[tox] minversion=2.3.1 envlist = py{27,35}-{flake8,pylint,unit} py27-{yamllint,ansible_syntax,generate_validation} integration skipsdist=True skip_missing_interpreters=True [testenv] skip_install=True deps = -rrequirements.txt -rtest-requirements.txt py35-flake8: flake8-bugbear==17.3.0 whitelist_externals = env commands = unit: pip install -e utils unit: pytest {posargs} flake8: flake8 {posargs} pylint: python setup.py lint yamllint: python setup.py yamllint generate_validation: python setup.py generate_validation # TODO(rhcarvalho): check syntax of other important entrypoint playbooks ansible_syntax: python setup.py ansible_syntax # Unset GOPATH because tests use relative imports. This should be removed if # we require openshift-ansible to live in a Go work space and use absolute # imports in tests (desirable). integration: env -u GOPATH go test -v ./test/integration/...