path: root/OS/
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* adding openshift OS + Bomb for mem and cpu crash test on openshiftstartxfr2017-07-231-65/+0
* modif de conf OSstartxfr2016-02-061-6/+25
* debuging images and improve startup displaystartxfr2015-12-061-5/+7
* Adding display of OS flavour at startup and improving flexibility of services...startxfr2015-11-281-0/+1
* change in apache script for handling ServerNamestartxfr2015-11-281-10/+14
* final change in script lib for OS. Change in apache and php servicesstartxfr2015-11-281-0/+15
* mise en place du service apachestartxfr2015-11-281-0/+6
* change in os startupstartxfr2015-11-281-0/+18