--- - name: Verify Ansible version is greater than 1.8.0 and not 1.9.0 and not assert: that: - ansible_version | version_compare('1.8.0', 'ge') - ansible_version | version_compare('1.9.0', 'ne') - ansible_version | version_compare('', 'ne') - name: Determine if Atomic stat: path=/run/ostree-booted register: s changed_when: false - name: Init the is_atomic fact set_fact: is_atomic: false - name: Set the is_atomic fact set_fact: is_atomic: true when: s.stat.exists - name: Ensure PyYaml is installed action: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} name=PyYAML state=present" - name: Gather Cluster facts openshift_facts: