# TODO: Temporarily disabled due to importing old code into openshift-ansible # repo. We will work on these over time. # pylint: disable=bad-continuation,missing-docstring,no-self-use,invalid-name import os import unittest import tempfile import shutil import yaml from six.moves import cStringIO from ooinstall.oo_config import OOConfig, Host, OOConfigInvalidHostError import ooinstall.openshift_ansible SAMPLE_CONFIG = """ variant: openshift-enterprise variant_version: 3.3 version: v2 deployment: ansible_ssh_user: root hosts: - connect_to: master-private.example.com ip: hostname: master-private.example.com public_ip: public_hostname: master.example.com roles: - master - node - connect_to: node1-private.example.com ip: hostname: node1-private.example.com public_ip: public_hostname: node1.example.com roles: - node - connect_to: node2-private.example.com ip: hostname: node2-private.example.com public_ip: public_hostname: node2.example.com roles: - node roles: master: node: """ CONFIG_INCOMPLETE_FACTS = """ version: v2 deployment: ansible_ssh_user: root hosts: - connect_to: ip: hostname: master-private.example.com public_ip: public_hostname: master.example.com roles: - master - connect_to: ip: hostname: public_ip: roles: - node - connect_to: ip: roles: - node roles: master: node: """ CONFIG_BAD = """ variant: openshift-enterprise version: v2 deployment: ansible_ssh_user: root hosts: - connect_to: master-private.example.com ip: hostname: master-private.example.com public_ip: public_hostname: master.example.com roles: - master - node - ip: hostname: node1-private.example.com public_ip: public_hostname: node1.example.com roles: - node - connect_to: node2-private.example.com ip: hostname: node2-private.example.com public_ip: public_hostname: node2.example.com roles: - node roles: master: node: """ class OOInstallFixture(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.tempfiles = [] self.work_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='ooconfigtests') self.tempfiles.append(self.work_dir) def tearDown(self): for path in self.tempfiles: if os.path.isdir(path): shutil.rmtree(path) else: os.remove(path) def write_config(self, path, config_str): """ Write given config to a temporary file which will be cleaned up in teardown. Returns full path to the file. """ cfg_file = open(path, 'w') cfg_file.write(config_str) cfg_file.close() return path class OOConfigTests(OOInstallFixture): def test_load_config(self): cfg_path = self.write_config(os.path.join(self.work_dir, 'ooinstall.conf'), SAMPLE_CONFIG) ooconfig = OOConfig(cfg_path) self.assertEquals(3, len(ooconfig.deployment.hosts)) self.assertEquals("master-private.example.com", ooconfig.deployment.hosts[0].connect_to) self.assertEquals("", ooconfig.deployment.hosts[0].ip) self.assertEquals("master-private.example.com", ooconfig.deployment.hosts[0].hostname) self.assertEquals(["", "", ""], [host.ip for host in ooconfig.deployment.hosts]) self.assertEquals('openshift-enterprise', ooconfig.settings['variant']) self.assertEquals('v2', ooconfig.settings['version']) def test_load_bad_config(self): cfg_path = self.write_config(os.path.join(self.work_dir, 'ooinstall.conf'), CONFIG_BAD) try: OOConfig(cfg_path) assert False except OOConfigInvalidHostError: assert True def test_load_complete_facts(self): cfg_path = self.write_config(os.path.join(self.work_dir, 'ooinstall.conf'), SAMPLE_CONFIG) ooconfig = OOConfig(cfg_path) missing_host_facts = ooconfig.calc_missing_facts() self.assertEquals(0, len(missing_host_facts)) # Test missing optional facts the user must confirm: def test_load_host_incomplete_facts(self): cfg_path = self.write_config(os.path.join(self.work_dir, 'ooinstall.conf'), CONFIG_INCOMPLETE_FACTS) ooconfig = OOConfig(cfg_path) missing_host_facts = ooconfig.calc_missing_facts() self.assertEquals(2, len(missing_host_facts)) self.assertEquals(1, len(missing_host_facts[''])) self.assertEquals(3, len(missing_host_facts[''])) def test_write_config(self): cfg_path = self.write_config(os.path.join(self.work_dir, 'ooinstall.conf'), SAMPLE_CONFIG) ooconfig = OOConfig(cfg_path) ooconfig.save_to_disk() f = open(cfg_path, 'r') written_config = yaml.safe_load(f.read()) f.close() self.assertEquals(3, len(written_config['deployment']['hosts'])) for h in written_config['deployment']['hosts']: self.assertTrue('ip' in h) self.assertTrue('public_ip' in h) self.assertTrue('hostname' in h) self.assertTrue('public_hostname' in h) self.assertTrue('ansible_ssh_user' in written_config['deployment']) self.assertTrue('variant' in written_config) self.assertEquals('v2', written_config['version']) # Some advanced settings should not get written out if they # were not specified by the user: self.assertFalse('ansible_inventory_directory' in written_config) class HostTests(OOInstallFixture): def test_load_host_no_ip_or_hostname(self): yaml_props = { 'public_ip': '', 'public_hostname': 'a.example.com', 'master': True } self.assertRaises(OOConfigInvalidHostError, Host, **yaml_props) def test_load_host_no_master_or_node_specified(self): yaml_props = { 'ip': '', 'hostname': 'a.example.com', 'public_ip': '', 'public_hostname': 'a.example.com', } self.assertRaises(OOConfigInvalidHostError, Host, **yaml_props) def test_inventory_file_quotes_node_labels(self): """Verify a host entry wraps openshift_node_labels value in double quotes""" yaml_props = { 'ip': '', 'hostname': 'a.example.com', 'connect_to': 'a-private.example.com', 'public_ip': '', 'public_hostname': 'a.example.com', 'new_host': True, 'roles': ['node'], 'node_labels': { 'region': 'infra' }, } new_node = Host(**yaml_props) inventory = cStringIO() # This is what the 'write_host' function generates. write_host # has no return value, it just writes directly to the file # 'inventory' which in this test-case is a StringIO object ooinstall.openshift_ansible.write_host( new_node, 'node', inventory, schedulable=True) # read the value of what was written to the inventory "file" legacy_inventory_line = inventory.getvalue() # Given the `yaml_props` above we should see a line like this: # openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'infra'}" node_labels_expected = '''openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'infra'}"''' # Quotes around the hash node_labels_bad = '''openshift_node_labels={'region': 'infra'}''' # No quotes around the hash # The good line is present in the written inventory line self.assertIn(node_labels_expected, legacy_inventory_line) # An unquoted version is not present self.assertNotIn(node_labels_bad, legacy_inventory_line) # def test_new_write_inventory_same_as_legacy(self): # """Verify the original write_host function produces the same output as the new method""" # yaml_props = { # 'ip': '', # 'hostname': 'a.example.com', # 'connect_to': 'a-private.example.com', # 'public_ip': '', # 'public_hostname': 'a.example.com', # 'new_host': True, # 'roles': ['node'], # 'other_variables': { # 'zzz': 'last', # 'foo': 'bar', # 'aaa': 'first', # }, # } # new_node = Host(**yaml_props) # inventory = cStringIO() # # This is what the original 'write_host' function will # # generate. write_host has no return value, it just writes # # directly to the file 'inventory' which in this test-case is # # a StringIO object # ooinstall.openshift_ansible.write_host( # new_node, # 'node', # inventory, # schedulable=True) # legacy_inventory_line = inventory.getvalue() # # This is what the new method in the Host class generates # new_inventory_line = new_node.inventory_string('node', schedulable=True) # self.assertEqual( # legacy_inventory_line, # new_inventory_line)