% Appendix to the UFO camera user manual % \begin{appendix} \chapter{Camera characterization} \label{camera_char} Camera characterization is done in IEKP using tungsten X-ray tube, and ANKA detector lab, using visible light. Estimation of dark noise is given in \figurename~\ref{darknoise}. Camera setting for long integration time is setting the PGA value (analog gain) on address 102 to 0, which is a default value. For short integration time, PGA value is 3, which is a maximum one. Other sensor register values, unless otherwise stated, are recommended values. \begin{figure}[ht] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.70\textwidth]{images/camera_char1.png} \caption{\label{darknoise}The total dark noise vs. integration time at different camera settings} \end{figure} \begin{table}[h] \begin{center} {\begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline Parameters & Values \\ \hline Quantum efficiency & 57.41 \% \\ \hline Dark noise $\sigma_{d}$ & 10 $e^{-}$\\ \hline Dynamic range & 57.22 dB \\ \hline Conversion factor & 7.82 $e^{-}/{DN}$ \\ \hline \end{tabular}} \caption{10 bit characterization of UFO camera} \label{char_10b} \end{center} \end{table} \end{appendix}