */
- if (bar_flags & IORESOURCE_PREFETCH)
- privdata->bars_kmapped[i] = ioremap(bar_addr, bar_len);
- else
- privdata->bars_kmapped[i] = ioremap_nocache(bar_addr, bar_len);
- /* check for error */
- if (privdata->bars_kmapped[i] == NULL) {
- mod_info( "Failed to remap BAR%d into kernel space.\n", i );
- return -EIO;
- }
- }
- /* Initialize the interrupt handler for this device */
- /* Initialize the wait queues */
- for (i = 0; i < PCIDRIVER_INT_MAXSOURCES; i++) {
- init_waitqueue_head(&(privdata->irq_queues[i]));
- atomic_set(&(privdata->irq_outstanding[i]), 0);
- }
- /* Initialize the irq config */
- if ((err = pci_read_config_byte(privdata->pdev, PCI_INTERRUPT_PIN, &int_pin)) != 0) {
- /* continue without interrupts */
- int_pin = 0;
- mod_info("Error getting the interrupt pin. Disabling interrupts for this device\n");
- }
- /* Disable interrupts and activate them if everything can be set up properly */
- privdata->irq_enabled = 0;
- if (int_pin == 0)
- return 0;
- if ((err = pci_read_config_byte(privdata->pdev, PCI_INTERRUPT_LINE, &int_line)) != 0) {
- mod_info("Error getting the interrupt line. Disabling interrupts for this device\n");
- return 0;
- }
- /* Enable interrupts using MSI mode */
- if (!pci_enable_msi(privdata->pdev))
- privdata->msi_mode = 1;
- /* register interrupt handler */
- if ((err = request_irq(privdata->pdev->irq, pcidriver_irq_handler, MODNAME, privdata)) != 0) {
- mod_info("Error registering the interrupt handler. Disabling interrupts for this device\n");
- return 0;
- }
- privdata->irq_enabled = 1;
- mod_info("Registered Interrupt Handler at pin %i, line %i, IRQ %i\n", int_pin, int_line, privdata->pdev->irq );
- return 0;
- *
- * Frees/cleans up the data structures, called from pcidriver_remove()
- *
- */
-void pcidriver_remove_irq(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata)
- /* Release the IRQ handler */
- if (privdata->irq_enabled != 0)
- free_irq(privdata->pdev->irq, privdata);
- if (privdata->msi_mode) {
- pci_disable_msi(privdata->pdev);
- privdata->msi_mode = 0;
- }
- pcidriver_irq_unmap_bars(privdata);
- *
- * Unmaps the BARs and releases them
- *
- */
-void pcidriver_irq_unmap_bars(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
- if (privdata->bars_kmapped[i] == NULL)
- continue;
- iounmap((void*)privdata->bars_kmapped[i]);
- pci_release_region(privdata->pdev, i);
- }
- *
- * Acknowledges the receival of an interrupt to the card.
- *
- * @returns true if the card was acknowledget
- * @returns false if the interrupt was not for one of our cards
- *
- * @see check_acknowlegde_channel
- *
- */
-static bool pcidriver_irq_acknowledge(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata)
- int channel = 0;
-// volatile unsigned int *bar;
-// bar = privdata->bars_kmapped[0];
-// mod_info_dbg("interrupt registers. ISR: %x, IER: %x\n", bar[ABB_INT_STAT], bar[ABB_INT_ENABLE]);
- atomic_inc(&(privdata->irq_outstanding[channel]));
- wake_up_interruptible(&(privdata->irq_queues[channel]));
- return true;
- *
- * Handles IRQs. At the moment, this acknowledges the card that this IRQ
- * was received and then increases the driver's IRQ counter.
- *
- * @see pcidriver_irq_acknowledge
- *
- */
- pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata = (pcidriver_privdata_t *)dev_id;
- if (!pcidriver_irq_acknowledge(privdata))
- return IRQ_NONE;
- privdata->irq_count++;
- return IRQ_HANDLED;
diff --git a/driver/int.h b/driver/int.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a834c7..0000000
--- a/driver/int.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#if !defined(_PCIDRIVER_INT_H) && defined(ENABLE_IRQ)
-int pcidriver_probe_irq(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata);
-void pcidriver_remove_irq(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata);
-void pcidriver_irq_unmap_bars(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata);
diff --git a/driver/ioctl.c b/driver/ioctl.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d4af73..0000000
--- a/driver/ioctl.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,471 +0,0 @@
- *
- * @file ioctl.c
- * @author Guillermo Marcus
- * @date 2009-04-05
- * @brief Contains the functions handling the different ioctl calls.
- *
- */
-#include <linux/version.h>
-#include <linux/string.h>
-#include <linux/slab.h>
-#include <linux/types.h>
-#include <linux/init.h>
-#include <linux/module.h>
-#include <linux/pci.h>
-#include <linux/kernel.h>
-#include <linux/errno.h>
-#include <linux/fs.h>
-#include <linux/cdev.h>
-#include <linux/sysfs.h>
-#include <asm/atomic.h>
-#include <linux/pagemap.h>
-#include <linux/spinlock.h>
-#include <linux/list.h>
-#include <asm/scatterlist.h>
-#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
-#include <linux/stat.h>
-#include <linux/interrupt.h>
-#include <linux/wait.h>
-#include <linux/sched.h>
-#include "config.h" /* Configuration for the driver */
-#include "compat.h" /* Compatibility functions/definitions */
-#include "pciDriver.h" /* External interface for the driver */
-#include "common.h" /* Internal definitions for all parts */
-#include "kmem.h" /* Internal definitions for kernel memory */
-#include "umem.h" /* Internal definitions for user space memory */
-#include "ioctl.h" /* Internal definitions for the ioctl part */
-/** Declares a variable of the given type with the given name and copies it from userspace */
-#define READ_FROM_USER(type, name) \
- type name; \
- if ((ret = copy_from_user(&name, (type*)arg, sizeof(name))) != 0) \
- return -EFAULT;
-/** Writes back the given variable with the given type to userspace */
-#define WRITE_TO_USER(type, name) \
- if ((ret = copy_to_user((type*)arg, &name, sizeof(name))) != 0) \
- return -EFAULT;
- *
- * Sets the mmap mode for following mmap() calls.
- *
- * @param arg Not a pointer, but either PCIDRIVER_MMAP_PCI or PCIDRIVER_MMAP_KMEM
- *
- */
-static int ioctl_mmap_mode(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, unsigned long arg)
- if ((arg != PCIDRIVER_MMAP_PCI) && (arg != PCIDRIVER_MMAP_KMEM))
- return -EINVAL;
- /* change the mode */
- privdata->mmap_mode = arg;
- return 0;
- *
- * Sets the mmap area (BAR) for following mmap() calls.
- *
- */
-static int ioctl_mmap_area(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, unsigned long arg)
- /* validate input */
- if ((arg < PCIDRIVER_BAR0) || (arg > PCIDRIVER_BAR5))
- return -EINVAL;
- /* change the PCI area to mmap */
- privdata->mmap_area = arg;
- return 0;
- *
- * Reads/writes a byte/word/dword of the device's PCI config.
- *
- * @see pcidriver_pci_read
- * @see pcidriver_pci_write
- *
- */
-static int ioctl_pci_config_read_write(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)
- int ret;
- READ_FROM_USER(pci_cfg_cmd, pci_cmd);
- if (cmd == PCIDRIVER_IOC_PCI_CFG_RD) {
- switch (pci_cmd.size) {
- ret = pci_read_config_byte( privdata->pdev, pci_cmd.addr, &(pci_cmd.val.byte) );
- break;
- ret = pci_read_config_word( privdata->pdev, pci_cmd.addr, &(pci_cmd.val.word) );
- break;
- ret = pci_read_config_dword( privdata->pdev, pci_cmd.addr, &(pci_cmd.val.dword) );
- break;
- default:
- return -EINVAL; /* Wrong size setting */
- }
- } else {
- switch (pci_cmd.size) {
- ret = pci_write_config_byte( privdata->pdev, pci_cmd.addr, pci_cmd.val.byte );
- break;
- ret = pci_write_config_word( privdata->pdev, pci_cmd.addr, pci_cmd.val.word );
- break;
- ret = pci_write_config_dword( privdata->pdev, pci_cmd.addr, pci_cmd.val.dword );
- break;
- default:
- return -EINVAL; /* Wrong size setting */
- break;
- }
- }
- WRITE_TO_USER(pci_cfg_cmd, pci_cmd);
- return 0;
- *
- * Gets the PCI information for the device.
- *
- * @see pcidriver_pci_info
- *
- */
-static int ioctl_pci_info(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, unsigned long arg)
- int ret;
- int bar;
- READ_FROM_USER(pcilib_board_info_t, pci_info);
- pci_info.vendor_id = privdata->pdev->vendor;
- pci_info.device_id = privdata->pdev->device;
- pci_info.bus = privdata->pdev->bus->number;
- pci_info.slot = PCI_SLOT(privdata->pdev->devfn);
- pci_info.devfn = privdata->pdev->devfn;
- pci_info.func = PCI_FUNC(privdata->pdev->devfn);
- if ((ret = pci_read_config_byte(privdata->pdev, PCI_INTERRUPT_PIN, &(pci_info.interrupt_pin))) != 0)
- return ret;
- if ((ret = pci_read_config_byte(privdata->pdev, PCI_INTERRUPT_LINE, &(pci_info.interrupt_line))) != 0)
- return ret;
- for (bar = 0; bar < 6; bar++) {
- pci_info.bar_start[bar] = pci_resource_start(privdata->pdev, bar);
- pci_info.bar_length[bar] = pci_resource_len(privdata->pdev, bar);
- pci_info.bar_flags[bar] = pci_resource_flags(privdata->pdev, bar);
- }
- WRITE_TO_USER(pcilib_board_info_t, pci_info);
- return 0;
- *
- * Allocates kernel memory.
- *
- * @see pcidriver_kmem_alloc
- *
- */
-static int ioctl_kmem_alloc(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, unsigned long arg)
- int ret;
- READ_FROM_USER(kmem_handle_t, khandle);
- if ((ret = pcidriver_kmem_alloc(privdata, &khandle)) != 0)
- return ret;
- WRITE_TO_USER(kmem_handle_t, khandle);
- return 0;
- *
- * Frees kernel memory.
- *
- * @see pcidriver_kmem_free
- *
- */
-static int ioctl_kmem_free(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, unsigned long arg)
- int ret;
- READ_FROM_USER(kmem_handle_t, khandle);
- if ((ret = pcidriver_kmem_free(privdata, &khandle)) != 0)
- return ret;
- return 0;
- *
- * Syncs kernel memory.
- *
- * @see pcidriver_kmem_sync
- *
- */
-static int ioctl_kmem_sync(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, unsigned long arg)
- int ret;
- READ_FROM_USER(kmem_sync_t, ksync);
- if ((ret = pcidriver_kmem_sync(privdata, &ksync)) != 0)
- return ret;
- WRITE_TO_USER(kmem_sync_t, ksync);
- return 0;
- *
- * Maps the given scatter/gather list from memory to PCI bus addresses.
- *
- * @see pcidriver_umem_sgmap
- *
- */
-static int ioctl_umem_sgmap(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, unsigned long arg)
- int ret;
- READ_FROM_USER(umem_handle_t, uhandle);
- if ((ret = pcidriver_umem_sgmap(privdata, &uhandle)) != 0)
- return ret;
- WRITE_TO_USER(umem_handle_t, uhandle);
- return 0;
- *
- * Unmaps the given scatter/gather list.
- *
- * @see pcidriver_umem_sgunmap
- *
- */
-static int ioctl_umem_sgunmap(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, unsigned long arg)
- int ret;
- pcidriver_umem_entry_t *umem_entry;
- READ_FROM_USER(umem_handle_t, uhandle);
- /* Find the associated umem_entry for this buffer,
- * return -EINVAL if the specified handle id is invalid */
- if ((umem_entry = pcidriver_umem_find_entry_id(privdata, uhandle.handle_id)) == NULL)
- return -EINVAL;
- if ((ret = pcidriver_umem_sgunmap(privdata, umem_entry)) != 0)
- return ret;
- return 0;
- *
- * Copies the scatter/gather list from kernelspace to userspace.
- *
- * @see pcidriver_umem_sgget
- *
- */
-static int ioctl_umem_sgget(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, unsigned long arg)
- int ret;
- READ_FROM_USER(umem_sglist_t, usglist);
- /* The umem_sglist_t has a pointer to the scatter/gather list itself which
- * needs to be copied separately. The number of elements is stored in ->nents.
- * As the list can get very big, we need to use vmalloc. */
- if (( = vmalloc(usglist.nents * sizeof(umem_sgentry_t))) == NULL)
- return -ENOMEM;
- /* copy array to kernel structure */
- ret = copy_from_user(, ((umem_sglist_t *)arg)->sg, (usglist.nents)*sizeof(umem_sgentry_t));
- if (ret) return -EFAULT;
- if ((ret = pcidriver_umem_sgget(privdata, &usglist)) != 0)
- return ret;
- /* write data to user space */
- ret = copy_to_user(((umem_sglist_t *)arg)->sg,, (usglist.nents)*sizeof(umem_sgentry_t));
- if (ret) return -EFAULT;
- /* free array memory */
- vfree(;
- /* restore sg pointer to vma address in user space before copying */
- = ((umem_sglist_t *)arg)->sg;
- WRITE_TO_USER(umem_sglist_t, usglist);
- return 0;
- *
- * Syncs user memory.
- *
- * @see pcidriver_umem_sync
- *
- */
-static int ioctl_umem_sync(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, unsigned long arg)
- int ret;
- READ_FROM_USER(umem_handle_t, uhandle);
- return pcidriver_umem_sync( privdata, &uhandle );
- *
- * Waits for an interrupt
- *
- * @param arg Not a pointer, but the irq source to wait for (unsigned int)
- *
- */
-static int ioctl_wait_interrupt(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, unsigned long arg)
-#ifdef ENABLE_IRQ
- int ret;
- unsigned long timeout;
- unsigned int irq_source;
- unsigned long temp = 0;
- READ_FROM_USER(interrupt_wait_t, irq_handle);
- irq_source = irq_handle.source;
- if (irq_source >= PCIDRIVER_INT_MAXSOURCES)
- return -EFAULT; /* User tried to overrun the IRQ_SOURCES array */
- timeout = jiffies + (irq_handle.timeout * HZ / 1000000);
- /* Thanks to Joern for the correction and tips! */
- /* done this way to avoid wrong behaviour (endless loop) of the compiler in AMD platforms */
- do {
- /* We wait here with an interruptible timeout. This will be interrupted
- * by int.c:check_acknowledge_channel() as soon as in interrupt for
- * the specified source arrives. */
- wait_event_interruptible_timeout( (privdata->irq_queues[irq_source]), (atomic_read(&(privdata->irq_outstanding[irq_source])) > 0), (10*HZ/1000) );
- if (atomic_add_negative( -1, &(privdata->irq_outstanding[irq_source])) )
- atomic_inc( &(privdata->irq_outstanding[irq_source]) );
- else
- temp = 1;
- } while ((!temp)&&(jiffies < timeout));
- if ((temp)&&(irq_handle.count)) {
- while (!atomic_add_negative( -1, &(privdata->irq_outstanding[irq_source]))) temp++;
- atomic_inc( &(privdata->irq_outstanding[irq_source]) );
- }
- irq_handle.count = temp;
- WRITE_TO_USER(interrupt_wait_t, irq_handle);
- return 0;
- mod_info("Asked to wait for interrupt but interrupts are not enabled in the driver\n");
- return -EFAULT;
- *
- * Clears the interrupt wait queue.
- *
- * @param arg Not a pointer, but the irq source (unsigned int)
- * @returns -EFAULT if the user specified an irq source out of range
- *
- */
-static int ioctl_clear_ioq(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, unsigned long arg)
-#ifdef ENABLE_IRQ
- unsigned int irq_source;
- return -EFAULT;
- irq_source = arg;
- atomic_set(&(privdata->irq_outstanding[irq_source]), 0);
- return 0;
- mod_info("Asked to wait for interrupt but interrupts are not enabled in the driver\n");
- return -EFAULT;
- *
- * This function handles all ioctl file operations.
- * Generally, the data of the ioctl is copied from userspace to kernelspace, a separate
- * function is called to handle the ioctl itself, then the data is copied back to userspace.
- *
- * @returns -EFAULT when an invalid memory pointer is passed
- *
- */
-int pcidriver_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)
-long pcidriver_ioctl(struct file *filp, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)
- pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata = filp->private_data;
- /* Select the appropiate command */
- switch (cmd) {
- return ioctl_mmap_mode(privdata, arg);
- return ioctl_mmap_area(privdata, arg);
- return ioctl_pci_config_read_write(privdata, cmd, arg);
- return ioctl_pci_info(privdata, arg);
- return ioctl_kmem_alloc(privdata, arg);
- return ioctl_kmem_free(privdata, arg);
- return ioctl_kmem_sync(privdata, arg);
- return ioctl_umem_sgmap(privdata, arg);
- return ioctl_umem_sgunmap(privdata, arg);
- return ioctl_umem_sgget(privdata, arg);
- return ioctl_umem_sync(privdata, arg);
- return ioctl_wait_interrupt(privdata, arg);
- return ioctl_clear_ioq(privdata, arg);
- default:
- return -EINVAL;
- }
diff --git a/driver/ioctl.h b/driver/ioctl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 696fb8b..0000000
--- a/driver/ioctl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-int pcidriver_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg);
-long pcidriver_ioctl(struct file *filp, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg);
diff --git a/driver/kmem.c b/driver/kmem.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b323272..0000000
--- a/driver/kmem.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,657 +0,0 @@
- *
- * @file kmem.c
- * @brief This file contains all functions dealing with kernel memory.
- * @author Guillermo Marcus
- * @date 2009-04-05
- *
- */
-#include <linux/version.h>
-#include <linux/string.h>
-#include <linux/types.h>
-#include <linux/list.h>
-#include <linux/interrupt.h>
-#include <linux/pci.h>
-#include <linux/cdev.h>
-#include <linux/wait.h>
-#include <linux/mm.h>
-#include <linux/pagemap.h>
-#include "config.h" /* compile-time configuration */
-#include "compat.h" /* compatibility definitions for older linux */
-#include "pciDriver.h" /* external interface for the driver */
-#include "common.h" /* internal definitions for all parts */
-#include "kmem.h" /* prototypes for kernel memory */
-#include "sysfs.h" /* prototypes for sysfs */
-/* VM_RESERVED is removed in 3.7-rc1 */
-#ifndef VM_RESERVED
- *
- * Allocates new kernel memory including the corresponding management structure, makes
- * it available via sysfs if possible.
- *
- */
-int pcidriver_kmem_alloc(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, kmem_handle_t *kmem_handle)
- int flags;
- pcidriver_kmem_entry_t *kmem_entry;
- void *retptr;
- if (kmem_handle->flags&KMEM_FLAG_REUSE) {
- kmem_entry = pcidriver_kmem_find_entry_use(privdata, kmem_handle->use, kmem_handle->item);
- if (kmem_entry) {
- unsigned long flags = kmem_handle->flags;
- if (flags&KMEM_FLAG_TRY) {
- kmem_handle->type = kmem_entry->type;
- kmem_handle->size = kmem_entry->size;
- kmem_handle->align = kmem_entry->align;
- } else {
- if (kmem_handle->type != kmem_entry->type) {
- mod_info("Invalid type of reusable kmem_entry, currently: %lu, but requested: %lu\n", kmem_entry->type, kmem_handle->type);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if ((kmem_handle->type&PCILIB_KMEM_TYPE_MASK) == PCILIB_KMEM_TYPE_PAGE) {
- kmem_handle->size = kmem_entry->size;
- } else if (kmem_handle->size != kmem_entry->size) {
- mod_info("Invalid size of reusable kmem_entry, currently: %lu, but requested: %lu\n", kmem_entry->size, kmem_handle->size);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (kmem_handle->align != kmem_entry->align) {
- mod_info("Invalid alignment of reusable kmem_entry, currently: %lu, but requested: %lu\n", kmem_entry->align, kmem_handle->align);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (((kmem_entry->mode&KMEM_MODE_EXCLUSIVE)?1:0) != ((flags&KMEM_FLAG_EXCLUSIVE)?1:0)) {
- mod_info("Invalid mode of reusable kmem_entry\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- }
- if ((kmem_entry->mode&KMEM_MODE_COUNT)==KMEM_MODE_COUNT) {
- mod_info("Reuse counter of kmem_entry is overflown");
- return -EBUSY;
- }
- kmem_handle->handle_id = kmem_entry->id;
- kmem_handle->pa = (unsigned long)(kmem_entry->dma_handle);
- kmem_handle->flags = KMEM_FLAG_REUSED;
- if (kmem_entry->refs&KMEM_REF_HW) kmem_handle->flags |= KMEM_FLAG_REUSED_HW;
- if (kmem_entry->mode&KMEM_MODE_PERSISTENT) kmem_handle->flags |= KMEM_FLAG_REUSED_PERSISTENT;
- kmem_entry->mode += 1;
- if (flags&KMEM_FLAG_HW) {
- if ((kmem_entry->refs&KMEM_REF_HW)==0)
- pcidriver_module_get(privdata);
- kmem_entry->refs |= KMEM_REF_HW;
- }
- if (flags&KMEM_FLAG_PERSISTENT) kmem_entry->mode |= KMEM_MODE_PERSISTENT;
- privdata->kmem_cur_id = kmem_entry->id;
- return 0;
- }
- if (kmem_handle->flags&KMEM_FLAG_TRY) return -ENOENT;
- }
- /* First, allocate zeroed memory for the kmem_entry */
- if ((kmem_entry = kcalloc(1, sizeof(pcidriver_kmem_entry_t), GFP_KERNEL)) == NULL)
- goto kmem_alloc_entry_fail;
- /* Initialize the kmem_entry */
- kmem_entry->id = atomic_inc_return(&privdata->kmem_count) - 1;
- privdata->kmem_cur_id = kmem_entry->id;
- kmem_handle->handle_id = kmem_entry->id;
- kmem_entry->use = kmem_handle->use;
- kmem_entry->item = kmem_handle->item;
- kmem_entry->type = kmem_handle->type;
- kmem_entry->align = kmem_handle->align;
- kmem_entry->direction = PCI_DMA_NONE;
- /* Initialize sysfs if possible */
- if (pcidriver_sysfs_initialize_kmem(privdata, kmem_entry->id, &(kmem_entry->sysfs_attr)) != 0)
- goto kmem_alloc_mem_fail;
- /* ...and allocate the DMA memory */
- /* note this is a memory pair, referencing the same area: the cpu address (cpua)
- * and the PCI bus address (pa). The CPU and PCI addresses may not be the same.
- * The CPU sees only CPU addresses, while the device sees only PCI addresses.
- * CPU address is used for the mmap (internal to the driver), and
- * PCI address is the address passed to the DMA Controller in the device.
- */
- switch (kmem_entry->type&PCILIB_KMEM_TYPE_MASK) {
- retptr = pci_alloc_consistent( privdata->pdev, kmem_handle->size, &(kmem_entry->dma_handle) );
- break;
- retptr = ioremap(kmem_handle->pa, kmem_handle->size);
- kmem_entry->dma_handle = kmem_handle->pa;
- if (kmem_entry->type == PCILIB_KMEM_TYPE_REGION_S2C) {
- kmem_entry->direction = PCI_DMA_TODEVICE;
- } else if (kmem_entry->type == PCILIB_KMEM_TYPE_REGION_C2S) {
- kmem_entry->direction = PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE;
- }
- break;
- flags = GFP_KERNEL;
- if (kmem_handle->size == 0)
- kmem_handle->size = PAGE_SIZE;
- else if (kmem_handle->size%PAGE_SIZE)
- goto kmem_alloc_mem_fail;
- retptr = (void*)__get_free_pages(flags, get_order(kmem_handle->size));
- kmem_entry->dma_handle = 0;
- if (retptr) {
- if (kmem_entry->type == PCILIB_KMEM_TYPE_DMA_S2C_PAGE) {
- kmem_entry->direction = PCI_DMA_TODEVICE;
- kmem_entry->dma_handle = pci_map_single(privdata->pdev, retptr, kmem_handle->size, PCI_DMA_TODEVICE);
- if (pci_dma_mapping_error(privdata->pdev, kmem_entry->dma_handle)) {
- free_pages((unsigned long)retptr, get_order(kmem_handle->size));
- goto kmem_alloc_mem_fail;
- }
- } else if (kmem_entry->type == PCILIB_KMEM_TYPE_DMA_C2S_PAGE) {
- kmem_entry->direction = PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE;
- kmem_entry->dma_handle = pci_map_single(privdata->pdev, retptr, kmem_handle->size, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE);
- if (pci_dma_mapping_error(privdata->pdev, kmem_entry->dma_handle)) {
- free_pages((unsigned long)retptr, get_order(kmem_handle->size));
- goto kmem_alloc_mem_fail;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- goto kmem_alloc_mem_fail;
- }
- if (retptr == NULL)
- goto kmem_alloc_mem_fail;
- kmem_entry->size = kmem_handle->size;
- kmem_entry->cpua = (unsigned long)retptr;
- kmem_handle->pa = (unsigned long)(kmem_entry->dma_handle);
- kmem_entry->mode = 1;
- if (kmem_handle->flags&KMEM_FLAG_REUSE) {
- kmem_entry->mode |= KMEM_MODE_REUSABLE;
- if (kmem_handle->flags&KMEM_FLAG_EXCLUSIVE) kmem_entry->mode |= KMEM_MODE_EXCLUSIVE;
- if (kmem_handle->flags&KMEM_FLAG_PERSISTENT) kmem_entry->mode |= KMEM_MODE_PERSISTENT;
- }
- kmem_entry->refs = 0;
- if (kmem_handle->flags&KMEM_FLAG_HW) {
- pcidriver_module_get(privdata);
- kmem_entry->refs |= KMEM_REF_HW;
- }
- kmem_handle->flags = 0;
- set_pages_reserved_compat(kmem_entry->cpua, kmem_entry->size);
- /* Add the kmem_entry to the list of the device */
- spin_lock( &(privdata->kmemlist_lock) );
- list_add_tail( &(kmem_entry->list), &(privdata->kmem_list) );
- spin_unlock( &(privdata->kmemlist_lock) );
- return 0;
- kfree(kmem_entry);
- return -ENOMEM;
-static int pcidriver_kmem_free_check(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, kmem_handle_t *kmem_handle, pcidriver_kmem_entry_t *kmem_entry) {
- if ((kmem_handle->flags & KMEM_FLAG_FORCE) == 0) {
- if (kmem_entry->mode&KMEM_MODE_COUNT)
- kmem_entry->mode -= 1;
- if (kmem_handle->flags&KMEM_FLAG_HW) {
- if (kmem_entry->refs&KMEM_REF_HW)
- pcidriver_module_put(privdata);
- kmem_entry->refs &= ~KMEM_REF_HW;
- }
- if (kmem_handle->flags&KMEM_FLAG_PERSISTENT)
- kmem_entry->mode &= ~KMEM_MODE_PERSISTENT;
- if (kmem_handle->flags&KMEM_FLAG_REUSE)
- return 0;
- if (kmem_entry->refs) {
- kmem_entry->mode += 1;
- mod_info("can't free referenced kmem_entry\n");
- return -EBUSY;
- }
- if (kmem_entry->mode & KMEM_MODE_PERSISTENT) {
- kmem_entry->mode += 1;
- mod_info("can't free persistent kmem_entry\n");
- return -EBUSY;
- }
- if (((kmem_entry->mode&KMEM_MODE_EXCLUSIVE)==0)&&(kmem_entry->mode&KMEM_MODE_COUNT)&&((kmem_handle->flags&KMEM_FLAG_EXCLUSIVE)==0))
- return 0;
- } else {
- if (kmem_entry->refs&KMEM_REF_HW)
- pcidriver_module_put(privdata);
- while (!atomic_add_negative(-1, &(privdata->refs))) pcidriver_module_put(privdata);
- atomic_inc(&(privdata->refs));
- }
- return 1;
-static int pcidriver_kmem_free_use(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, kmem_handle_t *kmem_handle)
- int err;
- int failed = 0;
- struct list_head *ptr, *next;
- pcidriver_kmem_entry_t *kmem_entry;
- /* iterate safely over the entries and delete them */
- list_for_each_safe(ptr, next, &(privdata->kmem_list)) {
- kmem_entry = list_entry(ptr, pcidriver_kmem_entry_t, list);
- if (kmem_entry->use == kmem_handle->use) {
- err = pcidriver_kmem_free_check(privdata, kmem_handle, kmem_entry);
- if (err > 0)
- pcidriver_kmem_free_entry(privdata, kmem_entry); /* spin lock inside! */
- else
- failed = 1;
- }
- }
- if (failed) {
- mod_info("Some kmem_entries for use %lx are still referenced\n", kmem_handle->use);
- return -EBUSY;
- }
- return 0;
- *
- * Called via sysfs, frees kernel memory and the corresponding management structure
- *
- */
-int pcidriver_kmem_free( pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, kmem_handle_t *kmem_handle )
- int err;
- pcidriver_kmem_entry_t *kmem_entry;
- if (kmem_handle->flags&KMEM_FLAG_MASS) {
- kmem_handle->flags &= ~KMEM_FLAG_MASS;
- return pcidriver_kmem_free_use(privdata, kmem_handle);
- }
- /* Find the associated kmem_entry for this buffer */
- if ((kmem_entry = pcidriver_kmem_find_entry(privdata, kmem_handle)) == NULL)
- return -EINVAL; /* kmem_handle is not valid */
- err = pcidriver_kmem_free_check(privdata, kmem_handle, kmem_entry);
- if (err > 0)
- return pcidriver_kmem_free_entry(privdata, kmem_entry);
- return err;
- *
- * Called when cleaning up, frees all kernel memory and their corresponding management structure
- *
- */
-int pcidriver_kmem_free_all(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata)
-// int failed = 0;
- struct list_head *ptr, *next;
- pcidriver_kmem_entry_t *kmem_entry;
- /* iterate safely over the entries and delete them */
- list_for_each_safe(ptr, next, &(privdata->kmem_list)) {
- kmem_entry = list_entry(ptr, pcidriver_kmem_entry_t, list);
- /*if (kmem_entry->refs)
- failed = 1;
- else*/
- pcidriver_kmem_free_entry(privdata, kmem_entry); /* spin lock inside! */
- }
- if (failed) {
- mod_info("Some kmem_entries are still referenced\n");
- return -EBUSY;
- }
- return 0;
- *
- * Synchronize memory to/from the device (or in both directions).
- *
- */
-int pcidriver_kmem_sync_entry( pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, pcidriver_kmem_entry_t *kmem_entry, int direction)
- if (kmem_entry->direction == PCI_DMA_NONE)
- return -EINVAL;
- switch (direction) {
- pci_dma_sync_single_for_device( privdata->pdev, kmem_entry->dma_handle, kmem_entry->size, kmem_entry->direction );
- break;
- pci_dma_sync_single_for_cpu( privdata->pdev, kmem_entry->dma_handle, kmem_entry->size, kmem_entry->direction );
- break;
- pci_dma_sync_single_for_device( privdata->pdev, kmem_entry->dma_handle, kmem_entry->size, kmem_entry->direction );
- pci_dma_sync_single_for_cpu( privdata->pdev, kmem_entry->dma_handle, kmem_entry->size, kmem_entry->direction );
- break;
- default:
- return -EINVAL; /* wrong direction parameter */
- }
- switch (direction) {
- pci_dma_sync_single( privdata->pdev, kmem_entry->dma_handle, kmem_entry->size, kmem_entry->direction );
- break;
- pci_dma_sync_single( privdata->pdev, kmem_entry->dma_handle, kmem_entry->size, kmem_entry->direction );
- break;
- pci_dma_sync_single( privdata->pdev, kmem_entry->dma_handle, kmem_entry->size, kmem_entry->direction );
- break;
- default:
- return -EINVAL; /* wrong direction parameter */
- }
- return 0; /* success */
- *
- * Synchronize memory to/from the device (or in both directions).
- *
- */
-int pcidriver_kmem_sync( pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, kmem_sync_t *kmem_sync )
- pcidriver_kmem_entry_t *kmem_entry;
- /* Find the associated kmem_entry for this buffer */
- if ((kmem_entry = pcidriver_kmem_find_entry(privdata, &(kmem_sync->handle))) == NULL)
- return -EINVAL; /* kmem_handle is not valid */
- return pcidriver_kmem_sync_entry(privdata, kmem_entry, kmem_sync->dir);
- *
- * Free the given kmem_entry and its memory.
- *
- */
-int pcidriver_kmem_free_entry(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, pcidriver_kmem_entry_t *kmem_entry)
- pcidriver_sysfs_remove(privdata, &(kmem_entry->sysfs_attr));
- /* Go over the pages of the kmem buffer, and mark them as not reserved */
-#if 0
- /*
- * This code is DISABLED.
- * Apparently, it is not needed to unreserve them. Doing so here
- * hangs the machine. Why?
- *
- * Uhm.. see links:
- *
- *
- *
- *
- * I insist, this should be enabled, but doing so hangs the machine.
- * Literature supports the point, and there is even a similar problem (see link)
- * But this is not the case. It seems right to me. but obviously is not.
- *
- * Anyway, this goes away in kernel >=2.6.15.
- */
- unsigned long start = __pa(kmem_entry->cpua) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
- unsigned long end = __pa(kmem_entry->cpua + kmem_entry->size) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
- unsigned long i;
- for(i=start;i<end;i++) {
- struct page *kpage = pfn_to_page(i);
- ClearPageReserved(kpage);
- }
- /* Release DMA memory */
- switch (kmem_entry->type&PCILIB_KMEM_TYPE_MASK) {
- pci_free_consistent( privdata->pdev, kmem_entry->size, (void *)(kmem_entry->cpua), kmem_entry->dma_handle );
- break;
- iounmap((void *)(kmem_entry->cpua));
- break;
- if (kmem_entry->dma_handle) {
- if (kmem_entry->type == PCILIB_KMEM_TYPE_DMA_S2C_PAGE) {
- pci_unmap_single(privdata->pdev, kmem_entry->dma_handle, kmem_entry->size, PCI_DMA_TODEVICE);
- } else if (kmem_entry->type == PCILIB_KMEM_TYPE_DMA_C2S_PAGE) {
- pci_unmap_single(privdata->pdev, kmem_entry->dma_handle, kmem_entry->size, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE);
- }
- }
- free_pages((unsigned long)kmem_entry->cpua, get_order(kmem_entry->size));
- break;
- }
- /* Remove the kmem list entry */
- spin_lock( &(privdata->kmemlist_lock) );
- list_del( &(kmem_entry->list) );
- spin_unlock( &(privdata->kmemlist_lock) );
- /* Release kmem_entry memory */
- kfree(kmem_entry);
- return 0;
- *
- * Find the corresponding kmem_entry for the given kmem_handle.
- *
- */
-pcidriver_kmem_entry_t *pcidriver_kmem_find_entry(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, kmem_handle_t *kmem_handle)
- struct list_head *ptr;
- pcidriver_kmem_entry_t *entry, *result = NULL;
- /* should I implement it better using the handle_id? */
- spin_lock(&(privdata->kmemlist_lock));
- list_for_each(ptr, &(privdata->kmem_list)) {
- entry = list_entry(ptr, pcidriver_kmem_entry_t, list);
- if (entry->id == kmem_handle->handle_id) {
- result = entry;
- break;
- }
- }
- spin_unlock(&(privdata->kmemlist_lock));
- return result;
- *
- * find the corresponding kmem_entry for the given id.
- *
- */
-pcidriver_kmem_entry_t *pcidriver_kmem_find_entry_id(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, int id)
- struct list_head *ptr;
- pcidriver_kmem_entry_t *entry, *result = NULL;
- spin_lock(&(privdata->kmemlist_lock));
- list_for_each(ptr, &(privdata->kmem_list)) {
- entry = list_entry(ptr, pcidriver_kmem_entry_t, list);
- if (entry->id == id) {
- result = entry;
- break;
- }
- }
- spin_unlock(&(privdata->kmemlist_lock));
- return result;
- *
- * find the corresponding kmem_entry for the given use and item.
- *
- */
-pcidriver_kmem_entry_t *pcidriver_kmem_find_entry_use(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, unsigned long use, unsigned long item)
- struct list_head *ptr;
- pcidriver_kmem_entry_t *entry, *result = NULL;
- spin_lock(&(privdata->kmemlist_lock));
- list_for_each(ptr, &(privdata->kmem_list)) {
- entry = list_entry(ptr, pcidriver_kmem_entry_t, list);
- if ((entry->use == use)&&(entry->item == item)&&(entry->mode&KMEM_MODE_REUSABLE)) {
- result = entry;
- break;
- }
- }
- spin_unlock(&(privdata->kmemlist_lock));
- return result;
-void pcidriver_kmem_mmap_close(struct vm_area_struct *vma) {
- unsigned long vma_size;
- pcidriver_kmem_entry_t *kmem_entry = (pcidriver_kmem_entry_t*)vma->vm_private_data;
- if (kmem_entry) {
- if (kmem_entry->id == 0) {
- mod_info("refs: %p %p %lx\n", vma, vma->vm_private_data, kmem_entry->refs);
- mod_info("kmem_size: %lu vma_size: %lu, s: %lx, e: %lx\n", kmem_entry->size, (vma->vm_end - vma->vm_start), vma->vm_start, vma->vm_end);
- }
- vma_size = (vma->vm_end - vma->vm_start);
- if (kmem_entry->refs&KMEM_REF_COUNT) {
- kmem_entry->refs -= vma_size / PAGE_SIZE;
- }
- }
-static struct vm_operations_struct pcidriver_kmem_mmap_ops = {
- .close = pcidriver_kmem_mmap_close
- *
- * mmap() kernel memory to userspace.
- *
- */
-int pcidriver_mmap_kmem(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, struct vm_area_struct *vma)
- unsigned long vma_size;
- pcidriver_kmem_entry_t *kmem_entry;
- int ret;
- mod_info_dbg("Entering mmap_kmem\n");
- /* FIXME: Is this really right? Always just the latest one? Can't we identify one? */
- /* Get latest entry on the kmem_list */
- kmem_entry = pcidriver_kmem_find_entry_id(privdata, privdata->kmem_cur_id);
- if (!kmem_entry) {
- mod_info("Trying to mmap a kernel memory buffer without creating it first!\n");
- return -EFAULT;
- }
- mod_info_dbg("Got kmem_entry with id: %d\n", kmem_entry->id);
- /* Check sizes */
- vma_size = (vma->vm_end - vma->vm_start);
- if ((vma_size > kmem_entry->size) &&
- ((kmem_entry->size < PAGE_SIZE) && (vma_size != PAGE_SIZE))) {
- mod_info("kem_entry size(%lu) and vma size do not match(%lu)\n", kmem_entry->size, vma_size);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- /* reference counting */
- if ((kmem_entry->mode&KMEM_MODE_EXCLUSIVE)&&(kmem_entry->refs&KMEM_REF_COUNT)) {
- mod_info("can't make second mmaping for exclusive kmem_entry\n");
- return -EBUSY;
- }
- if (((kmem_entry->refs&KMEM_REF_COUNT) + (vma_size / PAGE_SIZE)) > KMEM_REF_COUNT) {
- mod_info("maximal amount of references is reached by kmem_entry\n");
- return -EBUSY;
- }
- kmem_entry->refs += vma_size / PAGE_SIZE;
- vma->vm_flags |= (VM_RESERVED);
-#ifdef pgprot_noncached
- // This is coherent memory, so it must not be cached.
- vma->vm_page_prot = pgprot_noncached(vma->vm_page_prot);
- mod_info_dbg("Mapping address %08lx / PFN %08lx\n",
- virt_to_phys((void*)kmem_entry->cpua),
- page_to_pfn(virt_to_page((void*)kmem_entry->cpua)));
- if ((kmem_entry->type&PCILIB_KMEM_TYPE_MASK) == PCILIB_KMEM_TYPE_REGION) {
- ret = remap_pfn_range_compat(
- vma,
- vma->vm_start,
- kmem_entry->dma_handle,
- (vma_size < kmem_entry->size)?vma_size:kmem_entry->size,
- vma->vm_page_prot);
- } else {
- ret = remap_pfn_range_cpua_compat(
- vma,
- vma->vm_start,
- kmem_entry->cpua,
- (vma_size < kmem_entry->size)?vma_size:kmem_entry->size,
- vma->vm_page_prot );
- }
- if (ret) {
- mod_info("kmem remap failed: %d (%lx)\n", ret,kmem_entry->cpua);
- kmem_entry->refs -= 1;
- return -EAGAIN;
- }
- vma->vm_ops = &pcidriver_kmem_mmap_ops;
- vma->vm_private_data = (void*)kmem_entry;
- return ret;
diff --git a/driver/kmem.h b/driver/kmem.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 503620e..0000000
--- a/driver/kmem.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-int pcidriver_kmem_alloc( pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, kmem_handle_t *kmem_handle );
-int pcidriver_kmem_free( pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, kmem_handle_t *kmem_handle );
-int pcidriver_kmem_sync_entry( pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, pcidriver_kmem_entry_t *kmem_entry, int direction );
-int pcidriver_kmem_sync( pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, kmem_sync_t *kmem_sync );
-int pcidriver_kmem_free_all( pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata );
-pcidriver_kmem_entry_t *pcidriver_kmem_find_entry( pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, kmem_handle_t *kmem_handle );
-pcidriver_kmem_entry_t *pcidriver_kmem_find_entry_id( pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, int id );
-pcidriver_kmem_entry_t *pcidriver_kmem_find_entry_use(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, unsigned long use, unsigned long item);
-int pcidriver_kmem_free_entry( pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, pcidriver_kmem_entry_t *kmem_entry );
diff --git a/driver/pciDriver.h b/driver/pciDriver.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 67a80f2..0000000
--- a/driver/pciDriver.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef PCIDRIVER_H_
-#define PCIDRIVER_H_
- * This is a full rewrite of the pciDriver.
- * New default is to support kernel 2.6, using kernel 2.6 APIs.
- *
- * This header defines the interface to the outside world.
- *
- * $Revision: 1.6 $
- * $Date: 2008-01-24 14:21:36 $
- *
- */
- * Change History:
- *
- * $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
- * Revision 1.5 2008-01-11 10:15:14 marcus
- * Removed unused interrupt code.
- * Added intSource to the wait interrupt call.
- *
- * Revision 1.4 2006/11/17 18:44:42 marcus
- * Type of SG list can now be selected at runtime. Added type to sglist.
- *
- * Revision 1.3 2006/11/17 16:23:02 marcus
- * Added slot number to the PCI info IOctl.
- *
- * Revision 1.2 2006/11/13 12:29:09 marcus
- * Added a IOctl call, to confiure the interrupt response. (testing pending).
- * Basic interrupts are now supported.
- *
- * Revision 1.1 2006/10/10 14:46:52 marcus
- * Initial commit of the new pciDriver for kernel 2.6
- *
- * Revision 1.7 2006/10/06 15:18:06 marcus
- * Updated PCI info and PCI cmd
- *
- * Revision 1.6 2006/09/25 16:51:07 marcus
- * Added PCI config IOctls, and implemented basic mmap functions.
- *
- * Revision 1.5 2006/09/18 17:13:12 marcus
- * backup commit.
- *
- * Revision 1.4 2006/09/15 15:44:41 marcus
- * backup commit.
- *
- * Revision 1.3 2006/08/15 11:40:02 marcus
- * backup commit.
- *
- * Revision 1.2 2006/08/12 18:28:42 marcus
- * Sync with the laptop
- *
- * Revision 1.1 2006/08/11 15:30:46 marcus
- * Sync with the laptop
- *
- */
-#include <linux/ioctl.h>
-#include "../pcilib_types.h"
-/* Identifies the PCI-E Xilinx ML605 */
-#define PCIE_XILINX_VENDOR_ID 0x10ee
-#define PCIE_ML605_DEVICE_ID 0x6024
-/* Identifies the PCI-E IPE Camera */
-#define PCIE_KAPTURE_DEVICE_ID 0x6028
-//#define PCIE_IPECAMERA_DEVICE_ID 0x6018
-/* Possible values for ioctl commands */
-/* PCI mmap areas */
-#define PCIDRIVER_BAR0 0
-#define PCIDRIVER_BAR1 1
-#define PCIDRIVER_BAR2 2
-#define PCIDRIVER_BAR3 3
-#define PCIDRIVER_BAR4 4
-#define PCIDRIVER_BAR5 5
-/* mmap mode of the device */
-/* Direction of a DMA operation */
-/* Possible sizes in a PCI command */
-/* Possible types of SG lists */
-/* Maximum number of interrupt sources */
-#define KMEM_FLAG_REUSE 1 /**< Try to reuse existing buffer with the same use & item */
-#define KMEM_FLAG_EXCLUSIVE 2 /**< Allow only a single application accessing a specified use & item */
-#define KMEM_FLAG_PERSISTENT 4 /**< Sets persistent mode */
-#define KMEM_FLAG_HW 8 /**< The buffer may be accessed by hardware, the hardware access will not occur any more if passed to _free function */
-#define KMEM_FLAG_FORCE 16 /**< Force memory cleanup even if references are present */
-#define KMEM_FLAG_MASS 32 /**< Apply to all buffers of selected use */
-#define KMEM_FLAG_TRY 64 /**< Do not allocate buffers, try to reuse and fail if not possible */
-#define KMEM_FLAG_REUSED 1 /**< Indicates if buffer with specified use & item was already allocated and reused */
-#define KMEM_FLAG_REUSED_PERSISTENT 4 /**< Indicates that reused buffer was persistent before the call */
-#define KMEM_FLAG_REUSED_HW 8 /**< Indicates that reused buffer had a HW reference before the call */
-/* Types */
-typedef struct {
- unsigned long type;
- unsigned long pa;
- unsigned long size;
- unsigned long align;
- unsigned long use;
- unsigned long item;
- int flags;
- int handle_id;
-} kmem_handle_t;
-typedef struct {
- unsigned long addr;
- unsigned long size;
-} umem_sgentry_t;
-typedef struct {
- int handle_id;
- int type;
- int nents;
- umem_sgentry_t *sg;
-} umem_sglist_t;
-typedef struct {
- unsigned long vma;
- unsigned long size;
- int handle_id;
- int dir;
-} umem_handle_t;
-typedef struct {
- kmem_handle_t handle;
- int dir;
-} kmem_sync_t;
-typedef struct {
- unsigned long count;
- unsigned long timeout; // microseconds
- unsigned int source;
-} interrupt_wait_t;
-typedef struct {
- int size;
- int addr;
- union {
- unsigned char byte;
- unsigned short word;
- unsigned int dword; /* not strict C, but if not can have problems */
- } val;
-} pci_cfg_cmd;
-typedef struct {
- unsigned short vendor_id;
- unsigned short device_id;
- unsigned short bus;
- unsigned short slot;
- unsigned short func;
- unsigned short devfn;
- unsigned char interrupt_pin;
- unsigned char interrupt_line;
- unsigned int irq;
- unsigned long bar_start[6];
- unsigned long bar_length[6];
- unsigned long bar_flags[6];
-} pcilib_board_info_t;
-/* ioctl interface */
-/* See documentation for a detailed usage explanation */
- * one of the problems of ioctl, is that requires a type definition.
- * This type is only 8-bits wide, and half-documented in
- * <linux-src>/Documentation/ioctl-number.txt.
- * previous SHL -> 'S' definition, conflicts with several devices,
- * so I changed it to be pci -> 'p', in the range 0xA0-AF
- */
-/* And now, the methods to access the PCI configuration area */
-/* Clear interrupt queues */
diff --git a/driver/sysfs.c b/driver/sysfs.c
deleted file mode 100644
index abc1c8a..0000000
--- a/driver/sysfs.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
- *
- * @file sysfs.c
- * @brief This file contains the functions providing the SysFS-interface.
- * @author Guillermo Marcus
- * @date 2010-03-01
- *
- */
-#include <linux/version.h>
-#include <linux/string.h>
-#include <linux/types.h>
-#include <linux/list.h>
-#include <linux/interrupt.h>
-#include <linux/pci.h>
-#include <linux/cdev.h>
-#include <linux/wait.h>
-#include <linux/mm.h>
-#include <linux/pagemap.h>
-#include <linux/kernel.h>
-#include "compat.h"
-#include "config.h"
-#include "pciDriver.h"
-#include "common.h"
-#include "umem.h"
-#include "kmem.h"
-#include "sysfs.h"
-static SYSFS_GET_FUNCTION(pcidriver_show_kmem_entry);
-static SYSFS_GET_FUNCTION(pcidriver_show_umem_entry);
- *
- * Initializes the sysfs attributes for an kmem/umem-entry
- *
- */
-static int _pcidriver_sysfs_initialize(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata,
- int id,
- struct class_device_attribute *sysfs_attr,
- const char *fmtstring,
- SYSFS_GET_FUNCTION((*callback)))
- /* sysfs attributes for kmem buffers don’t make sense before 2.6.13, as
- we have no mmap support before */
- char namebuffer[16];
- /* allocate space for the name of the attribute */
- snprintf(namebuffer, sizeof(namebuffer), fmtstring, id);
- if ((sysfs_attr-> = kstrdup(namebuffer, GFP_KERNEL)) == NULL)
- return -ENOMEM;
- sysfs_attr->attr.mode = S_IRUGO;
- // DS: Shall we lock now while accessing driver data structures???
- sysfs_attr->attr.owner = THIS_MODULE;
- sysfs_attr->show = callback;
- sysfs_attr->store = NULL;
- /* name and add attribute */
- if (class_device_create_file(privdata->class_dev, sysfs_attr) != 0)
- return -ENXIO; /* Device not configured. Not the really best choice, but hm. */
- return 0;
-int pcidriver_sysfs_initialize_kmem(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, int id, struct class_device_attribute *sysfs_attr)
- return _pcidriver_sysfs_initialize(privdata, id, sysfs_attr, "kbuf%d", pcidriver_show_kmem_entry);
-int pcidriver_sysfs_initialize_umem(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, int id, struct class_device_attribute *sysfs_attr)
- return _pcidriver_sysfs_initialize(privdata, id, sysfs_attr, "umem%d", pcidriver_show_umem_entry);
- *
- * Removes the file from sysfs and frees the allocated (kstrdup()) memory.
- *
- */
-void pcidriver_sysfs_remove(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, struct class_device_attribute *sysfs_attr)
- class_device_remove_file(privdata->class_dev, sysfs_attr);
- kfree(sysfs_attr->;
-static SYSFS_GET_FUNCTION(pcidriver_show_kmem_entry)
- pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata = SYSFS_GET_PRIVDATA;
- /* As we can be sure that contains a filename which we
- * created (see _pcidriver_sysfs_initialize), we do not need to have
- * sanity checks but can directly call simple_strtol() */
- int id = simple_strtol(attr-> + strlen("kbuf"), NULL, 10);
- pcidriver_kmem_entry_t *entry = pcidriver_kmem_find_entry_id(privdata, id);
- if (entry) {
- unsigned long addr = entry->cpua;
- unsigned long dma_addr = entry->dma_handle;
- if (entry->size >= 16) {
- pcidriver_kmem_sync_entry(privdata, entry, PCILIB_KMEM_SYNC_FROMDEVICE);
- return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "buffer: %d\naddr: %lx\nhw addr: %llx\nbus addr: %lx\ntype: %lx\nuse: 0x%lx\nitem: %lu\nsize: %lu\nrefs: %lu\nhw ref: %i\nmode: 0x%lx\ndata: %8x %8x %8x %8x\n", id, addr, virt_to_phys((void*)addr), dma_addr, entry->type, entry->use, entry->item, entry->size, entry->refs&KMEM_REF_COUNT, (entry->refs&KMEM_REF_HW)?1:0, entry->mode, *(u32*)(entry->cpua), *(u32*)(entry->cpua + 4), *(u32*)(entry->cpua + 8), *(u32*)(entry->cpua + 12));
- } else
- return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "buffer: %d\naddr: %lx\nhw addr: %llx\nbus addr: %lx\ntype: %lx\nuse: 0x%lx\nitem: %lu\nsize: %lu\nrefs: %lu\nhw ref: %i\nmode: 0x%lx\n", id, addr, virt_to_phys((void*)addr), dma_addr, entry->type, entry->use, entry->item, entry->size, entry->refs&KMEM_REF_COUNT, (entry->refs&KMEM_REF_HW)?1:0, entry->mode);
- } else
- return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "I am in the kmem_entry show function for buffer %d\n", id);
- return 0;
-static SYSFS_GET_FUNCTION(pcidriver_show_umem_entry)
-#if 0
- pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata = (pcidriver_privdata_t *)cls->class_data;
- return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "I am in the umem_entry show function, class_device_kobj_name: %s\n", cls->;
- return 0;
- return 0;
-#ifdef ENABLE_IRQ
- pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata = SYSFS_GET_PRIVDATA;
- return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%d\n", privdata->irq_count);
- pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata = SYSFS_GET_PRIVDATA;
- int i, offset;
- /* output will be truncated to PAGE_SIZE */
- offset = snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "Queue\tOutstanding IRQs\n");
- for (i = 0; i < PCIDRIVER_INT_MAXSOURCES; i++)
- offset += snprintf(buf+offset, PAGE_SIZE-offset, "%d\t%d\n", i, atomic_read(&(privdata->irq_outstanding[i])) );
- return (offset > PAGE_SIZE ? PAGE_SIZE : offset+1);
- pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata = SYSFS_GET_PRIVDATA;
- return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%d\n", privdata->mmap_mode);
- pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata = SYSFS_GET_PRIVDATA;
- int mode = -1;
- /* Set the mmap-mode if it is either PCIDRIVER_MMAP_PCI or PCIDRIVER_MMAP_KMEM */
- if (sscanf(buf, "%d", &mode) == 1 &&
- privdata->mmap_mode = mode;
- return strlen(buf);
- pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata = SYSFS_GET_PRIVDATA;
- return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%d\n", privdata->mmap_area);
- pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata = SYSFS_GET_PRIVDATA;
- int temp = -1;
- sscanf(buf, "%d", &temp);
- if ((temp >= PCIDRIVER_BAR0) && (temp <= PCIDRIVER_BAR5))
- privdata->mmap_area = temp;
- return strlen(buf);
- pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata = SYSFS_GET_PRIVDATA;
- return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%d\n", atomic_read(&(privdata->kmem_count)));
- pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata = SYSFS_GET_PRIVDATA;
- kmem_handle_t kmem_handle;
- /* FIXME: guillermo: is validation of parsing an unsigned int enough? */
- if (sscanf(buf, "%lu", &kmem_handle.size) == 1)
- pcidriver_kmem_alloc(privdata, &kmem_handle);
- return strlen(buf);
- pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata = SYSFS_GET_PRIVDATA;
- unsigned int id;
- pcidriver_kmem_entry_t *kmem_entry;
- /* Parse the ID of the kernel memory to be freed, check bounds */
- if (sscanf(buf, "%u", &id) != 1 ||
- (id >= atomic_read(&(privdata->kmem_count))))
- goto err;
- if ((kmem_entry = pcidriver_kmem_find_entry_id(privdata,id)) == NULL)
- goto err;
- pcidriver_kmem_free_entry(privdata, kmem_entry );
- return strlen(buf);
- pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata = SYSFS_GET_PRIVDATA;
- int offset = 0;
- struct list_head *ptr;
- pcidriver_kmem_entry_t *entry;
- /* print the header */
- offset += snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "kbuf#\tcpu addr\tsize\n");
- spin_lock(&(privdata->kmemlist_lock));
- list_for_each(ptr, &(privdata->kmem_list)) {
- entry = list_entry(ptr, pcidriver_kmem_entry_t, list);
- /* print entry info */
- if (offset > PAGE_SIZE) {
- spin_unlock( &(privdata->kmemlist_lock) );
- return PAGE_SIZE;
- }
- offset += snprintf(buf+offset, PAGE_SIZE-offset, "%3d\t%08lx\t%lu\n", entry->id, (unsigned long)(entry->dma_handle), entry->size );
- }
- spin_unlock(&(privdata->kmemlist_lock));
- /* output will be truncated to PAGE_SIZE */
- return (offset > PAGE_SIZE ? PAGE_SIZE : offset+1);
- int offset = 0;
- pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata = SYSFS_GET_PRIVDATA;
- struct list_head *ptr;
- pcidriver_umem_entry_t *entry;
- /* print the header */
- offset += snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "umap#\tn_pages\tsg_ents\n");
- spin_lock( &(privdata->umemlist_lock) );
- list_for_each( ptr, &(privdata->umem_list) ) {
- entry = list_entry(ptr, pcidriver_umem_entry_t, list );
- /* print entry info */
- if (offset > PAGE_SIZE) {
- spin_unlock( &(privdata->umemlist_lock) );
- return PAGE_SIZE;
- }
- offset += snprintf(buf+offset, PAGE_SIZE-offset, "%3d\t%lu\t%lu\n", entry->id,
- (unsigned long)(entry->nr_pages), (unsigned long)(entry->nents));
- }
- spin_unlock( &(privdata->umemlist_lock) );
- /* output will be truncated to PAGE_SIZE */
- return (offset > PAGE_SIZE ? PAGE_SIZE : offset+1);
- pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata = SYSFS_GET_PRIVDATA;
- pcidriver_umem_entry_t *umem_entry;
- unsigned int id;
- if (sscanf(buf, "%u", &id) != 1 ||
- (id >= atomic_read(&(privdata->umem_count))))
- goto err;
- if ((umem_entry = pcidriver_umem_find_entry_id(privdata, id)) == NULL)
- goto err;
- pcidriver_umem_sgunmap(privdata, umem_entry);
- return strlen(buf);
diff --git a/driver/sysfs.h b/driver/sysfs.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c413f0..0000000
--- a/driver/sysfs.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-int pcidriver_sysfs_initialize_kmem(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, int id, struct class_device_attribute *sysfs_attr);
-int pcidriver_sysfs_initialize_umem(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, int id, struct class_device_attribute *sysfs_attr);
-void pcidriver_sysfs_remove(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, struct class_device_attribute *sysfs_attr);
-#ifdef ENABLE_IRQ
-/* prototypes for sysfs operations */
diff --git a/driver/umem.c b/driver/umem.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a8dcc1..0000000
--- a/driver/umem.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,438 +0,0 @@
- *
- * @file umem.c
- * @brief This file contains the functions handling user space memory.
- * @author Guillermo Marcus
- * @date 2009-04-05
- *
- */
-#include <linux/version.h>
-#include <linux/string.h>
-#include <linux/types.h>
-#include <linux/list.h>
-#include <linux/interrupt.h>
-#include <linux/pci.h>
-#include <linux/cdev.h>
-#include <linux/wait.h>
-#include <linux/mm.h>
-#include <linux/pagemap.h>
-#include <linux/sched.h>
-#include "config.h" /* compile-time configuration */
-#include "compat.h" /* compatibility definitions for older linux */
-#include "pciDriver.h" /* external interface for the driver */
-#include "common.h" /* internal definitions for all parts */
-#include "umem.h" /* prototypes for kernel memory */
-#include "sysfs.h" /* prototypes for sysfs */
- *
- * Reserve a new scatter/gather list and map it from memory to PCI bus addresses.
- *
- */
-int pcidriver_umem_sgmap(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, umem_handle_t *umem_handle)
- int i, res, nr_pages;
- struct page **pages;
- struct scatterlist *sg = NULL;
- pcidriver_umem_entry_t *umem_entry;
- unsigned int nents;
- unsigned long count,offset,length;
- /*
- * We do some checks first. Then, the following is necessary to create a
- * Scatter/Gather list from a user memory area:
- * - Determine the number of pages
- * - Get the pages for the memory area
- * - Lock them.
- * - Create a scatter/gather list of the pages
- * - Map the list from memory to PCI bus addresses
- *
- * Then, we:
- * - Create an entry on the umem list of the device, to cache the mapping.
- * - Create a sysfs attribute that gives easy access to the SG list
- */
- /* zero-size?? */
- if (umem_handle->size == 0)
- return -EINVAL;
- /* Direction is better ignoring during mapping. */
- /* We assume bidirectional buffers always, except when sync'ing */
- /* calculate the number of pages */
- nr_pages = ((umem_handle->vma & ~PAGE_MASK) + umem_handle->size + ~PAGE_MASK) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
- mod_info_dbg("nr_pages computed: %u\n", nr_pages);
- /* Allocate space for the page information */
- /* This can be very big, so we use vmalloc */
- if ((pages = vmalloc(nr_pages * sizeof(*pages))) == NULL)
- return -ENOMEM;
- mod_info_dbg("allocated space for the pages.\n");
- /* Allocate space for the scatterlist */
- /* We do not know how many entries will be, but the maximum is nr_pages. */
- /* This can be very big, so we use vmalloc */
- if ((sg = vmalloc(nr_pages * sizeof(*sg))) == NULL)
- goto umem_sgmap_pages;
- sg_init_table(sg, nr_pages);
- mod_info_dbg("allocated space for the SG list.\n");
- /* Get the page information */
- down_read(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- res = get_user_pages(
- current,
- current->mm,
- umem_handle->vma,
- nr_pages,
- 1,
- 0, /* do not force, FIXME: shall I? */
- pages,
- NULL );
- up_read(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- /* Error, not all pages mapped */
- if (res < (int)nr_pages) {
- mod_info("Could not map all user pages (%d of %d)\n", res, nr_pages);
- /* If only some pages could be mapped, we release those. If a real
- * error occured, we set nr_pages to 0 */
- nr_pages = (res > 0 ? res : 0);
- goto umem_sgmap_unmap;
- }
- mod_info_dbg("Got the pages (%d).\n", res);
- /* Lock the pages, then populate the SG list with the pages */
- /* page0 is different */
- if ( !PageReserved(pages[0]) )
- compat_lock_page(pages[0]);
- offset = (umem_handle->vma & ~PAGE_MASK);
- length = (umem_handle->size > (PAGE_SIZE-offset) ? (PAGE_SIZE-offset) : umem_handle->size);
- sg_set_page(&sg[0], pages[0], length, offset);
- count = umem_handle->size - length;
- for(i=1;i<nr_pages;i++) {
- /* Lock page first */
- if ( !PageReserved(pages[i]) )
- compat_lock_page(pages[i]);
- /* Populate the list */
- sg_set_page(&sg[i], pages[i], ((count > PAGE_SIZE) ? PAGE_SIZE : count), 0);
- count -= sg[i].length;
- }
- /* Use the page list to populate the SG list */
- /* SG entries may be merged, res is the number of used entries */
- /* We have originally nr_pages entries in the sg list */
- if ((nents = pci_map_sg(privdata->pdev, sg, nr_pages, PCI_DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL)) == 0)
- goto umem_sgmap_unmap;
- mod_info_dbg("Mapped SG list (%d entries).\n", nents);
- /* Add an entry to the umem_list of the device, and update the handle with the id */
- /* Allocate space for the new umem entry */
- if ((umem_entry = kmalloc(sizeof(*umem_entry), GFP_KERNEL)) == NULL)
- goto umem_sgmap_entry;
- /* Fill entry to be added to the umem list */
- umem_entry->id = atomic_inc_return(&privdata->umem_count) - 1;
- umem_entry->nr_pages = nr_pages; /* Will be needed when unmapping */
- umem_entry->pages = pages;
- umem_entry->nents = nents;
- umem_entry->sg = sg;
- if (pcidriver_sysfs_initialize_umem(privdata, umem_entry->id, &(umem_entry->sysfs_attr)) != 0)
- goto umem_sgmap_name_fail;
- /* Add entry to the umem list */
- spin_lock( &(privdata->umemlist_lock) );
- list_add_tail( &(umem_entry->list), &(privdata->umem_list) );
- spin_unlock( &(privdata->umemlist_lock) );
- /* Update the Handle with the Handle ID of the entry */
- umem_handle->handle_id = umem_entry->id;
- return 0;
- kfree(umem_entry);
- pci_unmap_sg( privdata->pdev, sg, nr_pages, PCI_DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL );
- /* release pages */
- if (nr_pages > 0) {
- for(i=0;i<nr_pages;i++) {
- if (PageLocked(pages[i]))
- compat_unlock_page(pages[i]);
- if (!PageReserved(pages[i]))
- set_page_dirty(pages[i]);
- page_cache_release(pages[i]);
- }
- }
- vfree(sg);
- vfree(pages);
- return -ENOMEM;
- *
- * Unmap a scatter/gather list
- *
- */
-int pcidriver_umem_sgunmap(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, pcidriver_umem_entry_t *umem_entry)
- int i;
- pcidriver_sysfs_remove(privdata, &(umem_entry->sysfs_attr));
- /* Unmap user memory */
- pci_unmap_sg( privdata->pdev, umem_entry->sg, umem_entry->nr_pages, PCI_DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL );
- /* Release the pages */
- if (umem_entry->nr_pages > 0) {
- for(i=0;i<(umem_entry->nr_pages);i++) {
- /* Mark pages as Dirty and unlock it */
- if ( !PageReserved( umem_entry->pages[i] )) {
- SetPageDirty( umem_entry->pages[i] );
- compat_unlock_page(umem_entry->pages[i]);
- }
- /* and release it from the cache */
- page_cache_release( umem_entry->pages[i] );
- }
- }
- /* Remove the umem list entry */
- spin_lock( &(privdata->umemlist_lock) );
- list_del( &(umem_entry->list) );
- spin_unlock( &(privdata->umemlist_lock) );
- /* Release SG list and page list memory */
- /* These two are in the vm area of the kernel */
- vfree(umem_entry->pages);
- vfree(umem_entry->sg);
- /* Release umem_entry memory */
- kfree(umem_entry);
- return 0;
- *
- * Unmap all scatter/gather lists.
- *
- */
-int pcidriver_umem_sgunmap_all(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata)
- struct list_head *ptr, *next;
- pcidriver_umem_entry_t *umem_entry;
- /* iterate safely over the entries and delete them */
- list_for_each_safe( ptr, next, &(privdata->umem_list) ) {
- umem_entry = list_entry(ptr, pcidriver_umem_entry_t, list );
- pcidriver_umem_sgunmap( privdata, umem_entry ); /* spin lock inside! */
- }
- return 0;
- *
- * Copies the scatter/gather list from kernelspace to userspace.
- *
- */
-int pcidriver_umem_sgget(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, umem_sglist_t *umem_sglist)
- int i;
- pcidriver_umem_entry_t *umem_entry;
- struct scatterlist *sg;
- int idx = 0;
- dma_addr_t cur_addr;
- unsigned int cur_size;
- /* Find the associated umem_entry for this buffer */
- umem_entry = pcidriver_umem_find_entry_id( privdata, umem_sglist->handle_id );
- if (umem_entry == NULL)
- return -EINVAL; /* umem_handle is not valid */
- /* Check if passed SG list is enough */
- if (umem_sglist->nents < umem_entry->nents)
- return -EINVAL; /* sg has not enough entries */
- /* Copy the SG list to the user format */
- if (umem_sglist->type == PCIDRIVER_SG_MERGED) {
- for_each_sg(umem_entry->sg, sg, umem_entry->nents, i ) {
- if (i==0) {
- umem_sglist->sg[0].addr = sg_dma_address( sg );
- umem_sglist->sg[0].size = sg_dma_len( sg );
- idx = 0;
- }
- else {
- cur_addr = sg_dma_address( sg );
- cur_size = sg_dma_len( sg );
- /* Check if entry fits after current entry */
- if (cur_addr == (umem_sglist->sg[idx].addr + umem_sglist->sg[idx].size)) {
- umem_sglist->sg[idx].size += cur_size;
- continue;
- }
- /* Skip if the entry is zero-length (yes, it can happen.... at the end of the list) */
- if (cur_size == 0)
- continue;
- /* None of the above, add new entry */
- idx++;
- umem_sglist->sg[idx].addr = cur_addr;
- umem_sglist->sg[idx].size = cur_size;
- }
- }
- /* Set the used size of the SG list */
- umem_sglist->nents = idx+1;
- } else {
- for_each_sg(umem_entry->sg, sg, umem_entry->nents, i ) {
- mod_info("entry: %d\n",i);
- umem_sglist->sg[i].addr = sg_dma_address( sg );
- umem_sglist->sg[i].size = sg_dma_len( sg );
- }
- /* Set the used size of the SG list */
- /* Check if the last one is zero-length */
- if ( umem_sglist->sg[ umem_entry->nents - 1].size == 0)
- umem_sglist->nents = umem_entry->nents -1;
- else
- umem_sglist->nents = umem_entry->nents;
- }
- if (umem_sglist->type == PCIDRIVER_SG_MERGED) {
- /* Merge entries that are contiguous into a single entry */
- /* Non-optimal but fast for most cases */
- /* First one always true */
- sg=umem_entry->sg;
- umem_sglist->sg[0].addr = sg_dma_address( sg );
- umem_sglist->sg[0].size = sg_dma_len( sg );
- sg++;
- idx = 0;
- /* Iterate over the SG entries */
- for(i=1; i< umem_entry->nents; i++, sg++ ) {
- cur_addr = sg_dma_address( sg );
- cur_size = sg_dma_len( sg );
- /* Check if entry fits after current entry */
- if (cur_addr == (umem_sglist->sg[idx].addr + umem_sglist->sg[idx].size)) {
- umem_sglist->sg[idx].size += cur_size;
- continue;
- }
- /* Skip if the entry is zero-length (yes, it can happen.... at the end of the list) */
- if (cur_size == 0)
- continue;
- /* None of the above, add new entry */
- idx++;
- umem_sglist->sg[idx].addr = cur_addr;
- umem_sglist->sg[idx].size = cur_size;
- }
- /* Set the used size of the SG list */
- umem_sglist->nents = idx+1;
- } else {
- /* Assume pci_map_sg made a good job (ehem..) and just copy it.
- * actually, now I assume it just gives them plainly to me. */
- for(i=0, sg=umem_entry->sg ; i< umem_entry->nents; i++, sg++ ) {
- umem_sglist->sg[i].addr = sg_dma_address( sg );
- umem_sglist->sg[i].size = sg_dma_len( sg );
- }
- /* Set the used size of the SG list */
- /* Check if the last one is zero-length */
- if ( umem_sglist->sg[ umem_entry->nents - 1].size == 0)
- umem_sglist->nents = umem_entry->nents -1;
- else
- umem_sglist->nents = umem_entry->nents;
- }
- return 0;
- *
- * Sync user space memory from/to device
- *
- */
-int pcidriver_umem_sync( pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, umem_handle_t *umem_handle )
- pcidriver_umem_entry_t *umem_entry;
- /* Find the associated umem_entry for this buffer */
- umem_entry = pcidriver_umem_find_entry_id( privdata, umem_handle->handle_id );
- if (umem_entry == NULL)
- return -EINVAL; /* umem_handle is not valid */
- switch (umem_handle->dir) {
- pci_dma_sync_sg_for_device( privdata->pdev, umem_entry->sg, umem_entry->nents, PCI_DMA_TODEVICE );
- break;
- pci_dma_sync_sg_for_cpu( privdata->pdev, umem_entry->sg, umem_entry->nents, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE );
- break;
- pci_dma_sync_sg_for_device( privdata->pdev, umem_entry->sg, umem_entry->nents, PCI_DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL );
- pci_dma_sync_sg_for_cpu( privdata->pdev, umem_entry->sg, umem_entry->nents, PCI_DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL );
- break;
- default:
- return -EINVAL; /* wrong direction parameter */
- }
- switch (umem_handle->dir) {
- pci_dma_sync_sg( privdata->pdev, umem_entry->sg, umem_entry->nents, PCI_DMA_TODEVICE );
- break;
- pci_dma_sync_sg( privdata->pdev, umem_entry->sg, umem_entry->nents, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE );
- break;
- pci_dma_sync_sg( privdata->pdev, umem_entry->sg, umem_entry->nents, PCI_DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL );
- break;
- default:
- return -EINVAL; /* wrong direction parameter */
- }
- return 0;
- *
- * Get the pcidriver_umem_entry_t structure for the given id.
- *
- * @param id ID of the umem entry to search for
- *
- */
-pcidriver_umem_entry_t *pcidriver_umem_find_entry_id(pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, int id)
- struct list_head *ptr;
- pcidriver_umem_entry_t *entry;
- spin_lock(&(privdata->umemlist_lock));
- list_for_each(ptr, &(privdata->umem_list)) {
- entry = list_entry(ptr, pcidriver_umem_entry_t, list );
- if (entry->id == id) {
- spin_unlock( &(privdata->umemlist_lock) );
- return entry;
- }
- }
- spin_unlock(&(privdata->umemlist_lock));
- return NULL;
diff --git a/driver/umem.h b/driver/umem.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d16c466..0000000
--- a/driver/umem.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-int pcidriver_umem_sgmap( pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, umem_handle_t *umem_handle );
-int pcidriver_umem_sgunmap( pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, pcidriver_umem_entry_t *umem_entry );
-int pcidriver_umem_sgget( pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, umem_sglist_t *umem_sglist );
-int pcidriver_umem_sync( pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, umem_handle_t *umem_handle );
-pcidriver_umem_entry_t *pcidriver_umem_find_entry_id( pcidriver_privdata_t *privdata, int id );
diff --git a/error.c b/error.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b4f6e2e..0000000
--- a/error.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-#define _PCILIB_ERROR_C
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include "error.h"
-static void pcilib_print_error(const char *msg, ...) {
- va_list va;
- va_start(va, msg);
- vprintf(msg, va);
- va_end(va);
- printf("\n");
-void (*pcilib_error)(const char *msg, ...) = pcilib_print_error;
-void (*pcilib_warning)(const char *msg, ...) = pcilib_print_error;
-int pcilib_set_error_handler(void (*err)(const char *msg, ...), void (*warn)(const char *msg, ...)) {
- if (err) pcilib_error = err;
- else pcilib_error = pcilib_print_error;
- if (warn) pcilib_warning = warn;
- else pcilib_warning = pcilib_print_error;
- return 0;
diff --git a/error.h b/error.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 20d1c09..0000000
--- a/error.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _PCILIB_ERROR_H
-#define _PCILIB_ERROR_H
-#include <errno.h>
-enum {
-} pcilib_errot_t;
-#ifndef _PCILIB_ERROR_C
-extern void (*pcilib_error)(const char *msg, ...);
-extern void (*pcilib_warning)(const char *msg, ...);
-#endif /* _PCILIB_ERROR_C */
-#endif /* _PCILIB_ERROR_H */
diff --git a/event.c b/event.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d9d3ff3..0000000
--- a/event.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,450 +0,0 @@
-#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 199309L
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <strings.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include "pci.h"
-#include "tools.h"
-#include "error.h"
-#ifndef __timespec_defined
-struct timespec {
- time_t tv_sec;
- long tv_nsec;
-#endif /* __timespec_defined */
-pcilib_event_t pcilib_find_event(pcilib_t *ctx, const char *event) {
- int i;
- pcilib_model_description_t *model_info = pcilib_get_model_description(ctx);
- pcilib_event_description_t *events = model_info->events;
- for (i = 0; events[i].name; i++) {
- if (!strcasecmp(events[i].name, event)) return events[i].evid;
- }
- return (pcilib_event_t)-1;
-pcilib_event_data_type_t pcilib_find_event_data_type(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_event_t event, const char *data_type) {
- int i;
- pcilib_model_description_t *model_info = pcilib_get_model_description(ctx);
- pcilib_event_data_type_description_t *data_types = model_info->data_types;
- for (i = 0; data_types[i].name; i++) {
- if ((data_types[i].evid&event)&&(!strcasecmp(data_types[i].name, data_type))) return data_types[i].data_type;
- }
- return (pcilib_event_data_type_t)-1;
-int pcilib_init_event_engine(pcilib_t *ctx) {
- pcilib_event_api_description_t *api;
- pcilib_model_description_t *model_info = pcilib_get_model_description(ctx);
- api = model_info->event_api;
-// api = pcilib_model[model].event_api;
- if ((api)&&(api->init)) {
- ctx->event_ctx = api->init(ctx);
- if (ctx->event_ctx) {
- ctx->event_ctx->pcilib = ctx;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-int pcilib_reset(pcilib_t *ctx) {
- pcilib_event_api_description_t *api;
- pcilib_model_description_t *model_info = pcilib_get_model_description(ctx);
- api = model_info->event_api;
- if (!api) {
- pcilib_error("Event API is not supported by the selected model");
- }
- if (api->reset)
- return api->reset(ctx->event_ctx);
- return 0;
-int pcilib_configure_rawdata_callback(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_event_rawdata_callback_t callback, void *user) {
- pcilib_event_api_description_t *api;
- pcilib_model_description_t *model_info = pcilib_get_model_description(ctx);
- api = model_info->event_api;
- if (!api) {
- pcilib_error("Event API is not supported by the selected model");
- }
- ctx->event_ctx->params.rawdata.callback = callback;
- ctx->event_ctx->params.rawdata.user = user;
- return 0;
-int pcilib_configure_autostop(pcilib_t *ctx, size_t max_events, pcilib_timeout_t duration) {
- pcilib_event_api_description_t *api;
- pcilib_model_description_t *model_info = pcilib_get_model_description(ctx);
- api = model_info->event_api;
- if (!api) {
- pcilib_error("Event API is not supported by the selected model");
- }
- ctx->event_ctx->params.autostop.max_events = max_events;
- ctx->event_ctx->params.autostop.duration = duration;
- return 0;
-int pcilib_configure_autotrigger(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_timeout_t interval, pcilib_event_t event, size_t trigger_size, void *trigger_data) {
- /* To support hardware without autotriggering, we need to provide in event.c a code
- to generate multiple triggers in a thread (available in cli). The function should
- be re-enabled afterwards: just set parameters and let implementation decide if it
- can make triggering in hardware or will use our emulation */
-int pcilib_configure_preprocessing_threads(pcilib_t *ctx, size_t max_threads) {
- pcilib_event_api_description_t *api;
- pcilib_model_description_t *model_info = pcilib_get_model_description(ctx);
- api = model_info->event_api;
- if (!api) {
- pcilib_error("Event API is not supported by the selected model");
- }
- ctx->event_ctx->params.parallel.max_threads = max_threads;
- return 0;
-int pcilib_start(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_event_t event_mask, pcilib_event_flags_t flags) {
- pcilib_event_api_description_t *api;
- pcilib_model_description_t *model_info = pcilib_get_model_description(ctx);
- api = model_info->event_api;
- if (!api) {
- pcilib_error("Event API is not supported by the selected model");
- }
- if (api->start)
- return api->start(ctx->event_ctx, event_mask, flags);
- return 0;
-int pcilib_stop(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_event_flags_t flags) {
- pcilib_event_api_description_t *api;
- pcilib_model_description_t *model_info = pcilib_get_model_description(ctx);
- api = model_info->event_api;
- if (!api) {
- pcilib_error("Event API is not supported by the selected model");
- }
- if (api->stop)
- return api->stop(ctx->event_ctx, flags);
- return 0;
-int pcilib_stream(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_event_callback_t callback, void *user) {
- pcilib_event_api_description_t *api;
- pcilib_model_description_t *model_info = pcilib_get_model_description(ctx);
- api = model_info->event_api;
- if (!api) {
- pcilib_error("Event API is not supported by the selected model");
- }
- if (api->stream)
- return api->stream(ctx->event_ctx, callback, user);
- if (api->next_event) {
- pcilib_error("Streaming using next_event API is not implemented yet");
- }
- pcilib_error("Event enumeration is not suppored by API");
-typedef struct {
- pcilib_event_id_t event_id;
- pcilib_event_info_t *info;
-} pcilib_return_event_callback_context_t;
-static int pcilib_return_event_callback(pcilib_event_id_t event_id, pcilib_event_info_t *info, void *user) {
- pcilib_return_event_callback_context_t *ctx = (pcilib_return_event_callback_context_t*)user;
- ctx->event_id = event_id;
- ctx->info = info;
-int pcilib_get_next_event(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_timeout_t timeout, pcilib_event_id_t *evid, size_t info_size, pcilib_event_info_t *info) {
- pcilib_event_api_description_t *api;
-// pcilib_return_event_callback_context_t user;
- pcilib_model_description_t *model_info = pcilib_get_model_description(ctx);
- api = model_info->event_api;
- if (!api) {
- pcilib_error("Event API is not supported by the selected model");
- }
- if (api->next_event)
- return api->next_event(ctx->event_ctx, timeout, evid, info_size, info);
- if (api->stream) {
- err = api->stream(ctx->event_ctx, 1, timeout, pcilib_return_event_callback, &user);
- if (err) return err;
- if (evid) *evid = user->event_id;
- if (info) *info = user->info;
- return 0;
- }
- pcilib_error("Event enumeration is not suppored by API");
-int pcilib_trigger(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_event_t event, size_t trigger_size, void *trigger_data) {
- pcilib_event_api_description_t *api;
- pcilib_model_description_t *model_info = pcilib_get_model_description(ctx);
- api = model_info->event_api;
- if (!api) {
- pcilib_error("Event API is not supported by the selected model");
- }
- if (api->trigger)
- return api->trigger(ctx->event_ctx, event, trigger_size, trigger_data);
- pcilib_error("Self triggering is not supported by the selected model");
-void *pcilib_get_data_with_argument(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_event_id_t event_id, pcilib_event_data_type_t data_type, size_t arg_size, void *arg, size_t *size) {
- int err;
- void *res = NULL;
- pcilib_model_description_t *model_info = pcilib_get_model_description(ctx);
- pcilib_event_api_description_t *api = model_info->event_api;
- if (!api) {
- if (size) *size = (size_t)PCILIB_ERROR_NOTSUPPORTED;
- pcilib_error("Event API is not supported by the selected model");
- return NULL;
- }
- if (api->get_data) {
- err = api->get_data(ctx->event_ctx, event_id, data_type, arg_size, arg, size, &res);
- if (err) {
- if (size) *size = (size_t)err;
- return NULL;
- }
- return res;
- }
- if (size) *size = (size_t)PCILIB_ERROR_NOTSUPPORTED;
- return NULL;
-int pcilib_copy_data_with_argument(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_event_id_t event_id, pcilib_event_data_type_t data_type, size_t arg_size, void *arg, size_t size, void *buf, size_t *retsize) {
- int err;
- void *res = buf;
- pcilib_model_description_t *model_info = pcilib_get_model_description(ctx);
- pcilib_event_api_description_t *api = model_info->event_api;
- if (!api) {
- pcilib_error("Event API is not supported by the selected model");
- }
- if (api->get_data) {
- err = api->get_data(ctx->event_ctx, event_id, data_type, arg_size, arg, &size, &res);
- if (err) return err;
- if (buf != res) memcpy(buf, res, size);
- if (retsize) *retsize = size;
- return 0;
- }
-void *pcilib_get_data(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_event_id_t event_id, pcilib_event_data_type_t data_type, size_t *size) {
- int err;
- void *res = NULL;
- pcilib_model_description_t *model_info = pcilib_get_model_description(ctx);
- pcilib_event_api_description_t *api = model_info->event_api;
- if (!api) {
- pcilib_error("Event API is not supported by the selected model");
- if (size) *size = (size_t)PCILIB_ERROR_NOTSUPPORTED;
- return NULL;
- }
- if (api->get_data) {
- err = api->get_data(ctx->event_ctx, event_id, data_type, 0, NULL, size, &res);
- if (err) {
- if (size) *size = (size_t)err;
- return NULL;
- }
- return res;
- }
- if (size) *size = (size_t)PCILIB_ERROR_NOTSUPPORTED;
- return NULL;
-int pcilib_copy_data(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_event_id_t event_id, pcilib_event_data_type_t data_type, size_t size, void *buf, size_t *ret_size) {
- int err;
- void *res = buf;
- pcilib_model_description_t *model_info = pcilib_get_model_description(ctx);
- pcilib_event_api_description_t *api = model_info->event_api;
- if (!api) {
- pcilib_error("Event API is not supported by the selected model");
- }
- if (api->get_data) {
- err = api->get_data(ctx->event_ctx, event_id, data_type, 0, NULL, &size, &res);
- if (err) return err;
- if (buf != res) memcpy(buf, res, size);
- if (ret_size) *ret_size = size;
- return 0;
- }
-int pcilib_return_data(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_event_id_t event_id, pcilib_event_data_type_t data_type, void *data) {
- pcilib_model_description_t *model_info = pcilib_get_model_description(ctx);
- pcilib_event_api_description_t *api = model_info->event_api;
- if (!api) {
- pcilib_error("Event API is not supported by the selected model");
- }
- if (api->return_data)
- return api->return_data(ctx->event_ctx, event_id, data_type, data);
- return 0;
-typedef struct {
- pcilib_t *ctx;
- size_t *size;
- void **data;
-} pcilib_grab_callback_user_data_t;
-static int pcilib_grab_callback(pcilib_event_t event, pcilib_event_id_t event_id, void *vuser) {
- int err;
- void *data;
- size_t size;
- int allocated = 0;
- pcilib_grab_callback_user_data_t *user = (pcilib_grab_callback_user_data_t*)vuser;
- data = pcilib_get_data(user->ctx, event_id, PCILIB_EVENT_DATA, &size);
- if (!data) {
- pcilib_error("Error getting event data");
- return -(int)size;
- }
- if (*(user->data)) {
- if ((user->size)&&(*(user->size) < size)) {
- pcilib_error("The supplied buffer does not have enough space to hold the event data. Buffer size is %z, but %z is required", user->size, size);
- }
- *(user->size) = size;
- } else {
- *(user->data) = malloc(size);
- if (!*(user->data)) {
- pcilib_error("Memory allocation (%i bytes) for event data is failed");
- }
- if (*(user->size)) *(user->size) = size;
- allocated = 1;
- }
- memcpy(*(user->data), data, size);
- err = pcilib_return_data(user->ctx, event_id, PCILIB_EVENT_DATA, data);
- if (err) {
- if (allocated) {
- free(*(user->data));
- *(user->data) = NULL;
- }
- pcilib_error("The event data had been overwritten before it was returned, data corruption may occur");
- return -err;
- }
-int pcilib_grab(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_event_t event_mask, size_t *size, void **data, pcilib_timeout_t timeout) {
- int err;
- pcilib_event_id_t eid;
- pcilib_grab_callback_user_data_t user = {ctx, size, data};
- err = pcilib_start(ctx, event_mask, PCILIB_EVENT_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
- if (!err) err = pcilib_trigger(ctx, event_mask, 0, NULL);
- if (!err) {
- err = pcilib_get_next_event(ctx, timeout, &eid, 0, NULL);
- if (!err) pcilib_grab_callback(event_mask, eid, &user);
- }
- pcilib_stop(ctx, PCILIB_EVENT_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
- return err;
diff --git a/event.h b/event.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0675b94..0000000
--- a/event.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _PCILIB_EVENT_H
-#define _PCILIB_EVENT_H
-#include "pcilib.h"
- * get_data: This call is used by get_data and copy_data functions of public
- * interface. When copy_data is the caller, the data parameter will be passed.
- * Therefore, depending on data the parameter, the function should behave
- * diferently. If get get_data function is used (buf == NULL), the caller is
- * expected to call return_data afterwards. Otherwise, if buf != NULL and
- * copy_data is used, the return call will not be executed.
- * Still, the get_data function is not obliged to return the data in the
- * passed buf, but a reference to the staticaly allocated memory may be
- * returned instead. The copy can be managed by the envelope function.
- */
-struct pcilib_event_api_description_s {
- const char *title;
- pcilib_context_t *(*init)(pcilib_t *ctx);
- void (*free)(pcilib_context_t *ctx);
- pcilib_dma_context_t *(*init_dma)(pcilib_context_t *ctx);
- int (*reset)(pcilib_context_t *ctx);
- int (*start)(pcilib_context_t *ctx, pcilib_event_t event_mask, pcilib_event_flags_t flags);
- int (*stop)(pcilib_context_t *ctx, pcilib_event_flags_t flags);
- int (*trigger)(pcilib_context_t *ctx, pcilib_event_t event, size_t trigger_size, void *trigger_data);
- int (*stream)(pcilib_context_t *ctx, pcilib_event_callback_t callback, void *user);
- int (*next_event)(pcilib_context_t *ctx, pcilib_timeout_t timeout, pcilib_event_id_t *evid, size_t info_size, pcilib_event_info_t *info);
- int (*get_data)(pcilib_context_t *ctx, pcilib_event_id_t event_id, pcilib_event_data_type_t data_type, size_t arg_size, void *arg, size_t *size, void **data);
- int (*return_data)(pcilib_context_t *ctx, pcilib_event_id_t event_id, pcilib_event_data_type_t data_type, void *data);
-typedef struct {
- size_t max_events;
- pcilib_timeout_t duration;
-} pcilib_autostop_parameters_t;
-typedef struct {
- pcilib_event_rawdata_callback_t callback;
- void *user;
-} pcilib_rawdata_parameters_t;
-typedef struct {
- size_t max_threads;
-} pcilib_parallel_parameters_t;
-typedef struct {
- pcilib_autostop_parameters_t autostop;
- pcilib_rawdata_parameters_t rawdata;
- pcilib_parallel_parameters_t parallel;
-} pcilib_event_parameters_t;
-struct pcilib_event_context_s {
- pcilib_event_parameters_t params;
- pcilib_t *pcilib;
-int pcilib_init_event_engine(pcilib_t *ctx);
-#endif /* _PCILIB_EVENT_H */
diff --git a/ipecamera/events.c b/events.c
index ef85403..f942f0d 100644
--- a/ipecamera/events.c
+++ b/events.c
@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@
#include <ufodecode.h>
-#include "../tools.h"
-#include "../error.h"
+#include <pcilib.h>
+#include <pcilib/tools.h>
+#include <pcilib/error.h>
-#include "pcilib.h"
-#include "public.h"
+#include "ipecamera.h"
#include "private.h"
#include "events.h"
diff --git a/ipecamera/events.h b/events.h
index 5268c81..5268c81 100644
--- a/ipecamera/events.h
+++ b/events.h
diff --git a/ipecamera/ipecamera.h b/ipecamera.h
index 673eea1..42994ba 100644
--- a/ipecamera/ipecamera.h
+++ b/ipecamera.h
@@ -35,4 +35,5 @@ typedef struct {
int ipecamera_set_buffer_size(ipecamera_t *ctx, int size);
#endif /* _IPECAMERA_H */
diff --git a/ipecamera/CMakeLists.txt b/ipecamera/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b536f2..0000000
--- a/ipecamera/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-set(HEADERS ${HEADERS} ipecamera.h model.h reader.h events.h data.h public.h private.h)
-add_library(ipecamera STATIC ipecamera.c model.c reader.c events.c data.c)
-install(FILES ipecamera.h
diff --git a/irq.c b/irq.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d387bb..0000000
--- a/irq.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <strings.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include "pci.h"
-#include "tools.h"
-#include "error.h"
-int pcilib_wait_irq(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_irq_hw_source_t source, pcilib_timeout_t timeout, size_t *count) {
- int err;
- interrupt_wait_t arg = { 0 };
- arg.source = source;
- arg.timeout = timeout;
- if (count) arg.count = 1;
- err = ioctl(ctx->handle, PCIDRIVER_IOC_WAITI, &arg);
- if (err) {
- pcilib_error("PCIDRIVER_IOC_WAITI ioctl have failed");
- }
- if (!arg.count) return PCILIB_ERROR_TIMEOUT;
- if (count) *count = arg.count;
- return 0;
-int pcilib_clear_irq(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_irq_hw_source_t source) {
- int err;
- err = ioctl(ctx->handle, PCIDRIVER_IOC_CLEAR_IOQ, source);
- if (err) {
- pcilib_error("PCIDRIVER_IOC_CLEAR_IOQ ioctl have failed");
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/irq.h b/irq.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 441e0e5..0000000
--- a/irq.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _PCILIB_IRQ_H
-#define _PCILIB_IRQ_H
-#endif /* _PCILIB_IRQ_H */
diff --git a/kapture/CMakeLists.txt b/kapture/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index af74edd..0000000
--- a/kapture/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-set(HEADERS ${HEADERS} model.h)
-add_library(kapture STATIC kapture.c)
diff --git a/kapture/kapture.c b/kapture/kapture.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4384592..0000000
--- a/kapture/kapture.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-#define _KAPTURE_C
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include "../tools.h"
-#include "../error.h"
-#include "../event.h"
-#include "pcilib.h"
-#include "model.h"
-#include "kapture.h"
-#include "private.h"
-pcilib_context_t *kapture_init(pcilib_t *vctx) {
- kapture_t *ctx = malloc(sizeof(kapture_t));
- if (ctx) {
- memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(kapture_t));
- }
- return ctx;
-void kapture_free(pcilib_context_t *vctx) {
- if (vctx) {
- kapture_t *ctx = (kapture_t*)vctx;
- kapture_stop(vctx, PCILIB_EVENT_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
- free(ctx);
- }
-int kapture_reset(pcilib_context_t *ctx) {
-int kapture_start(pcilib_context_t *ctx, pcilib_event_t event_mask, pcilib_event_flags_t flags) {
-int kapture_stop(pcilib_context_t *ctx, pcilib_event_flags_t flags) {
-int kapture_trigger(pcilib_context_t *ctx, pcilib_event_t event, size_t trigger_size, void *trigger_data) {
-int kapture_stream(pcilib_context_t *ctx, pcilib_event_callback_t callback, void *user) {
-int kapture_next_event(pcilib_context_t *ctx, pcilib_timeout_t timeout, pcilib_event_id_t *evid, size_t info_size, pcilib_event_info_t *info) {
-int kapture_get(pcilib_context_t *ctx, pcilib_event_id_t event_id, pcilib_event_data_type_t data_type, size_t arg_size, void *arg, size_t *size, void **data) {
-int kapture_return(pcilib_context_t *ctx, pcilib_event_id_t event_id, pcilib_event_data_type_t data_type, void *data) {
diff --git a/kapture/kapture.h b/kapture/kapture.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3944b8c..0000000
--- a/kapture/kapture.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _KAPTURE_H
-#define _KAPTURE_H
-typedef struct kapture_s kapture_t;
-#endif /* _KAPTURE_H */
diff --git a/kapture/model.h b/kapture/model.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b45969a..0000000
--- a/kapture/model.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "../pcilib.h"
-#ifdef _KAPTURE_C
-pcilib_register_bank_description_t kapture_register_banks[] = {
- { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL }
-pcilib_register_description_t kapture_registers[] = {
-{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL}
-pcilib_register_range_t kapture_register_ranges[] = {
- {0, 0, 0, 0}
-pcilib_event_description_t kapture_events[] = {
- {PCILIB_EVENT0, "event", ""},
- {0, NULL, NULL}
-pcilib_event_data_type_description_t kapture_data_types[] = {
- {PCILIB_EVENT_RAW_DATA, PCILIB_EVENT0, "raw", "raw data from kapture" },
- {0, 0, NULL, NULL}
-extern pcilib_register_description_t kapture_registers[];
-extern pcilib_register_bank_description_t kapture_register_banks[];
-extern pcilib_register_range_t kapture_register_ranges[];
-extern pcilib_event_description_t kapture_events[];
-extern pcilib_event_data_type_description_t kapture_data_types[];
-pcilib_context_t *kapture_init(pcilib_t *pcilib);
-void kapture_free(pcilib_context_t *ctx);
-int kapture_reset(pcilib_context_t *ctx);
-int kapture_start(pcilib_context_t *ctx, pcilib_event_t event_mask, pcilib_event_flags_t flags);
-int kapture_stop(pcilib_context_t *ctx, pcilib_event_flags_t flags);
-int kapture_trigger(pcilib_context_t *ctx, pcilib_event_t event, size_t trigger_size, void *trigger_data);
-int kapture_stream(pcilib_context_t *vctx, pcilib_event_callback_t callback, void *user);
-int kapture_next_event(pcilib_context_t *vctx, pcilib_timeout_t timeout, pcilib_event_id_t *evid, size_t info_size, pcilib_event_info_t *info);
-int kapture_get(pcilib_context_t *ctx, pcilib_event_id_t event_id, pcilib_event_data_type_t data_type, size_t arg_size, void *arg, size_t *size, void **buf);
-int kapture_return(pcilib_context_t *ctx, pcilib_event_id_t event_id, pcilib_event_data_type_t data_type, void *data);
-#ifdef _KAPTURE_C
-pcilib_event_api_description_t kapture_api = {
- "kapture",
- kapture_init,
- kapture_free,
- kapture_reset,
- kapture_start,
- kapture_stop,
- kapture_trigger,
- kapture_stream,
- kapture_next_event,
- kapture_get,
- kapture_return
-extern pcilib_event_api_description_t kapture_api;
-#endif /* _KAPTURE_MODEL_H */
diff --git a/kapture/private.h b/kapture/private.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bf084c3..0000000
--- a/kapture/private.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-struct kapture_s {
- pcilib_context_t event;
-#endif /* _KAPTURE_PRIVATE_H */
diff --git a/kernel.h b/kernel.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 161d2aa..0000000
--- a/kernel.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
- * Extract from kernel headers
- * iomap.h
- */
- * IO resources have these defined flags.
- */
-#define IORESOURCE_BITS 0x000000ff /* Bus-specific bits */
-#define IORESOURCE_TYPE_BITS 0x00000f00 /* Resource type */
-#define IORESOURCE_IO 0x00000100
-#define IORESOURCE_MEM 0x00000200
-#define IORESOURCE_IRQ 0x00000400
-#define IORESOURCE_DMA 0x00000800
-#define IORESOURCE_PREFETCH 0x00001000 /* No side effects */
-#define IORESOURCE_READONLY 0x00002000
-#define IORESOURCE_CACHEABLE 0x00004000
-#define IORESOURCE_RANGELENGTH 0x00008000
-#define IORESOURCE_SHADOWABLE 0x00010000
-#define IORESOURCE_SIZEALIGN 0x00020000 /* size indicates alignment */
-#define IORESOURCE_STARTALIGN 0x00040000 /* start field is alignment */
-#define IORESOURCE_MEM_64 0x00100000
-#define IORESOURCE_EXCLUSIVE 0x08000000 /* Userland may not map this resource */
-#define IORESOURCE_DISABLED 0x10000000
-#define IORESOURCE_UNSET 0x20000000
-#define IORESOURCE_AUTO 0x40000000
-#define IORESOURCE_BUSY 0x80000000 /* Driver has marked this resource busy */
-/* PnP IRQ specific bits (IORESOURCE_BITS) */
-/* PnP DMA specific bits (IORESOURCE_BITS) */
-#define IORESOURCE_DMA_8BIT (0<<0)
-#define IORESOURCE_DMA_8AND16BIT (1<<0)
-#define IORESOURCE_DMA_16BIT (2<<0)
-#define IORESOURCE_DMA_BYTE (1<<3)
-#define IORESOURCE_DMA_WORD (1<<4)
-#define IORESOURCE_DMA_TYPEA (1<<6)
-#define IORESOURCE_DMA_TYPEB (2<<6)
-#define IORESOURCE_DMA_TYPEF (3<<6)
-/* PnP memory I/O specific bits (IORESOURCE_BITS) */
-#define IORESOURCE_MEM_8BIT (0<<3)
-#define IORESOURCE_MEM_16BIT (1<<3)
-#define IORESOURCE_MEM_8AND16BIT (2<<3)
-#define IORESOURCE_MEM_32BIT (3<<3)
-/* PnP I/O specific bits (IORESOURCE_BITS) */
-#define IORESOURCE_IO_16BIT_ADDR (1<<0)
-#define IORESOURCE_IO_FIXED (1<<1)
-/* PCI ROM control bits (IORESOURCE_BITS) */
-#define IORESOURCE_ROM_ENABLE (1<<0) /* ROM is enabled, same as PCI_ROM_ADDRESS_ENABLE */
-#define IORESOURCE_ROM_SHADOW (1<<1) /* ROM is copy at C000:0 */
-#define IORESOURCE_ROM_COPY (1<<2) /* ROM is alloc'd copy, resource field overlaid */
-#define IORESOURCE_ROM_BIOS_COPY (1<<3) /* ROM is BIOS copy, resource field overlaid */
-/* PCI control bits. Shares IORESOURCE_BITS with above PCI ROM. */
-#define IORESOURCE_PCI_FIXED (1<<4) /* Do not move resource */
diff --git a/kmem.c b/kmem.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 64f593a..0000000
--- a/kmem.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <strings.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include "pcilib.h"
-#include "pci.h"
-#include "kmem.h"
-#include "error.h"
-int pcilib_clean_kernel_memory(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_kmem_use_t use, pcilib_kmem_flags_t flags) {
- kmem_handle_t kh = {0};
- kh.use = use;
- kh.flags = flags|KMEM_FLAG_MASS;
- return ioctl(ctx->handle, PCIDRIVER_IOC_KMEM_FREE, &kh);
-static int pcilib_free_kernel_buffer(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_kmem_list_t *kbuf, size_t i, pcilib_kmem_flags_t flags) {
- kmem_handle_t kh = {0};
- if (kbuf->buf.blocks[i].ua) munmap(kbuf->buf.blocks[i].ua, kbuf->buf.blocks[i].size + kbuf->buf.blocks[i].alignment_offset);
- kh.handle_id = kbuf->buf.blocks[i].handle_id;
- = kbuf->buf.blocks[i].pa;
- kh.flags = flags;
- return ioctl(ctx->handle, PCIDRIVER_IOC_KMEM_FREE, &kh);
-static void pcilib_cancel_kernel_memory(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_kmem_list_t *kbuf, pcilib_kmem_flags_t flags, int last_flags) {
- int ret;
- if (!kbuf->buf.n_blocks) return;
- // consistency error during processing of last block, special treatment could be needed
- if (last_flags) {
- pcilib_kmem_flags_t failed_flags = flags;
- if (failed_flags != flags) {
- ret = pcilib_free_kernel_buffer(ctx, kbuf, --kbuf->buf.n_blocks, failed_flags);
- if (ret) pcilib_error("PCIDRIVER_IOC_KMEM_FREE ioctl have failed");
- }
- }
- pcilib_free_kernel_memory(ctx, kbuf, flags);
-pcilib_kmem_handle_t *pcilib_alloc_kernel_memory(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_kmem_type_t type, size_t nmemb, size_t size, size_t alignment, pcilib_kmem_use_t use, pcilib_kmem_flags_t flags) {
- int err = 0;
- const char *error = NULL;
- int ret;
- int i;
- void *addr;
- pcilib_tristate_t reused = PCILIB_TRISTATE_NO;
- int persistent = -1;
- int hardware = -1;
- kmem_handle_t kh = {0};
- pcilib_kmem_list_t *kbuf = (pcilib_kmem_list_t*)malloc(sizeof(pcilib_kmem_list_t) + nmemb * sizeof(pcilib_kmem_addr_t));
- if (!kbuf) {
- pcilib_error("Memory allocation has failed");
- return NULL;
- }
- memset(kbuf, 0, sizeof(pcilib_kmem_list_t) + nmemb * sizeof(pcilib_kmem_addr_t));
- ret = ioctl( ctx->handle, PCIDRIVER_IOC_MMAP_MODE, PCIDRIVER_MMAP_KMEM );
- if (ret) {
- pcilib_error("PCIDRIVER_IOC_MMAP_MODE ioctl have failed");
- return NULL;
- }
- kh.type = type;
- kh.size = size;
- kh.align = alignment;
- kh.use = use;
- kh.align = 0;
- kh.size += alignment;
- }
- for ( i = 0; i < nmemb; i++) {
- kh.item = i;
- kh.flags = flags;
- = alignment + i * size;
- }
- ret = ioctl(ctx->handle, PCIDRIVER_IOC_KMEM_ALLOC, &kh);
- if (ret) {
- kbuf->buf.n_blocks = i;
- error = "PCIDRIVER_IOC_KMEM_ALLOC ioctl have failed";
- break;
- }
- kbuf->buf.blocks[i].handle_id = kh.handle_id;
- kbuf->buf.blocks[i].pa =;
- kbuf->buf.blocks[i].size = kh.size;
- if (kh.flags&KMEM_FLAG_REUSED) {
- if (!i) reused = PCILIB_TRISTATE_YES;
- else if (!reused) reused = PCILIB_TRISTATE_PARTIAL;
- if (persistent) {
- if (persistent < 0) {
- else*/ persistent = (kh.flags&KMEM_FLAG_REUSED_PERSISTENT)?1:0;
- if (hardware) {
- if (hardware < 0) {
- else*/ hardware = (kh.flags&KMEM_FLAG_REUSED_HW)?1:0;
- } else if ((kh.flags&KMEM_FLAG_REUSED_HW) == 0) err = PCILIB_ERROR_INVALID_STATE;
- } else {
- if (!i) reused = PCILIB_TRISTATE_NO;
- else if (reused) reused = PCILIB_TRISTATE_PARTIAL;
- if ((persistent > 0)&&((flags&PCILIB_KMEM_FLAG_PERSISTENT) == 0)) err = PCILIB_ERROR_INVALID_STATE;
- if ((hardware > 0)&&((flags&PCILIB_KMEM_FLAG_HARDWARE) == 0)) err = PCILIB_ERROR_INVALID_STATE;
- }
- if (err) {
- kbuf->buf.n_blocks = i + 1;
- break;
- }
- if ((kh.align)&&((kh.type&PCILIB_KMEM_TYPE_MASK) != PCILIB_KMEM_TYPE_PAGE)) {
- if ( % kh.align) kbuf->buf.blocks[i].alignment_offset = kh.align - % kh.align;
- kbuf->buf.blocks[i].size -= kh.align;
- }
- addr = mmap( 0, kbuf->buf.blocks[i].size + kbuf->buf.blocks[i].alignment_offset, PROT_WRITE | PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, ctx->handle, 0 );
- if ((!addr)||(addr == MAP_FAILED)) {
- kbuf->buf.n_blocks = i + 1;
- error = "Failed to mmap allocated kernel memory";
- break;
- }
- kbuf->buf.blocks[i].ua = addr;
-// if (use == PCILIB_KMEM_USE_DMA_PAGES) {
-// memset(addr, 10, kbuf->buf.blocks[i].size + kbuf->buf.blocks[i].alignment_offset);
-// }
- kbuf->buf.blocks[i].mmap_offset = & ctx->page_mask;
- }
- //This is possible in the case of error (nothing is allocated yet) or if buffers are not reused
- if (persistent < 0) persistent = 0;
- if (hardware < 0) hardware = 0;
- if (err||error) {
- pcilib_kmem_flags_t free_flags = 0;
- // for the sake of simplicity always clean partialy reused buffers
- if ((persistent == PCILIB_TRISTATE_PARTIAL)||((persistent <= 0)&&(flags&PCILIB_KMEM_FLAG_PERSISTENT))) {
- }
- if ((hardware <= 0)&&(flags&PCILIB_KMEM_FLAG_HARDWARE)) {
- }
- // do not clean if we have reused peresistent buffers
- // we don't care about -1, because it will be the value only if no buffers actually allocated
- if ((!persistent)||(reused != PCILIB_TRISTATE_YES)) {
- pcilib_cancel_kernel_memory(ctx, kbuf, free_flags, err?kh.flags:0);
- }
- if (!error) error = "Reused buffers are inconsistent";
- pcilib_error(error);
- return NULL;
- }
- if (nmemb == 1) {
- memcpy(&kbuf->buf.addr, &kbuf->buf.blocks[0], sizeof(pcilib_kmem_addr_t));
- }
- kbuf->buf.reused = reused|(persistent?PCILIB_KMEM_REUSE_PERSISTENT:0)|(hardware?PCILIB_KMEM_REUSE_HARDWARE:0);
- kbuf->buf.n_blocks = nmemb;
- kbuf->prev = NULL;
- kbuf->next = ctx->kmem_list;
- if (ctx->kmem_list) ctx->kmem_list->prev = kbuf;
- ctx->kmem_list = kbuf;
- return (pcilib_kmem_handle_t*)kbuf;
-void pcilib_free_kernel_memory(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_kmem_handle_t *k, pcilib_kmem_flags_t flags) {
- int ret, err = 0;
- int i;
- pcilib_kmem_list_t *kbuf = (pcilib_kmem_list_t*)k;
- // if linked in to the list
- if (kbuf->next) kbuf->next->prev = kbuf->prev;
- if (kbuf->prev) kbuf->prev->next = kbuf->next;
- else if (ctx->kmem_list == kbuf) ctx->kmem_list = kbuf->next;
- for (i = 0; i < kbuf->buf.n_blocks; i++) {
- ret = pcilib_free_kernel_buffer(ctx, kbuf, i, flags);
- if ((ret)&&(!err)) err = ret;
- }
- free(kbuf);
- if (err) {
- pcilib_error("PCIDRIVER_IOC_KMEM_FREE ioctl have failed");
- }
-int pcilib_kmem_sync(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_kmem_handle_t *k, pcilib_kmem_sync_direction_t dir) {
- int i;
- int ret;
- pcilib_kmem_list_t *kbuf = (pcilib_kmem_list_t*)k;
- for (i = 0; i < kbuf->buf.n_blocks; i++) {
- ret = pcilib_kmem_sync_block(ctx, k, dir, i);
- if (ret) {
- pcilib_error("PCIDRIVER_IOC_KMEM_SYNC ioctl have failed");
- }
- }
- return 0;
-int pcilib_kmem_sync_block(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_kmem_handle_t *k, pcilib_kmem_sync_direction_t dir, size_t block) {
- int ret;
- kmem_sync_t ks;
- pcilib_kmem_list_t *kbuf = (pcilib_kmem_list_t*)k;
- ks.dir = dir;
- ks.handle.handle_id = kbuf->buf.blocks[block].handle_id;
- = kbuf->buf.blocks[block].pa;
- ret = ioctl(ctx->handle, PCIDRIVER_IOC_KMEM_SYNC, &ks);
- if (ret) {
- pcilib_error("PCIDRIVER_IOC_KMEM_SYNC ioctl have failed");
- }
- return 0;
-void *pcilib_kmem_get_ua(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_kmem_handle_t *k) {
- pcilib_kmem_list_t *kbuf = (pcilib_kmem_list_t*)k;
- return kbuf-> + kbuf->buf.addr.alignment_offset + kbuf->buf.addr.mmap_offset;
-uintptr_t pcilib_kmem_get_pa(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_kmem_handle_t *k) {
- pcilib_kmem_list_t *kbuf = (pcilib_kmem_list_t*)k;
- return kbuf-> + kbuf->buf.addr.alignment_offset;
-uintptr_t pcilib_kmem_get_ba(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_kmem_handle_t *k) {
- pcilib_kmem_list_t *kbuf = (pcilib_kmem_list_t*)k;
- return kbuf-> + kbuf->buf.addr.alignment_offset;
-void *pcilib_kmem_get_block_ua(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_kmem_handle_t *k, size_t block) {
- pcilib_kmem_list_t *kbuf = (pcilib_kmem_list_t*)k;
- return kbuf->buf.blocks[block].ua + kbuf->buf.blocks[block].alignment_offset + kbuf->buf.blocks[block].mmap_offset;
-uintptr_t pcilib_kmem_get_block_pa(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_kmem_handle_t *k, size_t block) {
- pcilib_kmem_list_t *kbuf = (pcilib_kmem_list_t*)k;
- return kbuf->buf.blocks[block].pa + kbuf->buf.blocks[block].alignment_offset;
-uintptr_t pcilib_kmem_get_block_ba(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_kmem_handle_t *k, size_t block) {
- pcilib_kmem_list_t *kbuf = (pcilib_kmem_list_t*)k;
- return kbuf->buf.blocks[block].pa + kbuf->buf.blocks[block].alignment_offset;
-size_t pcilib_kmem_get_block_size(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_kmem_handle_t *k, size_t block) {
- pcilib_kmem_list_t *kbuf = (pcilib_kmem_list_t*)k;
- return kbuf->buf.blocks[block].size;
-pcilib_kmem_reuse_state_t pcilib_kmem_is_reused(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_kmem_handle_t *k) {
- pcilib_kmem_list_t *kbuf = (pcilib_kmem_list_t*)k;
- return kbuf->buf.reused;
diff --git a/kmem.h b/kmem.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a11518a..0000000
--- a/kmem.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _PCILIB_KMEM_H
-#define _PCILIB_KMEM_H
-#include "pcilib.h"
-typedef struct pcilib_kmem_list_s pcilib_kmem_list_t;
-#include "tools.h"
-typedef enum {
-} pcilib_kmem_flags_t;
-typedef enum {
-} pcilib_kmem_reuse_state_t;
-typedef struct {
- int handle_id;
- pcilib_kmem_reuse_state_t reused;
- uintptr_t pa;
-// uintptr_t va;
- void *ua;
- size_t size;
- size_t alignment_offset;
- size_t mmap_offset;
-} pcilib_kmem_addr_t;
- * single allocation - we set only addr, n_blocks = 0
- * multiple allocation - addr is not set, blocks are set, n_blocks > 0
- * sgmap allocation - addr contains ua, but pa's are set in blocks, n_blocks > 0
- */
-typedef struct {
- pcilib_kmem_addr_t addr;
- pcilib_kmem_reuse_state_t reused;
- size_t n_blocks;
- pcilib_kmem_addr_t blocks[];
-} pcilib_kmem_buffer_t;
-typedef void pcilib_kmem_handle_t;
-struct pcilib_kmem_list_s {
- pcilib_kmem_list_t *next, *prev;
- pcilib_kmem_buffer_t buf; // variable size, should be last item in struct
-pcilib_kmem_handle_t *pcilib_alloc_kernel_memory(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_kmem_type_t type, size_t nmemb, size_t size, size_t alignment, pcilib_kmem_use_t use, pcilib_kmem_flags_t flags);
-void pcilib_free_kernel_memory(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_kmem_handle_t *k, pcilib_kmem_flags_t flags);
-//int pcilib_kmem_sync(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_kmem_handle_t *k, pcilib_kmem_sync_direction_t dir);
-int pcilib_kmem_sync_block(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_kmem_handle_t *k, pcilib_kmem_sync_direction_t dir, size_t block);
-void *pcilib_kmem_get_ua(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_kmem_handle_t *k);
-uintptr_t pcilib_kmem_get_pa(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_kmem_handle_t *k);
-uintptr_t pcilib_kmem_get_ba(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_kmem_handle_t *k);
-void *pcilib_kmem_get_block_ua(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_kmem_handle_t *k, size_t block);
-uintptr_t pcilib_kmem_get_block_pa(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_kmem_handle_t *k, size_t block);
-uintptr_t pcilib_kmem_get_block_ba(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_kmem_handle_t *k, size_t block);
-size_t pcilib_kmem_get_block_size(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_kmem_handle_t *k, size_t block);
-pcilib_kmem_reuse_state_t pcilib_kmem_is_reused(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_kmem_handle_t *k);
-int pcilib_clean_kernel_memory(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_kmem_use_t use, pcilib_kmem_flags_t flags);
-#endif /* _PCILIB_KMEM_H */
diff --git a/misc/50-pcidriver.rules b/misc/50-pcidriver.rules
deleted file mode 100644
index 1283c3b..0000000
--- a/misc/50-pcidriver.rules
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-KERNEL=="fpga*", NAME="%k", GROUP="users", MODE="0660"
diff --git a/ipecamera/model.h b/model.c
index 60226f0..539f774 100644
--- a/ipecamera/model.h
+++ b/model.c
@@ -1,32 +1,39 @@
#include <stdio.h>
-#include "../pcilib.h"
-#include "public.h"
+#include <pcilib.h>
+#include <pcilib/model.h>
+#include "base.h"
+#include "cmosis.h"
+#include "model.h"
+enum ipecamera_protocol_s {
+static const pcilib_register_protocol_api_description_t ipecamera_cmosis_protocol_api =
+ { NULL, NULL, ipecamera_cmosis_read, ipecamera_cmosis_write };
-//#define IPECAMERA_REGISTER_SPACE 0xfeaffc00
+static const pcilib_dma_description_t ipecamera_dma =
+ { &ipe_dma_api, ipe_dma_banks, ipe_dma_registers, ipe_dma_engines, NULL, NULL, "ipedma", "DMA engine developed by M. Caselle" };
-pcilib_register_bank_description_t ipecamera_register_banks[] = {
+static const pcilib_register_protocol_description_t ipecamera_protocols[] = {
+// {IPECAMERA_PROTOCOL_FPGA, &pcilib_default_protocol_api, "ipecamera", NULL, "cmosis", "Protocol to access FPGA registers"},
+ {IPECAMERA_PROTOCOL_CMOSIS, &ipecamera_cmosis_protocol_api, NULL, NULL, "cmosis", "Protocol to access CMOSIS registers"},
+ { 0 }
+static const pcilib_register_bank_description_t ipecamera_banks[] = {
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL }
-pcilib_register_description_t ipecamera_registers[] = {
+static const pcilib_register_description_t ipecamera_registers[] = {
{1, 0, 16, 1088, 0, PCILIB_REGISTER_RW, PCILIB_REGISTER_STANDARD, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK0, "cmosis_number_lines", ""},
@@ -72,7 +79,6 @@ pcilib_register_description_t ipecamera_registers[] = {
{112, 0, 2, 0, 0, PCILIB_REGISTER_RW, PCILIB_REGISTER_STANDARD, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK0, "cmosis_adc_resolution", ""},
{115, 0, 1, 1, 0, PCILIB_REGISTER_RW, PCILIB_REGISTER_STANDARD, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK0, "cmosis_special_115", ""},
{0x10, 0, 32, 0, 0, PCILIB_REGISTER_R, PCILIB_REGISTER_STANDARD, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK1, "spi_conf_output", ""},
@@ -125,36 +131,25 @@ pcilib_register_description_t ipecamera_registers[] = {
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL}
-pcilib_register_range_t ipecamera_register_ranges[] = {
+static const pcilib_register_range_t ipecamera_ranges[] = {
// {0xF000, 0xF000 + 128, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK0, 0},
// {0x9000, 0x9FFF, PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK1, -0x9000},
{0, 0, 0, 0}
-pcilib_event_description_t ipecamera_events[] = {
+static const pcilib_event_description_t ipecamera_events[] = {
{PCILIB_EVENT0, "new_frame", ""},
-pcilib_event_data_type_description_t ipecamera_data_types[] = {
- {IPECAMERA_IMAGE_DATA, PCILIB_EVENT0, "image", "16 bit pixel data" },
- {IPECAMERA_RAW_DATA, PCILIB_EVENT0, "raw", "raw data from camera" },
- {IPECAMERA_CHANGE_MASK, PCILIB_EVENT0, "cmask", "change mask" },
+static const pcilib_event_data_type_description_t ipecamera_data_types[] = {
+ {IPECAMERA_IMAGE_DATA, PCILIB_EVENT0, "image", "16 bit pixel data" },
+ {IPECAMERA_RAW_DATA, PCILIB_EVENT0, "raw", "raw data from camera" },
+ {IPECAMERA_CHANGE_MASK, PCILIB_EVENT0, "cmask", "change mask" },
{0, 0, NULL, NULL}
-extern pcilib_register_description_t ipecamera_registers[];
-extern pcilib_register_bank_description_t ipecamera_register_banks[];
-extern pcilib_register_range_t ipecamera_register_ranges[];
-extern pcilib_event_description_t ipecamera_events[];
-extern pcilib_event_data_type_description_t ipecamera_data_types[];
pcilib_event_api_description_t ipecamera_image_api = {
- "ipecamera",
@@ -164,17 +159,37 @@ pcilib_event_api_description_t ipecamera_image_api = {
-extern pcilib_event_api_description_t ipecamera_image_api;
-int ipecamera_read(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_register_bank_description_t *bank, pcilib_register_addr_t addr, pcilib_register_value_t *value);
-int ipecamera_write(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_register_bank_description_t *bank, pcilib_register_addr_t addr, pcilib_register_value_t value);
-#endif /* _IPECAMERA_MODEL_H */
+static const pcilib_model_description_t ipecamera_models[] = {{
+ &ipecamera_image_api,
+ &pcilib_ipedma,
+ ipecamera_registers,
+ ipecamera_banks,
+ ipecamera_protocols,
+ ipecamera_ranges,
+ ipecamera_events,
+ ipecamera_data_types,
+ "ipecamera",
+ "IPE Camera"
+}, { 0 }};
+const pcilib_model_description_t *pcilib_get_event_model(pcilib_t *pcilib, unsigned short vendor_id, unsigned short device_id, const char *model) {
+ // Enumeration call
+ if ((!vendor_id)&&(!device_id)&&(!model)) {
+ return ipecamera_models;
+ }
+ if ((vendor_id != 0x10ee)&&((!model)||(strcasecmp(model, "ipecamera"))))
+ return NULL;
+ return &ipecamera_models[0];
diff --git a/model.h b/model.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3984bdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model.h
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <pcilib/model.h>
+#define IPECAMERA_DMA_ADDRESS 0 /**< Address of DMA engine to use for communication */
+#define IPECAMERA_DMA_PACKET_LENGTH 4096 /**< IPECamera always use buffers of fixed size adding padding in the end.
+ This is used to compute expected amount of data for each frame */
+const pcilib_model_description_t *pcilib_get_event_model(pcilib_t *pcilib, unsigned short vendor_id, unsigned short device_id, const char *model);
+#endif /* _IPECAMERA_MODEL_H */
diff --git a/pci.c b/pci.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ca858de..0000000
--- a/pci.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,473 +0,0 @@
-#define _PCILIB_PCI_C
-//#define PCILIB_FILE_IO
-#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 199309L
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <strings.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include "pcilib.h"
-#include "pci.h"
-#include "kernel.h"
-#include "tools.h"
-#include "error.h"
-#include "ipecamera/model.h"
-#include "kapture/model.h"
-pcilib_t *pcilib_open(const char *device, pcilib_model_t model) {
- pcilib_t *ctx = malloc(sizeof(pcilib_t));
- if (ctx) {
- memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(pcilib_t));
- ctx->handle = open(device, O_RDWR);
- if (ctx->handle < 0) {
- pcilib_error("Error opening device (%s)", device);
- free(ctx);
- return NULL;
- }
- ctx->page_mask = (uintptr_t)-1;
- ctx->model = model;
- if (!model) model = pcilib_get_model(ctx);
- memcpy(&ctx->model_info, pcilib_model + model, sizeof(pcilib_model_description_t));
- pcilib_init_event_engine(ctx);
- }
- return ctx;
-pcilib_model_description_t *pcilib_get_model_description(pcilib_t *ctx) {
- return &ctx->model_info;
-const pcilib_board_info_t *pcilib_get_board_info(pcilib_t *ctx) {
- int ret;
- if (ctx->page_mask == (uintptr_t)-1) {
- ret = ioctl( ctx->handle, PCIDRIVER_IOC_PCI_INFO, &ctx->board_info );
- if (ret) {
- pcilib_error("PCIDRIVER_IOC_PCI_INFO ioctl have failed");
- return NULL;
- }
- ctx->page_mask = pcilib_get_page_mask();
- }
- return &ctx->board_info;
-pcilib_context_t *pcilib_get_implementation_context(pcilib_t *ctx) {
- return ctx->event_ctx;
-pcilib_model_t pcilib_get_model(pcilib_t *ctx) {
- if (ctx->model == PCILIB_MODEL_DETECT) {
-// unsigned short vendor_id;
-// unsigned short device_id;
- //return PCILIB_MODEL_PCI;
- const pcilib_board_info_t *board_info = pcilib_get_board_info(ctx);
- if (!board_info) return PCILIB_MODEL_PCI;
- if ((board_info->vendor_id == PCIE_XILINX_VENDOR_ID)&&(board_info->device_id == PCIE_IPECAMERA_DEVICE_ID))
- else if ((board_info->vendor_id == PCIE_XILINX_VENDOR_ID)&&(board_info->device_id == PCIE_KAPTURE_DEVICE_ID))
- else
- ctx->model = PCILIB_MODEL_PCI;
- }
- return ctx->model;
-static pcilib_bar_t pcilib_detect_bar(pcilib_t *ctx, uintptr_t addr, size_t size) {
- int n = 0;
- pcilib_bar_t i;
- const pcilib_board_info_t *board_info = pcilib_get_board_info(ctx);
- if (!board_info) return PCILIB_BAR_INVALID;
- for (i = 0; i < PCILIB_MAX_BANKS; i++) {
- if (board_info->bar_length[i] > 0) {
- if ((addr >= board_info->bar_start[i])&&((board_info->bar_start[i] + board_info->bar_length[i]) >= (addr + size))) return i;
- if (n) n = -1;
- else n = i + 1;
- }
- }
- if (n > 0) return n - 1;
-int pcilib_detect_address(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_bar_t *bar, uintptr_t *addr, size_t size) {
- const pcilib_board_info_t *board_info = pcilib_get_board_info(ctx);
- if (!board_info) return PCILIB_ERROR_NOTFOUND;
- if (*bar == PCILIB_BAR_DETECT) {
- *bar = pcilib_detect_bar(ctx, *addr, size);
- if (*bar == PCILIB_BAR_INVALID) {
- pcilib_error("The requested data block at address 0x%x with size %zu does not belongs to any available memory bank", *addr, size);
- }
- if (*addr < board_info->bar_start[*bar])
- *addr += board_info->bar_start[*bar];
- } else {
- if ((*addr < board_info->bar_start[*bar])||((board_info->bar_start[*bar] + board_info->bar_length[*bar]) < (((uintptr_t)*addr) + size))) {
- if ((board_info->bar_length[*bar]) >= (((uintptr_t)*addr) + size)) {
- *addr += board_info->bar_start[*bar];
- } else {
- pcilib_error("The requested data block at address 0x%x with size %zu does not belong the specified memory bank (Bar %i: starting at 0x%x with size 0x%x)", *addr, size, *bar, board_info->bar_start[*bar], board_info->bar_length[*bar]);
- }
- }
- }
- *addr -= board_info->bar_start[*bar];
- *addr += board_info->bar_start[*bar] & ctx->page_mask;
- return 0;
-void *pcilib_map_bar(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_bar_t bar) {
- void *res;
- int ret;
- const pcilib_board_info_t *board_info = pcilib_get_board_info(ctx);
- if (!board_info) return NULL;
- if (ctx->bar_space[bar]) return ctx->bar_space[bar];
- ret = ioctl( ctx->handle, PCIDRIVER_IOC_MMAP_MODE, PCIDRIVER_MMAP_PCI );
- if (ret) {
- pcilib_error("PCIDRIVER_IOC_MMAP_MODE ioctl have failed", bar);
- return NULL;
- }
- ret = ioctl( ctx->handle, PCIDRIVER_IOC_MMAP_AREA, PCIDRIVER_BAR0 + bar );
- if (ret) {
- pcilib_error("PCIDRIVER_IOC_MMAP_AREA ioctl have failed for bank %i", bar);
- return NULL;
- }
- file_io_handle = open("/root/data", O_RDWR);
- res = mmap( 0, board_info->bar_length[bar], PROT_WRITE | PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, ctx->file_io_handle, 0 );
- res = mmap( 0, board_info->bar_length[bar], PROT_WRITE | PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, ctx->handle, 0 );
- if ((!res)||(res == MAP_FAILED)) {
- pcilib_error("Failed to mmap data bank %i", bar);
- return NULL;
- }
- return res;
-void pcilib_unmap_bar(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_bar_t bar, void *data) {
- const pcilib_board_info_t *board_info = pcilib_get_board_info(ctx);
- if (!board_info) return;
- if (ctx->bar_space[bar]) return;
- munmap(data, board_info->bar_length[bar]);
- close(ctx->file_io_handle);
-int pcilib_map_register_space(pcilib_t *ctx) {
- int err;
- pcilib_register_bank_t i;
- if (!ctx->reg_bar_mapped) {
- pcilib_model_description_t *model_info = pcilib_get_model_description(ctx);
- pcilib_register_bank_description_t *banks = model_info->banks;
- for (i = 0; ((banks)&&(banks[i].access)); i++) {
-// uint32_t buf[2];
- void *reg_space;
- pcilib_bar_t bar = banks[i].bar;
- if (bar == PCILIB_BAR_DETECT) {
- uintptr_t addr = banks[0].read_addr;
- err = pcilib_detect_address(ctx, &bar, &addr, 1);
- if (err) return err;
- if (!ctx->bar_space[bar]) {
- reg_space = pcilib_map_bar(ctx, bar);
-// pcilib_memcpy(&buf, reg_space, 8);
- if (reg_space) {
- ctx->bar_space[bar] = reg_space;
- } else {
- }
- }
- } else if (!ctx->bar_space[bar]) {
- reg_space = pcilib_map_bar(ctx, bar);
- if (reg_space) {
- ctx->bar_space[bar] = reg_space;
- } else {
- }
-// pcilib_memcpy(&buf, reg_space, 8);
- }
- if (!i) ctx->reg_bar = bar;
- }
- ctx->reg_bar_mapped = 1;
- }
- return 0;
-int pcilib_map_data_space(pcilib_t *ctx, uintptr_t addr) {
- int err;
- pcilib_bar_t i;
- if (!ctx->data_bar_mapped) {
- const pcilib_board_info_t *board_info = pcilib_get_board_info(ctx);
- if (!board_info) return PCILIB_ERROR_FAILED;
- err = pcilib_map_register_space(ctx);
- if (err) {
- pcilib_error("Error mapping register space");
- return err;
- }
- int data_bar = -1;
- for (i = 0; i < PCILIB_MAX_BANKS; i++) {
- if ((ctx->bar_space[i])||(!board_info->bar_length[i])) continue;
- if (addr) {
- if (board_info->bar_start[i] == addr) {
- data_bar = i;
- break;
- }
- } else {
- if (data_bar >= 0) {
- data_bar = -1;
- break;
- }
- data_bar = i;
- }
- }
- if (data_bar < 0) {
- if (addr) pcilib_error("Unable to find the specified data space (%lx)", addr);
- else pcilib_error("Unable to find the data space");
- }
- ctx->data_bar = data_bar;
- if (!ctx->bar_space[data_bar]) {
- char *data_space = pcilib_map_bar(ctx, data_bar);
- if (data_space) ctx->bar_space[data_bar] = data_space;
- else {
- pcilib_error("Unable to map the data space");
- }
- }
- ctx->data_bar_mapped = 0;
- }
- return 0;
-static void pcilib_unmap_register_space(pcilib_t *ctx) {
- if (ctx->reg_space) {
- pcilib_unmap_bar(ctx, ctx->reg_bar, ctx->reg_space);
- ctx->reg_space = NULL;
- }
-static void pcilib_unmap_data_space(pcilib_t *ctx) {
- if (ctx->data_space) {
- pcilib_unmap_bar(ctx, ctx->data_bar, ctx->data_space);
- ctx->data_space = NULL;
- }
-char *pcilib_resolve_register_address(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_bar_t bar, uintptr_t addr) {
- if (bar == PCILIB_BAR_DETECT) {
- // First checking the default register bar
- size_t offset = addr - ctx->board_info.bar_start[ctx->reg_bar];
- if ((addr > ctx->board_info.bar_start[ctx->reg_bar])&&(offset < ctx->board_info.bar_length[ctx->reg_bar])) {
- if (!ctx->bar_space[ctx->reg_bar]) {
- pcilib_error("The register bar is not mapped");
- return NULL;
- }
- return ctx->bar_space[ctx->reg_bar] + offset + (ctx->board_info.bar_start[ctx->reg_bar] & ctx->page_mask);
- }
- // Otherwise trying to detect
- bar = pcilib_detect_bar(ctx, addr, 1);
- if (bar != PCILIB_BAR_INVALID) {
- size_t offset = addr - ctx->board_info.bar_start[bar];
- if ((offset < ctx->board_info.bar_length[bar])&&(ctx->bar_space[bar])) {
- if (!ctx->bar_space[bar]) {
- pcilib_error("The requested bar (%i) is not mapped", bar);
- return NULL;
- }
- return ctx->bar_space[bar] + offset + (ctx->board_info.bar_start[bar] & ctx->page_mask);
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (!ctx->bar_space[bar]) {
- pcilib_error("The requested bar (%i) is not mapped", bar);
- return NULL;
- }
- if (addr < ctx->board_info.bar_length[bar]) {
- return ctx->bar_space[bar] + addr + (ctx->board_info.bar_start[bar] & ctx->page_mask);
- }
- if ((addr >= ctx->board_info.bar_start[bar])&&(addr < (ctx->board_info.bar_start[bar] + ctx->board_info.bar_length[ctx->reg_bar]))) {
- return ctx->bar_space[bar] + (addr - ctx->board_info.bar_start[bar]) + (ctx->board_info.bar_start[bar] & ctx->page_mask);
- }
- }
- return NULL;
-char *pcilib_resolve_data_space(pcilib_t *ctx, uintptr_t addr, size_t *size) {
- int err;
- err = pcilib_map_data_space(ctx, addr);
- if (err) {
- pcilib_error("Failed to map the specified address space (%lx)", addr);
- return NULL;
- }
- if (size) *size = ctx->board_info.bar_length[ctx->data_bar];
- return ctx->bar_space[ctx->data_bar] + (ctx->board_info.bar_start[ctx->data_bar] & ctx->page_mask);
-void pcilib_close(pcilib_t *ctx) {
- pcilib_bar_t i;
- if (ctx) {
- pcilib_model_description_t *model_info = pcilib_get_model_description(ctx);
- pcilib_event_api_description_t *eapi = model_info->event_api;
- pcilib_dma_api_description_t *dapi = model_info->dma_api;
- if ((eapi)&&(eapi->free)) eapi->free(ctx->event_ctx);
- if ((dapi)&&(dapi->free)) dapi->free(ctx->dma_ctx);
- if (ctx->model_info.registers != model_info->registers) {
- free(ctx->model_info.registers);
- ctx->model_info.registers = pcilib_model[ctx->model].registers;
- }
- if (ctx->kmem_list) {
- pcilib_warning("Not all kernel buffers are properly cleaned");
- while (ctx->kmem_list) {
- pcilib_free_kernel_memory(ctx, ctx->kmem_list, 0);
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < PCILIB_MAX_BANKS; i++) {
- if (ctx->bar_space[i]) {
- char *ptr = ctx->bar_space[i];
- ctx->bar_space[i] = NULL;
- pcilib_unmap_bar(ctx, i, ptr);
- }
- }
- close(ctx->handle);
- free(ctx);
- }
-int pcilib_read(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_bar_t bar, uintptr_t addr, size_t size, void *buf) {
- void *data;
- pcilib_detect_address(ctx, &bar, &addr, size);
- data = pcilib_map_bar(ctx, bar);
- pcilib_memcpy(buf, data + addr, size);
- pcilib_unmap_bar(ctx, bar, data);
- return 0;
-int pcilib_write(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_bar_t bar, uintptr_t addr, size_t size, void *buf) {
- void *data;
- pcilib_detect_address(ctx, &bar, &addr, size);
- data = pcilib_map_bar(ctx, bar);
- pcilib_memcpy(data + addr, buf, size);
- pcilib_unmap_bar(ctx, bar, data);
- return 0;
-int pcilib_read_fifo(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_bar_t bar, uintptr_t addr, uint8_t fifo_size, size_t n, void *buf) {
- int i;
- void *data;
- pcilib_detect_address(ctx, &bar, &addr, fifo_size);
- data = pcilib_map_bar(ctx, bar);
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- pcilib_memcpy(buf + i * fifo_size, data + addr, fifo_size);
- }
- pcilib_unmap_bar(ctx, bar, data);
- return 0;
-int pcilib_write_fifo(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_bar_t bar, uintptr_t addr, uint8_t fifo_size, size_t n, void *buf) {
- int i;
- void *data;
- pcilib_detect_address(ctx, &bar, &addr, fifo_size);
- data = pcilib_map_bar(ctx, bar);
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- pcilib_memcpy(data + addr, buf + i * fifo_size, fifo_size);
- }
- pcilib_unmap_bar(ctx, bar, data);
- return 0;
diff --git a/pci.h b/pci.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f8359c..0000000
--- a/pci.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _PCITOOL_PCI_H
-#define _PCITOOL_PCI_H
-#define PCILIB_EVENT_TIMEOUT 1000000 /**< us */
-#define PCILIB_TRIGGER_TIMEOUT 100000 /**< us */
-#define PCILIB_DMA_TIMEOUT 10000 /**< us */
-#define PCILIB_DMA_SKIP_TIMEOUT 1000000 /**< us */
-#define PCILIB_REGISTER_TIMEOUT 10000 /**< us */
-#include "driver/pciDriver.h"
-#include "pcilib_types.h"
-#include "pcilib.h"
-#include "register.h"
-#include "kmem.h"
-#include "irq.h"
-#include "dma.h"
-#include "event.h"
-struct pcilib_s {
- int handle;
- uintptr_t page_mask;
- pcilib_board_info_t board_info;
- pcilib_dma_info_t dma_info;
- pcilib_model_t model;
- char *bar_space[PCILIB_MAX_BANKS];
- int reg_bar_mapped;
- pcilib_bar_t reg_bar;
-// char *reg_space;
- int data_bar_mapped;
- pcilib_bar_t data_bar;
-// char *data_space;
-// size_t data_size;
- pcilib_kmem_list_t *kmem_list;
- size_t num_reg, alloc_reg;
- pcilib_model_description_t model_info;
- pcilib_dma_context_t *dma_ctx;
- pcilib_context_t *event_ctx;
- int file_io_handle;
-#endif /* PCILIB_FILE_IO */
-#ifdef _PCILIB_PCI_C
-# include "ipecamera/model.h"
-# include "kapture/model.h"
-# include "dma/nwl.h"
-# include "dma/ipe.h"
-# include "default.h"
-pcilib_model_description_t pcilib_model[4] = {
- { 4, PCILIB_LITTLE_ENDIAN, ipecamera_registers, ipecamera_register_banks, ipecamera_register_ranges, ipecamera_events, ipecamera_data_types, &ipe_dma_api, &ipecamera_image_api },
- { 4, PCILIB_LITTLE_ENDIAN, kapture_registers, kapture_register_banks, kapture_register_ranges, kapture_events, kapture_data_types, &ipe_dma_api, &kapture_api },
-pcilib_protocol_description_t pcilib_protocol[3] = {
- { pcilib_default_read, pcilib_default_write },
- { ipecamera_read, ipecamera_write },
- { NULL, NULL }
-extern pcilib_model_description_t pcilib_model[];
-extern pcilib_protocol_description_t pcilib_protocol[];
-#endif /* _PCILIB_PCI_C */
-const pcilib_board_info_t *pcilib_get_board_info(pcilib_t *ctx);
-const pcilib_dma_info_t *pcilib_get_dma_info(pcilib_t *ctx);
-int pcilib_map_register_space(pcilib_t *ctx);
-int pcilib_map_data_space(pcilib_t *ctx, uintptr_t addr);
-int pcilib_detect_address(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_bar_t *bar, uintptr_t *addr, size_t size);
-#endif /* _PCITOOL_PCI_H */
diff --git a/pcilib.h b/pcilib.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 12d5252..0000000
--- a/pcilib.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,380 +0,0 @@
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#define pcilib_memcpy pcilib_memcpy32
-#define pcilib_datacpy pcilib_datacpy32
-typedef struct pcilib_s pcilib_t;
-typedef struct pcilib_event_context_s pcilib_context_t;
-typedef struct pcilib_dma_context_s pcilib_dma_context_t;
-typedef struct pcilib_dma_api_description_s pcilib_dma_api_description_t;
-typedef struct pcilib_event_api_description_s pcilib_event_api_description_t;
-typedef struct pcilib_protocol_description_s pcilib_protocol_description_t;
-typedef unsigned int pcilib_irq_hw_source_t;
-typedef uint32_t pcilib_irq_source_t;
-typedef uint8_t pcilib_bar_t; /**< Type holding the PCI Bar number */
-typedef uint8_t pcilib_register_t; /**< Type holding the register ID within the Bank */
-typedef uint32_t pcilib_register_addr_t; /**< Type holding the register ID within the Bank */
-typedef uint8_t pcilib_register_bank_t; /**< Type holding the register bank number */
-typedef uint8_t pcilib_register_bank_addr_t; /**< Type holding the register bank number */
-typedef uint8_t pcilib_register_size_t; /**< Type holding the size in bits of the register */
-typedef uint32_t pcilib_register_value_t; /**< Type holding the register value */
-typedef uint8_t pcilib_dma_engine_addr_t;
-typedef uint8_t pcilib_dma_engine_t;
-typedef uint64_t pcilib_event_id_t;
-typedef uint32_t pcilib_event_t;
-typedef uint64_t pcilib_timeout_t; /**< In microseconds */
-typedef enum {
-} pcilib_endianess_t;
-typedef enum {
-} pcilib_model_t;
-typedef enum {
- PCILIB_REGISTER_W1C = 4, /**< writting 1 resets the flag */
-} pcilib_register_mode_t;
-typedef enum {
-} pcilib_register_protocol_t;
-typedef enum {
- PCILIB_EVENT_DATA = 0, /**< default data format */
- PCILIB_EVENT_RAW_DATA = 1 /**< raw data */
-} pcilib_event_data_type_t;
-typedef enum {
- PCILIB_DMA_FLAG_EOP = 1, /**< last buffer of the packet */
- PCILIB_DMA_FLAG_WAIT = 2, /**< wait completion of write operation / wait for data during read operation */
- PCILIB_DMA_FLAG_MULTIPACKET = 4, /**< read multiple packets */
- PCILIB_DMA_FLAG_PERSISTENT = 8, /**< do not stop DMA engine on application termination / permanently close DMA engine on dma_stop */
- PCILIB_DMA_FLAG_IGNORE_ERRORS = 16 /**< do not crash on errors, but return appropriate error codes */
-} pcilib_dma_flags_t;
-typedef enum {
- PCILIB_STREAMING_STOP = 0, /**< stop streaming */
- PCILIB_STREAMING_CONTINUE = 1, /**< wait the default DMA timeout for a new data */
- PCILIB_STREAMING_WAIT = 2, /**< wait the specified timeout for a new data */
- PCILIB_STREAMING_CHECK = 3, /**< do not wait for the data, bail out imideatly if no data ready */
- PCILIB_STREAMING_FAIL = 4, /**< fail if data is not available on timeout */
- PCILIB_STREAMING_REQ_FRAGMENT = 5, /**< only fragment of a packet is read, wait for next fragment and fail if no data during DMA timeout */
- PCILIB_STREAMING_REQ_PACKET = 6, /**< wait for next packet and fail if no data during the specified timeout */
- PCILIB_STREAMING_TIMEOUT_MASK = 3 /**< mask specifying all timeout modes */
-} pcilib_streaming_action_t;
-typedef enum {
- PCILIB_EVENT_FLAG_RAW_DATA_ONLY = 1, /**< Do not parse data, just read raw and pass it to rawdata callback. If passed to rawdata callback, idicates the data is not identified as event (most probably just padding) */
- PCILIB_EVENT_FLAG_STOP_ONLY = 1, /**< Do not cleanup, just stop acquiring new frames, the cleanup should be requested afterwards */
- PCILIB_EVENT_FLAG_EOF = 2, /**< Indicates that it is the last part of the frame (not required) */
- PCILIB_EVENT_FLAG_PREPROCESS = 4 /**< Enables preprocessing of the raw data (decoding frames, etc.) */
-} pcilib_event_flags_t;
-typedef enum {
- PCILIB_EVENT_INFO_FLAG_BROKEN = 1 /**< Indicates broken frames (if this flag is fales, the frame still can be broken) */
-} pcilib_event_info_flags_t;
-typedef enum {
-} pcilib_register_type_t;
-#define PCILIB_BAR_DETECT ((pcilib_bar_t)-1)
-#define PCILIB_BAR_INVALID ((pcilib_bar_t)-1)
-#define PCILIB_BAR0 0
-#define PCILIB_BAR1 1
-#define PCILIB_DMA_ENGINE_INVALID ((pcilib_dma_engine_t)-1)
-#define PCILIB_DMA_ENGINE_ALL ((pcilib_dma_engine_t)-1)
-#define PCILIB_DMA_FLAGS_DEFAULT ((pcilib_dma_flags_t)0)
-#define PCILIB_DMA_ENGINE_ADDR_INVALID ((pcilib_dma_engine_addr_t)-1)
-#define PCILIB_REGISTER_INVALID ((pcilib_register_t)-1)
-#define PCILIB_ADDRESS_INVALID ((uintptr_t)-1)
-#define PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_INVALID ((pcilib_register_bank_t)-1)
-#define PCILIB_EVENT0 1
-#define PCILIB_EVENT1 2
-#define PCILIB_EVENT2 4
-#define PCILIB_EVENT3 8
-#define PCILIB_EVENTS_ALL ((pcilib_event_t)-1)
-#define PCILIB_EVENT_INVALID ((pcilib_event_t)-1)
-#define PCILIB_EVENT_DATA_TYPE_INVALID ((pcilib_event_data_type_t)-1)
-#define PCILIB_TIMEOUT_INFINITE ((pcilib_timeout_t)-1)
-#define PCILIB_REGISTER_ALL_BITS ((pcilib_register_value_t)-1)
-typedef struct {
- pcilib_event_t type;
- uint64_t seqnum; /**< we will add seqnum_overflow if required */
- uint64_t offset; /**< nanoseconds */
- struct timeval timestamp; /**< most accurate timestamp */
- pcilib_event_info_flags_t flags; /**< flags */
-} pcilib_event_info_t;
- * Callback function called when new data is read by DMA streaming function
- * @ctx - DMA Engine context
- * @flags - DMA Flags
- * @bufsize - size of data in bytes
- * @buf - data
- * @returns
- * <0 - error, stop streaming (the value is negative error code)
- * 0 - stop streaming (PCILIB_STREAMING_STOP)
- * 1 - wait DMA timeout and return gracefuly if no data (PCILIB_STREAMING_CONTINUE)
- * 2 - wait the specified timeout and return gracefuly if no data (PCILIB_STREAMING_WAIT)
- * 3 - check if more data is available without waiting, return gracefuly if not (PCILIB_STREAMING_CHECK)
- * 5 - wait DMA timeout and fail if no data (PCILIB_STREAMING_REQ_FRAGMENT)
- * 6 - wait the specified timeout and fail if no data (PCILIB_STREAMING_REQ_PACKET)
- */
-typedef int (*pcilib_dma_callback_t)(void *ctx, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags, size_t bufsize, void *buf);
-typedef int (*pcilib_event_callback_t)(pcilib_event_id_t event_id, pcilib_event_info_t *info, void *user);
-typedef int (*pcilib_event_rawdata_callback_t)(pcilib_event_id_t event_id, pcilib_event_info_t *info, pcilib_event_flags_t flags, size_t size, void *data, void *user);
-typedef struct {
- pcilib_register_bank_addr_t addr;
- pcilib_bar_t bar; // optional
- size_t size;
- pcilib_register_protocol_t protocol;
- uintptr_t read_addr; // or offset if bar specified
- uintptr_t write_addr; // or offset if bar specified
- uint8_t raw_endianess;
- uint8_t access;
- uint8_t endianess;
- const char *format;
- const char *name;
- const char *description;
-} pcilib_register_bank_description_t;
-typedef struct {
- pcilib_register_addr_t addr;
- pcilib_register_size_t offset;
- pcilib_register_size_t bits;
- pcilib_register_value_t defvalue;
- pcilib_register_value_t rwmask; /**< 1 - read before write bits, 0 - zero should be written to preserve value
- Used to define how external bits of PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS registers are treated.
- Currently it is a bit confusing, we may find a better way in the next release */
- pcilib_register_mode_t mode;
- pcilib_register_type_t type;
- pcilib_register_bank_t bank;
- const char *name;
- const char *description;
-} pcilib_register_description_t;
- * Default mappings
- */
-typedef struct {
- uintptr_t start;
- uintptr_t end;
- pcilib_register_bank_addr_t bank;
- long addr_shift;
-} pcilib_register_range_t;
-typedef struct {
- pcilib_event_t evid;
- const char *name;
- const char *description;
-} pcilib_event_description_t;
-typedef struct {
- pcilib_event_data_type_t data_type;
- pcilib_event_t evid;
- const char *name;
- const char *description;
-} pcilib_event_data_type_description_t;
-typedef enum {
-} pcilib_irq_type_t;
-typedef enum {
-} pcilib_dma_direction_t;
-typedef enum {
-} pcilib_dma_engine_type_t;
-typedef struct {
- pcilib_dma_engine_addr_t addr;
- pcilib_dma_engine_type_t type;
- pcilib_dma_direction_t direction;
- size_t addr_bits;
-} pcilib_dma_engine_description_t;
-typedef struct {
- pcilib_dma_engine_description_t *engines[PCILIB_MAX_DMA_ENGINES + 1];
-} pcilib_dma_info_t;
-typedef struct {
- uint8_t access;
- uint8_t endianess;
- pcilib_register_description_t *registers;
- pcilib_register_bank_description_t *banks;
- pcilib_register_range_t *ranges;
- pcilib_event_description_t *events;
- pcilib_event_data_type_description_t *data_types;
- pcilib_dma_api_description_t *dma_api;
- pcilib_event_api_description_t *event_api;
-} pcilib_model_description_t;
-int pcilib_set_error_handler(void (*err)(const char *msg, ...), void (*warn)(const char *msg, ...));
-pcilib_model_t pcilib_get_model(pcilib_t *ctx);
-pcilib_model_description_t *pcilib_get_model_description(pcilib_t *ctx);
-pcilib_context_t *pcilib_get_implementation_context(pcilib_t *ctx);
-pcilib_t *pcilib_open(const char *device, pcilib_model_t model);
-void pcilib_close(pcilib_t *ctx);
-int pcilib_start_dma(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags);
-int pcilib_stop_dma(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags);
- // Interrupt API is preliminary and can be significantly changed in future
-int pcilib_enable_irq(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_irq_type_t irq_type, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags);
-int pcilib_acknowledge_irq(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_irq_type_t irq_type, pcilib_irq_source_t irq_source);
-int pcilib_disable_irq(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags);
-int pcilib_wait_irq(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_irq_hw_source_t source, pcilib_timeout_t timeout, size_t *count);
-int pcilib_clear_irq(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_irq_hw_source_t source);
-void *pcilib_map_bar(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_bar_t bar);
-void pcilib_unmap_bar(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_bar_t bar, void *data);
-char *pcilib_resolve_register_address(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_bar_t bar, uintptr_t addr); // addr is offset if bar is specified
-char *pcilib_resolve_data_space(pcilib_t *ctx, uintptr_t addr, size_t *size);
-pcilib_register_bank_t pcilib_find_bank_by_addr(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_register_bank_addr_t bank);
-pcilib_register_bank_t pcilib_find_bank_by_name(pcilib_t *ctx, const char *bankname);
-pcilib_register_bank_t pcilib_find_bank(pcilib_t *ctx, const char *bank);
-pcilib_register_t pcilib_find_register(pcilib_t *ctx, const char *bank, const char *reg);
-pcilib_event_t pcilib_find_event(pcilib_t *ctx, const char *event);
-pcilib_event_data_type_t pcilib_find_event_data_type(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_event_t event, const char *data_type);
-pcilib_dma_engine_t pcilib_find_dma_by_addr(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_direction_t direction, pcilib_dma_engine_addr_t dma);
-int pcilib_read(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_bar_t bar, uintptr_t addr, size_t size, void *buf);
-int pcilib_write(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_bar_t bar, uintptr_t addr, size_t size, void *buf);
-int pcilib_write_fifo(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_bar_t bar, uintptr_t addr, uint8_t fifo_size, size_t n, void *buf);
-int pcilib_read_fifo(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_bar_t bar, uintptr_t addr, uint8_t fifo_size, size_t n, void *buf);
-int pcilib_skip_dma(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma);
-int pcilib_stream_dma(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma, uintptr_t addr, size_t size, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags, pcilib_timeout_t timeout, pcilib_dma_callback_t cb, void *cbattr);
-int pcilib_push_dma(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma, uintptr_t addr, size_t size, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags, pcilib_timeout_t timeout, void *buf, size_t *written_bytes);
-int pcilib_read_dma(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma, uintptr_t addr, size_t size, void *buf, size_t *read_bytes);
-int pcilib_read_dma_custom(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma, uintptr_t addr, size_t size, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags, pcilib_timeout_t timeout, void *buf, size_t *read_bytes);
-int pcilib_write_dma(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_engine_t dma, uintptr_t addr, size_t size, void *buf, size_t *written_bytes);
-double pcilib_benchmark_dma(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_dma_engine_addr_t dma, uintptr_t addr, size_t size, size_t iterations, pcilib_dma_direction_t direction);
-int pcilib_read_register_space(pcilib_t *ctx, const char *bank, pcilib_register_addr_t addr, size_t n, pcilib_register_value_t *buf);
-int pcilib_write_register_space(pcilib_t *ctx, const char *bank, pcilib_register_addr_t addr, size_t n, pcilib_register_value_t *buf);
-int pcilib_read_register_by_id(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_register_t reg, pcilib_register_value_t *value);
-int pcilib_write_register_by_id(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_register_t reg, pcilib_register_value_t value);
-int pcilib_read_register(pcilib_t *ctx, const char *bank, const char *regname, pcilib_register_value_t *value);
-int pcilib_write_register(pcilib_t *ctx, const char *bank, const char *regname, pcilib_register_value_t value);
-int pcilib_reset(pcilib_t *ctx);
-int pcilib_trigger(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_event_t event, size_t trigger_size, void *trigger_data);
- * The recording of new events will be stopped after reaching max_events records
- * or when the specified amount of time is elapsed. However, the @pcilib_stop
- * function should be called still.
- * NOTE: This options may not be respected if the PCILIB_EVENT_FLAG_RAW_DATA_ONLY
- * is specified.
- */
-int pcilib_configure_autostop(pcilib_t *ctx, size_t max_events, pcilib_timeout_t duration);
- * Request auto-triggering while grabbing
- */
-int pcilib_configure_autotrigger(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_timeout_t interval, pcilib_event_t event, size_t trigger_size, void *trigger_data);
- * Request streaming the rawdata from the event engine. It is fastest way to acuqire data.
- * No memory copies will be performed and DMA buffers will be directly passed to the user
- * callback. However, to prevent data loss, no processing should be done on the data. The
- * user callback is only expected to copy data into the appropriate place and return control
- * to the event engine.
- * The performance can be boosted further by disabling any data processing within the event
- * engine. Just pass PCILIB_EVENT_FLAG_RAW_DATA_ONLY flag to the @pcilib_start function.
- */
-int pcilib_configure_rawdata_callback(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_event_rawdata_callback_t callback, void *user);
- * Configures maximal number of preprocessing threads. Actual amount of threads
- * may be bigger. For instance, additionaly a real-time reader thread will be
- * executed for most of hardware
- */
-int pcilib_configure_preprocessing_threads(pcilib_t *ctx, size_t max_threads);
-int pcilib_start(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_event_t event_mask, pcilib_event_flags_t flags);
-int pcilib_stop(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_event_flags_t flags);
-int pcilib_stream(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_event_callback_t callback, void *user);
-int pcilib_get_next_event(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_timeout_t timeout, pcilib_event_id_t *evid, size_t info_size, pcilib_event_info_t *info);
-int pcilib_copy_data(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_event_id_t event_id, pcilib_event_data_type_t data_type, size_t size, void *buf, size_t *retsize);
-int pcilib_copy_data_with_argument(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_event_id_t event_id, pcilib_event_data_type_t data_type, size_t arg_size, void *arg, size_t size, void *buf, size_t *retsize);
-void *pcilib_get_data(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_event_id_t event_id, pcilib_event_data_type_t data_type, size_t *size_or_err);
-void *pcilib_get_data_with_argument(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_event_id_t event_id, pcilib_event_data_type_t data_type, size_t arg_size, void *arg, size_t *size_or_err);
- * This function is provided to find potentially corrupted data. If the data is overwritten by
- * the time return_data is called it will return error.
- */
-int pcilib_return_data(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_event_id_t event_id, pcilib_event_data_type_t data_type, void *data);
- * @param data - will be allocated and shuld be freed if NULL, otherwise used and size should contain correct size.
- * In case of failure the content of data is undefined.
- * @param timeout - will be autotriggered if NULL
- */
-int pcilib_grab(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_event_t event_mask, size_t *size, void **data, pcilib_timeout_t timeout);
-#endif /* _PCITOOL_PCILIB_H */
diff --git a/pcilib_types.h b/pcilib_types.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 52c0879..0000000
--- a/pcilib_types.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _PCILIB_TYPES_H
-#define _PCILIB_TYPES_H
-#define KMEM_REF_HW 0x80000000 /**< Special reference to indicate hardware access */
-#define KMEM_REF_COUNT 0x0FFFFFFF /**< Mask of reference counter (mmap/munmap), couting in mmaped memory pages */
-#define KMEM_MODE_REUSABLE 0x80000000 /**< Indicates reusable buffer */
-#define KMEM_MODE_EXCLUSIVE 0x40000000 /**< Only a single process is allowed to mmap the buffer */
-#define KMEM_MODE_PERSISTENT 0x20000000 /**< Persistent mode instructs kmem_free to preserve buffer in memory */
-#define KMEM_MODE_COUNT 0x0FFFFFFF /**< Mask of reuse counter (alloc/free) */
-typedef enum {
-} pcilib_kmem_type_t;
-typedef enum {
-} pcilib_kmem_use_t;
-typedef enum {
-} pcilib_kmem_sync_direction_t;
-#define PCILIB_KMEM_USE(type, subtype) (((type) << 16)|(subtype))
-//pcilib_alloc_kmem_buffer(pcilib_t *ctx, size_t size, size_t alignment)
-#endif /* _PCILIB_TYPES_H */
diff --git a/pcitool/CMakeLists.txt b/pcitool/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6dc7942..0000000
--- a/pcitool/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-set(HEADERS ${HEADERS} sysinfo.h formaters.h)
-add_library(pcitool STATIC sysinfo.c formaters.c)
diff --git a/pcitool/formaters.c b/pcitool/formaters.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 91b8c77..0000000
--- a/pcitool/formaters.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-void PrintTime(size_t duration) {
- if (duration > 999999999999) printf("%4.1lf""d", 1.*duration/86400000000);
- else if (duration > 99999999999) printf("%4.1lf""h", 1.*duration/3600000000);
- else if (duration > 9999999999) printf("%4.2lf""h", 1.*duration/3600000000);
- else if (duration > 999999999) printf("%4.1lf""m", 1.*duration/60000000);
- else if (duration > 99999999) printf("%4.2lf""m", 1.*duration/60000000);
- else if (duration > 9999999) printf("%4.1lf""s", 1.*duration/1000000);
- else if (duration > 999999) printf("%4.2lf""s", 1.*duration/1000000);
- else if (duration > 999) printf("%3lu""ms", duration/1000);
- else printf("%3lu""us", duration);
-void PrintNumber(size_t num) {
- if (num > 999999999999999999) printf("%3lue", num/1000000000000000000);
- else if (num > 999999999999999) printf("%3lup", num/1000000000000000);
- else if (num > 999999999999) printf("%3lut", num/1000000000000);
- else if (num > 999999999) printf("%3lug", num/1000000000);
- else if (num > 999999) printf("%3lum", num/1000000);
- else if (num > 9999) printf("%3luk", num/1000);
- else printf("%4lu", num);
-void PrintSize(size_t num) {
- if (num >= 112589990684263) printf("%4.1lf PB", 1.*num/1125899906842624);
- else if (num >= 109951162778) printf("%4.1lf TB", 1.*num/1099511627776);
- else if (num >= 107374183) printf("%4.1lf GB", 1.*num/1073741824);
- else if (num >= 1048576) printf("%4lu MB", num/1048576);
- else if (num >= 1024) printf("%4lu KB", num/1024);
- else printf("%5lu B", num);
-void PrintPercent(size_t num, size_t total) {
- if (num >= total) printf(" 100");
- else printf("%4.1lf", 100.*num/total);
-char *GetPrintSize(char *str, size_t size) {
- if (size >= 1073741824) sprintf(str, "%.1lf GB", 1.*size / 1073741824);
- else if (size >= 1048576) sprintf(str, "%.1lf MB", 1.*size / 1048576);
- else if (size >= 1024) sprintf(str, "%lu KB", size / 1024);
- else sprintf(str, "%lu B ", size);
- return str;
diff --git a/pcitool/formaters.h b/pcitool/formaters.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c854da5..0000000
--- a/pcitool/formaters.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-void PrintTime(size_t duration);
-void PrintNumber(size_t num);
-void PrintSize(size_t num);
-void PrintPercent(size_t num, size_t total);
-char *GetPrintSize(char *str, size_t size);
-#endif /* _PCITOOL_FORMATERS_H */
diff --git a/pcitool/sysinfo.c b/pcitool/sysinfo.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d6f57fe..0000000
--- a/pcitool/sysinfo.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <strings.h>
-#define MEMINFO_FILE "/proc/meminfo"
-#define MTAB_FILE "/etc/mtab"
-"Error: /proc must be mounted\n" \
-" To mount /proc at boot you need an /etc/fstab line like:\n" \
-" /proc /proc proc defaults\n" \
-" In the meantime, run \"mount /proc /proc -t proc\"\n"
-/* This macro opens filename only if necessary and seeks to 0 so
- * that successive calls to the functions are more efficient.
- * It also reads the current contents of the file into the global buf.
- */
-#define FILE_TO_BUF(filename) do{ \
- static int fd, local_n; \
- if ((fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY)) == -1) { \
- fputs(BAD_OPEN_MESSAGE, stderr); \
- fflush(NULL); \
- _exit(102); \
- } \
- lseek(fd, 0L, SEEK_SET); \
- if ((local_n = read(fd, buf, sizeof buf - 1)) < 0) { \
- perror(filename); \
- fflush(NULL); \
- _exit(103); \
- } \
- buf[local_n] = '\0'; \
- close(fd); \
-typedef struct mem_table_struct {
- const char *name; /* memory type name */
- unsigned long *slot; /* slot in return struct */
-} mem_table_struct;
-static int compare_mem_table_structs(const void *a, const void *b){
- return strcmp(((const mem_table_struct*)a)->name,((const mem_table_struct*)b)->name);
-size_t get_free_memory(void){
- char buf[4096];
- unsigned long kb_main_buffers, kb_main_cached, kb_main_free;
- char namebuf[16]; /* big enough to hold any row name */
- mem_table_struct findme = { namebuf, NULL};
- mem_table_struct *found;
- char *head;
- char *tail;
- const mem_table_struct mem_table[] = {
- {"Buffers", &kb_main_buffers}, // important
- {"Cached", &kb_main_cached}, // important
- {"MemFree", &kb_main_free}, // important
- };
- const int mem_table_count = sizeof(mem_table)/sizeof(mem_table_struct);
- head = buf;
- for(;;){
- tail = strchr(head, ':');
- if(!tail) break;
- *tail = '\0';
- if(strlen(head) >= sizeof(namebuf)){
- head = tail+1;
- goto nextline;
- }
- strcpy(namebuf,head);
- found = bsearch(&findme, mem_table, mem_table_count,
- sizeof(mem_table_struct), compare_mem_table_structs
- );
- head = tail+1;
- if(!found) goto nextline;
- *(found->slot) = strtoul(head,&tail,10);
- tail = strchr(head, '\n');
- if(!tail) break;
- head = tail+1;
- }
- return (kb_main_buffers + kb_main_cached + kb_main_free) * 1024;
-int get_file_fs(const char *fname, size_t size, char *fs) {
- int err = 0;
- char buf[4096];
- char *fn;
- char *head;
- char *tail;
- size_t len, max = 0;
- struct stat st;
- if ((!fname)||(!fs)||(size < 3)) return -1;
- if (*fname == '/') {
- fn = (char*)fname;
- } else {
- if (!getcwd(buf, 4095)) return -1;
- fn = malloc(strlen(fname) + strlen(buf) + 2);
- if (!fn) return -1;
- sprintf(fn, "%s/%s", buf, fname);
- }
- if (!stat(fn, &st)) {
- if (S_ISBLK(st.st_mode)) {
- strcpy(fs, "raw");
- goto clean;
- }
- }
- head = buf;
- for(;;){
- head = strchr(head, ' ');
- if(!head) break;
- head += 1;
- tail = strchr(head, ' ');
- if(!tail) break;
- *tail = '\0';
- len = strlen(head);
- if((len <= max)||(strncmp(head, fn, len))) {
- head = tail+1;
- goto nextline;
- }
- head = tail + 1;
- tail = strchr(head, ' ');
- if(!tail) break;
- *tail = '\0';
- if (!strncasecmp(head,"root",4)) {
- head = tail+1;
- goto nextline;
- }
- max = len;
- if (strlen(head) >= size) err = -1;
- else {
- err = 0;
- strcpy(fs, head);
- }
- head = tail+1;
- tail = strchr(head, '\n');
- if(!tail) break;
- head = tail+1;
- }
- if (fn != fname) free(fn);
- return err;
diff --git a/pcitool/sysinfo.h b/pcitool/sysinfo.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d5636a7..0000000
--- a/pcitool/sysinfo.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-size_t get_free_memory();
-int get_file_fs(const char *fname, size_t size, char *fs);
-#endif /* _PCITOOL_SYSINFO_H */
diff --git a/ipecamera/private.h b/private.h
index cf2d689..a0611f3 100644
--- a/ipecamera/private.h
+++ b/private.h
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <pcilib/model.h>
#include "ipecamera.h"
#define IPECAMERA_BUG_MULTIFRAME_PACKETS //**< this is by design, start of packet comes directly after the end of last one in streaming mode */
@@ -12,6 +14,9 @@
//#define IPECAMERA_ANNOUNCE_READY //**< announce new event only after the reconstruction is done */
+#define IPECAMERA_REGISTER_TIMEOUT 10000 //**< us */
+#define IPECAMERA_DMA_TIMEOUT 50000 //**< us */
#define IPECAMERA_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE 64 //**< should be power of 2 */
#define IPECAMERA_RESERVE_BUFFERS 2 //**< Return Frame is Lost error, if requested frame will be overwritten after specified number of frames
#define IPECAMERA_SLEEP_TIME 250000 //**< Michele thinks 250 should be enough, but reset failing in this case */
@@ -114,18 +119,17 @@ struct ipecamera_s {
size_t buffer_size; /**< How many images to store */
size_t buffer_pos; /**< Current image offset in the buffer, due to synchronization reasons should not be used outside of reader_thread */
size_t cur_size; /**< Already written part of data in bytes */
- size_t raw_size; /**< Size of raw data in bytes */
- size_t full_size; /**< Size of raw data including the padding */
- size_t padded_size; /**< Size of buffer for raw data, including the padding for performance */
- size_t cur_raw_size; /**< Size of raw data in bytes */
- size_t cur_full_size; /**< Size of raw data including the padding */
- size_t cur_padded_size; /**< Size of buffer for raw data, including the padding for performance */
+ size_t raw_size; /**< Expected maximum size of raw data in bytes */
+ size_t full_size; /**< Expected maximum size of raw data including the padding */
+ size_t padded_size; /**< Expected maximum size of buffer for raw data, including additional padding due to the ipecamera bugs */
+ size_t cur_raw_size; /**< Expected size (for currently configured ROI) of raw data in bytes */
+ size_t cur_full_size; /**< Expected size (for currently configured ROI) of raw data including the padding */
+ size_t cur_padded_size; /**< Expected size (for currently configured ROI) of buffer for raw data, including additional padding due to the ipecamera bugs */
size_t image_size; /**< Size of a single image in bytes */
size_t max_frames; /**< Maximal number of frames what may be buffered in camera DDR memory */
int firmware; /**< Firmware version */
- int fr_mode; /**< Fast Reject mode */
int cmosis_outputs; /**< Number of active cmosis outputs: 4 or 16 */
int width, height;
diff --git a/ipecamera/reader.c b/reader.c
index cad5da8..db700cd 100644
--- a/ipecamera/reader.c
+++ b/reader.c
@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@
#include <ufodecode.h>
-#include "../tools.h"
-#include "../error.h"
+#include <pcilib.h>
+#include <pcilib/tools.h>
+#include <pcilib/error.h>
-#include "pcilib.h"
#include "model.h"
#include "private.h"
#include "reader.h"
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ static inline int ipecamera_new_frame(ipecamera_t *ctx) {
return 1;
- if (pcilib_check_deadline(&ctx->autostop.timestamp, PCILIB_DMA_TIMEOUT)) {
+ if (pcilib_check_deadline(&ctx->autostop.timestamp, 0)) {
ctx->run_reader = 0;
return 1;
@@ -119,18 +119,18 @@ static int ipecamera_data_callback(void *user, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags, size_t
if (!ctx->cur_size) {
size_t startpos;
- for (startpos = 0; (startpos + sizeof(frame_magic)) < bufsize; startpos += sizeof(uint32_t)) {
+ for (startpos = 0; (startpos + sizeof(frame_magic)) <= bufsize; startpos += sizeof(uint32_t)) {
if (!memcmp(buf + startpos, frame_magic, sizeof(frame_magic))) break;
- if ((startpos + sizeof(frame_magic)) >= bufsize) {
+ if ((startpos + sizeof(frame_magic)) > bufsize) {
FILE *f = fopen(fname, "w");
if (f) fclose(f);
if (invalid_frame_id != ctx->event_id) {
-// pcilib_warning("No frame magic in DMA packet of %u bytes, current event %lu (got %lu)", bufsize, ctx->event_id, invalid_frame_id);
+// pcilib_warning("No frame magic in DMA packet of %u bytes, current event %lu", bufsize, ctx->event_id);
invalid_frame_id = ctx->event_id;
@@ -159,9 +159,6 @@ static int ipecamera_data_callback(void *user, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags, size_t
ctx->frame[ctx->buffer_pos] = ((uint32_t*)buf)[6] & 0x1FFFFFF;
ctx->frame[ctx->buffer_pos] = (((uint32_t*)buf)[7] & 0xFFFFFF) * 80;
-// ctx->frame[ctx->buffer_pos] = ctx->event_id + 1;
gettimeofday(&ctx->frame[ctx->buffer_pos], NULL);
} else {
// pcilib_warning("Frame magic is not found, ignoring broken data...");
@@ -186,8 +183,6 @@ static int ipecamera_data_callback(void *user, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags, size_t
eof = 1;
-// printf("%lu %lu %lu - %u\n", ctx->event_id, ctx->cur_size, ctx->cur_raw_size, eof);
// just rip of padding
bufsize = ctx->cur_raw_size - ctx->cur_size;
@@ -208,13 +203,14 @@ static int ipecamera_data_callback(void *user, pcilib_dma_flags_t flags, size_t
- memcpy(ctx->buffer + ctx->buffer_pos * ctx->padded_size + ctx->cur_size, buf, bufsize);
+ if (bufsize)
+ memcpy(ctx->buffer + ctx->buffer_pos * ctx->padded_size + ctx->cur_size, buf, bufsize);
ctx->cur_size += bufsize;
// printf("%i: %i %i\n", ctx->buffer_pos, ctx->cur_size, bufsize);
- if (ctx->cur_size >= ctx->full_size) {
+ if (ctx->cur_size >= ctx->cur_raw_size) {
eof = 1;
@@ -246,14 +242,14 @@ void *ipecamera_reader_thread(void *user) {
ipecamera_t *ctx = (ipecamera_t*)user;
while (ctx->run_reader) {
- err = pcilib_stream_dma(ctx->event.pcilib, ctx->rdma, 0, 0, PCILIB_DMA_FLAG_MULTIPACKET, 10 * PCILIB_DMA_TIMEOUT, &ipecamera_data_callback, user);
+ err = pcilib_stream_dma(ctx->event.pcilib, ctx->rdma, 0, 0, PCILIB_DMA_FLAG_MULTIPACKET, IPECAMERA_DMA_TIMEOUT, &ipecamera_data_callback, user);
if (err) {
if (ctx->cur_size >= ctx->cur_raw_size) ipecamera_new_frame(ctx);
else if (ctx->cur_size > 0) ipecamera_new_frame(ctx);
- if (pcilib_check_deadline(&ctx->autostop.timestamp, 10 * PCILIB_DMA_TIMEOUT)) {
+ if (pcilib_check_deadline(&ctx->autostop.timestamp, 0)) {
ctx->run_reader = 0;
diff --git a/ipecamera/reader.h b/reader.h
index 5d631c0..5d631c0 100644
--- a/ipecamera/reader.h
+++ b/reader.h
diff --git a/register.c b/register.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fc689b..0000000
--- a/register.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,362 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <strings.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include "pci.h"
-#include "tools.h"
-#include "error.h"
-int pcilib_add_registers(pcilib_t *ctx, size_t n, pcilib_register_description_t *registers) {
- pcilib_register_description_t *regs;
- size_t size, n_present = 0;
- if (!n) {
- for (n = 0; registers[n].bits; n++);
- }
- if (ctx->model_info.registers == pcilib_model[ctx->model].registers) {
- for (n_present = 0; ctx->model_info.registers[n_present].bits; n_present++);
- for (size = 1024; size < 2 * (n + n_present + 1); size<<=1);
- regs = (pcilib_register_description_t*)malloc(size * sizeof(pcilib_register_description_t));
- if (!regs) return PCILIB_ERROR_MEMORY;
- ctx->model_info.registers = regs;
- ctx->num_reg = n + n_present;
- ctx->alloc_reg = size;
- memcpy(ctx->model_info.registers, pcilib_model[ctx->model].registers, (n_present + 1) * sizeof(pcilib_register_description_t));
- } else {
- n_present = ctx->num_reg;
- if ((n_present + n + 1) > ctx->alloc_reg) {
- for (size = ctx->alloc_reg; size < 2 * (n + n_present + 1); size<<=1);
- regs = (pcilib_register_description_t*)realloc(ctx->model_info.registers, size * sizeof(pcilib_register_description_t));
- if (!regs) return PCILIB_ERROR_MEMORY;
- ctx->model_info.registers = regs;
- ctx->alloc_reg = size;
- }
- ctx->num_reg += n;
- }
- memcpy(ctx->model_info.registers + ctx->num_reg, ctx->model_info.registers + n_present, sizeof(pcilib_register_description_t));
- memcpy(ctx->model_info.registers + n_present, registers, n * sizeof(pcilib_register_description_t));
- return 0;
-pcilib_register_bank_t pcilib_find_bank_by_addr(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_register_bank_addr_t bank) {
- pcilib_register_bank_t i;
- pcilib_model_description_t *model_info = pcilib_get_model_description(ctx);
- pcilib_register_bank_description_t *banks = model_info->banks;
- for (i = 0; banks[i].access; i++)
- if (banks[i].addr == bank) return i;
- return -1;
-pcilib_register_bank_t pcilib_find_bank_by_name(pcilib_t *ctx, const char *bankname) {
- pcilib_register_bank_t i;
- pcilib_model_description_t *model_info = pcilib_get_model_description(ctx);
- pcilib_register_bank_description_t *banks = model_info->banks;
- for (i = 0; banks[i].access; i++)
- if (!strcasecmp(banks[i].name, bankname)) return i;
- return -1;
-pcilib_register_bank_t pcilib_find_bank(pcilib_t *ctx, const char *bank) {
- pcilib_register_bank_t res;
- unsigned long addr;
- if (!bank) {
- pcilib_model_description_t *model_info = pcilib_get_model_description(ctx);
- pcilib_register_bank_description_t *banks = model_info->banks;
- if ((banks)&&(banks[0].access)) return (pcilib_register_bank_t)0;
- return -1;
- }
- if (pcilib_isxnumber(bank)&&(sscanf(bank,"%lx", &addr) == 1)) {
- res = pcilib_find_bank_by_addr(ctx, addr);
- if (res != PCILIB_REGISTER_BANK_INVALID) return res;
- }
- return pcilib_find_bank_by_name(ctx, bank);
- // FIXME create hash during map_register space
-pcilib_register_t pcilib_find_register(pcilib_t *ctx, const char *bank, const char *reg) {
- pcilib_register_t i;
- pcilib_register_bank_t bank_id;
- pcilib_register_bank_addr_t bank_addr = 0;
- pcilib_model_description_t *model_info = pcilib_get_model_description(ctx);
- pcilib_register_description_t *registers = model_info->registers;
- if (bank) {
- bank_id = pcilib_find_bank(ctx, bank);
- pcilib_error("Invalid bank (%s) is specified", bank);
- return -1;
- }
- bank_addr = model_info->banks[bank_id].addr;
- }
- for (i = 0; registers[i].bits; i++) {
- if ((!strcasecmp(registers[i].name, reg))&&((!bank)||(registers[i].bank == bank_addr))) return i;
- }
- if ((ctx->model_info.dma_api)&&(!ctx->dma_ctx)&&(pcilib_get_dma_info(ctx))) {
- registers = model_info->registers;
- for (; registers[i].bits; i++) {
- if ((!strcasecmp(registers[i].name, reg))&&((!bank)||(registers[i].bank == bank_addr))) return i;
- }
- }
- return (pcilib_register_t)-1;
-static int pcilib_read_register_space_internal(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_register_bank_t bank, pcilib_register_addr_t addr, size_t n, pcilib_register_size_t offset, pcilib_register_size_t bits, pcilib_register_value_t *buf) {
- int err;
- size_t i;
- pcilib_model_description_t *model_info = pcilib_get_model_description(ctx);
- pcilib_register_bank_description_t *b = model_info->banks + bank;
- int access = b->access / 8;
- assert(bits < 8 * sizeof(pcilib_register_value_t));
- if (((addr + n) > b->size)||(((addr + n) == b->size)&&(bits))) {
- if ((b->format)&&(strchr(b->format, 'x')))
- pcilib_error("Accessing register (%u regs at addr 0x%x) out of register space (%u registers total)", bits?(n+1):n, addr, b->size);
- else
- pcilib_error("Accessing register (%u regs at addr %u) out of register space (%u registers total)", bits?(n+1):n, addr, b->size);
- }
- err = pcilib_map_register_space(ctx);
- if (err) {
- pcilib_error("Failed to map the register space");
- return err;
- }
- //n += bits / b->access;
- //bits %= b->access;
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- err = pcilib_protocol[b->protocol].read(ctx, b, addr + i * access, buf + i);
- if (err) break;
- }
- if ((bits > 0)&&(!err)) {
- pcilib_register_value_t val = 0;
- err = pcilib_protocol[b->protocol].read(ctx, b, addr + n * access, &val);
- val = (val >> offset)&BIT_MASK(bits);
- memcpy(buf + n, &val, sizeof(pcilib_register_value_t));
- }
- return err;
-int pcilib_read_register_space(pcilib_t *ctx, const char *bank, pcilib_register_addr_t addr, size_t n, pcilib_register_value_t *buf) {
- pcilib_register_bank_t bank_id = pcilib_find_bank(ctx, bank);
- if (bank) pcilib_error("Invalid register bank is specified (%s)", bank);
- else pcilib_error("Register bank should be specified");
- }
- return pcilib_read_register_space_internal(ctx, bank_id, addr, n, 0, 0, buf);
-int pcilib_read_register_by_id(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_register_t reg, pcilib_register_value_t *value) {
- int err;
- size_t i, n;
- pcilib_register_size_t bits;
- pcilib_register_value_t res;
- pcilib_register_bank_t bank;
- pcilib_register_description_t *r;
- pcilib_register_bank_description_t *b;
- pcilib_model_description_t *model_info = pcilib_get_model_description(ctx);
- r = model_info->registers + reg;
- bank = pcilib_find_bank_by_addr(ctx, r->bank);
- b = model_info->banks + bank;
- n = r->bits / b->access;
- bits = r->bits % b->access;
- pcilib_register_value_t buf[n + 1];
- err = pcilib_read_register_space_internal(ctx, bank, r->addr, n, r->offset, bits, buf);
- if ((b->endianess == PCILIB_BIG_ENDIAN)||((b->endianess == PCILIB_HOST_ENDIAN)&&(ntohs(1) == 1))) {
- pcilib_error("Big-endian byte order support is not implemented");
- } else {
- res = 0;
- if (bits) ++n;
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- res |= buf[i] << (i * b->access);
- }
- }
- *value = res;
- return err;
-int pcilib_read_register(pcilib_t *ctx, const char *bank, const char *regname, pcilib_register_value_t *value) {
- int reg;
- reg = pcilib_find_register(ctx, bank, regname);
- if (reg < 0) {
- pcilib_error("Register (%s) is not found", regname);
- }
- return pcilib_read_register_by_id(ctx, reg, value);
-static int pcilib_write_register_space_internal(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_register_bank_t bank, pcilib_register_addr_t addr, size_t n, pcilib_register_size_t offset, pcilib_register_size_t bits, pcilib_register_value_t rwmask, pcilib_register_value_t *buf) {
- int err;
- size_t i;
- pcilib_model_description_t *model_info = pcilib_get_model_description(ctx);
- pcilib_register_bank_description_t *b = model_info->banks + bank;
- int access = b->access / 8;
- assert(bits < 8 * sizeof(pcilib_register_value_t));
- if (((addr + n) > b->size)||(((addr + n) == b->size)&&(bits))) {
- if ((b->format)&&(strchr(b->format, 'x')))
- pcilib_error("Accessing register (%u regs at addr 0x%x) out of register space (%u registers total)", bits?(n+1):n, addr, b->size);
- else
- pcilib_error("Accessing register (%u regs at addr %u) out of register space (%u registers total)", bits?(n+1):n, addr, b->size);
- }
- err = pcilib_map_register_space(ctx);
- if (err) {
- pcilib_error("Failed to map the register space");
- return err;
- }
- //n += bits / b->access;
- //bits %= b->access;
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- err = pcilib_protocol[b->protocol].write(ctx, b, addr + i * access, buf[i]);
- if (err) break;
- }
- if ((bits > 0)&&(!err)) {
- pcilib_register_value_t val = (buf[n]&BIT_MASK(bits))<<offset;
- pcilib_register_value_t mask = BIT_MASK(bits)<<offset;
- if (~mask&rwmask) {
- pcilib_register_value_t rval;
- err = pcilib_protocol[b->protocol].read(ctx, b, addr + n * access, &rval);
- if (err) return err;
- val |= (rval & rwmask & ~mask);
- }
- err = pcilib_protocol[b->protocol].write(ctx, b, addr + n * access, val);
- }
- return err;
-int pcilib_write_register_space(pcilib_t *ctx, const char *bank, pcilib_register_addr_t addr, size_t n, pcilib_register_value_t *buf) {
- pcilib_register_bank_t bank_id = pcilib_find_bank(ctx, bank);
- if (bank) pcilib_error("Invalid register bank is specified (%s)", bank);
- else pcilib_error("Register bank should be specified");
- }
- return pcilib_write_register_space_internal(ctx, bank_id, addr, n, 0, 0, 0, buf);
-int pcilib_write_register_by_id(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_register_t reg, pcilib_register_value_t value) {
- int err;
- size_t i, n;
- pcilib_register_size_t bits;
- pcilib_register_bank_t bank;
- pcilib_register_value_t res;
- pcilib_register_description_t *r;
- pcilib_register_bank_description_t *b;
- pcilib_model_description_t *model_info = pcilib_get_model_description(ctx);
- r = model_info->registers + reg;
- bank = pcilib_find_bank_by_addr(ctx, r->bank);
- b = model_info->banks + bank;
- n = r->bits / b->access;
- bits = r->bits % b->access;
- pcilib_register_value_t buf[n + 1];
- memset(buf, 0, (n + 1) * sizeof(pcilib_register_value_t));
- if ((b->endianess == PCILIB_BIG_ENDIAN)||((b->endianess == PCILIB_HOST_ENDIAN)&&(ntohs(1) == 1))) {
- pcilib_error("Big-endian byte order support is not implemented");
- } else {
- if (b->access == sizeof(pcilib_register_value_t) * 8) {
- buf[0] = value;
- } else {
- for (i = 0, res = value; (res > 0)&&(i <= n); ++i) {
- buf[i] = res & BIT_MASK(b->access);
- res >>= b->access;
- }
- if (res) {
- pcilib_error("Value %i is too big to fit in the register %s", value, r->name);
- }
- }
- }
- err = pcilib_write_register_space_internal(ctx, bank, r->addr, n, r->offset, bits, r->rwmask, buf);
- return err;
-int pcilib_write_register(pcilib_t *ctx, const char *bank, const char *regname, pcilib_register_value_t value) {
- int reg;
- reg = pcilib_find_register(ctx, bank, regname);
- if (reg < 0) {
- pcilib_error("Register (%s) is not found", regname);
- }
- return pcilib_write_register_by_id(ctx, reg, value);
diff --git a/register.h b/register.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b81ae12..0000000
--- a/register.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-#include "pcilib.h"
-struct pcilib_protocol_description_s {
- int (*read)(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_register_bank_description_t *bank, pcilib_register_addr_t addr, pcilib_register_value_t *value);
- int (*write)(pcilib_t *ctx, pcilib_register_bank_description_t *bank, pcilib_register_addr_t addr, pcilib_register_value_t value);
- // we don't copy strings, they should be statically allocated
-int pcilib_add_registers(pcilib_t *ctx, size_t n, pcilib_register_description_t *registers);
-#endif /* _PCILIB_REGISTER_H */
diff --git a/tests/ipecamera/ b/tests/
index 5f8b4db..b7318c8 100755
--- a/tests/ipecamera/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
#! /bin/bash
function pci {
- PCILIB_PATH="../../"
+ PCILIB_PATH=`which pci`
+ $PCILIB_PATH/pci $*
echo "Starting the grabber"
diff --git a/tests/ipecamera/debug/ b/tests/debug/
index 5c80198..090e638 100755
--- a/tests/ipecamera/debug/
+++ b/tests/debug/
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
#! /bin/bash
function pci {
- PCILIB_PATH="/root/pcitool"
+ PCILIB_PATH=`which pci`
+ $PCILIB_PATH/pci $*
rm -f images.raw
diff --git a/tests/dma/debug/ b/tests/dma/debug/
deleted file mode 100755
index 74e3ece..0000000
--- a/tests/dma/debug/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-while [ 1 ]; do
- pci --start-dma dma1r
- for name in /sys/class/fpga/fpga0/kbuf*; do
- bus_addr=0x`cat $name | grep "bus addr" | cut -d ':' -f 2 | sed -e 's/\s\+//g'`
- if [ $((bus_addr % 4096)) -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "Failed at iteration $i, $name"
- echo "----------------------"
- cat $name
- exit
- fi
- done
- pci --stop-dma dma1r
- i=$((i + 1))
diff --git a/tests/dma/ipe/ b/tests/dma/ipe/
deleted file mode 100755
index aa7ec25..0000000
--- a/tests/dma/ipe/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-function pci {
- PCILIB_PATH=`pwd`/../../..
-rm -f bench.out
-echo "Stopping DMA and skipping exiting data..."
-pci --stop-dma dma0r
-echo "Starting DMA..."
-pci --start-dma dma0r
-echo "Enabling data generation..."
-pci -w 0x4 0x1
-# Clean DMA buffers
-#while [ $? -eq 0 ]; do
-# pci -r dma0 -s 65536 &> /dev/null
-echo "Reading the data from DMA..."
-for i in `seq 1 100`; do
- pci -r dma0 --multipacket -s $size -o bench.out
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "Stopping DMA due to the error..."
- pci --stop-dma dma0r
- exit
- fi
-echo "Stopping DMA..."
-pci --stop-dma dma0r
-../../../apps/check_counter bench.out
-#pci -r 0 -s 32
diff --git a/tests/dma/nwl/ b/tests/dma/nwl/
deleted file mode 100755
index b36c251..0000000
--- a/tests/dma/nwl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-function pci {
- PCILIB_PATH="/root/pcitool"
-bytes=`expr $size "*" 4`
-pci -w xrawdata_packet_length $bytes
-pci -w xrawdata_enable_loopback 0
-pci -w xrawdata_enable_generator 0
-pci --start-dma dma1
-while [ $? -eq 0 ]; do
- pci -r dma1 -s 65536 &> /dev/null
-pci -w xrawdata_enable_loopback 1
-for i in `seq 1 10`; do
- pci -w dma1 -s $size "*$i"
- pci -r dma1 -s $size -o bench.out
-pci --stop-dma dma1
-pci -w xrawdata_enable_loopback 0
diff --git a/tests/dma/nwl/ b/tests/dma/nwl/
deleted file mode 100755
index 5ef568e..0000000
--- a/tests/dma/nwl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-function pci {
- PCILIB_PATH="/root/pcitool"
-pci --start-dma dma1r
-pci -w dma1r_reset_request 1
-pci -w dma1r_reset 1
-pci -r dma1r_running
-pci --free-kernel-memory dma
diff --git a/tests/dma/xilinx/ b/tests/dma/xilinx/
deleted file mode 100755
index 6aada8b..0000000
--- a/tests/dma/xilinx/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-function pci {
- PCILIB_PATH=`pwd`/..
-function reset {
- pci -b $BAR -w 0 1
- usleep 1000
- pci -b $BAR -w 0 0
- pci -b $BAR -w 4 0
-function read_cfg {
-# echo $1 1>&2
- pci -a config -r 0x$1 | awk '{ print $2; }'
-function parse_config {
- info=0x`pci -b $BAR -r 0 | awk '{ print $2; }'`
- model=`printf "%X" $((info>>24))`
- if [ $model -eq 14 ]; then
- model="Xilinx Virtex-6"
- else
- model="Xilinx $model"
- fi
- version=$(((info >> 8) & 0xFF))
- data_width=$((16 * (2 ** ((info >> 16) & 0xF))))
- echo "$model, build $version, $data_width bits"
- next=`read_cfg 34 | cut -c 7-8`
- while [ $next -ne 0 ]; do
- cap=`read_cfg $next`
- capid=`echo $cap | cut -c 7-8`
- if [ $capid -eq 10 ]; then
- addr=`printf "%X" $((0x$next + 12))`
- pcie_link1=`read_cfg $addr`
- addr=`printf "%X" $((0x$next + 16))`
- pcie_link2=`read_cfg $addr`
- link_speed=$((((0x$pcie_link2 & 0xF0000) >> 16)))
- link_width=$((((0x$pcie_link2 & 0x3F00000) >> 20)))
- dev_link_speed=$((((0x$pcie_link1 & 0xF))))
- dev_link_width=$((((0x$pcie_link1 & 0x3F0) >> 4)))
- fi
- next=`echo $cap | cut -c 5-6`
- done
- echo "Link: PCIe gen$link_speed x$link_width"
- if [ $link_speed -ne $dev_link_speed -o $link_width -ne $dev_link_width ]; then
- echo " * But device capable of gen$dev_link_speed x$dev_link_width"
- fi
- info=0x`read_cfg 40`
- max_tlp=$((2 ** (5 + ((info & 0xE0) >> 5))))
- echo "TLP: 32 dwords (transfering 32 TLP per request)"
- if [ $max_tlp -ne 32 ]; then
- echo " * But device is able to transfer TLP up to $max_tlp bytes"
- fi
- # 2500 MT/s, but PCIe gen1 and gen2 uses 10 bit encoding
- speed=$((link_width * link_speed * 2500 / 10))
-pci --enable-irq
-pci --acknowledge-irq
-pci --free-kernel-memory $USE
-pci --alloc-kernel-memory $USE --type c2s -s $BUFFERS
-bus=`pci --list-kernel-memory 00100001 | awk '{ print $4; }' | grep 00`
-#ptr=`pci --list-kernel-memory 00100001 | awk '{ print $2; }' | grep 00`
-# TLP size
-pci -b $BAR -w 0x0C 0x20
-# TLP count
-pci -b $BAR -w 0x10 0x20
-# Data
-pci -b $BAR -w 0x14 0x13131313
-for i in `seq 1 $ITERATIONS`; do
- for addr in $bus; do
- pci -b $BAR -w 0x08 0x$addr
- pci -b $BAR -w 0x04 0x01
- pci --wait-irq
-# pci -b $BAR -w 0x04 0x00
- status=`pci -b $BAR -r 0x04 | awk '{print $2; }' | cut -c 5-8`
- if [ $status != "0101" ]; then
- echo "Read failed, invalid status: $status"
- fi
- dmaperf=$((dmaperf + 0x`pci -b $BAR -r 0x28 | awk '{print $2}'`))
- reset
- done
-pci --free-kernel-memory $USE
-pci --disable-irq
-# Don't ask me about this formula
-echo "Performance reported by FPGA: $((4096 * BUFFERS * ITERATIONS * $speed / $dmaperf / 8)) MB/s"
-#pci -b $BAR -r 0 -s 32
diff --git a/tests/dma/xilinx/ b/tests/dma/xilinx/
deleted file mode 100755
index e3ba0f5..0000000
--- a/tests/dma/xilinx/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-function pci {
- PCILIB_PATH=`pwd`/..
-function reset {
- pci -b $BAR -w 0 1
- usleep 1000
- pci -b $BAR -w 0 0
- pci -b $BAR -w 4 0
-function read_cfg {
-# echo $1 1>&2
- pci -a config -r 0x$1 | awk '{ print $2; }'
-function parse_config {
- info=0x`pci -b $BAR -r 0 | awk '{ print $2; }'`
- model=`printf "%X" $((info>>24))`
- if [ $model -eq 14 ]; then
- model="Xilinx Virtex-6"
- else
- model="Xilinx $model"
- fi
- version=$(((info >> 8) & 0xFF))
- data_width=$((16 * (2 ** ((info >> 16) & 0xF))))
- echo "$model, build $version, $data_width bits"
- next=`read_cfg 34 | cut -c 7-8`
- while [ $next -ne 0 ]; do
- cap=`read_cfg $next`
- capid=`echo $cap | cut -c 7-8`
- if [ $capid -eq 10 ]; then
- addr=`printf "%X" $((0x$next + 12))`
- pcie_link1=`read_cfg $addr`
- addr=`printf "%X" $((0x$next + 16))`
- pcie_link2=`read_cfg $addr`
- link_speed=$((((0x$pcie_link2 & 0xF0000) >> 16)))
- link_width=$((((0x$pcie_link2 & 0x3F00000) >> 20)))
- dev_link_speed=$((((0x$pcie_link1 & 0xF))))
- dev_link_width=$((((0x$pcie_link1 & 0x3F0) >> 4)))
- fi
- next=`echo $cap | cut -c 5-6`
- done
- echo "Link: PCIe gen$link_speed x$link_width"
- if [ $link_speed -ne $dev_link_speed -o $link_width -ne $dev_link_width ]; then
- echo " * But device capable of gen$dev_link_speed x$dev_link_width"
- fi
- info=0x`read_cfg 40`
- max_tlp=$((2 ** (5 + ((info & 0xE0) >> 5))))
- echo "TLP: 32 dwords (transfering 32 TLP per request)"
- if [ $max_tlp -ne $TLP_SIZE ]; then
- echo " * But device is able to transfer TLP up to $max_tlp bytes"
- fi
- # 2500 MT/s, but PCIe gen1 and gen2 uses 10 bit encoding
- speed=$((link_width * link_speed * 2500 / 10))
-pci --enable-irq
-pci --acknowledge-irq
-# TLP size
-pci -b $BAR -w 0x0C 0x`echo "obase=16; $TLP_SIZE" | bc`
-# TLP count
-pci -b $BAR -w 0x10 0x`echo "obase=16; $BUFFER_SIZE * 1024 * 1024 / $TLP_SIZE / 4" | bc`
-# Data
-pci -b $BAR -w 0x14 0x13131313
-for i in `seq 1 $ITERATIONS`; do
- for addr in $bus; do
- pci -b $BAR -w 0x08 0x$addr
- pci -b $BAR -w 0x04 0x01
- pci --wait-irq
- status=`pci -b $BAR -r 0x04 | awk '{print $2; }' | cut -c 5-8`
- if [ $status != "0101" ]; then
- echo "Read failed, invalid status: $status"
- fi
- dmaperf=$((dmaperf + 0x`pci -b $BAR -r 0x28 | awk '{print $2}'`))
- reset
- done
-pci --free-kernel-memory $USE
-pci --disable-irq
-# Don't ask me about this formula
-echo "Performance reported by FPGA: $(($BUFFER_SIZE * 1024 * 1024 * ITERATIONS * $speed / $dmaperf / 8)) MB/s"
-#pci -b $BAR -r 0 -s 32
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
deleted file mode 100755
index 6773a19..0000000
--- a/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-hexdump -e ' "0x%08.8_ax: " 4/4 " 0x%08x " "\n" ' $1 | less
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
deleted file mode 100755
index daf142e..0000000
--- a/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-function pci {
- PCILIB_PATH="/root/pcitool"
-rm -f images.raw
-echo "Starting the grabber"
-pci -g -o images.raw --run-time 3000000 &
-usleep 1000000
-for i in `seq 1 1000`; do
- echo "Trigger $i"
- pci --trigger
- usleep 100000
-echo "Waiting grabber to finish"
-wait $pid
diff --git a/tests/heb/ b/tests/heb/
deleted file mode 100755
index b6046d7..0000000
--- a/tests/heb/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-#Channel 1 --> 05
-#Channel 2 --> 0B
-#Channel 1&2 --> 0F
-#Channel 3 --> 13
-#Channel 4 --> 23
-#Channel 3&4 --> 33
-#ALL --> 3F
-#rm *.out
-pci -r dma1 --multipacket -o /dev/null
-echo "Start DMA ..... "
-#pci --start-dma dma1
-sleep 0.2
-echo "Data Reset ... "
-pci -w 0x9040 000003f1
-sleep 0.1
-pci -w 0x9040 000003f0
-sleep 0.1
-#echo "Pilot bunch emulator ..... "
-#pci -w 0x9040 400003f0
-sleep 0.2
-pci -w 0x9040 03f0
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 40
-#sleep 0.2
-echo "Start data pci. ..... "
-pci -w 0x9040 00bf0
-sleep 2
-echo "Stop data acquis...... "
-pci -w 0x9040 003f0
-pci -r 0x9000 -s 40
-sleep 0.1
-echo "Enable data transfer.... "
-pci -w 0x9040 007f0
-sleep 2
-pci -r dma1 -o run_num_$1.out --multipacket
-sleep 2
-pci -w 0x9040 003f0
-#echo "Status ... "
-pci -r 0x9000 -s 40
- status=`pci -r 0x9050 -s 1 | awk '{print $2$3$4}'`
- if [ "$status" != "85000021" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! ... "
- error=1
- exit
- else
- echo " Status 1 -> OK "
- fi
- status=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 1 | awk '{print $2$3$4}'`
- if [ "$status" != "01000021" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! ... "
- error=1
- exit
- else
- echo " Status 1 Readout -> OK "
- fi
-status=`pci -r 0x9008 -s 1 | awk '{print $2$3$4}'`
- if [ "$status" != "01000021" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! ... "
- error=1
- exit
- else
- echo " Status 2 Readout -> OK "
- fi
-status=`pci -r 0x9010 -s 1 | awk '{print $2$3$4}'`
- if [ "$status" != "01000021" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! ... "
- error=1
- exit
- else
- echo " Status 3 Readout -> OK "
- fi
-status=`pci -r 0x9018 -s 1 | awk '{print $2$3$4}'`
- if [ "$status" != "01000021" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! ... "
- error=1
- exit
- else
- echo " Status 4 Readout -> OK "
- fi
diff --git a/tests/heb/cfg/ b/tests/heb/cfg/
deleted file mode 100755
index 351bcb8..0000000
--- a/tests/heb/cfg/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-echo " ************************************************************** "
-echo " Board OFF"
-echo " ************************************************************** "
-pci -w 0x9040 0x01
-sleep 0.5
-pci --stop-dma dma1
diff --git a/tests/heb/cfg/ b/tests/heb/cfg/
deleted file mode 100755
index b14c73b..0000000
--- a/tests/heb/cfg/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-echo " ************************************************************** "
-echo " Start DMA"
-echo " ************************************************************** "
-pci --start-dma dma1
-sleep 0.5
-pci --list-dma-engines
-echo " ************************************************************** "
-echo " Board ON procedure"
-echo " ************************************************************** "
-pci -w 0x9040 0x01
-sleep 1
-echo "switch ON the power supply --> FIRST <--"
-echo "Press a key to continue ...."
-read -n 1 -s
-echo "Switch ON T/Hs"
-pci -w 0x9040 0x3C1
-pci -r 0x9040 -s1
-echo "switch ON the power supply --> SECOND <--"
-echo "Press a key to continue ...."
-read -n 1 -s
-echo "Switch ON ADCs"
-pci -w 0x9040 0x3F1
-pci -r 0x9040 -s1
-sleep 0.1
-pci -w 0x9040 0x3F0
-pci -r 0x9040 -s1
-sleep 1
-echo " Status ................... "
-pci -r 0x9000 -s 40
-echo " Status ................... "
-pci -r 0x9000 -s 40
-echo " ************************************************************** "
-echo " Board Ready"
-echo " ************************************************************** "
-echo " --> remember to run: ./"
diff --git a/tests/heb/cfg/README b/tests/heb/cfg/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 125bc0d..0000000
--- a/tests/heb/cfg/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
- - Initializing
- ./
- ./
- - Configuring the size
- pci -w 9020 0x20 (linear scale)
- * Number of samples are determined by 0x9020 / 0x9028 (0x0e by default)
- * For each sample is descibed by (184 / 2) * 128 bits
- * Where most-significant bytes of 4 dwords (128 bit) are iterating
- from 0x00 to 0xb8 with step 0x02
diff --git a/tests/heb/cfg/ b/tests/heb/cfg/
deleted file mode 100755
index bd8f980..0000000
--- a/tests/heb/cfg/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-echo "Set CH_4 clock ADC 1 delay... "
- hex_val=$(printf "%01x\n" $1)
- echo "Set $hex_val --> Time value picosecond = `expr $1 "*" 150`."
- pci -w 0x9060 $upfix$hex_val$fixed
diff --git a/tests/heb/cfg/ b/tests/heb/cfg/
deleted file mode 100755
index d6cdf75..0000000
--- a/tests/heb/cfg/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-echo "Set CH_5 clock ADC 2 delay... "
- hex_val=$(printf "%01x\n" $1)
- echo "Set $hex_val --> Time value picosecond = `expr $1 "*" 150`."
- pci -w 0x9060 $upfix$hex_val$fixed
diff --git a/tests/heb/cfg/ b/tests/heb/cfg/
deleted file mode 100755
index 567b977..0000000
--- a/tests/heb/cfg/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-echo "Set CH_6 clock ADC 3 delay... "
- hex_val=$(printf "%01x\n" $1)
- echo "Set $hex_val --> Time value picosecond = `expr $1 "*" 150`."
- pci -w 0x9060 $upfix$hex_val$fixed
diff --git a/tests/heb/cfg/ b/tests/heb/cfg/
deleted file mode 100755
index d666595..0000000
--- a/tests/heb/cfg/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-echo "Set CH_7 clock ADC 4 delay... "
- hex_val=$(printf "%01x\n" $1)
- echo "Set $hex_val --> Time value picosecond = `expr $1 "*" 150`."
- pci -w 0x9060 $upfix$hex_val$fixed
diff --git a/tests/heb/cfg/ b/tests/heb/cfg/
deleted file mode 100755
index 0149bf0..0000000
--- a/tests/heb/cfg/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-echo "Set Defaults delay value in the board... "
-./ 0
-sleep 0.1
- ./ 16 16 16 16
-sleep 0.1
-./ 12
-sleep 0.1
-./ 5
-sleep 0.1
-./ 5
-sleep 0.1
-./ 5
-sleep 0.1
-./ 5
-#pci -w 0x9020 200b20
-pci -w 0x9020 20
-pci -w 0x9028 e
-echo " DONE ................ "
diff --git a/tests/heb/cfg/ b/tests/heb/cfg/
deleted file mode 100755
index 3d15cad..0000000
--- a/tests/heb/cfg/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
- zero=0
- hex_val1=$(printf "%02x\n" $1)
- hex_val2=$(printf "%02x\n" $2)
- hex_val3=$(printf "%02x\n" $3)
- hex_val4=$(printf "%02x\n" $4)
- pci -w 0x9080 $zero$hex_val4$hex_val3$hex_val2$hex_val1
- pci -r 0x9080 -s 1
- sleep 0.5
diff --git a/tests/heb/cfg/ b/tests/heb/cfg/
deleted file mode 100755
index f4d0f46..0000000
--- a/tests/heb/cfg/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-echo "Set delay on T/Hs signals... "
- hex_val=$(printf "%01x\n" $1)
- echo "Set $hex_val --> Time picosecond = `expr $1 "*" 150`."
- pci -w 0x9060 $upfix$hex_val$fixed
diff --git a/tests/heb/cfg/ b/tests/heb/cfg/
deleted file mode 100755
index 9a6e58f..0000000
--- a/tests/heb/cfg/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-echo "Set delay on T/Hs signals... "
- hex_val=$(printf "%01x\n" $1)
- echo "Set $hex_val --> Time picosecond = `expr $1 "*" 150`."
- pci -w 0x9060 $upfix$hex_val$fixed
diff --git a/tests/heb/debug/ b/tests/heb/debug/
deleted file mode 100755
index 2db21d4..0000000
--- a/tests/heb/debug/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-SCRIPT_PATH="`dirname \"$0\"`"
-SCRIPT_PATH="`( cd \"$TESTS_PATH\" && pwd )`"
-function pci {
-function strip_bad_values {
- LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$PCILIB_PATH" $PCILIB_PATH/apps/heb_strip_bad_values $*
-function request_data {
- $PCILIB_PATH/tests/heb/debug/ $*
-while [ 1 ]; do
- from=`pci --list-dma-engines | grep C2S | sed -s 's/\s\+/ /g' | cut -d ' ' -f 6`
- to=`pci --list-dma-engines | grep C2S | sed -s 's/\s\+/ /g' | cut -d ' ' -f 8`
- if [ $from -gt $to ]; then
- buffers="`seq $from 255` `seq 0 $to`"
- else
- buffers=`seq $from $to`
- fi
- echo $buffers
- rm data.out
- for i in $buffers; do
- pci --read-dma-buffer dma1r:$i -o data.out
- done
- error=`strip_bad_values data.out | head -n 1 | cut -f 1 -d ':'`
- if [ $error != "0x1140" ]; then
- echo "Problems found"
- exit
- else
- echo "Fine"
- request_data
- fi
diff --git a/tests/heb/debug/ b/tests/heb/debug/
deleted file mode 100755
index b751f5d..0000000
--- a/tests/heb/debug/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-pci -r dma1 --multipacket -o /dev/null
-#echo "Data Reset ... "
-pci -w 0x9040 000003f1
-sleep 0.1
-pci -w 0x9040 000003f0
-sleep 0.1
-#echo "Pilot bunch emulator ..... "
-#pci -w 0x9040 400003f0
-sleep 0.2
-pci -w 0x9040 03f0
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 40
-#sleep 0.2
-#echo "Start data pci. ..... "
-pci -w 0x9040 00bf0
-sleep 2
-#echo "Stop data acquis...... "
-pci -w 0x9040 003f0
-pci -r 0x9000 -s 40
-sleep 0.1
-#echo "Enable data transfer.... "
-pci -w 0x9040 007f0
diff --git a/tests/ipecamera/ b/tests/ipecamera/
deleted file mode 100755
index 09edae9..0000000
--- a/tests/ipecamera/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-function pci {
- PCILIB_PATH="/root/pcitool"
-bytes=`expr $size "*" 4`
-rm -f bench.out
-pci --stop-dma dma1
-pci --reset
-#pci -w xrawdata_packet_length $bytes
-pci --start-dma dma1
-pci -w control 0x1e5
-sleep 1
-pci -w control 0x1e1
-sleep 1
-pci -w control 0x3e1
-for i in `seq 1 10`; do
-# pci -w control 0x1e1
- pci -w dma1 -s $size "*$i"
-# pci -w control 0x3e1
- usleep 100000
- pci -r dma1 -s $size -o bench.out
-pci -w control 0x1e1
-pci --stop-dma dma1
diff --git a/tests/ipecamera/cfg/ b/tests/ipecamera/cfg/
deleted file mode 100755
index f4afa06..0000000
--- a/tests/ipecamera/cfg/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,326 +0,0 @@
-###################### by Michele Caselle and Uros Stafanovic ##################################################
-############ Resent procedure and camera initialization for 10 -bit mode ######################################
-echo " Reset Readout and CMOSIS "
-pci -w 0x9040 80000204
-sleep .1
-#echo " Release Reset for Readout"
-#pci -w 0x9040 800001e0
-sleep .1
-##################### PLL SET #####################################
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error=1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-echo " Start CMOSIS Configuration .."
-pci -w 0x9000 f301
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "bf301" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error=1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error=1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-# Michele 10 - 12 bit mode #
-# ###################################################################################################
-echo " 10 - bit mode, set Bit_mode "
-val=ef00 ######################################################
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error=1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-# Michele set ADC_resolution @ 12 bits
-echo " 10 bit mode, set ADC resolution 10 bits "
-val=f000 # qui for 10 - 11 - 12 bits ########################################################
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error=1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-# adc recommended 28=44
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val "
- error=1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-# ####################################################################################################
-################# CAMERA CONFIGURATION ############################################
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error=1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error=1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error=1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-# recommended is d840
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error=1
- # exit
-# sleep 0.01
-# recommended is db40
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error=1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-# val=de0
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error=1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-sleep 0.01
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error=1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-echo " End CMOSIS Configuration .."
-echo " Write exp time......"
-######################################### EXP TIME #######################################################
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error=1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-# val=ab2c
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error=1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-# val=acaa
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error=1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -w 0x9040 80000201
-sleep 0.01
-########################## WRITE THE READOUT NUMBER OF LINE #######################################################
-pci -w cmosis_number_lines 1088
-#pci -w number_lines 8
-sleep 0.01
-pci --start-dma dma1
-sleep 0.01
-#VRAMP 6c is 108
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error=1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-#VRAMP 6c is 108
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error=1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-###################################### NUMBER OF OUTPUT ############################################################
-##pci -w 0x9000 0xc803
-sleep 0.01
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error=1
- # exit
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -w 0x9000 0xd011
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -w 0x9000 0xd111
-sleep 0.01
-#SET the max number of frame in DDR
-pci -w 0x91a0 0x71
-#echo " Reset Readout and CMOSIS "
-pci -w 0x9040 0x80000204
-sleep .1
-echo " Release Reset for Readout"
-pci -w 0x9040 0x80000201
-sleep .1
-status=`pci -r 0x9050 -s 4 | awk '{print $2$3$4}'`
-if [ "$status" != "8449ffff0f0010013ffff111" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! in the camera status ... "
- echo " $status "
- error=1
- # exit
-#echo "--> $status"
-if [ "$error" = "1" ]; then
- echo " Error in the reset and initialization"
- echo " Camera READY ........................... OK"
-echo "DMA reset ... "
-pci --stop-dma dma1
-sleep 0.5
-pci --start-dma dma1
diff --git a/tests/ipecamera/cfg/ b/tests/ipecamera/cfg/
deleted file mode 100755
index 5a4e582..0000000
--- a/tests/ipecamera/cfg/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
-###################### by Michele Caselle and Uros Stafanovic ##################################################
-############ Resent procedure and camera initialization for 10 -bit mode ######################################
-echo " Reset Readout and CMOSIS "
-pci -w 0x9040 80000204
-sleep .1
-#echo " Release Reset for Readout"
-#pci -w 0x9040 800001e0
-sleep .1
-##################### PLL SET #####################################
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error=1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-echo " Start CMOSIS Configuration .."
-pci -w 0x9000 f301
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "bf301" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error=1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error=1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-# Michele 10 - 12 bit mode #
-# ###################################################################################################
-echo " 10 - bit mode, set Bit_mode "
-val=ef00 ######################################################
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error=1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-# Michele set ADC_resolution @ 12 bits
-echo " 10 bit mode, set ADC resolution 10 bits "
-val=f000 # qui for 10 - 11 - 12 bits ########################################################
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error=1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-# adc recommended 28=44
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val "
- error=1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-# ####################################################################################################
-################# CAMERA CONFIGURATION ############################################
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error=1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error=1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error=1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-# recommended is d840
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error=1
- # exit
-# sleep 0.01
-# recommended is db40
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error=1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-# val=de0
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error=1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-sleep 0.01
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error=1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-echo " End CMOSIS Configuration .."
-echo " Write exp time......"
-######################################### EXP TIME #######################################################
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error=1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-# val=ab2c
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error=1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-# val=acaa
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error=1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -w 0x9040 80000201
-sleep 0.01
-########################## WRITE THE READOUT NUMBER OF LINE #######################################################
-pci -w cmosis_number_lines 2047
-#pci -w number_lines 8
-sleep 0.01
-pci --start-dma dma1
-sleep 0.01
-#VRAMP 6c is 108
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error=1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-#VRAMP 6c is 108
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error=1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-###################################### NUMBER OF OUTPUT ############################################################
-##pci -w 0x9000 0xc803
-sleep 0.01
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error=1
- # exit
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -w 0x9000 0xd011
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -w 0x9000 0xd111
-sleep 0.01
-#SET the max number of frame in DDR
-pci -w 0x91a0 0x71
-#echo " Reset Readout and CMOSIS "
-pci -w 0x9040 0x80000204
-sleep .1
-echo " Release Reset for Readout"
-pci -w 0x9040 0x80000201
-sleep .1
-status=`pci -r 0x9050 -s 4 | awk '{print $2$3$4}'`
-if [ "$status" != "8449ffff0f0010013ffff111" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! in the camera status ... "
- error=1
- # exit
-#echo "--> $status"
-if [ "$error" = "1" ]; then
- echo " Error in the reset and initialization"
- echo " Camera READY ........................... OK"
-echo "DMA reset ... "
-pci --stop-dma dma1
-sleep 0.5
-pci --start-dma dma1
diff --git a/tests/ipecamera/cfg/ b/tests/ipecamera/cfg/
deleted file mode 100755
index 3c4af0e..0000000
--- a/tests/ipecamera/cfg/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,318 +0,0 @@
-###################### by Michele Caselle and Uros Stafanovic ##################################################
-############ Resent procedure and camera initialization for 12 -bit mode ######################################
-echo " Reset Readout and CMOSIS "
-pci -w 0x9040 1e4
-sleep .1
-echo " Release Reset for Readout"
-pci -w 0x9040 1e0
-sleep .1
-##################### PLL SET #####################################
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error =1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-echo " Start CMOSIS Configuration .."
-pci -w 0x9000 f301
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "bf301" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error =1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error =1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-# Michele 10 - 12 bit mode #
-# ###################################################################################################
-echo " 11 - bit mode, set Bit_mode "
-val=ef00 ######################################################
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error =1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-# Michele set ADC_resolution @ 12 bits
-echo " 11 bit mode, set ADC resolution 11 bits "
-val=f001 # qui for 10 - 11 - 12 bits ########################################################
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error =1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-# adc recommended 28=44
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val "
- error =1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-# ####################################################################################################
-################# CAMERA CONFIGURATION ############################################
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error =1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error =1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error =1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-# recommended is d840
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error =1
- # exit
-# sleep 0.01
-# recommended is db40
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error =1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-# val=de0
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error =1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-sleep 0.01
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error =1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-echo " End CMOSIS Configuration .."
-echo " Write exp time......"
-######################################### EXP TIME #######################################################
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error =1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-# val=ab2c
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error =1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-# val=acaa
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error =1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-pci -w 0x9040 201
-sleep 0.01
-########################## WRITE THE READOUT NUMBER OF LINE #######################################################
-pci -w cmosis_number_lines 1088
-#pci -w number_lines 8
-sleep 0.01
-pci --start-dma dma1
-sleep 0.01
-#VRAMP 6c is 108
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error =1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-#VRAMP 6c is 108
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error =1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -w 0x9000 0xc802
-##pci -w 0x9000 0xc803
-sleep 0.01
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error =1
- # exit
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-#SET the max number of frame in DDR
-pci -w 0x91a0 0x1C
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -w 0x9000 0xd011
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -w 0x9000 0xd111
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-status=`pci -r 0x9050 -s 4 | awk '{print $2$3$4}'`
-if [ "$status" != "8449ffff0f0010013ffff111" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! in the camera status ... "
- error =1
- # exit
-#echo "--> $status"
-if [ "$error" = "1" ]; then
- echo " Error in the resetand initialization"
- echo " Camera READY ........ OK"
-echo "DMA reset ... "
-pci --stop-dma dma1
-sleep 0.5
-pci --start-dma dma1
diff --git a/tests/ipecamera/cfg/ b/tests/ipecamera/cfg/
deleted file mode 100755
index b04f2cd..0000000
--- a/tests/ipecamera/cfg/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,323 +0,0 @@
-###################### by Michele Caselle and Uros Stafanovic ##################################################
-############ Resent procedure and camera initialization for 12 -bit mode ######################################
-echo " Reset Readout and CMOSIS "
-pci -w 0x9040 1e4
-sleep .1
-echo " Release Reset for Readout"
-pci -w 0x9040 1e0
-sleep .1
-##################### PLL SET #####################################
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error =1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-echo " Start CMOSIS Configuration .."
-pci -w 0x9000 f301
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "bf301" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error =1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error =1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-# Michele 10 - 12 bit mode #
-# ###################################################################################################
-echo " 12 - bit mode, set Bit_mode "
-val=ef00 ######################################################
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error =1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-# Michele set ADC_resolution @ 12 bits
-echo " 12 bit mode, set ADC resolution 12 bits "
-val=f002 # qui for 10 - 11 - 12 bits ########################################################
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error =1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-# adc recommended 28=44
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val "
- error =1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-# ####################################################################################################
-################# CAMERA CONFIGURATION ############################################
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error =1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error =1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error =1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-# recommended is d840
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error =1
- # exit
-# sleep 0.01
-# recommended is db40
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error =1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-# val=de0
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error =1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-sleep 0.01
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error =1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-echo " End CMOSIS Configuration .."
-echo " Write exp time......"
-######################################### EXP TIME #######################################################
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error =1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-# val=ab2c
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error =1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-# val=acaa
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error =1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-pci -w 0x9040 201
-sleep 0.01
-########################## WRITE THE READOUT NUMBER OF LINE #######################################################
-pci -w cmosis_number_lines 1088
-#pci -w number_lines 8
-sleep 0.01
-pci --start-dma dma1
-sleep 0.01
-#VRAMP 6c is 108
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error =1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-#VRAMP 6c is 108
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error =1
- # exit
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -w 0x9000 0xc802
-##pci -w 0x9000 0xc803
-sleep 0.01
-pci -w 0x9000 $val
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-value=`pci -r 0x9000 -s 8 | grep 9010 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4-8`
-if [ "$value" != "b$val" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! read value: ${value:1:4}, written value: $val"
- error =1
- # exit
-#pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-#SET the max number of frame in DDR
-pci -w 0x91a0 0x1C
-#pci -w 0x9000 0xd011
-sleep 0.01
-pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.01
-#pci -w 0x9000 0xd111
-sleep 0.01
-pci -r 0x9000 -s 10
-sleep 0.1
-status=`pci -r 0x9050 -s 4 | awk '{print $2$3$4}'`
-if [ "$status" != "844950280f0010013ffff111" ]; then
- echo "--------------------------------->>>> ERROR! in the camera status ... "
- echo $status
- error=1
- # exit
-#echo "--> $status"
-if [ "$error" = "1" ]; then
- echo " Error in the resetand initialization"
- echo " Camera READY ........ OK"
-echo "DMA reset ... "
-pci --stop-dma dma1
-sleep 0.5
-pci --start-dma dma1
diff --git a/tests/ipecamera/ b/tests/ipecamera/
deleted file mode 100755
index 679817b..0000000
--- a/tests/ipecamera/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-TESTS_PATH="`dirname \"$0\"`"
-TESTS_PATH="`( cd \"$TESTS_PATH\" && pwd )`"
-function pci {
-pci --stop-dma dma1
-#pci --reset
-echo "Set packet size 1024 .. "
-pci -w cmosis_number_lines 1088
-#pci -w xrawdata_packet_length 4096
-pci --start-dma dma1
-usleep 1000
-echo "Send frame request ... "
-pci -w control 1e9
-usleep 100000
-pci -w control 1e1
-usleep 100000
-echo "Enable Readout ... "
-pci -w control 3e1
-usleep 100000
-pci -r dma1 -o bench.out --multipacket
-pci -w control 1e1
-pci --stop-dma dma1
diff --git a/tests/ipecamera/ b/tests/ipecamera/
deleted file mode 100755
index bce89c3..0000000
--- a/tests/ipecamera/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-function pci {
- PCILIB_PATH="/root/pcitool"
-#pci --stop-dma dma1
-#pci --reset
-echo "Set packet size 1024 .. "
-pci -w cmosis_number_lines 1088
-#pci -w xrawdata_packet_length 4096
-pci --start-dma dma1
-usleep 1000
-echo "Send frame request ... "
-pci -w control 1e9
-usleep 100000
-pci -w control 1e1
-usleep 100000
-echo "Enable Readout 3... "
-pci -w control 3e1
-usleep 1000000
-pci -w control 1e1
diff --git a/tests/ipecamera/ b/tests/ipecamera/
deleted file mode 100755
index 0279ab4..0000000
--- a/tests/ipecamera/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-function pci {
- PCILIB_PATH="/root/pcitool"
-function enable_hw_trigger {
- usleep 100000
- pci -w control 0xa01
-rm -f images.raw
-enable_hw_trigger &
-echo "Starting the grabber"
-pci -g -o images.raw --run-time 60000000 --verbose 10 -o /dev/null
-wait $pid
diff --git a/tests/ipecamera/ b/tests/ipecamera/
deleted file mode 100755
index 33e99e1..0000000
--- a/tests/ipecamera/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-function pci {
- PCILIB_PATH="/root/pcitool"
-rm -f bench.out
-echo "Set FFFF the frame space .."
-pci -w 0x9180 fff
-echo "Set the number of frames .."
-pci -w reg9170 55
-pci --start-dma dma1
-echo "Send frame request ... "
-pci -w control 1f1
-usleep 100000
-pci -w control 1e1
-echo "Enable Readout ... "
-pci -w control 3e1
-pci -r dma1 -o bench.out --multipacket
-pci -w control 1e1
-pci --stop-dma dma1
diff --git a/tests/ipecamera/tests/ b/tests/ipecamera/tests/
deleted file mode 100755
index 1c033cc..0000000
--- a/tests/ipecamera/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-TESTS_PATH="`dirname \"$0\"`"
-TESTS_PATH="`( cd \"$TESTS_PATH\" && pwd )`"
-function pci {
-function compare {
- LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$PCILIB_PATH" $PCILIB_PATH/apps/compare_to_value $*
-#size=`expr 1024 "*" 1024`
-size=`expr 1024 "*" 1`
-/root/pcitool/tests/ipecamera/ &> /dev/null
-rm -f bench.out
-pci --stop-dma dma1
-pci --start-dma dma1
-pci -r dma1 -s 16777216 --multipacket -o /dev/null &> /dev/null
-pci -r dma1 -s 1024 -o /dev/null | grep -i "Error (62)" &> /dev/null
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "There is data on dma..."
- exit
-print_iters=`expr 2 + 1024 '*' 100 / $size`
-read_size=`expr $multiplier '*' $size`
-echo "Starting..."
-pci -w 0x9040 0x201
-while [ 1 ]; do
- if [ $wait -gt 0 ]; then
- pci -w 0x9040 0x1
- fi
- pci -w dma1 -s $size "*0x$i"
- rm -f /tmp/camera-test.out
- pci -r dma1 --wait --multipacket -s $read_size -o /tmp/camera-test.out -t 1000000 &> /dev/null
- if [ $wait -gt 0 ]; then
- wrdone=0
- while [ $wrdone -eq 0 ]; do
-# pci --list-dma-engines
- pci --list-dma-engines | grep "DMA1 S2C" | grep "SD" #&> /dev/null
- wrdone=$?
- done
- pci -w 0x9040 0x201
- fi
- res=`compare /tmp/camera-test.out $read_size "$i" 6 2 6`
- if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
- err_cnt=`echo $res | cut -f 1 -d ' '`
- if [ "$err_cnt" -ne 0 ]; then
- pci -r dma1 --wait --multipacket -o /tmp/camera-test.out -t 1000000 &> /dev/null
- cp /tmp/camera-test.out /tmp/camera-test.out.$err_num
- err_num=$(($err_num + 1))
- fi
- byte_cnt=`echo $res | cut -f 3 -d ' '`
- send=$(($send + $byte_cnt * 4))
- errors=$(($errors + $err_cnt * 4))
- else
- failed=$(($failed + 1))
- fi
- i=$((i + 1))
- if [ $i -eq $print_iters ]; then
- echo "Data send: $send bytes, Errors: $errors bytes, Failed exchanges: $failed"
-# pci -r 0x9070 -s 4
- i=1
- fi
diff --git a/tests/ipecamera/tests/ b/tests/ipecamera/tests/
deleted file mode 100755
index d355475..0000000
--- a/tests/ipecamera/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-TESTS_PATH="`dirname \"$0\"`"
-TESTS_PATH="`( cd \"$TESTS_PATH\" && pwd )`"
-function pci {
-function stop {
- usleep $duration
- pci -w control 0x201 &> /dev/null
-function reset {
- pci -r 0x9000 -s 256 > $1.status
- $TESTS_PATH/ipecamera/ &> $1.reset
-$TESTS_PATH/ipecamera/cfg/ &> /dev/null
-$TESTS_PATH/ipecamera/ &> /dev/null
-rm -f bench.out
-pci --stop-dma
-pci --start-dma dma1
-pci -r dma1 -s 16777216 --multipacket -o /dev/null &> /dev/null
-pci -r dma1 -s 1 | grep -i "Error (62)" &> /dev/null
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "There is data on dma..."
- exit
-echo "Starting ... "
-while [ 1 ]; do
- pci -w control 0xa01 &> /dev/null
- stop &
- output="$location/test$iter.out"
- rm -f $output
- pci -r dma1 -o $output --wait --multipacket -t $wait_frame &> /dev/null
- killall -9 usleep &> /dev/null
- usleep 100000
- pci -w control 0x201 &> /dev/null
- if [ -f $output ]; then
- result=`ipedec -d -v --continue $output 2>&1 | grep -iE "failed|decoded"`
- cur_failed=`echo $result | wc -l`
- cur_decoded=`echo $result | tail -n 1 | grep -i decoded`
- if [ $? -ne 0 -o $cur_failed -eq 0 ]; then
- ipedec -d -v --continue $output > $output.decode
- decode_failures=$(($decode_failures + 1))
- reset $output
- else
- cur_failed=$(($cur_failed - 1))
- cur_frames=`echo $cur_decoded | cut -f 2 -d ' '`
- failed=$(($failed + $cur_failed))
- frames=$(($frames + $cur_frames))
- fpga_status=`pci -r 0x9054 | awk '{print $2;}' | cut -c 2`
- cmosis_status=`pci -r 0x9050 | awk '{print $2;}' | cut -c 3-4`
- if [ "$fpga_status" != "f" ]; then
- fpga_failures=$(($fpga_failures + 1))
- reset $output
- elif [ "$cmosis_status" == "7d" ]; then
- cmosis_failures=$(($cmosis_failures + 1))
- reset $output
- elif [ $cur_frames -lt 10 ]; then
- frame_rate_failures=$(($frame_rate_failures + 1))
- reset $output
- elif [ $cur_failed -eq 0 ]; then
- rm -f $output
- else
- reset $output
- fi
- fi
- else
- failures=$(($failures + 1))
- reset $output
- fi
- echo "Frames: $frames, Failed Frames: $failed, Failed Exchanges: $failures, Failed Decodings: $decode_failures, FPGA Failures: $fpga_failures, CMOSIS Failures: $cmosis_failures, Low Frame Rate: $frame_rate_failures"
- iter=`expr $iter + 1`
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
deleted file mode 100755
index 3545321..0000000
--- a/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-echo "10ee 6028" > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/pciDriver/new_id
diff --git a/tools.c b/tools.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e0789fb..0000000
--- a/tools.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,354 +0,0 @@
-#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200112L
-#define _GNU_SOURCE
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <sched.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include "tools.h"
-#include "error.h"
-int pcilib_isnumber(const char *str) {
- int i = 0;
- for (i = 0; str[i]; i++)
- if (!isdigit(str[i])) return 0;
- return 1;
-int pcilib_isxnumber(const char *str) {
- int i = 0;
- if ((str[0] == '0')&&((str[1] == 'x')||(str[1] == 'X'))) i += 2;
- for (; str[i]; i++)
- if (!isxdigit(str[i])) return 0;
- return 1;
-int pcilib_isnumber_n(const char *str, size_t len) {
- int i = 0;
- for (i = 0; (str[i])&&(i < len); i++)
- if (!isdigit(str[i])) return 0;
- return 1;
-int pcilib_isxnumber_n(const char *str, size_t len) {
- int i = 0;
- if ((len > 1)&&(str[0] == '0')&&((str[1] == 'x')||(str[1] == 'X'))) i += 2;
- for (; (str[i])&&(i < len); i++)
- if (!isxdigit(str[i])) return 0;
- return 1;
-uint16_t pcilib_swap16(uint16_t x) {
- return (((x<<8)&0xFFFF) | ((x>>8)&0xFFFF));
-uint32_t pcilib_swap32(uint32_t x) {
- return ((x & 0xFF) << 24) | \
- ((x & 0xFF00) << 8) | \
- ((x & 0xFF0000) >> 8) | \
- ((x & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
-uint64_t pcilib_swap64(uint64_t x) {
- return (((uint64_t)(x) << 56) | \
- (((uint64_t)(x) << 40) & 0xff000000000000ULL) | \
- (((uint64_t)(x) << 24) & 0xff0000000000ULL) | \
- (((uint64_t)(x) << 8) & 0xff00000000ULL) | \
- (((uint64_t)(x) >> 8) & 0xff000000ULL) | \
- (((uint64_t)(x) >> 24) & 0xff0000ULL) | \
- (((uint64_t)(x) >> 40) & 0xff00ULL) | \
- ((uint64_t)(x) >> 56));
-void pcilib_swap(void *dst, void *src, size_t size, size_t n) {
- int i;
- switch (size) {
- case 1:
- if (src != dst) memcpy(dst, src, n);
- break;
- case 2:
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- ((uint16_t*)dst)[i] = pcilib_swap16(((uint16_t*)src)[i]);
- }
- break;
- case 4:
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- ((uint32_t*)dst)[i] = pcilib_swap32(((uint32_t*)src)[i]);
- }
- break;
- case 8:
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- ((uint64_t*)dst)[i] = pcilib_swap64(((uint64_t*)src)[i]);
- }
- break;
- default:
- pcilib_error("Invalid word size: %i", size);
- }
-void *pcilib_memcpy8(void * dst, void const * src, size_t len) {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++) ((char*)dst)[i] = ((char*)src)[i];
- return dst;
-void *pcilib_memcpy32(void * dst, void const * src, size_t len) {
- uint32_t * plDst = (uint32_t *) dst;
- uint32_t const * plSrc = (uint32_t const *) src;
- while (len >= 4) {
-// *plDst = ntohl(*plSrc);
- *plDst = *plSrc;
- plSrc++;
- plDst++;
- len -= 4;
- }
- char * pcDst = (char *) plDst;
- char const * pcSrc = (char const *) plSrc;
- while (len--) {
- *pcDst++ = *pcSrc++;
- }
- return (dst);
-void *pcilib_memcpy64(void * dst, void const * src, size_t len) {
- uint64_t * plDst = (uint64_t *) dst;
- uint64_t const * plSrc = (uint64_t const *) src;
- while (len >= 8) {
- *plDst++ = *plSrc++;
- len -= 8;
- }
- char * pcDst = (char *) plDst;
- char const * pcSrc = (char const *) plSrc;
- while (len--) {
- *pcDst++ = *pcSrc++;
- }
- return (dst);
-void *memcpy128(void * dst, void const * src, size_t len) {
- long pos = - (len>>2);
- char * plDst = (char *) dst - 4 * pos;
- char const * plSrc = (char const *) src - 4 * pos;
- if (pos) {
- __asm__ __volatile__ (
- "1: \n\t"
- "mov (%0,%2,4), %%edi \n\t"
- "mov %%edi, (%1,%2,4) \n\t"
- "inc %2 \n\t"
- "jnz 1b \n\t"
- :
- : "r" (plSrc), "r" (plDst), "r" (pos)
- : "%edi"
- );
- }
- long pos = - ((len>>4)<<4);
- char * plDst = (char *) dst - pos;
- char const * plSrc = (char const *) src - pos;
- if (pos) {
- __asm__ __volatile__ (
- "1: \n\t"
-// "movdqa (%0,%2), %%xmm0 \n\t"
- "mov (%0,%2), %%esi \n\t"
- "movd %%esi, %%xmm0 \n\t"
- "mov 4(%0,%2), %%esi \n\t"
- "movd %%esi, %%xmm1 \n\t"
- "mov 8(%0,%2), %%esi \n\t"
- "movd %%esi, %%xmm2 \n\t"
- "mov 12(%0,%2), %%esi \n\t"
- "movd %%esi, %%xmm3 \n\t"
- "pslldq $4, %%xmm1 \n\t"
- "por %%xmm1, %%xmm0 \n\t"
- "pslldq $8, %%xmm2 \n\t"
- "por %%xmm2, %%xmm0 \n\t"
- "pslldq $12, %%xmm3 \n\t"
- "por %%xmm3, %%xmm0 \n\t"
- "movntdq %%xmm0, (%1,%2) \n\t"
- "add $16, %2 \n\t"
- "jnz 1b \n\t"
- :
- : "r" (plSrc), "r" (plDst), "r" (pos)
- : "%rsi"
- );
- }
- len &= 0x3;
- char * pcDst = (char *) plDst;
- char const * pcSrc = (char const *) plSrc;
- while (len--) {
- *pcDst++ = *pcSrc++;
- }
- return (dst);
-void *pcilib_datacpy32(void * dst, void const * src, uint8_t size, size_t n, pcilib_endianess_t endianess) {
- uint32_t * plDst = (uint32_t *) dst;
- uint32_t const * plSrc = (uint32_t const *) src;
- int swap = 0;
- if (endianess)
- swap = (endianess == PCILIB_BIG_ENDIAN)?(ntohs(1)!=1):(ntohs(1)==1);
- assert(size == 4); // only 32 bit at the moment
- if (swap) {
- while (n > 0) {
- *plDst = ntohl(*plSrc);
- ++plSrc;
- ++plDst;
- --n;
- }
- } else {
- while (n > 0) {
- *plDst = *plSrc;
- ++plSrc;
- ++plDst;
- --n;
- }
- }
- return dst;
-int pcilib_get_page_mask() {
- int pagesize,pagemask,temp;
- pagesize = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
- for( pagemask=0, temp = pagesize; temp != 1; ) {
- temp = (temp >> 1);
- pagemask = (pagemask << 1)+1;
- }
- return pagemask;
-int pcilib_get_cpu_count() {
- int err;
- int cpu_count;
- cpu_set_t mask;
- err = sched_getaffinity(getpid(), sizeof(mask), &mask);
- if (err) return 1;
-#ifdef CPU_COUNT
- cpu_count = CPU_COUNT(&mask);
- for (cpu_count = 0; cpu_count < CPU_SETSIZE; cpu_count++) {
- if (!CPU_ISSET(cpu_count, &mask)) break;
- }
- if (!cpu_count) cpu_count = PCILIB_DEFAULT_CPU_COUNT;
- return cpu_count;
-int pcilib_add_timeout(struct timeval *tv, pcilib_timeout_t timeout) {
- tv->tv_usec += timeout%1000000;
- if (tv->tv_usec > 999999) {
- tv->tv_usec -= 1000000;
- tv->tv_sec += 1 + timeout/1000000;
- } else {
- tv->tv_sec += timeout/1000000;
- }
- return 0;
-int pcilib_calc_deadline(struct timeval *tv, pcilib_timeout_t timeout) {
- gettimeofday(tv, NULL);
- pcilib_add_timeout(tv, timeout);
- return 0;
-int pcilib_check_deadline(struct timeval *tve, pcilib_timeout_t timeout) {
- int64_t res;
- struct timeval tvs;
- if (!tve->tv_sec) return 0;
- gettimeofday(&tvs, NULL);
- res = ((tve->tv_sec - tvs.tv_sec)*1000000 + (tve->tv_usec - tvs.tv_usec));
- // Hm... Some problems comparing signed and unsigned. So, sign check first
- if ((res < 0)||(res < timeout)) {
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-pcilib_timeout_t pcilib_calc_time_to_deadline(struct timeval *tve) {
- int64_t res;
- struct timeval tvs;
- gettimeofday(&tvs, NULL);
- res = ((tve->tv_sec - tvs.tv_sec)*1000000 + (tve->tv_usec - tvs.tv_usec));
- if (res < 0) return 0;
- return res;
-int pcilib_sleep_until_deadline(struct timeval *tv) {
- struct timespec wait;
- pcilib_timeout_t duration;
- duration = pcilib_calc_time_to_deadline(tv);
- if (duration > 0) {
- wait.tv_sec = duration / 1000000;
- wait.tv_nsec = 1000 * (duration % 1000000);
- nanosleep(&wait, NULL);
- }
- return 0;
-pcilib_timeout_t pcilib_timediff(struct timeval *tvs, struct timeval *tve) {
- return ((tve->tv_sec - tvs->tv_sec)*1000000 + (tve->tv_usec - tvs->tv_usec));
-int pcilib_timecmp(struct timeval *tv1, struct timeval *tv2) {
- if (tv1->tv_sec > tv2->tv_sec) return 1;
- else if (tv1->tv_sec < tv2->tv_sec) return -1;
- else if (tv1->tv_usec > tv2->tv_usec) return 1;
- else if (tv1->tv_usec < tv2->tv_usec) return -1;
- return 0;
diff --git a/tools.h b/tools.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 28f8b0a..0000000
--- a/tools.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#define BIT_MASK(bits) ((1ll << (bits)) - 1)
-#define min2(a, b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))
-typedef enum {
-} pcilib_tristate_t;
-#include "pci.h"
-int pcilib_isnumber(const char *str);
-int pcilib_isxnumber(const char *str);
-int pcilib_isnumber_n(const char *str, size_t len);
-int pcilib_isxnumber_n(const char *str, size_t len);
-uint16_t pcilib_swap16(uint16_t x);
-uint32_t pcilib_swap32(uint32_t x);
-uint64_t pcilib_swap64(uint64_t x);
-void pcilib_swap(void *dst, void *src, size_t size, size_t n);
-void * pcilib_memcpy8(void * dst, void const * src, size_t len);
-void * pcilib_memcpy32(void * dst, void const * src, size_t len);
-void * pcilib_memcpy64(void * dst, void const * src, size_t len);
-void * pcilib_datacpy32(void * dst, void const * src, uint8_t size, size_t n, pcilib_endianess_t endianess);
-int pcilib_get_page_mask();
-int pcilib_get_cpu_count();
-int pcilib_add_timeout(struct timeval *tv, pcilib_timeout_t timeout);
-int pcilib_calc_deadline(struct timeval *tv, pcilib_timeout_t timeout);
-int pcilib_check_deadline(struct timeval *tve, pcilib_timeout_t timeout);
-pcilib_timeout_t pcilib_calc_time_to_deadline(struct timeval *tve);
-int pcilib_sleep_until_deadline(struct timeval *tv);
-int pcilib_timecmp(struct timeval *tv1, struct timeval *tv2);
-pcilib_timeout_t pcilib_timediff(struct timeval *tve, struct timeval *tvs);
-#endif /* _PCITOOL_TOOS_H */