3 types ======= - state pension, small (DRV - Deutsche Rentenversicherung) - company pension (VBL) - private pensions (BBBank, etc.) Do == - More information www.findyourpension.eu - Keep all paysleeps (it is not everywhere digital) - I have both VBL klassic and VBL extra and will be payed separately Moving ====== - Egliability depends on number years contributions are paid (about 5 years, it should not be continuous) - In EU each country pays it's part of state pension to EU citizens. Employment in all EU countries should sum to 5 years in all countries. - There is also biliteral agreements between Germany and most OECD countries. However, if multiple countries on different agreements are considered this not handled. For example, if you were employed in 2 EU countries and, then, in Canada. The summing of employment time will be either summed between EU countries (under EU regulations) or between one EU country and Canada (biliteral agreement), but not all 3 together. Germany ======= - DRV/VBL starts at the age 67 years, but there are some options to get reduced version slightly earlier. - DRV/VBL is independent on nationality and current country of residence. - If outside of Germany or not employed, it is possible to pay voluntary contributions to DRV. However, this is only available for residents of Germany or German citizens. - VBL have 3 modifications: klassic, extra, and dynamic. Klassic is default and enforced after 5 years. Extra may be favourable for people staying for less when 5 years, but want to get rent. If they are ensured under Klassic, they will just get contributions back upon the departure. With Extra, they will get a small rent according according to contributions. There are 2 month to decide which to take and it is not possible to go from klassic back to extra. If you was first in extra and, then, switched to klassic, VBL klassic and VBL extra will be payed separately. - The contributions paid 1.41% me and 6.45% by employer (in VBL klassic). The employer part is less (~4%) in Extra modifications. - VBL is used by most public service companies in DE. And it will be continued in any of them. - Expected rate 46 EUR per year (DRV). VBL is 4 EUR * pension_points (pp) where pp = (contributions/1000)*age_factor