''' --- module: openshift_logging_facts version_added: "" short_description: Gather facts about the OpenShift logging stack description: - Determine the current facts about the OpenShift logging stack (e.g. cluster size) options: author: Red Hat, Inc ''' import copy import json # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin, unused-wildcard-import, wildcard-import from subprocess import * # noqa: F402,F403 # ignore pylint errors related to the module_utils import # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin, unused-wildcard-import, wildcard-import from ansible.module_utils.basic import * # noqa: F402,F403 import yaml EXAMPLES = """ - action: opneshift_logging_facts """ RETURN = """ """ DEFAULT_OC_OPTIONS = ["-o", "json"] # constants used for various labels and selectors COMPONENT_KEY = "component" LOGGING_INFRA_KEY = "logging-infra" # selectors for filtering resources DS_FLUENTD_SELECTOR = LOGGING_INFRA_KEY + "=" + "fluentd" LOGGING_SELECTOR = LOGGING_INFRA_KEY + "=" + "support" ROUTE_SELECTOR = "component=support,logging-infra=support,provider=openshift" COMPONENTS = ["kibana", "curator", "elasticsearch", "fluentd", "kibana_ops", "curator_ops", "elasticsearch_ops"] class OCBaseCommand(object): ''' The base class used to query openshift ''' def __init__(self, binary, kubeconfig, namespace): ''' the init method of OCBaseCommand class ''' self.binary = binary self.kubeconfig = kubeconfig self.user = self.get_system_admin(self.kubeconfig) self.namespace = namespace # pylint: disable=no-self-use def get_system_admin(self, kubeconfig): ''' Retrieves the system admin ''' with open(kubeconfig, 'r') as kubeconfig_file: config = yaml.load(kubeconfig_file) for user in config["users"]: if user["name"].startswith("system:admin"): return user["name"] raise Exception("Unable to find system:admin in: " + kubeconfig) # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, dangerous-default-value def oc_command(self, sub, kind, namespace=None, name=None, add_options=None): ''' Wrapper method for the "oc" command ''' cmd = [self.binary, sub, kind] if name is not None: cmd = cmd + [name] if namespace is not None: cmd = cmd + ["-n", namespace] if add_options is None: add_options = [] cmd = cmd + ["--user=" + self.user, "--config=" + self.kubeconfig] + DEFAULT_OC_OPTIONS + add_options try: process = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) # noqa: F405 out, err = process.communicate(cmd) if len(err) > 0: if 'not found' in err: return {'items': []} if 'No resources found' in err: return {'items': []} raise Exception(err) except Exception as excp: err = "There was an exception trying to run the command '" + " ".join(cmd) + "' " + str(excp) raise Exception(err) return json.loads(out) class OpenshiftLoggingFacts(OCBaseCommand): ''' The class structure for holding the OpenshiftLogging Facts''' name = "facts" def __init__(self, logger, binary, kubeconfig, namespace): ''' The init method for OpenshiftLoggingFacts ''' super(OpenshiftLoggingFacts, self).__init__(binary, kubeconfig, namespace) self.logger = logger self.facts = dict() def default_keys_for(self, kind): ''' Sets the default key values for kind ''' for comp in COMPONENTS: self.add_facts_for(comp, kind) def add_facts_for(self, comp, kind, name=None, facts=None): ''' Add facts for the provided kind ''' if comp not in self.facts: self.facts[comp] = dict() if kind not in self.facts[comp]: self.facts[comp][kind] = dict() if name: self.facts[comp][kind][name] = facts def facts_for_routes(self, namespace): ''' Gathers facts for Routes in logging namespace ''' self.default_keys_for("routes") route_list = self.oc_command("get", "routes", namespace=namespace, add_options=["-l", ROUTE_SELECTOR]) if len(route_list["items"]) == 0: return None for route in route_list["items"]: name = route["metadata"]["name"] comp = self.comp(name) if comp is not None: self.add_facts_for(comp, "routes", name, dict(host=route["spec"]["host"])) self.facts["agl_namespace"] = namespace def facts_for_daemonsets(self, namespace): ''' Gathers facts for Daemonsets in logging namespace ''' self.default_keys_for("daemonsets") ds_list = self.oc_command("get", "daemonsets", namespace=namespace, add_options=["-l", LOGGING_INFRA_KEY + "=fluentd"]) if len(ds_list["items"]) == 0: return for ds_item in ds_list["items"]: name = ds_item["metadata"]["name"] comp = self.comp(name) spec = ds_item["spec"]["template"]["spec"] container = spec["containers"][0] result = dict( selector=ds_item["spec"]["selector"], image=container["image"], resources=container["resources"], nodeSelector=spec["nodeSelector"], serviceAccount=spec["serviceAccount"], terminationGracePeriodSeconds=spec["terminationGracePeriodSeconds"] ) self.add_facts_for(comp, "daemonsets", name, result) def facts_for_pvcs(self, namespace): ''' Gathers facts for PVCS in logging namespace''' self.default_keys_for("pvcs") pvclist = self.oc_command("get", "pvc", namespace=namespace, add_options=["-l", LOGGING_INFRA_KEY]) if len(pvclist["items"]) == 0: return for pvc in pvclist["items"]: name = pvc["metadata"]["name"] comp = self.comp(name) self.add_facts_for(comp, "pvcs", name, dict()) def facts_for_deploymentconfigs(self, namespace): ''' Gathers facts for DeploymentConfigs in logging namespace ''' self.default_keys_for("deploymentconfigs") dclist = self.oc_command("get", "deploymentconfigs", namespace=namespace, add_options=["-l", LOGGING_INFRA_KEY]) if len(dclist["items"]) == 0: return dcs = dclist["items"] for dc_item in dcs: name = dc_item["metadata"]["name"] comp = self.comp(name) if comp is not None: spec = dc_item["spec"]["template"]["spec"] facts = dict( name=name, selector=dc_item["spec"]["selector"], replicas=dc_item["spec"]["replicas"], serviceAccount=spec["serviceAccount"], containers=dict(), volumes=dict() ) if "nodeSelector" in spec: facts["nodeSelector"] = spec["nodeSelector"] if "supplementalGroups" in spec["securityContext"]: facts["storageGroups"] = spec["securityContext"]["supplementalGroups"] facts["spec"] = spec if "volumes" in spec: for vol in spec["volumes"]: clone = copy.deepcopy(vol) clone.pop("name", None) facts["volumes"][vol["name"]] = clone for container in spec["containers"]: facts["containers"][container["name"]] = container self.add_facts_for(comp, "deploymentconfigs", name, facts) def facts_for_services(self, namespace): ''' Gathers facts for services in logging namespace ''' self.default_keys_for("services") servicelist = self.oc_command("get", "services", namespace=namespace, add_options=["-l", LOGGING_SELECTOR]) if len(servicelist["items"]) == 0: return for service in servicelist["items"]: name = service["metadata"]["name"] comp = self.comp(name) if comp is not None: self.add_facts_for(comp, "services", name, dict()) def facts_for_configmaps(self, namespace): ''' Gathers facts for configmaps in logging namespace ''' self.default_keys_for("configmaps") a_list = self.oc_command("get", "configmaps", namespace=namespace) if len(a_list["items"]) == 0: return for item in a_list["items"]: name = item["metadata"]["name"] comp = self.comp(name) if comp is not None: self.add_facts_for(comp, "configmaps", name, item["data"]) def facts_for_oauthclients(self, namespace): ''' Gathers facts for oauthclients used with logging ''' self.default_keys_for("oauthclients") a_list = self.oc_command("get", "oauthclients", namespace=namespace, add_options=["-l", LOGGING_SELECTOR]) if len(a_list["items"]) == 0: return for item in a_list["items"]: name = item["metadata"]["name"] comp = self.comp(name) if comp is not None: result = dict( redirectURIs=item["redirectURIs"] ) self.add_facts_for(comp, "oauthclients", name, result) def facts_for_secrets(self, namespace): ''' Gathers facts for secrets in the logging namespace ''' self.default_keys_for("secrets") a_list = self.oc_command("get", "secrets", namespace=namespace) if len(a_list["items"]) == 0: return for item in a_list["items"]: name = item["metadata"]["name"] comp = self.comp(name) if comp is not None and item["type"] == "Opaque": result = dict( keys=item["data"].keys() ) self.add_facts_for(comp, "secrets", name, result) def facts_for_sccs(self): ''' Gathers facts for SCCs used with logging ''' self.default_keys_for("sccs") scc = self.oc_command("get", "scc", name="privileged") if len(scc["users"]) == 0: return for item in scc["users"]: comp = self.comp(item) if comp is not None: self.add_facts_for(comp, "sccs", "privileged", dict()) def facts_for_clusterrolebindings(self, namespace): ''' Gathers ClusterRoleBindings used with logging ''' self.default_keys_for("clusterrolebindings") role = self.oc_command("get", "clusterrolebindings", name="cluster-readers") if "subjects" not in role or len(role["subjects"]) == 0: return for item in role["subjects"]: comp = self.comp(item["name"]) if comp is not None and namespace == item["namespace"]: self.add_facts_for(comp, "clusterrolebindings", "cluster-readers", dict()) # this needs to end up nested under the service account... def facts_for_rolebindings(self, namespace): ''' Gathers facts for RoleBindings used with logging ''' self.default_keys_for("rolebindings") role = self.oc_command("get", "rolebindings", namespace=namespace, name="logging-elasticsearch-view-role") if "subjects" not in role or len(role["subjects"]) == 0: return for item in role["subjects"]: comp = self.comp(item["name"]) if comp is not None and namespace == item["namespace"]: self.add_facts_for(comp, "rolebindings", "logging-elasticsearch-view-role", dict()) # pylint: disable=no-self-use, too-many-return-statements def comp(self, name): ''' Does a comparison to evaluate the logging component ''' if name.startswith("logging-curator-ops"): return "curator_ops" elif name.startswith("logging-kibana-ops") or name.startswith("kibana-ops"): return "kibana_ops" elif name.startswith("logging-es-ops") or name.startswith("logging-elasticsearch-ops"): return "elasticsearch_ops" elif name.startswith("logging-curator"): return "curator" elif name.startswith("logging-kibana") or name.startswith("kibana"): return "kibana" elif name.startswith("logging-es") or name.startswith("logging-elasticsearch"): return "elasticsearch" elif name.startswith("logging-fluentd") or name.endswith("aggregated-logging-fluentd"): return "fluentd" else: return None def build_facts(self): ''' Builds the logging facts and returns them ''' self.facts_for_routes(self.namespace) self.facts_for_daemonsets(self.namespace) self.facts_for_deploymentconfigs(self.namespace) self.facts_for_services(self.namespace) self.facts_for_configmaps(self.namespace) self.facts_for_sccs() self.facts_for_oauthclients(self.namespace) self.facts_for_clusterrolebindings(self.namespace) self.facts_for_rolebindings(self.namespace) self.facts_for_secrets(self.namespace) self.facts_for_pvcs(self.namespace) return self.facts def main(): ''' The main method ''' module = AnsibleModule( # noqa: F405 argument_spec=dict( admin_kubeconfig={"default": "/etc/origin/master/admin.kubeconfig", "type": "str"}, oc_bin={"required": True, "type": "str"}, openshift_logging_namespace={"required": True, "type": "str"} ), supports_check_mode=False ) try: cmd = OpenshiftLoggingFacts(module, module.params['oc_bin'], module.params['admin_kubeconfig'], module.params['openshift_logging_namespace']) module.exit_json( ansible_facts={"openshift_logging_facts": cmd.build_facts()} ) # ignore broad-except error to avoid stack trace to ansible user # pylint: disable=broad-except except Exception as error: module.fail_json(msg=str(error)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()