--- # TODO: allow for overriding default ports where possible # TODO: trigger the external service when restart is needed - name: Set node OpenShift facts openshift_facts: role: 'node' local_facts: debug_level: "{{ openshift_node_debug_level | default(openshift.common.debug_level) }}" - name: Test if node certs and config exist stat: path={{ item }} failed_when: not result.stat.exists register: result with_items: - "{{ cert_path }}" - "{{ cert_path }}/cert.crt" - "{{ cert_path }}/key.key" - "{{ cert_path }}/.kubeconfig" - "{{ cert_path }}/server.crt" - "{{ cert_path }}/server.key" - "{{ cert_parent_path }}/ca/cert.crt" #- "{{ cert_path }}/node.yaml" - name: Install OpenShift Node package yum: pkg=openshift-node state=installed # --create-certs=false is a temporary workaround until # https://github.com/openshift/origin/pull/1361 is merged upstream and it is # the default for nodes - name: Configure OpenShift Node settings lineinfile: dest: /etc/sysconfig/openshift-node regexp: '^OPTIONS=' line: "OPTIONS=\"--hostname={{ openshift.common.hostname }} --loglevel={{ openshift.node.debug_level }} --create-certs=false\"" notify: - restart openshift-node - name: Set default registry url lineinfile: dest: /etc/sysconfig/openshift-node regexp: '^IMAGES=' line: "IMAGES={{ openshift_registry_url }}" when: openshift_registry_url is defined notify: - restart openshift-node - name: Start and enable openshift-node service: name=openshift-node enabled=yes state=started when: not openshift.common.use_openshift_sdn|bool - name: Disable openshift-node if openshift-node is managed externally service: name=openshift-node enabled=false when: openshift.common.use_openshift_sdn|bool