--- - name: query vpc ec2_vpc_net_facts: region: "{{ openshift_aws_region }}" filters: 'tag:Name': "{{ openshift_aws_vpc_name }}" register: vpcout - name: debug debug: var=vpcout - name: fetch the default subnet id ec2_vpc_subnet_facts: region: "{{ openshift_aws_region }}" filters: "tag:Name": "{{ openshift_aws_subnet_name }}" vpc-id: "{{ vpcout.vpcs[0].id }}" register: subnetout - name: dump the elb listeners debug: msg: "{{ openshift_aws_elb_listeners[openshift_aws_node_group_type][openshift_aws_elb_direction] if 'master' in openshift_aws_node_group_type or 'infra' in openshift_aws_node_group_type else openshift_aws_elb_listeners }}" - name: "Create ELB {{ l_openshift_aws_elb_name }}" ec2_elb_lb: name: "{{ l_openshift_aws_elb_name }}" state: present cross_az_load_balancing: "{{ openshift_aws_elb_az_load_balancing }}" security_group_names: "{{ openshift_aws_elb_security_groups }}" idle_timeout: "{{ openshift_aws_elb_idle_timout }}" region: "{{ openshift_aws_region }}" subnets: - "{{ subnetout.subnets[0].id }}" health_check: "{{ openshift_aws_elb_health_check }}" listeners: "{{ openshift_aws_elb_listeners[openshift_aws_node_group_type][openshift_aws_elb_direction] if 'master' in openshift_aws_node_group_type or 'infra' in openshift_aws_node_group_type else openshift_aws_elb_listeners }}" scheme: "{{ openshift_aws_elb_scheme }}" tags: "{{ openshift_aws_elb_tags }}" register: new_elb - debug: msg: "{{ item }}" with_items: - "{{ new_elb }}"