/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright: 2010-2021, imec Vision Lab, University of Antwerp 2014-2021, CWI, Amsterdam Contact: astra@astra-toolbox.com Website: http://www.astra-toolbox.com/ This file is part of the ASTRA Toolbox. The ASTRA Toolbox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The ASTRA Toolbox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with the ASTRA Toolbox. If not, see . ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "astra/ProjectionGeometry3D.h" using namespace std; namespace astra { //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Check all variable values. bool CProjectionGeometry3D::_check() { ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_iDetectorRowCount > 0, "ProjectionGeometry3D", "DetectorRowCount should be positive."); ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_iDetectorColCount > 0, "ProjectionGeometry3D", "DetectorColCount should be positive."); ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_fDetectorSpacingX > 0.0f, "ProjectionGeometry3D", "m_fDetectorSpacingX should be positive."); ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_fDetectorSpacingY > 0.0f, "ProjectionGeometry3D", "m_fDetectorSpacingY should be positive."); ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_iProjectionAngleCount > 0, "ProjectionGeometry3D", "ProjectionAngleCount should be positive."); ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_pfProjectionAngles != NULL, "ProjectionGeometry3D", "ProjectionAngles not initialized"); /* // autofix: angles in [0,2pi[ for (int i = 0; i < m_iProjectionAngleCount; i++) { while (2*PI <= m_pfProjectionAngles[i]) m_pfProjectionAngles[i] -= 2*PI; while (m_pfProjectionAngles[i] < 0) m_pfProjectionAngles[i] += 2*PI; } */ // succes return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Default constructor. CProjectionGeometry3D::CProjectionGeometry3D() : configCheckData(0) { _clear(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructor. CProjectionGeometry3D::CProjectionGeometry3D(int _iAngleCount, int _iDetectorRowCount, int _iDetectorColCount, float32 _fDetectorSpacingX, float32 _fDetectorSpacingY, const float32 *_pfProjectionAngles) : configCheckData(0) { _clear(); _initialize(_iAngleCount, _iDetectorRowCount, _iDetectorColCount, _fDetectorSpacingX, _fDetectorSpacingY, _pfProjectionAngles); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copy constructor. CProjectionGeometry3D::CProjectionGeometry3D(const CProjectionGeometry3D& _projGeom) { _clear(); _initialize(_projGeom.m_iProjectionAngleCount, _projGeom.m_iDetectorRowCount, _projGeom.m_iDetectorColCount, _projGeom.m_fDetectorSpacingX, _projGeom.m_fDetectorSpacingY, _projGeom.m_pfProjectionAngles); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Destructor. CProjectionGeometry3D::~CProjectionGeometry3D() { if (m_bInitialized) { clear(); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Clear all member variables, setting all numeric variables to 0 and all pointers to NULL. // Should only be used by constructors. Otherwise use the clear() function. void CProjectionGeometry3D::_clear() { m_iProjectionAngleCount = 0; m_iDetectorRowCount = 0; m_iDetectorColCount = 0; m_fDetectorSpacingX = 0.0f; m_fDetectorSpacingY = 0.0f; m_pfProjectionAngles = NULL; m_bInitialized = false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Clear all member variables, setting all numeric variables to 0 and all pointers to NULL. void CProjectionGeometry3D::clear() { m_iProjectionAngleCount = 0; m_iDetectorRowCount = 0; m_iDetectorColCount = 0; m_fDetectorSpacingX = 0.0f; m_fDetectorSpacingY = 0.0f; if (m_pfProjectionAngles != NULL) { delete [] m_pfProjectionAngles; } m_pfProjectionAngles = NULL; m_bInitialized = false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialization with a Config object bool CProjectionGeometry3D::initialize(const Config& _cfg) { ASTRA_ASSERT(_cfg.self); ConfigStackCheck CC("ProjectionGeometry3D", this, _cfg); if (m_bInitialized) { clear(); } ASTRA_ASSERT(_cfg.self); // Required: DetectorRowCount XMLNode node = _cfg.self.getSingleNode("DetectorRowCount"); ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(node, "ProjectionGeometry3D", "No DetectorRowCount tag specified."); try { m_iDetectorRowCount = node.getContentInt(); } catch (const StringUtil::bad_cast &e) { ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(false, "ProjectionGeometry3D", "DetectorRowCount must be an integer."); } CC.markNodeParsed("DetectorRowCount"); // Required: DetectorCount node = _cfg.self.getSingleNode("DetectorColCount"); ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(node, "ProjectionGeometry3D", "No DetectorColCount tag specified."); try { m_iDetectorColCount = node.getContentInt(); } catch (const StringUtil::bad_cast &e) { ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(false, "ProjectionGeometry3D", "DetectorColCount must be an integer."); } m_iDetectorTotCount = m_iDetectorRowCount * m_iDetectorColCount; CC.markNodeParsed("DetectorColCount"); if (!initializeAngles(_cfg)) return false; return true; } bool CProjectionGeometry3D::initializeAngles(const Config& _cfg) { ConfigStackCheck CC("ProjectionGeometry3D", this, _cfg); // Required: DetectorWidth XMLNode node = _cfg.self.getSingleNode("DetectorSpacingX"); ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(node, "ProjectionGeometry3D", "No DetectorSpacingX tag specified."); try { m_fDetectorSpacingX = node.getContentNumerical(); } catch (const StringUtil::bad_cast &e) { ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(false, "ProjectionGeometry3D", "DetectorSpacingX must be numerical."); } CC.markNodeParsed("DetectorSpacingX"); // Required: DetectorHeight node = _cfg.self.getSingleNode("DetectorSpacingY"); ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(node, "ProjectionGeometry3D", "No DetectorSpacingY tag specified."); try { m_fDetectorSpacingY = node.getContentNumerical(); } catch (const StringUtil::bad_cast &e) { ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(false, "ProjectionGeometry3D", "DetectorSpacingY must be numerical."); } CC.markNodeParsed("DetectorSpacingY"); // Required: ProjectionAngles node = _cfg.self.getSingleNode("ProjectionAngles"); ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(node, "ProjectionGeometry3D", "No ProjectionAngles tag specified."); vector angles; try { angles = node.getContentNumericalArray(); } catch (const StringUtil::bad_cast &e) { ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(false, "ProjectionGeometry3D", "ProjectionAngles must be a numerical vector."); } m_iProjectionAngleCount = angles.size(); ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_iProjectionAngleCount > 0, "ProjectionGeometry3D", "Not enough ProjectionAngles specified."); m_pfProjectionAngles = new float32[m_iProjectionAngleCount]; for (int i = 0; i < m_iProjectionAngleCount; i++) { m_pfProjectionAngles[i] = angles[i]; } CC.markNodeParsed("ProjectionAngles"); return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialization. bool CProjectionGeometry3D::_initialize(int _iProjectionAngleCount, int _iDetectorRowCount, int _iDetectorColCount, float32 _fDetectorSpacingX, float32 _fDetectorSpacingY, const float32 *_pfProjectionAngles) { if (m_bInitialized) { clear(); } // copy parameters m_iProjectionAngleCount = _iProjectionAngleCount; m_iDetectorRowCount = _iDetectorRowCount; m_iDetectorColCount = _iDetectorColCount; m_iDetectorTotCount = _iDetectorRowCount * _iDetectorColCount; m_fDetectorSpacingX = _fDetectorSpacingX; m_fDetectorSpacingY = _fDetectorSpacingY; m_pfProjectionAngles = new float32[m_iProjectionAngleCount]; for (int i = 0; i < m_iProjectionAngleCount; i++) { m_pfProjectionAngles[i] = _pfProjectionAngles[i]; } m_iDetectorTotCount = m_iProjectionAngleCount * m_iDetectorRowCount * m_iDetectorColCount; return true; } void CProjectionGeometry3D::getProjectedBBox(double fXMin, double fXMax, double fYMin, double fYMax, double fZMin, double fZMax, double &fUMin, double &fUMax, double &fVMin, double &fVMax) const { double vmin_g, vmax_g; double umin_g, umax_g; // Default implementation, correct for flat panel detectors: // Project corners of volume, take bounding box assert(getProjectionCount() > 0); for (int i = 0; i < getProjectionCount(); ++i) { double vol_u[8]; double vol_v[8]; projectPoint(fXMin, fYMin, fZMin, i, vol_u[0], vol_v[0]); projectPoint(fXMin, fYMin, fZMax, i, vol_u[1], vol_v[1]); projectPoint(fXMin, fYMax, fZMin, i, vol_u[2], vol_v[2]); projectPoint(fXMin, fYMax, fZMax, i, vol_u[3], vol_v[3]); projectPoint(fXMax, fYMin, fZMin, i, vol_u[4], vol_v[4]); projectPoint(fXMax, fYMin, fZMax, i, vol_u[5], vol_v[5]); projectPoint(fXMax, fYMax, fZMin, i, vol_u[6], vol_v[6]); projectPoint(fXMax, fYMax, fZMax, i, vol_u[7], vol_v[7]); double umin = vol_u[0]; double umax = vol_u[0]; double vmin = vol_v[0]; double vmax = vol_v[0]; for (int j = 1; j < 8; ++j) { if (vol_u[j] < umin) umin = vol_u[j]; if (vol_u[j] > umax) umax = vol_u[j]; if (vol_v[j] < vmin) vmin = vol_v[j]; if (vol_v[j] > vmax) vmax = vol_v[j]; } if (i == 0 || umin < umin_g) umin_g = umin; if (i == 0 || umax > umax_g) umax_g = umax; if (i == 0 || vmin < vmin_g) vmin_g = vmin; if (i == 0 || vmax > vmax_g) vmax_g = vmax; } fUMin = umin_g; fUMax = umax_g; fVMin = vmin_g; fVMax = vmax_g; } } // namespace astra