OpenShift Node Certificates =========================== This role determines if OpenShift node certificates must be created, delegates certificate creation to the `openshift_ca_host` and then deploys those certificates to node hosts which this role is being applied to. Requirements ------------ Role Variables -------------- From `openshift_ca`: | Name | Default value | Description | |-------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | openshift_ca_host | None (Required) | The hostname of the system where the OpenShift CA will be (or has been) created. | From this role: | Name | Default value | Description | |-------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | openshift_generated_configs_dir | `{{ openshift.common.config_base }}/generated-configs` | Directory in which per-node generated config directories will be created on the `openshift_ca_host`. | | openshift_node_cert_subdir | `node-{{ openshift.common.hostname }}` | Directory within `openshift_generated_configs_dir` where per-node certificates will be placed on the `openshift_ca_host`. | | openshift_node_config_dir | `{{ openshift.common.config_base }}/node` | Node configuration directory in which certificates will be deployed on nodes. | | openshift_node_generated_config_dir | `{{ openshift_generated_configs_dir }}/{{ openshift_node_cert_subdir }` | Full path to the per-node generated config directory. | Dependencies ------------ * openshift_ca Example Playbook ---------------- ``` - name: Create OpenShift Node Certificates hosts: nodes roles: - role: openshift_node_certificates openshift_ca_host: ``` License ------- Apache License Version 2.0 Author Information ------------------ Jason DeTiberus (