Actions ======= 1) We need to build a CD which will request kickstart file from the web server 2) This CD should be programmed in IPMI interface, => Currently placed in /virtual/images/centos74-ands.iso on ipepdvsrv2 => Configuration: Host (CIFS): Path: \images\centos74-ands.iso User: guest Password: anything Domain: => On Ipepdvcompute2 Host (NFS): Path: /virtual/images/ Image Name (On the previous screen): centos8-ands.iso 3) The installation is triggered by ipmi commands 4) The web server runs a php script which detects connecting server and templates appropriate kickstart file => It is installed on in /srv/www/htdocs/ands/kickstart => Detction is based on MAC address headers which are sent by CentOS CD