#!/bin/bash set -xeuo pipefail pip install requests query_github() { repo=$1; shift resource=$1; shift python -c " import sys import requests j = requests.get('https://api.github.com/repos/$repo/$resource').json() for q in sys.argv[1:]: if q.isdigit(): q = int(q) j = j[q] print(j)" "$@" } # Essentially use a similar procedure other openshift-ansible PR tests use to # determine which image tag should be used. This allows us to avoid hardcoding a # specific version which quickly becomes stale. if [ -n "${PAPR_BRANCH:-}" ]; then target_branch=$PAPR_BRANCH else # check which branch we're targeting if we're a PR target_branch=$(query_github $PAPR_REPO pulls/$PAPR_PULL_ID base ref) [ -n "$target_branch" ] fi # this is a bit wasteful, though there's no easy way to say "only clone up to # the first tag in the branch" -- ideally, PAPR could help with caching here git clone --branch $target_branch --single-branch https://github.com/openshift/origin export OPENSHIFT_IMAGE_TAG=$(git -C origin describe --abbrev=0) echo "Targeting OpenShift Origin $OPENSHIFT_IMAGE_TAG" pip install -r requirements.txt # ping the nodes to check they're responding and register their ostree versions ansible -vvv -i .papr.inventory nodes -a 'rpm-ostree status' upload_journals() { mkdir journals for node in master node1 node2; do ssh ocp-$node 'journalctl --no-pager || true' > journals/ocp-$node.log done } trap upload_journals ERR # run the actual installer # FIXME: override openshift_image_tag defined in the inventory until # https://github.com/openshift/openshift-ansible/issues/4478 is fixed. ansible-playbook -vvv -i .papr.inventory playbooks/byo/config.yml -e "openshift_image_tag=$OPENSHIFT_IMAGE_TAG" ### DISABLING TESTS FOR NOW, SEE: ### https://github.com/openshift/openshift-ansible/pull/6132 ### # run a small subset of origin conformance tests to sanity ### # check the cluster NB: we run it on the master since we may ### # be in a different OSP network ### ssh ocp-master docker run --rm --net=host --privileged \ ### -v /etc/origin/master/admin.kubeconfig:/config \ ### registry.fedoraproject.org/fedora:27 sh -c \ ### '"dnf install -y origin-tests && \ ### KUBECONFIG=/config /usr/libexec/origin/extended.test --ginkgo.v=1 \ ### --ginkgo.noColor --ginkgo.focus=\"Services.*NodePort|EmptyDir\""'