GCE Setup Instructions ====================== Get a gce service key --------------------- 1. ask your GCE project administrator for a GCE service key Note: If your GCE project does not show a Service Account under /APIs & auth/Credentials, you will need to use "Create new Client ID" to create a Service Account. Convert a GCE service key into a pem (for ansible) -------------------------------------------------- 1. mkdir -p ~/.gce 1. The gce service key looks something like this: projectname-ef83bd90f261.p12 .. the ef83bd90f261 part is the public hash 1. Be in the same directory as the p12 key file. 1. The commands below should be copy / paste-able 1. Run these commands: ``` # Temporarily set hash variable export GCE_KEY_HASH=ef83bd90f261 # Convert the service key (note: 'notasecret' is literally what we want here) openssl pkcs12 -in projectname-${GCE_KEY_HASH}.p12 -passin pass:notasecret -nodes -nocerts | openssl rsa -out projectname-${GCE_KEY_HASH}.pem # Move the converted service key to the .gce dir mv projectname-${GCE_KEY_HASH}.pem ~/.gce # Set a sym link so it is easy to reference ln -s ~/.gce/projectname-${GCE_KEY_HASH}.pem ~/.gce/projectname_priv_key.pem ``` 1. Once this is done, put the original service key file (projectname-ef83bd90f261.p12) somewhere safe, or delete it (your call, I don not know what else we will use it for, and we can always regen it if needed). Create a secrets.py file for GCE -------------------------------- 1. vi ~/.gce/secrets.py 1. make the contents look like this: ``` GCE_PARAMS = ('long...@developer.gserviceaccount.com', '/full/path/to/projectname_priv_key.pem') GCE_KEYWORD_PARAMS = {'project': 'my_project_id'} ``` 1. Setup a sym link so that gce.py will pick it up (must be in same dir as gce.py) ``` cd openshift-online-ansible/inventory/gce ln -s ~/.gce/secrets.py secrets.py ``` Install Dependencies -------------------- 1. Ansible requires libcloud for gce operations: ``` yum install -y ansible python-libcloud ``` Test The Setup -------------- 1. cd li-ops/cloud 2. Try to list all instances: ``` ./cloud.rb gce list ``` 3. Try to create an instance: ``` ./cloud.rb gce launch -n ${USER}-minion1 -e int --type os3-minion ```