#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vim: expandtab:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4 ''' Custom filters for use in openshift-node ''' from ansible import errors class FilterModule(object): ''' Custom ansible filters for use by openshift_node role''' @staticmethod def get_dns_ip(openshift_dns_ip, hostvars): ''' Navigates the complicated logic of when to set dnsIP In all situations if they've set openshift_dns_ip use that For 1.0/3.0 installs we use the openshift_master_cluster_vip, openshift_node_first_master_ip, else None For 1.1/3.1 installs we use openshift_master_cluster_vip, else None (product will use kube svc ip) For 1.2/3.2+ installs we set to the node's default interface ip ''' if not issubclass(type(hostvars), dict): raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects hostvars is a dict") # We always use what they've specified if they've specified a value if openshift_dns_ip != None: return openshift_dns_ip if bool(hostvars['openshift']['common']['use_dnsmasq']): return hostvars['ansible_default_ipv4']['address'] elif bool(hostvars['openshift']['common']['version_gte_3_1_or_1_1']): if 'openshift_master_cluster_vip' in hostvars: return hostvars['openshift_master_cluster_vip'] else: if 'openshift_master_cluster_vip' in hostvars: return hostvars['openshift_master_cluster_vip'] elif 'openshift_node_first_master_ip' in hostvars: return hostvars['openshift_node_first_master_ip'] return None def filters(self): ''' returns a mapping of filters to methods ''' return {'get_dns_ip': self.get_dns_ip}