--- ands_paths: provision: /mnt/provision openshift: /mnt/openshift temporary: /mnt/temporary databases: /mnt/databases datastore: /mnt/datastore katrin_data: /mnt/katrin ands_heketi_domain: servers: "storage_nodes" volumes: heketidbstorage: { type: "cfg" } ands_storage_domains: - servers: "ands_storage_servers" clients: "masters" volumes: provision: { type: "cfg", mount: "{{ ands_paths.provision }}" } openshift: { type: "cfg", mount: "{{ ands_paths.openshift }}" } databases: { type: "db", mount: "{{ ands_paths.databases }}" } temporary: { type: "tmp", mount: "{{ ands_paths.temporary }}" } datastore: { type: "data", mount: "{{ ands_paths.datastore }}" } katrin_data: { type: "data", mount: "{{ ands_paths.katrin_data }}" } # - servers: "storage_nodes" # clients: "nodes" # openshift: { type: "cfg", mount: "{{ ands_paths.openshift }}" } # temporary: { type: "tmp", mount: "{{ ands_paths.temporary }}" } # volumes: # - ovirt: # - pdv: # Per project list (to distribute in multiple namespaces later) # If not started with '/' will be prepended with project name ands_openshift_volumes: etc: { volume: "openshift", path: "" } etcw: { volume: "openshift", path: "", write: true } data: { volume: "datastore", path: "", write: true } db: { volume: "databases", path: "", write: true } tmp: { volume: "temporary", path: "", write: true } # Global list, we only take things from the volume of project #ands_openshift_files: # - { osv: "log", path: "apache2-kaas", state: "directory", mode: "0777" }